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Q-reeus said:Now you fellas can run rings around me as far as mathematical grasp of GR goes. But looked at just as matter of logical consistency of founding principles (elevator in free-fall etc), seems clear the OP's premise necessarily holds once proper (as opposed to what looks to be purely 'consensus') definitions are made and adhered to. If this is all wrong-headed then please explain where and how exactly! :zzz:
The usual formulation is a freely falling test particle follows a geodesic of the background spacetime.
If the particle is massive, since mass generates curvature, the particle will generate additional curvature in addition to that of the background spacetime. So the full spacetime is not the background spacetime, and the particle should not move on a geodesic of the background spacetime. Presumably it should move on something like a geodesic of the full spacetime? That's tricky to check, because each the the particle moves, the spacetime changes, and you have to compute a new geodesic.
But apparently, it has been calculated. I am not sure I am reading it correctly, but it seems that the result is that up to first order, the particle moves on a geodesic of the full spacetime. See the comments on the generalized equivalence principle in http://arxiv.org/abs/1102.0529 , p143, the section on the Detweiler-Whiting Axiom.
As far as I know, the EP is always "local". What does local mean? It means up to first order in derivatives. What has locality to do with a derivative? Well, a derivative involves taking the difference of values at two spacetime points, so it is "non-local" in that sense (mathematically, it is local, since the limit of that exists at each point). So the EP is never exact in the sense of to all orders. It is exact in the sense of a limit, and provide that limit doesn't include second derivatives ("local"). However if we use the mathematical meaning of "local" and include second derivatives, then the EP is always an approximation. So whether the EP is exact or not depends on your definition of "local".
Now, how did we know that the "local" in the EP meant "up to first derivatives" (as opposed to zero or third order derivatives)? We didn't. The EP was a imprecise rule of thumb until we had GR, in which an EP can be precisely defined.
But more generally, Einstein's EP isn't a "principle of GR". Rather, the EP was one of the many "rules" of thumb Einstein used to construct GR. Those "rules" could have given other consistent theories. These theories are ruled out by experiment, not pure thought. We take GR as the principle, not the EP or some other rule of thumb, because GR has passed experimental tests, not because of pure thought. So GR will survive as the principle, until experiments say otherwise.
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