What did you have for supper tonight?

  • Thread starter holly
  • Start date
In summary, Monique is having rice with chicken, Denizens are having rice with meat, and Recon is having fish balls.
  • #71
And now for Firday:

2 piece of Haddock
Tomato Sauce
Tartae Sauce
Salad Cream
Granny Smith Apple
Vanilla Choco Ball Müller Crunch Corner
Ready Salted Crisps
Yazoo Banana Flavoured Milk Drink (more of a food than a drink really).

And that is it. If I snack out later I will post it.

The Bob (2004 ©)
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #72
Clarification needed from The Bob: When he says he eats "chips," does he mean chips, or does he mean steak fries? He loses a point for that.

Extra point to Gokul43201 for his efforts to educate the forum on the various names of inedible spice mixtures.

One point taken from Check for not indicating sooner that the watermelon punch was indeed a FROZEN punch.

Point to Monique for not eating just bread. "Man cannot live by bread alone," the Good Book says. Let's ignore its other dietary advice, however. Point now taken from Monique because she should have eaten up the rest of that pineapple.
  • #73
Wednesday: Wendy's single 1/4 pound burger with everything, fries, and a coke.

Thursday: Tortilla chips (the lime flavor ones), cheese, and salsa. Two pieces of pizza.

Friday: Spaghetti with tomato sauce (onions and some spices) and hamburger.

Not exactly my typical diet, though. Wednesday and most of Thursday was spent on the road, arriving home from vacation three days late and with a different vehicle than I started out my vacation with.
  • #74
As to BobG:
While glad exceedingly to see this post, I must chastise him for the rather generic and pallid descriptions given as to the meals. He says "Two pieces of pizza." What KIND of pizza? He did well to mention LIME-flavored tortilla chips (by the way, that's the "Anglo" dum-dum version of lime, not what the Mexicans make it with), but fails again with "salsa." Rotten mango salsa with cilantro? Possibly. He doesn't say. What KIND of cheese?

I don't have the heart to take away a point when he obviously had a difficult vacation. Let's give him a nanopoint for effort.
  • #75
Ah, holly, you just don't understand the magic of travelling.

I can honestly say this was the best vacation I've ever taken. Even more fun than the time my brother and I hitch-hiked from Ohio to Louisiana and picked up by a couple of escaped, armed convicts, who proceded to steal our backpacks, which were filled with as many cartons of cigarettes as we could fit in around our clothes when we got stuck at Mammoth Cave and discovered Kentucky had an incredibly low cigarette tax (I always imagine the expression on their faces when they got aruond to opening our packs and always wonder how many of them they were able to smoke before they got caught again).

And, to fill in the details, it was Domino's pepperoni and mushroom pizza. The cheese was the Kraft Mexican (the blocks of cheese), and I don't remember the type of salsa (it was some local brand I wanted to check out, but was wasn't that impressed with - it was kind of bland and watery), but I hope it wasn't rotten. Now that you mention it, the electricity could have gone out several times while I was gone.
  • #76
Good. As long as you don't think I eat fast food every day.

And my brother didn't even do the dishes like he was supposed to! Grrr...

  • #77
Janitor, his mind on higher things... - Holly

Hey, that's not fair! Most of the time my mind is on lower things. I'm talking gutter. Raw sewage. :approve:
  • #78
Day 3

Okay, I think I've been influenced by the others here, as my dinner came in two parts tonight. But I think it's called an appetizer and main course.

Went with my co-workers to happy hour. Had a gin and tonic and blue corn tortilla chips with some sort of melted cheese sauce with what looked like tomatoes, something green, and definitely cilantro mixed into it (hey, I'm not going to argue when the put it out for free), topped with a few jalapeno slices. My friend then decided to order some spinach dip because she didn't like the cheese sauce, and I had some of that too...it has spinach, tomato, little shrimps (that sounded redundant, didn't it?), and some sort of white sauce to make it creamy...if I knew all the ingredients, you can bet I'd be making it for myself...it's tasty stuff.

