What does a woman value MOST in a man?

  • Thread starter Clausius2
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In summary, this conversation is about a poll to discover how a woman thinks. The conversation includes discussions about forbidden options in the poll, complaints about character limits, and the importance of personality and intelligence in a partner. The participants also share their personal preferences and experiences with relationships and marriage.

What does a woman value MOST in a man?

  • He must be handsome and have a pretty appearance. I always value muscles above all.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Personality and intelligence. Brainy and singular ideas always make me to fall in love.

    Votes: 10 55.6%
  • I admire an outstanding professional status. It gives me emotional and material stability.

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • I love crazy men and hate commuters!. No matter his profession, I love new experiences!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I love men who don't pay me any attention and hate men who are always flirting with me.

    Votes: 3 16.7%
  • Options 1 and 3.

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • Options 2 and 5.

    Votes: 1 5.6%

  • Total voters
  • #36
i met my husband the modern way-online. we had no physical contact, and only a picture to see one another. gradually we talked on the phone, communication between us was very important. what attracted me to him was his sincerity (no games), he had his own interests (independence), and just as Evo stated above, he had a kind face. after 3 months of talking long distance (3000 miles!), he moved out to me, we married 2-1/2 years later.

sincerity is #1 with me. it's easy to pick up on the sincerity beyond the words because you can see with his actions where his heart really is. reliability is another quality i admire in a man, but that is a stron quality i have within myself, thus i look for it in others in general. i think sincerity coupled with independence and a sense of humor can really make up a good personality. i certainly don't need a man who wants to be entertaining 24/7, but a sense of humor is essential.
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  • #37
spender said:
Yes, I did it again.it was me. :redface:
so we're all very clear now on what spender is looking for in a man. :smile:
  • #38
Kerrie said:
i met my husband the modern way-online. we had no physical contact, and only a picture to see one another. gradually we talked on the phone, communication between us was very important. what attracted me to him was his sincerity (no games), he had his own interests (independence), and just as Evo stated above, he had a kind face. after 3 months of talking long distance (3000 miles!), he moved out to me, we married 2-1/2 years later.

sincerity is #1 with me. it's easy to pick up on the sincerity beyond the words because you can see with his actions where his heart really is. reliability is another quality i admire in a man, but that is a stron quality i have within myself, thus i look for it in others in general. i think sincerity coupled with independence and a sense of humor can really make up a good personality. i certainly don't need a man who wants to be entertaining 24/7, but a sense of humor is essential.

So much for me getting a relationship then. I'm lazy, and unreliable.

Oh well, time to get a nice cottage in the middle of the rocky mountains :biggrin:
  • #39
Clausius2 said:
I cannot believe that. What happens if he is a very fat guy, or he is very ugly (horrible)? What happens if he is the man who sweeps the streets every morning?. Will it be the same?.
I've dated guys that were considered ugly, I've dated many men that made very little money, most men I meet make less than me, I haven't really met any terribly overweight men, most nerdy types are thin for some reason, but that would not put me off if he had the traits I was looking for. As a matter of fact when I was videoconferencing there was a guy that was overweight, and he was smart and charming and witty, I tried flirting with him, but he wasn't interested in me. :frown:
  • #40
Smurf said:
Phew, Close one. :eek:

At least your only short coming was your age! You still have a chance with her daughters!

For myself, as usual I am left clueless as to why I was rejected so that has lead me to the conclusion that I am rejected by the totality of the females of our species. At least my cat still loves me though! :cry:

I guess I could not hold a torch to the great 'humanino'. :frown:
  • #41
polyb said:
I guess I could not hold a torch to the great 'humanino'. :frown:
*fires up blowtorch* Let me do it. :devil:
  • #42
Math Is Hard said:
*fires up blowtorch* Let me do it. :devil:

*blows up firetorch*.Let me do it...Double :devil:



P.S.Humanino is a nice guy,especially when he's on fire... :-p
  • #43
Math Is Hard said:
*fires up blowtorch* Let me do it. :devil:
:smile: :smile: :smile:
  • #44
dextercioby said:
*blows up firetorch*.Let me do it...Double :devil:



