What do you do with a problem like Ahmadinejad?

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In summary: Ahmadinejad is sincere about peaceful uses for enrichment, it's important that we open a dialog with him to try and clarify these uses. At the same time, we should be wary of what he says, as it's possible that he is planning to use these nuclear weapons in a hostile way. If Bush refuses to talk to Iran and Syria, I tend not to trust a word out of his mouth. He should resign or get impeached.
  • #421
Hans de Vries said:
Jewish lunatism is not hard to find in the main stream
right wing press nowadays:
Mainstream? I beg to differ. That site is neither Israeli nor mainstream. Here's a http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_newspapers_in_Israel" . The most popular are Yedioth Ahronoth, Haaretz and Maariv. You won't find such opinions there.
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Physics news on Phys.org
  • #422

Israel's daily newsmagazine September 14, 2006© 2001-2005 Koret Communications Ltd. All rights reserved. Terms of Use. Site Credit.

Since 1992, Koret Communications has established itself as Israel's leading provider of English language communication services for the technology and financial sectors, serving over 150 clients, including more than 30 public companies.

It is Israeli
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  • #423
Anttech said:
It is Israeli
Koret Communications also runs Africana.com - are they both Israeli and African? :confused:
Simply because a site declares itself to be Israel's daily news magazine doesn't make it so.
  • #424

Go to the link, is it not safe to assume this is an Israel run Web Site?

Israeli's also developed Check-Point firewalls systems and they have offices and staff everywhere. Just because a Media company runs some sites *outside* its base is neither here nor there to where the actual company is based. Its called globalisation!

Koret Communications Ltd.
Tel. +972 ...
Fax. +972 ...

Perhaps they are using some telephone proxy and bouncing calls of a Teleco switch in Israel to Africa? Or just maybe they are an Israel run media company with offices in Israel. Which do you think? :rolleyes:
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  • #425
Anttech said:

Go to the link, is it not safe to assume this is an Israel run Web Site?
Thanks, but I've already done my research.
Anttech said:
Israeli's also developed Check-Point firewalls systems and they have offices and staff everywhere. Just because a Media company runs some sites *outside* its base is neither here nor there to where the actual company is based. Its called globalisation!

Koret Communications Ltd.
Tel. +972 ...
Fax. +972 ...

Perhaps they are using some telephone proxy and bouncing calls of a Teleco switch in Israel to Africa? Or just maybe they are an Israel run media company with offices in Israel!
It may be an Israeli run media company, but it's quite clear that israelinsider is a magazine aimed at the Jewish population in the US. It's obvious when you look at the advertisements, writers, sponsors and publisher. Israeli sites tend to have articles in Hebrew or Arabic.
Do we at least agree that it is definitely not mainstream?
  • #426
Do we at least agree that it is definitely not mainstream?
Maybe it isn't mainstream, but it is still Israel, and that is what I was contending with you regardless of which market it was aimed at.
  • #427
Anttech said:
Maybe it isn't mainstream, but it is still Israel, and that is what I was contending with you regardless of which market it was aimed at.
Hans' comment was about Israel, and his example was intended to show "grips of religious fundamentalism and its compulsive greed for biblical territory" over Israel. In this case, his example is void since the source he provided is not a part of the Israeli public debate.
  • #428
Yonoz said:
Hans' comment was about Israel, and his example was intended to show "grips of religious fundamentalism and its compulsive greed for biblical territory" over Israel. In this case, his example is void since the source he provided is not a part of the Israeli public debate.