That held me over so I wasn't starved, so I was able to stop at an actual grocery store on the way home without fear of buying everything or passing out before getting through the checkout line, so I was able to get some fresh veggies to complement the beef cubes I had in the fridge thawing. So, main course:
beef cubes sauteed with olive oil, garlic, snow peas, a carrot, about 1/4 of a yellow pepper, a large mushroom (the generic white variety found in plastic wrapped packages), and orange zest. All the vegetables were sliced very thinly (julienne style). Added the juice from half the orange, about a 1/4 cup of zinfandel wine (another 1/4 to 1/2 cup was consumed during the cooking process), one beef boullion cube and a small bay leaf, some salt and pepper, and once the alcohol was cooked off, some heavy cream to thicken the sauce.

In retrospect, it would have been better served over rice or pasta, but I didn't know what the end result was going to be until I was done adding stuff to it and finally served it up on a plate. All that good sauce going to waste...but it probably keeps the total calories to a more reasonable level considering I already had all those chips and creamy sauces on them.

And I'm about to sit down with some more of those yummy cherries for dessert tonight, if dessert counts as part of the dinner menu.

Now you know my secret, I store up on calories on the weekends and then don't need to eat very much during the work-week.
  • #79
BobG now receives a picopoint, instead of the nanopoint, just because. Actually, it's because he was evidently acting wild and hitchhiking all over creation causing grief to the sensible-minded, and not eating well. BTW, it is pronounced PEEK-oh, not PIE-koe. Since we are talking food here, some may have inadvertantly said "pie-koe" to themselves.

A point to cookiemonster for having to wash the dishes while his wretched brother loafed around.

A point FROM Moonbear, for not having the sense to lick the sauce off of the plate when no one was looking...BUT she receives a point for eating cherries at the end of the meal. However, a point is permanently removed for imbibing during the cooking of the dinner. No arguing!

TOMORROW I will reveal certain truths about PF members, and unpleasant ones, I'm afraid, mixed in with the positive ones, so be forewarned, AND will serve a Festive Virtual Supper.
  • #80
And a point from Janitor for being a smartypants.
  • #81
No dinner tonight.

  • #82
Well, I just got back from my baseball game. I pitched (needless to say we lost ! :cry: ) No.. I'm not that bad.

But, I was so upset, I didn't think much of eating. *Or maybe because I felt sick and dissy after being hit in the head with a baseball :confused: *

Meal: 2 laffy taffy's (the 8x1.5 in. ones, red w/ sprinkles and purple). A Mountain Dew.

Although, when discussing the game w/ my gf afterwards, her mom did offer me a ice cream sandwich, which I ate with pleasure.

I'm kinda regreting it now!

Paden Roder
  • #83
Dinner was light tonight. I had chicken wings in spicy garlic sauce; potato wedges and breaded white button mushrooms. Dips were bleu cheese and good ol' mayo. Washed it down with a few rounds of Old Smuggler Scotch on the rocks.
  • #84
wed: studying late, forgot to eat
thurs: japanese salmon skin salad, iced tea (at restaurant)
fri: lean cuisine spaghetti dinner, tap water
  • #85
Okay this isn't fair because I was up with the new kitty all last night and my schedule is all screwed up again. I'll eat something else later but technically dinner tonight was Ben and Jerry's Chocolate Fudge Brownie Ice Cream; with milk or course. Tsu ate a tribute to the Dead days with some Cherry Garcia.
I often eat a lot of grains though I onced live exclusively on really fine tacos for three months. No kidding; only tacos. The beef rich diet is actually unusual; with chicken and tuna as my primary meats. We do love to BBQ steaks in the summer though. IMO, my fresh oak BBQ ribeye steaks are my greatest acomplishment in life. My next and only other specialty is Chicken Kiev. To be honest though, I could be happy if I had nothing more than pizza and tacos for life; with my 2% milk and plenty of peppers and hot salsa of course.
  • #86
Monday: Stir fired Chicken & chinese cabbage with rice and an http://www.unibroue.com/produits/irresistible.cfm. I had a ice cream sandwich for dessert.
Eat a second when I came back from softball: Won-tong soup (indonesian style) with egg noodle in it.
Tuesday: Stew which has chicken hearts, tofu and potatoes in indonesian Ketchup (it is sweet soya sauce with the thickness of molasso). I had a ice cream sandwich for dessert.
Wednesday: Spaghetti with a store bought tomato sauce (my friend added egg plant, mushroom and courgette) and 2 home brew beer (Stoch Ale type)
Thurday: Won-tong soup (indonesian style) with egg noodle in it and chicken fried rice (indonesian style which means it is whitish and has peas and an egg) and a cucumber marinated in vinegar and sugar with red onions. I had a http://www.unibroue.com/products/3pistoles.cfm. I had a ice cream sandwich for dessert.
Fridays was left over day so I had Won-tong soup (indonesian style) with egg noodle and rice with the marinated cucumbers. I had an http://www.unibroue.com/products/ephemere-pomme.cfm I had a peach and Mr Freeze and for dessert.