P.S.Humanino is a nice guy,especially when he's on fire... :-p


Both of you better be careful or you'll find yourselves exiled by the 'super-mentor' overlord! :rolleyes:

All hail the great, illustrious, intelligent, beautiful, wondorous Evo!
All hail the great, illustrious, intelligent, beautiful, wondorous Evo!
All hail the great, illustrious, intelligent, beautiful, wondorous Evo! :biggrin:

I am not even worthy of mentioning the great one's name, please forgive me for I am worthless shoe scum that does not even deserve to be on the same planet as one who is so great! I beg for your merciful forgiveness! Oh please forgive me o'great one! Evoia is a heavan such lowlifes as myself can only hope to dream about!

All hail the great, illustrious, intelligent, beautiful, wondorous Evo! :biggrin:
  • #45
WOOPS. You may want to delete the person who voted for the one that says options 1 and 3. I have not read all of the posts, so I will comment in a few minutes on them.
  • #46
I often find myself asking girls this question. I've come to the conclusion that you can do a bit of each without much hard work. They aren't mutually exclusive and you need to realize it.

Get a home gym setup. Do 30 min cardio and 30 min free weights daily. Setup a TV and stereo nearby. Eat healthy and maintain personal hygene (obvious). Oh and keep your smile straight, white and healthy looking.

Money doesn't matter. Trust me. Women just want enough to be stable and have for a cushion so you can live a little and do things like go out on the town once a week and travel a few times yearly (who doesn't). Be financially wise (ahem *common sense*) and you can do well on an "average" salary.
Having credit card companies chasing you and using caller id to avoid the bank is an unnecessary stress for both of you (DUH).

Intelligence, honesty, personality are all implicit and expected.

Be an interesting person. Learn about the world. Have many hobbies and take an interest it everything. Who wants a boring person?

Home repairs, spider squashing and schematic-reading are, of course, required by the Universal Man Association :P:D

Besides your height (most women I've met seem to like height) and the size of your ding-dong... most things can be changed by you! It all comes down to time management, folks.
  • #47
Ok personally I think this thread is a waste of time.

I highly doubt you are going to get women to say that they only admire muscles and money. 90+% of women are going to choose personality and inteligence whether they seriously go by that or not. Dexter brings up a good point about appearance: This is why I think singleton is right on. Appearance is important! Just not as much as you may think. Personally I think that women will be fine with a guy as long as he is in decent shape and has decent hygene.
  • #48
mattmns said:
Ok personally I think this thread is a waste of time.

I highly doubt you are going to get women to say that they only admire muscles and money. 90+% of women are going to choose personality and inteligence whether they seriously go by that or not. Dexter brings up a good point about appearance: This is why I think singleton is right on. Appearance is important! Just not as much as you may think. Personally I think that women will be fine with a guy as long as he is in decent shape and has decent hygene.
Actually, I prefer men that are completely out of shape, I'm not kidding, I think a bit of a roll "love handles" is cute on a guy. Most men I've dated never worked out.

And glasses! I have a thing for men that wear glasses!
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  • #49
Well you may be one of the exceptions. Evo, I highly doubt you or anyone would turn a guy down because he was in decent shape though. And guys should keep themselves in good shape for their own health anyway.

And for glasses: lol, I have a thing for girls that wear glasses!
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  • #50
Clausius2 said:
I cannot believe that. What happens if he is a very fat guy, or he is very ugly (horrible)? What happens if he is the man who sweeps the streets every morning?. Will it be the same?.

My longest lasting relationship, and the one that made me happiest, was with a guy who was more than a few pounds overweight, balding and wears glasses. Basically, in his early 20s, he already looked like he was 40-something. I met him at the rehearsal dinner for a friend's wedding (he's a friend of her ex-husband; our relationship outlasted their marriage). I had the time of my life talking with him, getting to know him, we sat in the bar drinking water until the bar closed, and then walked around outside for another few hours talking, and it wasn't until the end of a very long night (technically, it was well into the next morning) that he asked for my phone number. We then spent the entire next day, including the wedding reception, in each other's company. We lived 2 hours apart from each other and ran up quite a phone bill talking to each other, along with emails that were pages long. I thought he was the sexiest man alive. In the end, he dumped me for another woman who he knew from before he met me and returned into his life, and married her! :cry: That took a long time to get over, but it was well worth it to realize what's really important in a relationship.

