What do You See? Brain Game Test - News.com.au

  • Thread starter ~christina~
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In summary: If you try looking about 10 cm to the left. When I do that, she goes counter-clockwise. Then move your eyes to the shadow, and she pops back to... clockwise.
  • #36
I can make it go either way at will, but the shadow is definitely a blooper.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #37
I kind of remember this 'dancing girl' image from another thread about 6 or 8 months ago
  • #38
I don't see how you can draw any info from the shadow, a shadow more than anything does
not have a direction, it is just a shadow of the original and will more with the original.

I think there maybe some key frames which set the direction possibly, apparently some
frames indicate a direction. There is a site which shows that anyway.

I think it is like a spinning cross, where the arms would just longer and shorter.
its up to you to choose the direction.
If I close my eyes, and maging a direction then open them I can get it to go that
direction more often than not.
  • #39
After a while I got it so I could see her leg just waving back and forth in front.
  • #40
Oh my god...if I stare long enough she starts doing the Macarena...
  • #41
lisab said:
Oh my god...if I stare long enough she starts doing the Macarena...

  • #42
wolram said:
I took this test to check my brain out.


I am 52 left 48 right.

I came out 55% right and 45% left. Some of the questions sre 'difficult' to answer though.

By the way the link you posted shows you are 0% left and 1% right.

I wonder what happened to the rest of it?
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  • #43
Gokul43201 said:
Good point! The shadow breaks the degeneracy. I can only picture her going clockwise (looking from above), but absent the shadow, I know that she can be just as easily pictured going counter-clockwise. Still, after a minute or so of trying (with the shadow hidden), I couldn't get myself to picture a counter-clockwise rotation.

PS: See also: http://www.michaelbach.de/ot/fcs_hollow-face/index.html

What's wrong with the shadow? I can see it going either way and including the shadow both ways. It just takes a few seconds of trying to focus on certain points in the rotation rather than watching the whole thing to get it to switch. The shadow follows.
  • #44
If the rotation is wrong, her foot is moving away from us when the shadow moves towards us.
  • #45
Ivan Seeking said:
If the rotation is wrong, her foot is moving away from us when the shadow moves towards us.

No, the shadow will appear to move that same direction too. It just looks like it's entering from the other side of the screen.
  • #46
Ivan Seeking said:
If the rotation is wrong, her foot is moving away from us when the shadow moves towards us.

I think the light 'source' changes to compenate for that?
  • #47
I see her rotation vector as up (clockwise) most of the time. If I work hard, I can make her rotation vector point point down (counter-clockwise).

My wife see her as clockwise most of the time.

The shadow works for clockwise.
  • #48
Moonbear said:
No, the shadow will appear to move that same direction too. It just looks like it's entering from the other side of the screen.

For my, it's not which way the shadow moves, it's where the shadow is.
  • #49
So now the really important question is -

is she spin 1/2 or integer spin, i.e. is she a fermion or a boson?

:biggrin: :-p
  • #50
Astronuc said:
So now the really important question is -

is she spin 1/2 or integer spin, i.e. is she a fermion or a boson?

:biggrin: :-p

Now I see!

She's a quantum superposition of spin up and and spin down. When we observe her spin, we collapse her wavefunction to a definite spin, either up or down. When we look away, or when our minds wander, the superposition is restored, and the process starts all over.
  • #51
Astronuc said:
So now the really important question is -

is she spin 1/2 or integer spin, i.e. is she a fermion or a boson?

:biggrin: :-p
Maybe I can't get her to reverse because of the Pauli Exclusion Principle...:rolleyes: Waah!
  • #52
I totally see it going counter-clockwise. I tried staring at it for a bit to see if it goes the other way, just can't seem to see it like that. I'm not sure it is possible for it to go clockwise, or is it?
  • #53
mcknia07 said:
I totally see it going counter-clockwise. I tried staring at it for a bit to see if it goes the other way, just can't seem to see it like that. I'm not sure it is possible for it to go clockwise, or is it?