I did not cook any of this food. My aunt is from indonesia and she is town for couple weeks and she doing all the cooking.
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  • #87
Holly, did you punish cookiemonster for some food infraction and send him to bed with no supper? How mean. Will somebody please feed cookiemonster? I'll have to send a care package of cookies, but they might get there too slowly to be of much help! And same with Math is Hard...no wonder...math is very challenging when you're skipping meals! I'm having these horrible flash backs to grad school days...please, feed the starving students!

Ivan, nothing wrong with Ben & Jerry's for dinner...I've done it myself :-)

Iansmith, do you think your aunt would like to visit the U.S. a bit? I have a spare bedroom and a fully functioning kitchen :-)

I'm still laughing that I got a point deducted for not licking my plate clean...LOL! Maybe I should have let some of the starving students lick the bowl :-) You'd be amazed how much weight I gained after grad school, when I was finally able to afford food.

BTW, Holly, are you going to make our Australian members starve while waiting for their Saturday virtual supper long past their bedtimes?
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  • #88
Last night I had penne pasta tossed with grilled chicken breast, shrimp, ham & smoked mozzarella cheese.

Since I cannot tell a lie, it was a Sam's Choice frozen dinner I bought at Walmart. Amazingly, it is the best frozen entree I have ever eaten.

I love to cook, I think I am pretty damned good and many people have told me that my cooking is orgasmic. :blush: But between the long hours my job demands and the fact that I am the only person here in the evenings, I rarely cook anymore. :frown:
  • #89
What horror. I come in from an entire day studying life support, only to find a number of upsetting entries -- and entrees -- posted.

The fact that Cookiemonster had no dinner has me (1) mad at him, and (2) mad at his friends and family. I ask myself, "Does he have a 'church family,' and if so, do they know he is without adequate food?" Does no one care this young man is without food? Is there any way to help him get some life skills, such as encouraging him to finagle a job on campus, preferably in the dining hall or at the dinner theater, so that he can get sufficient nourishment? I'm sure he's mortified to be singled out, but really, these kiddos have no sense, no sense whatsoever. Cookiemonster has an elegant and incisive mind in math, yes, but in street smarts, he is evidently lacking. It's very upsetting. 100 SYMPATHY POINTS TO COOKIE. Isn't his name ironic? The cookieless cookiemonster.

Then Math Is Hard reports NO SUPPER three days ago! Another student, no doubt! And eating too lightly on the other days, that's plain to see. What to do with this person? DEDUCTION OF 5 POINTS.

This iansmith evidently doesn't get enough frightening microbes in his line of work; he brews some cloudy, filthy "homebrewed ale," and actually drinks it. Shocking! I could not pay attention to the rest of his post; I can't get past the ale. He's probably "ailing" by now, allright. FIFTY POINTS GONE.

Then as to Gokul: Et tu, Gokul? Down the liquor path? Scotch, is it? FILTHY. FIFTY POINTS FROM GOKUL AS WELL.

PRodQuanta, the reason you are losing in your ballgames is because of your inadequate DIET. Laffy Taffy, with the poisonously colored "mini non-pariels" -- the "sprinkles" as he terms them -- washed down with Mtn Dew (an EVIL drink), followed by an ice cream "sandwich." It's made me queasy from here. ANOTHER 50 LOST, ALL AVOIDABLE WITH PROPER MEALS.

