Today I Learned

  • Thread starter Greg Bernhardt
  • Start date
In summary: Today I learned that Lagrange was Italian and that he lamented the execution of Lavoisier in France during the French Revolution with the quote:"It took them only an instant to cut off this head and a hundred years might not suffice to reproduce it's...brains."
  • #1,261
1oldman2 said:
That was a watershed moment in my life also, I keep all my music in MP3. :smile:
Most audio files I've got are either flac or mp4, unfortunately, but when adding music to a video for an upload, Camtasia only allows mp3 so I can't get around that.

Ever since six hours ago, I feel so accomplished :biggrin:
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Physics news on
  • #1,262
Today I learned that maple sap collection ceases when the tree buds. The sap turns bitter.
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Likes CalcNerd
  • #1,263
I learned today Clara Immerwahr, Fritz Haber's wife, killed herself to oppose his work in chemical warfare during WW I by shooting herself in the heart. She'd been buried in Dahlem at first but later her remains, upon her husband request, were moved to Basel where she was then buried next to him. He remarried after her death but still made such a wish at the end of his life.
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Likes Buzz Bloom
  • #1,264
Today I learned that the secret police of Russia use Oracle databases.
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Likes Pepper Mint
  • #1,265
Today I learned some a very useful trick that can be used to reduce the amount of typing needed when typing latex code:

It is based on the fact that when a command like \sqrt requires arguments that are usually put in braces {...}, you can omit the braces if the argument is an 'atom', where an 'atom' is either a single character or (in some cases) an argumentless command (like \partial).

If the argument uses alphabetic characters, you need to leave a space between the command and the argument. If it's non-alphabetic, you don't.

\frac12 gets you ##\frac12##, instead of having to type \frac{1}{2}
\vec v gets you ##\vec v##, instead of having to type \vec{v} [the same approach works for \tilde, \bar etc]
\sqrt x\sqrt2 gets you ##\sqrt x\sqrt2##, instead of having to type \sqrt{x}\sqrt{2}
\mathcal T^i gets you ##\mathcal T^i##, instead of having to type \mathcal{T}^j
\mathbb R gets you ##\mathbb R##, instead of having to type \mathbb{R}
\frac\partial{\partial x} gets you ##\frac\partial{\partial x}##, instead of having to type \frac{\partial}{\partial x}

Maybe it's just me but my fingers are not very quick at finding those curly braces on the keyboard, so not having to type them speeds me up a lot!
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  • #1,266

\frac nd
\frac n/d

\frac numerator denominator


computers are just that way.
  • #1,267
You still need the delimiters at the beginning and end of the LaTeX code. $$\frac nd$$ gives you $$\frac nd$$ in a separate "paragraph". ##\frac nd## gives you ##\frac nd## in-line with the surrounding text.

andrewkirk probably didn't show the delimiters because they normally disappear and make the LaTeX code be rendered as LaTeX. To make them visible as in my examples above, select the delimiters (only), click the "Text Color" icon in the formatting palette, and choose black (or some other color if you want to make them stand out!). The color tags hide the delimiters from the LaTeX processor.
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  • #1,268
I learned the Vivaldi browser is awesome, it uses way less RAM than either chromium/firefox/opera or so it seems.
The flash-plugin is worse though.

What's even better is that you can stack tabs!
For example you have 7 PF tabs open (certainly possible), you can stack 'em and only take up the space of 1 tab!
  • #1,269
testing $$\frac nd $$

try numbers $$\frac 23 $$

how would one make a fraction with text or numeric strings for numerator & denominator ?

$$\frac numerator denominator $$
  • #1,270
jim hardy said:
how would one make a fraction with text or numeric strings for numerator & denominator ?

$$\frac numerator denominator $$
That's when you have to use braces (curly brackets)


$$\frac{numerator}{denominator} $$
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Likes jim hardy
  • #1,271
Thank You !