Let's turn it around the other way. The men here are all very intelligent and have a lot going for them. Would you really want a relationship or marriage to a woman who was very pretty, but stared at you with blank looks every time you started talking about things that were interesting to you? It would drive you absolutely nuts. Physical appearances are only useful if you're only interested in a physical relationship. If you're looking for a deeper, lasting relationship, physical appearances become secondary to personality and intelligence.
  • #51
been hurt too many times for flame of hope to last, been happy only once - it wasnt meant to last
  • #52
They are secondary but they are still important IMO.

I don't think its shallow to say I wouldn't go near a 300lb woman with breasts down to her belly button even if she had everything else going for her. If she can't take care of her health that speaks volumes in my opinion.

I don't expect bountiful breasts and luscious lips from all women, but you have to not want to chew off your arm when you wake up next to someone. Is the "natural beauty" part luck of the draw? Sure. But with 6 billion people you can be a little picky :smile:

Everyone has different tastes at that point. As long as the woman isn't balding, has a nice smile and good skin its a level playing field. Thats when your own taste comes in. I see many women I think are gorgeous that others think are average and vice versa.

I'm really picky, though I don't have a "checklist" like some of my buds use. There is no preference. Its based on just how I feel at that moment when I see her. If she doesn't make me nervous and intimidate me just by smiling or laughing then I'm not going to pursue it. Thats my indicator at least :-p

Don't listen to me, though. In my 22 years I've met hundreds of women and only three I've ever liked. I'll die alone :cry:
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  • #53
Moonbear said:
Let's turn it around the other way. The men here are all very intelligent and have a lot going for them. Would you really want a relationship or marriage to a woman who was very pretty, but stared at you with blank looks every time you started talking about things that were interesting to you? It would drive you absolutely nuts. Physical appearances are only useful if you're only interested in a physical relationship. If you're looking for a deeper, lasting relationship, physical appearances become secondary to personality and intelligence.

OK moonie, I will tell you what I look for even though I know it's only a dream and my life of celebacy is my doom!

The first thing I look at are her eyes, it is with the eyes that I can 'read' a lot of her persona plus they are the last things to go! Next I look for intelligence, I like smart women with wicked wits and a goood sense of humor. They are going to need that to keep me in check! BTW, I find the glasses thing attractive as well, I don't know why except they have the 'image' of intelligence. I have to re-examine that one! I would prefer the women I date to have their own intersts because that would give me something interesting to consider. I have a wide variety of interests and something new or different is nice! I also look for flexibility, psycological and physical :biggrin:, this is important in order to deal with the slings and arrows of misfortune in life. I also would like someone who has a realistic perspective on the absurditites of life, often people take things seriously that are not really serious and completely disregard those subtle things that truly are important. Next is the 'cuteness' factor; I am a sucker for woman that I find 'cute' probably because 'cute' has longevity and that is advantageous for any potential progeny. Then there is the 'fiesty' factor, the world can be a pretty tough place and sometimes you have to stand your ground otherwise some of those jerks out there will just roll you over! Finally someone who can tolerate me, I figure if she can't accept me for who I am then that is just tough luck, I only change when it stands to reason. I am a work in progress and I learn as I go so I do make mistakes! So there you have it, those are some of the things I look for though I know it is not in the stars for me. :cry:
  • #54
singleton said:
But with 6 billion people you can be a little picky :smile:

Didnt know you swinged both ways haha
  • #55
cronxeh said:
Didnt know you swinged both ways haha

oh snap you got me

well, take what, 51% of that 6 billion :P

You know what I meant :mad: :smile:
  • #56
Didnt Know You Were A Child Molester Either

granny lover..