Ivan Seeking, forsaking his meat-laden diet for once, chose to bring coals to Newcastle, by eating ice cream (which I would NEVER eat) with 2% milk. In nature, Ivan Seeking, milk does not come in 2%. That is a manmade product and is against the laws of nature, and you drank it. SEVENTY-FIVE POINTS FROM IVAN SEEKING.

As for Evo, I was sighing at her usual elegant meal, only to be blindsided with the bald admission that it is some sort of manufactured food from "Sam's Club," and worse, she says she liked it. ONE HUNDRED POINTS FROM EVO.
  • #90
Shocking Truths and Then, A Festive Meal

I cannot reveal the shocking truths revealed to me after reading each person's postings. Not in this thread, for fear of the thread police. However, I plan a thread, if desired by the PF denizens, where the karmic messages received will be refined based on the answers to three simple questions. I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR LOST OR MISDIRECTED KARMIC MESSAGES.

Please let me know if you care to answer your 3 questions and receive your Message (which consists of a remark about something in your PAST, a WARNING for the future, and a LUCKY gemstone and PERSONAL TREE. Don't ask me, these thoughts unfortunately just come to me).

For Your Virtual Meal:

This is costing me a bundle, let me tell you! I've rented the elegant Roadrunner Room (real carpet!) at Midland College. A variety of orchids are on each table, which may be taken by the guests (THAT'S YOU) at the end of the meal.

The meal is served robotically by robots unable to count. So, you may take as many pieces of food as you wish, and no one will be counting.

We BEGIN with a choice of avocadas, jicama, hearts of romaine, green and black olives, pico de gallo, a choice of 150 different strange croutons and 50+ unusual dressings, and for our British friends, plain peas. That's the salad course.

For the main course, you may choose mole (no, not the little furry blind things, please), chicken and beef fajitas, roast beef, roast turkey, or duck, and for our British friends, boiled fish.

Sides include corn on the cob, mashed potatoes, roasted asparagus, fried okra, pan-fried sweet potatoes, and for our British friends, more plain peas.

The dessert cart has three tiers and is almost too heavy to push, with cream pies of all sorts, fruit pies, 5-layer cakes (all flavors), flan, strawberries dusted with powdered sugar, fresh blueberries, and for our British friends, Sugared Shreddies n Cream.

Everyone is having Tea or Coffee or Pop.

Please don't drink out of the fingerbowls.
  • #91
holly said:
Please let me know if you care to answer your 3 questions and receive your Message (which consists of a remark about something in your PAST, a WARNING for the future, and a LUCKY gemstone and PERSONAL TREE. Don't ask me, these thoughts unfortunately just come to me).
YES! I must know!

In the words of Brillat Savarin "Tell me what you eat and I will tell you what you are"

holly said:
For Your Virtual Meal:
That sounds wonderful holly! :approve: Well, except for our British friends. Of course, it's no wonder that of all the ethnic food restaurants so popular in the US that you do not find British restaurants.

holly said:
As for Evo, I was sighing at her usual elegant meal, only to be blindsided with the bald admission that it is some sort of manufactured food from "Sam's Club," and worse, she says she liked it. ONE HUNDRED POINTS FROM EVO.
:cry: I'm sorry, I was hungry. :cry:
  • #92
Evo said:
Of course, it's no wonder that of all the ethnic food restaurants so popular in the US that you do not find British restaurants.
Have you ever seen a Dutch restaurant? :confused: the food is worse than the Brits :rolleyes:

I feel so special, I don't have negative points! :biggrin: I'm sorry Evo, Moonbear, Ivan, Ian, Goluk, and everyone else.. I couldn't wait for you all and finished Holly's food by myself, ah.. there's still some chickpeas leftover..
  • #93
One hundred points from Monique for eating up all the food, and for disparaging those world-famous Dutch restaurants, which serve such delicacies as sauted dough balls, weak soup, and weaker tea, along with that delicious salted licorice!

No! Now it's Five Hundred Points from Monique, for having a signature in a funny language! Ha!

Ten more points from Evo for quoting some guy I don't know.
  • #94
Tonight it BBQ skunk with weasle tail and badger bits.

  • #95
All that food is way too good for little ol' me. I don't even know what half of it is! But I like turkey...