A link to www.israelinsider.com[/URL] can be found on Israel's main Wiki page in
the list of English-language periodicals: [url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel[/url]

It's good to see though that it is indeed considerally less popular compared
to other Israeli media based on their www Net ranking:

rank 1116: Haaretz
rank 2913: YnetNews
rank 63605: IsraelInsider


Regards, Hans
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  • #429
Its only an indication of traffic, not to be 100% relied on, but yes it can give a good understand at the volume of traffic a www site receives.
  • #430
www.jpost.com[/url] isn't religious but certainly right-wing and quite popular, [url=http://toolbar.netcraft.com/site_report?url=http://www.jpost.com]rank 695[/URL]. But the continuing expropriation of Palestinian land isn't really a matter of partisanship or faith either, rather it is generally supported by all sides with few exceptions.
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  • #431
Hans de Vries said:
A link to www.israelinsider.com[/URL] can be found on Israel's main Wiki page in
the list of English-language periodicals: [url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel[/url][/QUOTE]That's right - there it is:[QUOTE]IsraelInsider - Independent, [B]right wing outlet[/B]. Target audience is [B]American Jewry[/B].[/QUOTE]

[QUOTE=Hans de Vries]It's good to see though that it is indeed considerally less popular compared
to other Israeli media based on their www Net ranking:

rank 1116: Haaretz
rank 2913: YnetNews
rank 63605: IsraelInsider

[URL]http://toolbar.netcraft.com/site_report?url=http://web.israelinsider.com[/URL][/QUOTE]Thanks for that data, it seems a quite useful tool. :approve:
If you're interested in Israeli public dialogue you can have a look at Haaretz's opinions section. ynet is alright too.
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  • #432
Here's what the World Jewish Congress is doing with a problem like Ahmadinejad: http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3303247,00.html":
Edgar M. Bronfman, President of the World Jewish Congress, has urged United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan to restage the UN Holocaust exhibition during next week's visit by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
In a letter to the Secretary-General, Mr. Bronfman cited President Ahamadinejad's claim that the Holocaust is a 'myth', Ahmadinejad's own Holocaust-denial conference and exhibition of Holocaust cartoons, Iran's sponsorship of international terrorism, and its pursuit of a nuclear weapons capability in violation of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.
Mr. Bronfman emphasized, "Hate speech which incites violence should be met with condemnation and at the very least must be countered with education and affirmation of human dignity."
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  • #433
Yes well I thought we had established he didnt actually it was a *myth*
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  • #434
Here's one for Bystander (he asked about this a while back): http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3309015,00.html".
Vice Premier Shimon Peres said that "the war in Lebanon was not only a struggle between Israel and Hizbullah, but part of an Iranian attempt to exert Shiite hegemony in the Middle East. The combination of religious fanaticism and nuclear capability is dangerous to the entire world."

On the Palestinian issue Peres said that "Israel supports a Palestinian state which will live peacefully beside Israel, but we will not turn over lands which will be turned into launching areas for rockets against Israel." (Ronny Sofer and Hagit Klaiman)
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  • #435
Hezbollah wanted a personal swap, and Iran most certainly isn't the one who talked Israel opting for for the 34 days of war instead.

but in real Ahmadinejad news, news news which most of our media shamelessly ignores as they perpetuate this conflict:
Welcome! President Ahmadinejad

The Traditional Jewish Approach
September 20, 2006

Neturei Karta International, a world wide organization of Orthodox Jews opposed to Zionism has officially extended her hand, together with many believing Jews, to the Iranian President Ahmadinejad, upon his historic visit to the United States. The respectful display of friendship brings peace, harmony, respect and trust. It is the sincere hope of Torah true Jews, with the help of the Almighty, that this expression of peace will counter the provocations of the Zionist organizations. The motes operandi of Zionism and its organizations, is the cause of animosity and mistrust, which can only bring catastrophic results, endangering Jews and non-Jews alike, in Palestine, the U.S.A. and around the world.

Despite media and Zionist hysteria to the contrary, the Iranian President has always been a dear friend of the Jewish people and has profound respect for the Jewish religion.