I am not sure if staring at it helps, it might work better if you close your eyes or
look away for a while.
  • #54
[PLAIN][PLAIN][PLAIN]http://www.news.com.au/common/imagedata/0,,5675247,00.gif [PLAIN][PLAIN][PLAIN]http://www.news.com.au/common/imagedata/0,,5675247,00.gif [PLAIN][PLAIN][PLAIN]http://www.news.com.au/common/imagedata/0,,5675247,00.gif [PLAIN][PLAIN][PLAIN]http://www.news.com.au/common/imagedata/0,,5675247,00.gif [PLAIN][PLAIN][PLAIN]http://www.news.com.au/common/imagedata/0,,5675247,00.gif [PLAIN][PLAIN][PLAIN]http://www.news.com.au/common/imagedata/0,,5675247,00.gif

See who steps out of line first :smile:
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  • #56
After thinking about it for a long time, I can finally switch which direction I think it looks like she's going at will. :D
  • #57
Every time I see it it seems to be going in a different direction.

Cool illusion
  • #58
Haha wow! I got her to go side to side without ever doing a full rotation in either direction. Look slightly BELOW your monitor, so that you see her moving in your peripheral vision. She'll go left, then right, left, then right. But never round-and round.
  • #59
Astronuc said:
So now the really important question is -

is she spin 1/2 or integer spin, i.e. is she a fermion or a boson?

:biggrin: :-p

There is obviously a pair of women spinning simultaneously in both directions, both occupying the same space. Pauli does not apply here. Definitely a boson.
  • #60
Both, it started off going anticlockwise and then went clockwise after a little while. You can be left eye dominant and left brained though, so I'm not sure how much if anything this proves, I am right eye dominant, so it's perhaps unsurprising I saw it go anticlockwise first, until my brain kicked in and now it can go either way according to whether I blink or not. :smile:
  • #61
When she is spinning clockwise, and the foot which is lifted up passes in front of the foot which is planted on the ground, then the shadow of the lifted foot passes in front of the shadow of the planted foot as would be expected.

However, when she is spinning counter-clockwise, and the foot which is lifted up passes in back of the foot which is planted on the ground, then the shadow of the lifted foot still passes in front of the shadow of the planted foot and this is difficult to explain.
  • #62
jimmysnyder said:
When she is spinning clockwise, and the foot which is lifted up passes in front of the foot which is planted on the ground, then the shadow of the lifted foot passes in front of the shadow of the planted foot as would be expected.

However, when she is spinning counter-clockwise, and the foot which is lifted up passes in back of the foot which is planted on the ground, then the shadow of the lifted foot still passes in front of the shadow of the planted foot and this is difficult to explain.

You guys are all WAY too left-brained to be analyzing the shadow at this level of detail.
  • #63
This is so weird! I could see it going both ways, but I always see it going clockwise first. I can't figure out how it works, and I can't just pick which way I want to see it; I have to look away or just stare at it for a long time for it to switch directions. It's so confusing though!
  • #64
  • #65
I can see both directions such that the shadow looks valid. The "slope of the floor" and position of light source both seem to shift.
  • #66
This is an example of "perceptual rivalry" as the silhouette gives no clues as to what is left or right, so our brains fill in the missing info. Sometimes the brain makes it clockwise, sometimes the brain makes it anit-clockwise. This is linked to switching between the brain's hemispheres - we all switch between the differrent sides to our brains, but the timing varies from person to person.

For those interested, check out Prof. Jack Pettigrew's webpage. This animation is mentioned at point 7 on the following page: http://www.uq.edu.au/nuq/jack/rivalry.html
  • #67
I went went cross eyed, and the image split into two images, one spun clockwise, and the other counter clockwise. Then both images together began rotating one way on the horizontal axis, and on the vertical axis. Then that entire visualization split into four, and began some complex pattern that seamed to be also linked to a strange glowing orb that surrounded the whole thing, and got brighter and dimmer, and switched colors depending on which eye I concentrated on.
  • #68
Chi Meson said:
I can see both directions such that the shadow looks valid. The "slope of the floor" and position of light source both seem to shift.
I don't think so. The degeneracy is broken by the fact that the observer is on one side of the woman, not by the position of the light source.
  • #69
does us being able to switch directions mean that we can switch our dependence or reliance or usage from the left to the right side of the brain and vice versa?
  • #70
If I look to the left, right, or bottom of the image and use averted vision (useful in observational astronomy) I can manage to see her spinning counter-clockwise if I put my mind to it. Looking at or above the image, she always spins clockwise, and I can't seem to change that.