I was going to go with something different tonight, but the shortage of other ingredients and the surplus of pasta kinda necessitated a second round. And then I wanted to throw some chicken in it, but then I noticed that we have neither chicken nor a grill to cook it on... Along with a missing car that my brother borrowed for the weekend. So tonight was round two of me vs. pasta & sausage + orange. But I think I might've made too much since I was cooking for only 1 person. =\

  • #96
Okay I just got home about 5 minutes ago.
For supper last night I did indeed end up eating half a bag of Doritos as well as a ham and cheese sub from 7eleven. I’m not sure how much beer I drank, but it was quite a lot. IF I hadn’t been drinking, I’m sure I would have had a wonderful supper. Oh well…
  • #97
Ah, poor cookiemonster...Cookie, PLEASE consider setting up a begging site. Freesavers.com has lots of good names left. I suggest going with the dot-faithweb name. Set it up, and I will donate to it.

Is there a Wal-Mart superstore near you? Or does California forbid them? If there IS one, go to it. Get yourself a roasted chicken for only $3.28. Then get yourself some of the canned goods for only 33 cents to 63 cents each. Look around the produce section for some cheap produce. The bags of mixed apples and oranges are usually pretty cheap. As for most produce, it's sky-high everywhere right now, though. Please also try to get a job on campus working near food. Surely Caltech has a dinner theater? You sound too klutzy to work near kettles and steam and such in the dining

One billion points from Ivan Seeking!
  • #98
Check, did drinking up all that beer make you happy? Did it? I doubt it. It is robbing you of good suppers and good health, of that I have no doubt.

  • #99
holly, just one problem... No transportation! It's gone for the weekend.

And once I get to Caltech, I'll be well-fed. We get dinner served to us every weekday, sit-down style, with waiters! And we get to throw it at peop--er... And I'll be able to walk to somewhere I can buy food for weekends!

In the meantime, I just got to survive until the end of the month. Then I'm headed out to Texas where I'll get real food!

Either way, after all the food I just had, I feel like I don't want to eat for the rest of the week...

And I am not klutzy. :frown:

  • #100
holly said:
Check, did drinking up all that beer make you happy? Did it? I doubt it. It is robbing you of good suppers and good health, of that I have no doubt.

Actually, I had a pretty good time. Since I usually do eat very good suppers, I think going out drinking once in a while isn't that bad. If I were to do this every day or so, then yes, you'd be correct. Plus, I wasn't drinking alone, I was with friends. Don't worry holly, I'm no alcoholic. 80% of the time there's a party or my friends hitting the bar, I volunteer to be the DD.
  • #101
Oh, and I wouldn't mind answering the 3 questions.
  • #102
My goodness Holly, I am STUFFED from that virtual smoragsboard! Thanks ever so! (I got my plate before Monique saw!)
Hopefully I'll only be gaining virtual pounds from all of that!
  • #103
And I had the chickpeas...not too bad ! Washed that down with a swig of scotch - out of a fingerbowl !
  • #104
holly said:
In nature, Ivan Seeking, milk does not come in 2%. That is a manmade product and is against the laws of nature, and you drank it.

We get our 2% from low fat cows. If you check carefully the udders are marked.
  • #105
Wow, Holly, what a feast! Though I had to wait a bit for the robotic waiters to return with a fresh supply for the buffet after Monique got to it. Why are you serving us moles? If they aren't the blind, furry kind, what sort of genetically engineered moles did you create? And just a choice of coffee, tea or pop? I'll never sleep! Not to mention that after years of living in the midwest, I still think pop is the strangest word in the world..it's soda! Every time someone offers me a pop, I think "Pop goes the weasel!"...seriously, I do.

Fortunately, I had the full meal listing, so didn't make my usual mistake of filling up on the salad. It was a tough call between roast beef and roast duck, but then I decided that I can cook roast beef for myself, but duck is harder to come by, so went for the duck...excellent glaze on it! I had an assortment of side dishes with it...I love my veggies! And even though I was already feeling pretty stuffed by then, I managed to find room for that heavenly chocolate layer cake with coffee.

Bravo! Excellent meal!

Three questions, what three questions? Who asks the three questions? Can I answer the three questions?

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