But of course or media will have no of that as they'd rather keep absurdly labeling the man as a bigot and a Holocaust denier, disgracefully overlooking the the awful fact that some prominent Zionist were in fact http://www.jewsagainstzionism.com/antisemitism/holocaust/index.cfm . When will this madness stop? :frown:
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  • #436
kyleb said:
Hezbollah wanted a personal swap, and Iran most certainly isn't the one who talked Israel opting for for the 34 days of war instead.

but in real Ahmadinejad news, news news which most of our media shamelessly ignores as they perpetuate this conflict:

But of course or media will have no of that as they'd rather keep absurdly labeling the man as a bigot and a Holocaust denier, disgracefully overlooking the the awful fact that some prominent Zionist were in fact http://www.jewsagainstzionism.com/antisemitism/holocaust/index.cfm . When will this madness stop? :frown:
That's not a recognized news source and the article sounds absolutely ridiculous.

It's an ultra tiny fringe group "Estimates of their membership range from 5,000 to less than 1,000."


Stop with the propaganda Kyleb.
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  • #437
I'm just trying to counter all the warmonger propaganda with a healthy dose of reality. I'm Sorry if that sounds ridiculous to you, but 'recognized news sources' are the ones who cheered us into the quagmire of Iraq are at it again Iran.
  • #438
kyleb said:
but in real Ahmadinejad news, news news which most of our media shamelessly ignores as they perpetuate this conflict
:smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:
REAL news? It's a press release from an anti-Zionist organisation!
It's funny how you talk of extremists and look up to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neturei_Karta" in the same breath.
Neturei Karta (Aramaic: נטורי קרתא; "Guardians of the City") is a group of Haredi (Ultra-Orthodox) Jews who reject all forms of Zionism and actively oppose the existence of the State of Israel. They are concentrated in Jerusalem, with branches in and around New York City and in Bet Shemesh near Jerusalem. Estimates of their membership range from 5,000 to less than 1,000. Other small groups associated with Neturei Karta but not actual members of the group, can be found in London, Vienna (Austria), Antwerp (Belgium), New York City, and other parts of New York state.

Some mainstream Orthodox Jewish communities, including some who oppose Zionism, have denounced Neturei Karta's activities; according to The Guardian, "[e]ven among Charedi, or ultra-Orthodox circles, the Neturei Karta are regarded as a wild fringe". Neturei Karta claims that the mass media deliberately downplays their viewpoint and makes them out to be few in number. Their protests are usually attended by just a few dozen people.

kyleb said:
But of course or media will have no of that as they'd rather keep absurdly labeling the man as a bigot and a Holocaust denier, disgracefully overlooking the the awful fact that some prominent Zionist were in fact http://www.jewsagainstzionism.com/antisemitism/holocaust/index.cfm .
Fact? According to whom, jewsagainstzionism.com?
What do you mean by holocaust appeasers?
So that thorough report on the supposed Red Cross ambulances strike was simply a "conspiracy blog", yet jewsagainstzionism.com is good enough for you?
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  • #439
They are reprinting quotes and citing their sources, and if you like you can find much info on the subject in the book https://www.amazon.com/dp/1569802351/?tag=pfamazon01-20. Also, since this is Physics forums, hopefully no one would take issue with me citing a letter from, among others, Albert Einstein:

New Palestine Party
Visit of Menachem Begin and Aims of Political Movement Discussed


Among the most disturbing political phenomena of our times is the emergence in the newly created state of Israel of the �Freedom Party� (Tnuat Haherut), a political party closely akin in its organization, methods, political philosophy and social appeal to the Nazi and Fascist parties. It was formed out of the membership and following of the former Irgun Zvai Leumi, a terrorist, right-wing, chauvinist organization in Palestine.

The current visit of Menachem Begin, leader of this party, to the United States is obviously calculated to give the impression of American support for his party in the coming Israeli elections, and to cement political ties with conservative Zionist elements in the United States. Several Americans of national repute have lent their names to welcome his visit. It is inconceivable that those who oppose fascism throughout the world, if correctly informed as to Mr. Begin�s political record and perspectives, could add their names and support to the movement he represents.