:smile: :smile: :smile:
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  • #57
Moonbear said:
Let's turn it around the other way. The men here are all very intelligent and have a lot going for them. Would you really want a relationship or marriage to a woman who was very pretty, but stared at you with blank looks every time you started talking about things that were interesting to you? It would drive you absolutely nuts. Physical appearances are only useful if you're only interested in a physical relationship. If you're looking for a deeper, lasting relationship, physical appearances become secondary to personality and intelligence.

I have only one requirment: She must be a supermodel.

Ok, seriously for a second:

Looks: As long as a woman is in good health (not overweight, does not smoke, not an alcoholic) then I am probably fine with her looks. Of course, some women will look better than others, but I think about 80+% of girls at my school fall into the looks are fine with me category.

Intelligence: I think that most women with a college degree will probably be ok in the intelligence category, as long as they have a solid grasp of common sense (which is what college seems to teach anyway), and are a realist (have a good touch with reality).

Personality: I am not very strict with personality. As long as the woman is not some mean ass *****. I guess I can say good sense of humor (whatever that means).

Career/Job: Does not matter too much as long as they do not work more than 40 hours every week. No journalist.

Hobbies: Does not matter too much, I am interested in plenty of things. Sports and games are a huge plus though.

Other things:
-Must be able to put up with my huge endowment :cool:
-Loves minsweeper: A huge plus.
-Listens to 2pac, The Beatles, Bone Thugs: Also a huge plus.
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  • #58
singleton said:
...but you have to not want to chew off your arm when you wake up next to someone.
Funny but true! This is what I think in regard to men with money. As they say, women who marry for money still pay a price. Most of these men are obnoxious, not to mention often physically unattractive as well. So there you have it--there is some importance to physical attraction. However, what is physically attractive varies, and includes what's inside.
singleton said:
I'm really picky, though I don't have a "checklist" like some of my buds use.
How do I get my hands on that?
singleton said:
Don't listen to me, though. In my 22 years I've met hundreds of women and only three I've ever liked. I'll die alone :cry:
You best be gettin' with it old timer! :smile:

I noticed there is no option for "other." The combinations are no help! So I will vote for #2. Like other's have said, I actually do not like buff men (who also tend to be self-absorbed, and even shallow), though I prefer beefy guys over bean poles. Humor (all the men who have wit, also have intelligence), sincerity, and a decent work ethic, which usually results in a reasonable income--these few things go a long way.

The cottage in the Rockies sounds pretty good, and I'll have to check out the Bone Thugs... :smile:
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  • #59
SOS, you're female?! Welcome to the PF Sisterhood! Of course we have to wait for the other sisters to officially vote you in, but we're pretty generous about membership. :biggrin:

I too had some trouble with the lack of choices/proper combinations.

Some of those things are related to others. For example, professional standing isn't important to me, but someone who is able to at least hold a job is important, but that's important relevant to stability and maturity, not money, for me.
  • #60
Moonbear said:
SOS, you're female?! Welcome to the PF Sisterhood! Of course we have to wait for the other sisters to officially vote you in, but we're pretty generous about membership. :biggrin:

I too had some trouble with the lack of choices/proper combinations.

Some of those things are related to others. For example, professional standing isn't important to me, but someone who is able to at least hold a job is important, but that's important relevant to stability and maturity, not money, for me.

Welcome to the 'hood, SOS, homegirl!

Regarding what you were saying, MB, I don't really care what job a man has unless he's got one that makes him miserable. If he does, that means he'll come home in a terrible mood everyday. :frown:
  • #61
I'm not a woman, but as far as the job thing, "If I were a woman" I wouldn't be with someone that didn't have the initiative to quit a job if they hated it. That underlying cause would be a big factor for me.

Anyway, I agree that a lot of buff guys are self-absorbed and generally ignorant. Part of it is due to the fact that getting to be really buff reqires some ignorance and much dedication.
  • #62
KingNothing said:
I'm not a woman, but as far as the job thing, "If I were a woman" I wouldn't be with someone that didn't have the initiative to quit a job if they hated it. That underlying cause would be a big factor for me.

I think you're right on that. Taking the initiative to change what you're unhappy with is an important trait. However, that doesn't mean just getting fed up with the boss and walking out, it would mean lining up a new job or new course of action (such as going back to school if necessary) before quitting.
  • #63
Math Is Hard said:
Welcome to the 'hood, SOS, homegirl!