My ancestors are all from Missouri, the Show-Me state... I'm not incapable of learning just slower than most folks.

$$ \frac {dividend} {divisor} $$

This should make me a better PF contributor . Thanks again .
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Likes andrewkirk and dlgoff
  • #1,272
You now know the basics of ##\LaTeX## :partytime:

Whenever you find yourself in need to do something just google and you'll 99% of the times find exactly what you look for.
  • #1,274
jtbell said:
If you haven't seen it already, check out our LaTeX primer:
It's chaotic. itex ## $$ seem to do same thing
parentheses vs curly brackets
when do you need or not need \
too many permutations
i've spent hours trying every combination to make a fraction with terms in between parens in numerator and denominator
got frustrated and gave up on latex

but i will plod forward from here
thanks for the jump start .

old jim
  • #1,275
Today I learned that Direct TV was charging my 88-year-old mother for Playboy TV.
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Likes Pepper Mint
  • #1,276
Today I learned about Coronary Stenting and what metal materials can be "digested" in our blood stream after some time. Very interesting huh ? at least so to me. :nb)
  • #1,277
Today I learned about the Insurgent territory - Minnesota, Iowa, Kansas, Wisconsin and Indiana - heart of the Progressive movement in US political history in the first two decades of the 20th century.

From Doris Kearns Goodwin's book, "The Bully Pulpit: Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, and the Golden Age of Journalism"
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  • #1,278
Astronuc said:
From Doris Kearns Goodwin's book, "The Bully Pulpit: Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, and the Golden Age of Journalism"
From the reviews it sounds like an interesting book for these times.
Breaking up abusive corporate monopolies ?

This wonderful book frames the man's character by presenting Roosevelt as a man making a stance by enforcing the Sherman Act of 1890 (an antitrust law) that was basically over looked while the big business bosses established their vast monopolies & power in the late 19th to earlier 20th century...
...Ms. Goodwin has cleverly developed the story of these two men by showing the path of Taft as President to push congress to reform big business through regulatory amendments and measures to enforce them, while Roosevelt who regretted not pursuing another term wishes to take action on child labor and women's work issues. Roosevelt advocated social engineering measures such as income & inheritance taxes, food safety, political reform, and direct primaries. Too big of a step for President Taft & leader of the Republican party. The discontented Roosevelt tried to regain the nomination of his party and failed to unseat Taft who was backed by the old guard Republicans. Roosevelt the perpetual fighter dislodged the continuity of his former party by forming the Bull Moose Party. The fractioned Republicans lose - leading to a win for the Democrat Woodrow Wilson in 1912.

History might be warming up for another rhyme.

900pages ? I'll have to wait for the movie - been working on "The Sun Kings" for a month now, Carrington and his sunspots. Delightful history of early astronomy .
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  • #1,279
Astronuc said:
Today I learned about the Insurgent territory - Minnesota, Iowa, Kansas, Wisconsin and Indiana - heart of the Progressive movement in US political history in the first two decades of the 20th century.

From Doris Kearns Goodwin's book, "The Bully Pulpit: Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, and the Golden Age of Journalism"

Back in those days the government was even more corrupt than it is now. Political parties existed solely to bring money to the party members. The most lucrative job in the country was that of the head of the New York Port Authority. It was possible to make millions of dollars per year.

When FDR first became a state legislator in New York the hottest issue was child labor. Whether to ban child labor? Nope. Whether child labor should be limited to 50 hours a week.

Business owned the Senate. Many Senators were appointed by state legislatures, so Senate seats were often for sale to the highest bidder. The Senate did the bidding of the trusts. Once a proposition passed by something like 500 to 6 in the House only to fail in the Senate.


The Western states went to popular elections for Senators. Eventually the states threatened to convene a constitutional convention to make a change. To avert this Congress passed an amendment requiring popular elections for all Senators.

Impoverished farmers attempted to form a union or cartel to increase the price of their crops. Bankers and railroads united against them. Many farmers couldn't afford the $1 a year dues, so that was the end of that.

The farmers took over the Democratic Party and ran William Jennings Bryan for President. No luck. Most voters were OK with the railroads and bankers getting all the profits from farming.

It was pure luck that TR became President. He'd been made Vice President to get him out of New York City, where he had been too effective in fighting corruption. Then McKinley was assassinated.

In my opinion TR didn't do all that much. He blocked J.P. Morgan from taking control of all the railroads from Chicago to the West Coast. His biggest accomplishment was regulating railroad fees. The other oligopolies (trusts and holding companies) went on as before. It may not have been much, but it was a lot better than nothing and enough to get him onto Mount Rushmore. Note that in contemporary USA he does not share in the veneration according (rightly or wrongly) to Washington, Jefferson, and Lincoln. Both parties avoid mentioning him.

A Socialist party was formed and got 15% of the vote. Wall Street was bombed. The Socialist candidate was imprisoned for speaking out against World War One.

