What did you have for supper tonight?

  • Thread starter holly
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In summary, Monique is having rice with chicken, Denizens are having rice with meat, and Recon is having fish balls.
  • #141
BobG said:
Oooh. I used to eat ketchup sandwiches. We used to love them.

That's as bad as the mayonnaise sandwiches I've been known to eat. Something my grandparents and dad taught me (much to my Mom's horror), and is something of a comfort food for me. That's definitely an easy recipe...take two slices of bread, generously spread on some mayo, stick the two slices of bread together, mayo sides facing each other. Eat! I've gotten more refined taste as I've gotten older. I now make my mayo sandwiches with whole grain breads rather than Wonderbread.

For a slight variation, add some sliced onion to the sandwich. That was another I got from my grandparents. Put butter on the bread rather than mayo for the best onion sandwiches. (My grandparents had to survive the Great Depression with small children to feed, so they often ate some strange things so they could give the better food to the kids...some of those things stuck with them and got passed down to my generation).
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  • #142
holly said:
Polly, despite our rhyming names, I feel no affinity for your supper menu choices. The idea of honey touching a slice of Divine Avocado is enough to make one Hurl. However, the horrid honey-avocado combination sounds delightful after reading about the apple-laced "soup" you intend to make.

Of course you realize I am just being obnoxious...

LOL, no offence taken. I eat the strangest things that require minimal cooking. Back in university days when I was a vegetarian and had to watch my money I must have had tons of boiled to-fu with dashes of soya sauce and sesame oil, braised peanuts with soya sauce, as well as containers of toasts with jam. I also had 1/2 kg of scalded vegetable everyday :eek: .
  • #143
Anyone ever make those dorm-room grilled cheese sandwiches? Take two slices of bread, put a couple of slices of American cheese in the middle (and a little mayo if desired), wrap the whole thing up in aluminum foil, then press with a hot iron.
Unwrap and eat. Voila!
  • #144
:surprise: :eek:
  • #145
Math Is Hard said:
Anyone ever make those dorm-room grilled cheese sandwiches? Take two slices of bread, put a couple of slices of American cheese in the middle (and a little mayo if desired), wrap the whole thing up in aluminum foil, then press with a hot iron.
Unwrap and eat. Voila!

Aluminum foil? But then you don't brown the bread as nicely as applying the iron directly to it. Why didn't we think of aluminum foil when I was in college? :cry: We just risked having to clean cheese off the iron.
  • #146
Moonbear said:
Aluminum foil? But then you don't brown the bread as nicely as applying the iron directly to it.

Good point! I think maybe it would enhance the sandwich if after the aluminum foil cooking/melting, one were to give the bread a quick touch-up toasting with the bare iron.

Cookiemonster - take notes. :biggrin:
  • #147
I don't own an iron. :frown: And I'd probably hurt myself if I did.

  • #148
I'm not even going to say what I have managed to cook over a candle. With a little improvised wire rack and my trusty metal measuring cup, voila - instant stove and grill. It just takes patience.

Cookiemonster, you're 17, hmmm, I have two daughters...16 & 19. :biggrin:
  • #149
Do you keep them on short leashes like a certain other daughter's parents I know?

  • #150
cookiemonster said:
Do you keep them on short leashes like a certain other daughter's parents I know?

No, I trust them to have brains. So far, they have earned that trust.
  • #151
You're a good mother.

  • #152
cookiemonster said:
You're a good mother.

That's what everyone says. :approve:

I just don't believe in trying to control every moment of their lives. I think it is better to guide your child into making sensible decisions and letting them suffer the minor consequences of bad decisions rather than dictate their every move.
  • #153
They have that new trading mothers show! Wanna be somebody else's mother for a day? I got the perfect candidate...

  • #154
cookiemonster said:
They have that new trading mothers show! Wanna be somebody else's mother for a day? I got the perfect candidate...

:biggrin: I'd have a lynch mob after me. My condolences to your girlfriend.

Funny, looking at my kid's friends, the wildest, most rebelious have the most controlling parents and it's because the parents are so controlling.

Oh well, if you break up with your girlfriend, let me know. :wink:
  • #155
Ah, well, they're kinda in for a surprise when she goes off to college...

And I think I've been a bad influence on her, so.

  • #156
Evo said:
:biggrin: I'd have a lynch mob after me. My condolences to your girlfriend.

Funny, looking at my kid's friends, the wildest, most rebelious have the most controlling parents and it's because the parents are so controlling.

Oh well, if you break up with your girlfriend, let me know. :wink:

Oh, I agree about controlling parents leading to rebellious children! They don't learn to make their own decisions because their parents make all of them for them, so the moment they are out of their parents' house, they make a LOT of bad decisions! I think it's much better to let your kids make bad decisions when they are younger so they can learn from their mistakes when a bad decision is still fairly minor compared to when they are older and bad decisions can be life altering.
  • #157
Moonbear said:
Oh, I agree about controlling parents leading to rebellious children! They don't learn to make their own decisions because their parents make all of them for them, so the moment they are out of their parents' house, they make a LOT of bad decisions! I think it's much better to let your kids make bad decisions when they are younger so they can learn from their mistakes when a bad decision is still fairly minor compared to when they are older and bad decisions can be life altering.
Exactly! You said it so much better than me. I see this all the time. The poor kid has never been allowed to make a decision, then suddenly they are away at college, have absolutely no experience, they have all of this pent up frustration of being controlled all of their lives and now they can do anything they want and they usually do. Sometimes with very bad results.

Why is it some parents don't understand that they need to prepare their children for life instead of isolating them from it?
  • #158
Two words: "Living vicariously."

  • #159
I don't know how we have got to parenting but I feel Evo is right. Us children need to make the mistakes first as youngsters. I haven't made too many large ones because my dad would pound it into my head it was wrong before I get anywhere near the situation so I was prepared for things I didn't know about. Amazing really.

The Bob (2004 ©)

P.S. When I say pounding I don't mean hit. I mean repetition.
  • #160
Hmph. All this freedom for tots! Never! I watch mine like a HAWK. Oh, he howls about it, threatens to go totally wild at college, blah blah blah. I've got him in a school where you can't date until after graduation (cookiemonster, you're MUCH too young, honey, to be dating and, er, other things), too. Plus a strictness of mind is practiced. I know where he is every minute. Can't run with guys who are wild. etc etc All this wonderful, astute mothering, and the kid says he hates me.

note to self: stop typing with eyes shut
  • #161
I graduated. :wink:

  • #162
holly said:
Hmph. All this freedom for tots! Never! I watch mine like a HAWK. Oh, he howls about it, threatens to go totally wild at college, blah blah blah. I've got him in a school where you can't date until after graduation (cookiemonster, you're MUCH too young, honey, to be dating and, er, other things), too. Plus a strictness of mind is practiced. I know where he is every minute. Can't run with guys who are wild. etc etc All this wonderful, astute mothering, and the kid says he hates me.

note to self: stop typing with eyes shut

Over-protective? And what is wrong with young dating??

The Bob (2004 ©)

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