Thanks! Hey, do I sound butch or something? :smile: (Maybe I should upload my pic -- or maybe I could borrow your Barbie photo?) Though I'm not as smart as everyone else, I'm addicted to this forum--my loved ones are threatening intervention! :-p

So how do the guys see the results of the poll if they can't vote?
  • #64
SOS2008 said:
So how do the guys see the results of the poll if they can't vote?
The guys are voting (the ones that didn't read about men not posting), so far all women have voted #2, the men have made the other votes.
  • #65
SOS2008 said:
Thanks! Hey, do I sound butch or something? :smile: (Maybe I should upload my pic -- or maybe I could borrow your Barbie photo?) Though I'm not as smart as everyone else, I'm addicted to this forum--my loved ones are threatening intervention! :-p

We'd start a PF addiction support group, but none of us are willing to give up the addiction. :-p You should upload your photo! We have a member photo thread, up near the top of the page here, where you can do that (unless you have and I missed it).

So how do the guys see the results of the poll if they can't vote?

You can view the results without voting by clicking on "view results." That button disappears once you've voted because the results automatically display then. These aren't exactly scientific polls here. :rolleyes:
  • #66
I haven't read all the posts, but I'm aware that guys are voting.

This sort of poll will not give guys any advice. Be yourself and never change that. You may change as time changes, but don't change as the females do.

I mentionned it in another post...like all guys, girls are all different. Most girls want a guy that is attractive to them. I personally wouldn't date a girl who isn't attractive, and I haven't dated a girl who isn't attracted to me. This is NORMAL! This is not being shallow. Those who only want intelligent girls are just as shallow as those who only want attractive girls.

Personally, I recommend to not look for someone. Just enjoy life and talk to people. You will find someone eventually, which can be next week or in a year.

I met my current gf while not looking at all, and I must say I'm blown away. I can't even put it into words, but I try to.

Note: We celebrated Valentine's Day yesterday because we missed it. One word... perfect.
  • #67
Yeah I screwed up. I think anyone can view the results before voting; but I am not 100% sure.
  • #68
KingNothing said:
I'm not a woman, but as far as the job thing, "If I were a woman" I wouldn't be with someone that didn't have the initiative to quit a job if they hated it. That underlying cause would be a big factor for me.
True, the world doesn't need grouchy commuters. But I agree with Moonbear about working to make a transition in a responsible way. Also, being supportive of a significant other is a two-way street.

I think the gig with the gals is just as long as the guy contributes and isn't a lazy mooch, that's what's important. Though once when I earned more than a boyfriend, he was the one that had a problem dealing with it.

KingNothing said:
Anyway, I agree that a lot of buff guys are self-absorbed and generally ignorant. Part of it is due to the fact that getting to be really buff reqires some ignorance and much dedication.
They look in the mirror more than some women flip their hair! (though Moonbear DOES have great hair!)
  • #69
KingNothing said:
Anyway, I agree that a lot of buff guys are self-absorbed and generally ignorant. Part of it is due to the fact that getting to be really buff reqires some ignorance and much dedication.

I used to be buff and I was never ignorant. Ignorance is not part of becoming buff.

Believe it or not, I covered it like all the time. I wore SWEATERS in the summer! My gf at the time hated that, but I just didn't like sharing it.

I'm on my way to try and get it partially back, and ignorance isn't on the to do list. The stereotypes against buff guys are terrible because I have not met too many ignorant ones.
  • #70
JasonRox said:
I used to be buff and I was never ignorant. Ignorance is not part of becoming buff.

Believe it or not, I covered it like all the time. I wore SWEATERS in the summer! My gf at the time hated that, but I just didn't like sharing it.

I'm on my way to try and get it partially back, and ignorance isn't on the to do list. The stereotypes against buff guys are terrible because I have not met too many ignorant ones.
Have you ever gone to a Gold's Gym. :bugeye:

I'm being terrible. But there are men that fall into the "big & dumb" category. Some are very sweet, but not too bright. :frown:

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