The people made a lot of noise and got a few reforms but things didn't really change until Wall Street defrauded the nation of its money and the economy collapsed. Then there were more losers than winners, so reform was possible.
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Likes CalcNerd and Pepper Mint
  • #1,280
TIL why owls are so quiet

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Likes Buzz Bloom and ShayanJ
  • #1,281
Today I learned that the oldest known surviving moving picture is "Roundhay Garden Scene", a handful of frames of "does this thing work? Can you guys just move around a bit in front of the camera?" It was filmed about a mile from where I grew up.
  • #1,282
TIL one can make a vase from Crayolas

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Likes nsaspook, OmCheeto and ProfuselyQuarky
  • #1,283
Ibix said:
Today I learned that the oldest known surviving moving picture is "Roundhay Garden Scene", a handful of frames of "does this thing work? Can you guys just move around a bit in front of the camera?" It was filmed about a mile from where I grew up.

They don't make 'em like they used to.

There was a popular film of a guy sneezing.

Another film featured a man aiming a pistol at the camera. The audience would scream.
  • #1,284
Today I learned that if you use the (-+++) signature for the metric, the Klein-Gordon equation should be written as ## (\partial^\mu \partial_\mu - m^2)\phi=0## instead of ## (\partial^\mu \partial_\mu + m^2)\phi=0##! (I don't like ##\Box## or ##\Box^2 ##!)
  • #1,285
Today I learned that the USA occupied Haiti for nineteen years.
  • #1,286
TIL, Krispy Kreme is being acquired by JAB Holding Co., a European investment fund that owns several brands including Keurig Green Mountain.

Krispy Kreme started out as a single store in Winston-Salem, NC in 1937. It went public in 2000. Stock price surged to a peak of ~$50/share in 2003. They over-expanded. Stock price collapsed to $1.01 in 2009. JAB will pay ~$21/share.
  • #1,287
Astronuc said:
TIL, Krispy Kreme is being acquired by JAB Holding Co., a European investment fund that owns several brands including Keurig Green Mountain.

Krispy Kreme started out as a single store in Winston-Salem, NC in 1937. It went public in 2000. Stock price surged to a peak of ~$50/share in 2003. They over-expanded. Stock price collapsed to $1.01 in 2009. JAB will pay ~$21/share.
It's pretty funny seeing Krispy Kreme counters in East Asian airports.
  • #1,288
Today I learned I've been pronouncing Poincare incorrectly.
  • #1,289
Mondayman said:
Today I learned I've been pronouncing Poincare incorrectly.

I learned that Putin is pronounce puTeen. Russian reporters address him as Vladimir Vladimirovich. That like calling W George Georgeson.
  • #1,290
Hornbein said:
I learned that Putin is pronounce puTeen. Russian reporters address him as Vladimir Vladimirovich. That like calling W George Georgeson.
Yup, pronounced just like the food! And I believe Russian middle names come from their fathers given name. I could be way off on this, however.
  • #1,291
Mondayman said:
I believe Russian middle names come from their fathers given name.

Right. Scandinavian style. People in Iceland don't even have family names.

To me, Russia/USSR is/was largely about Vikings vs. Slavs.
  • #1,293
Hornbein said:
Today I learned that the Cultural Revolution included politically motivated cannibalism.
Wow.. that's disturbing.
“This was not cannibalism because of economic difficulties, like during famine,” X.L. Ding, a Cultural Revolution expert at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, told AFP.

“It was not caused by economic reasons, it was caused by political events, political hatred, political ideologies, political rituals.”
"Political Correctness" on steroids !
I guess "Lord of the Flies" was in 1960's high school curricula for a reason.
  • #1,294
Today I learned that having recently turned 60 I no longer have to pay for UK NHS prescription medicine. The pharmacist told me that and gave me my money back along with the medicine on having noted that their records indicate that I'm now 60, which I admitted was true.

So far, that's the first thing I've noticed that still changes at age 60 in the UK.
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  • #1,295
Jonathan Scott said:
Today I learned that having recently turned 60 I no longer have to pay for UK NHS prescription medicine. The pharmacist told me that and gave me my money back along with the medicine on having noted that their records indicate that I'm now 60, which I admitted was true.

So far, that's the first thing I've noticed that still changes at age 60 in the UK.
Maybe you also won't have to pay for public TV?
And what about public transport?