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  • #440
kyleb said:
They are reprinting quotes and citing their sources, and if you like you can find much info on the subject in the book https://www.amazon.com/dp/1569802351/?tag=pfamazon01-20.
Hah. Take a look at this quote:
Chaim Weizmann, the first president of Israel, made this Zionist policy very explicit:
The hopes of Europe’s six million Jews are centered on emigration. I was asked: “Can you bring six million Jews to Palestine?” I replied, “No.” ... From the depths of the tragedy I want to save ... young people [for Palestine]. The old ones will pass. They will bear their fate or they will not. They are dust, economic and moral dust in a cruel world ... Only the branch of the young shall survive. They have to accept it.

Chaim Weizmann reporting to the Zionist Congress in 1937 on his testimony before the Peel Commission in London, July 1937. Cited in Yahya, p. 55.
Now one may assume the tragedy Chaim Weizmann is referring to is the holocaust, until one looks at the date. Also, the amount of editing on this quote makes it even more dubious. But the best example of the fringe nature of this group is in the following quote, under the heading "Exaggerated Stories of Starvation? You Decide...": Salli Mayer: “. . . what is happening in Poland are exaggerated stories. . . the way of the Ost Yuden. . .always asking for money.” - Who is Salli Mayer? and what's with all the "..."? Are they saying the reports of starvation in the holocaust are exaggerated?
EDIT: I'd just like to add exactly what the Peel Commission was, for people who may not know. By 1937 the Arabs in the Mandated territories resisted British rule and Jewish immigration in several violent uprisings. The British then issued limits to Jewish immigration. The British Peel Commission wanted to solve the matter of the Mandated territories, and as such they asked Zionist leaders what their intententions were regarding Jewish immigration in light of Arab resistance. So when Chaim Weizmann said he cannot bring 6 million Jews to Palestine, he meant he was quite aware it could not be done by legal immigration with British permission.
Weizmann could not know a holocaust would begin very shortly, and was concerned with protecting the Jewish nation by a more permanent mean - i.e. a Jewish State in Israel, that needs to be developed, and considering British immigration limits, it is very logical young people will be preferred.
kyleb said:
Also, since this is Physics forums, hopefully no one would take issue with me citing a letter from, among others, Albert Einstein:
I thought you admired Jabotinsky's teachings :confused:
Einstein wasn't the only one to object to the Revisionists. As I previously mentioned, they were ostracised by the World Zionist Organisation to the point where they left it and set up their own New Zionist Organisation.
It wasn't until 1977 that Begin won the seat of Prime Minister. 30 years in opposition apparently taught him a few things, as after two years in office he had already signed the first Arab-Israeli peace treaty, agreeing to return more than half the territory held by Israel.

