What are the Physics Behind the Equilibrium Motor Concept?

In summary: However, as you mentioned, there is still a limit to the output work due to the geometry and materials of the motor. This means that the efficiency cannot be infinitely increased, unlike in a normal motor where inputting more electric energy can result in more output work. In summary, the Butch Lafonte's equilibrium motor is a new configuration that uses iron cores to do the mechanical work, while the electric energy on coils serves as a control signal to manage when the cores interact with the rotor magnet. This results in a motor with a greater efficiency compared to normal motors, as there is no back EMF and the electric energy input is used as an interruptor. However, there is still a limit
  • #71
Originally posted by Bluelite
Then, I found the patent! Yes, this "perpetual motion" machine has been patented. I now have renewed faith in the idea, and plan to "build-it". It is called the "Permanent Magnet Motor"; patented by Howard R. Johnson on April 24, 1979 (US Patent Number 4,151,431).

ever wondered why nobody managed to "build-it" by now? I mean the patent is 24 years old...
Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #72
Standard patents mean nothing more than granting the "ownership" right of the patent to the patent submissor(s).
That is, the device DOESN'T have to work at all! A patent IS NOT a government stamp of approval with regards to efficacy. It is a stamp of concept ownership, nothing more!
I have often heard people say "well, it's patented, so it must work"
Not true.
A patent is merely a legal document that describes "claims" which, when afforded the patentee, lawfully excludes others from asserting those same claims on a similar frame without permission from the patent holder. A standard patent has NOTHING to do with whether the device actually works; it is simply a legal recognition of IDEA ownership.

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