FYI that book is by an anti-zionist marxist.
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  • #441
Yes it is, but the documents he compiled are from Zionists all the same. And yeah, look at the date on Chaim Weizmann's comment and note that the consideration and labor camps started up 4 years prior. As for Salli Mayer, he was a Zionist representative in Switzerland, and he was the one shamefully claiming the reports of starvation were exaggerated. Also, I didn't quote Einstein to show that he was opposed to the Revisionists, but because the text of the letter explains why. And again, from last like we spoke of Jabotinsky, please get a grip on the fact that there is a difference between respecting a man's intelligence and admiring his teachings.
  • #442
Edit by Evo - we don't just post links to satire sights.
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  • #443
kyleb said:
Yes it is, but the documents he compiled are from Zionists all the same.
These Zionists were persona non grata in mainstream Jewish and Zionist circles. Presenting them as any kind of Zionist authority is like saying that the few Anglo-Saxon Americans and Britons that fought with Al-Qaeda represent their respective home nations. Neturei Karta are ostracised by every other Jewish group, including other non-Zionists.
kyleb said:
And yeah, look at the date on Chaim Weizmann's comment and note that the consideration and labor camps started up 4 years prior.
kyleb, there were very few people who believed in 1937 that Nazi Germany would orchestrate a genocide of the European Jewry. As a matter of fact, most victims did not resist even as they were being led to their deaths, because they simply refused to believe it was true. These people have lived through so much violence, they were desensitized and expected it to blow over and that they will start afresh in a different place, as was many times the case with their forefathers.
kyleb said:
As for Salli Mayer, he was a Zionist representative in Switzerland, and he was the one shamefully claiming the reports of starvation were exaggerated.
I could not find any reliable information on him, perhaps you can be of use.
kyleb said:
Also, I didn't quote Einstein to show that he was opposed to the Revisionists, but because the text of the letter explains why.
Well Einstein was referring to the revisionists, and the majority of Jews and Zionists at the time held a similar view. That is why they were ostracised and never won an election until 1977.
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  • #444
All the same, they were the ones who cleared the way for the strong Jewish majority in the land which became Israel; and their parties went on to shape policy as Lukid and melded to mainstream acceptance in Kadima, thereby continuing the polices that still serve to expropriate land from Palestine today. Regardless, while Ahmadinejad simply suggests the idea the that Holocaust justifies running the Palestinians off their land is a myth, both Revisionist and Labor leaders worked with the Nazis to further their agendas. Considering the latter, along with the fact that Iran openly declared their support for reaching a two-state peace agreement, trying to pass Ahmadinejad off as some genocidal bigot comes off rather as disingenuous to me.
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  • #445
kyleb said:
All the same, they were the ones who cleared the way for the strong Jewish majority in the land which became Israel;
Absolutely not. They were a very small minority, and most of them were burguois living in the established cities while the labour Zionists did the real road clearing.
kyleb said:
and their parties went on to shape policy as Lukid and melded to mainstream acceptance in Kadima, thereby continuing the polices that still serve to expropriate land from Palestine today.
No they have not. In a historic speech Ariel Sharon while he was still Likud's leader declared revisionists must face the reality that we must "consolidate" ourselves - ie give away land as he later did when he ripped families away from their homes in Gaza.
kyleb said:
Regardless, while Ahmadinejad simply suggests the idea the that Holocaust justifies running the Palestinians off their land is a myth, both Revisionist and Labor leaders worked with the Nazis to further their agendas.
Nope. There was a small group whose leader was uncovered by the Haganah and handed over to the British authorities. As you already saw, we deal harshly with our terrorists. And Ahmedinejad said the holocaust was a myth.
kyleb said:
Considering the latter, along with the fact that Iran openly declared their support for reaching a two-state peace agreement, trying to pass Ahmadinejad off as some genocidal bigot this claim that you made in the past.
You've yet to prove that statement.
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  • #446
trying to pass Ahmadinejad off as some genocidal bigot
Unfortunately in the world of catch sound bites, this seems to work. Take a quote, rip it from its context and run with it.
  • #447
Yonoz said:
Absolutely not. They were a very small minority, and most of them were burguois living in the established cities while the labour Zionists did the real road clearing.
I wasn't talking about road clearing, I was talking about talking about their handling of the demographic issue.
Yonoz said:
No they have not. In a historic speech Ariel Sharon while he was still Likud's leader declared revisionists must face the reality that we must "consolidate" ourselves - ie give away land as he later did when he ripped families away from their homes in Gaza.
Their homes which were built on Palestinian land, yet he also continued to expand settlements in the West Bank and so does Olmert.
Yonoz said:
Nope. There was a small group whose leader was uncovered by the Haganah and handed over to the British authorities. As you already saw, we deal harshly with our terrorists.
I'd argue that it is a bit more complecated than you suggest, but I suppose it would be better we don't go too far off topic in this thread about Ahmedinejad.
Yonoz said:
And Ahmedinejad said the holocaust was a myth.
A myth as in a half-truth, the idea that it justifes taking the Palestinian's land being the half he takes issue with.
Yonoz said:
You've yet to prove that statement.
It took me quite a bit of digging though our warmongering media, but I did find a small reference to part of Khamenei's more recent declaration:
In June, the country's supreme leader, Ayatollah Khamenei, declared that "Iran shares a common view with Arab countries about the most important Islamic-Arabic issue, namely the issue of Palestine". That means that Iran accepts the Arab League position: normalisation of relations if Israel withdraws to the international border.
I also found this mention of a previous offer:
The document lists a series of Iranian aims for the talks, such as ending sanctions, full access to peaceful nuclear technology and a recognition of its "legitimate security interests." Iran agreed to put a series of U.S. aims on the agenda, including full cooperation on nuclear safeguards, "decisive action" against terrorists, coordination in Iraq, ending "material support" for Palestinian militias and accepting the Saudi initiative for a two-state solution in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
And also in my digging, I came across a Yedioth Ahronoth interview with Chomsky which I had read a few months ago which I recommend reading as it mentions Iran's interest in peaceful resolution among other issues.
  • #448
kyleb said:
I wasn't talking about road clearing, I was talking about talking about their handling of the demographic issue.
I meant that as a response to your statement that the revisionists "cleared the way":
All the same, they were the ones who cleared the way for the strong Jewish majority in the land which became Israel;
What do you mean by "their handling of the demographic issue"?

kyleb said:
Their homes which were built on Palestinian land, yet he also continued to expand settlements in the West Bank and so does Olmert.
There was Jewish settlement in the area before the war of independence, it was abandoned when the Egyptian military overran the Gaza Strip on its way to Tel-Aviv.

kyleb said:
A myth as in a half-truth, the idea that it justifes taking the Palestinian's land being the half he takes issue with.
Do you think the holocaust is a half-truth?

kyleb said:
It took me quite a bit of digging though our warmongering media, but I did find a small reference to part of Khamenei's more recent declaration:
:smile: What a silly journalist. :smile: ISRAEL ISN'T EVEN MENTIONED IN THE ACTUAL QUOTE. This is an unacceptable interpretation.
It is an opinion piece, and the author is entitled to his opinion. But Khameinei made the most veiled comment about what Iran finds agreeable regarding the "Arab-Islamic issue", thus they do not even see Israel as a party in this issue. No, "Iran shares a common view with Arab countries about the most important Islamic-Arabic issue, namely the issue of Palestine" does not mean that Iran accepts the Arab League position: normalisation of relations if Israel withdraws to the international border.

kyleb said:
That's an interesting bit of information there, and thanks for bringing it to my attention - but let's not jump to conclusions. It seemed like a sweet deal at first, and then I read it again, slowly.
The document lists a series of Iranian aims for the talks, such as ending sanctions, full access to peaceful nuclear technology and a recognition of its "legitimate security interests."
These are the aims of the talks.
Iran agreed to put a series of U.S. aims on the agenda, including full cooperation on nuclear safeguards, "decisive action" against terrorists, coordination in Iraq, ending "material support" for Palestinian militias and accepting the Saudi initiative for a two-state solution in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
So they did not actually agree to any of this - they agreed to put it on the agenda. So until we see the offer in more detail this could simply be a spin.
kyleb said:
And also in my digging, I came across a Yedioth Ahronoth interview with Chomsky which I had read a few months ago which I recommend reading as it mentions Iran's interest in peaceful resolution among other issues.
With all due respect to Professor Chomsky's achievements, the man does not have his feet on the ground. He calls the English-language Israeli press "IDF handouts". He's just too disconnected from reality for me to pay attention to anything he says.
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  • #449
Chomsky knows how Revisionists handled the demographic issue, he knows the difference between a Jewish settlement and Israel land, he knows that the Holocaust doesn't justify Israel's continuing occupation and exportation Palestinian land, and he knows that Iran would like to see a reasonable resolution to that injustice. But of course I can see how all that might look like he doesn't have his feet on the ground to someone who would rather ignore those realities and drag us into yet another war.
  • #450
kyleb said:
Chomsky knows how Revisionists handled the demographic issue, he knows the difference between a Jewish settlement and Israel land, he knows that the Holocaust doesn't justify Israel's continuing occupation and exportation Palestinian land, and he knows that Iran would like to see a reasonable resolution to that injustice. But of course I can see how all that might look like he doesn't have his feet on the ground to someone who would rather ignore those realities and drag us into yet another war.
Take it easy.
I know it's hard to adopt an entire world view, but your old one simply doesn't hold water.
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  • #451
You being member of 'Peace Now' when you have plainly stated that favor taking more land now and maybe peace sometime latter doesn't hold watter.
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  • #452
kyleb said:
You being member of 'Peace Now' when you have plainly stated that favor taking more land now and maybe peace sometime latter doesn't hold watter.
What I favour is a return to the negotiating table by all sides. Fortunately "Peace Now" is a tried and true movement with a realist leader. They know trust needs to be rebuilt before anyone can be asked to make concessions. You see, unlike other left wing movements, we don't patronize the Israeli people. We don't turn our backs to our own people's suffering. We try to educate people and have them reach their own conclusion about how to minimize the suffering. That is the difference between men of action, such as Begin, and men of empty words such as Chomsky.
You, on the other hand, have managed to convince me, and I think any other Israeli who may have read your posts, that there will always be someone who hates us regardless of what we do. Did you read Nasser's speech? Doesn't that rhetoric sound terribly familiar? One could remove a few giveaways and pass it as a speech made yesterday. Only that speech was made before the Six Day War, before Israel took the occupied territories - but I'm sure that won't change your mind, you'll find some words by a Jewish radical and pass it off as a universal truth.
So forgive us "warmongers" if we're a little doubtful of the intentions of Khameinai, Ahmedinejad, Haniya, Nassrallah and Assad Jr. for there is nothing to prove they are any different from all the previous enemies that have tried to destroy us.
  • #453
I don't hate you or anyone else, I and I want to see your State be able to live in peace with your neighbors. I simply get disgruntled by your lack of interest in accomplishing that.
  • #454
:smile: This guy just doesn't get it - but he keeps trying. :rolleyes:

BEIRUT, Lebanon, Nov. 29 — Iran’s president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, told the American people on Wednesday that he was certain they detested President Bush’s policies — his support for Israel, war in Iraq and curtailed civil liberties — and he offered to work with them to reverse those policies.

The call came in the form of a six-page letter in English, published online and addressed to “noble Americans” that discussed “the many wars and calamities caused by the U.S. administration.” It suggested that Americans had been fooled into accepting their government’s policies, especially toward Israel.

“What have the Zionists done for the American people that the U.S. administration considers itself obliged to blindly support these infamous aggressors?” Mr. Ahmadinejad wrote. “Is it not because they have imposed themselves on a substantial portion of the banking, financial, cultural and media sectors?”

This was the latest public step by Iran’s president to promote a dialogue with the United States. He wrote a letter to Mr. Bush in May, calling on him to shift his policies and open a discussion, but it was dismissed by the White House as irrelevant to the central issue dividing them — Iran’s nuclear program. Then Mr. Ahmadinejad challenged Mr. Bush to a public debate, also dismissed by the White House.

Ahmadinejad needs to change his rhetoric and his thinking.
  • #455
http://www.kibush.co.il/show_file.asp?num=17764 certainly sides with Ahmadinejad in regard to his insistence that Israel's continuing siege on what little is left of Palestine must end. So, if American does have a good reason to back Israel as they quite literally cement their hold on East Jerusalem and whatever else they want of Palestine; we are quite clearly one of the few peoples who do have such a reason, and I'm at a loss as to figure what that reason might be. Best I can tell, Americans have been fooled into accepting such polices. But Astronuc, since you obviously disagree; what do you feel Zionists have done for America to merit our unwavering support?

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