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What is it that's observed, which needs a collapse to describe it? These pseudophilosophical texts are all too enigmatic to make sense.
The fact that we only observe single outcomes. For example, we observe Schrodinger's cat to be either alive or dead, but without the collapse postulate, unitary QM predicts that it ends up in a superposition of alive and dead.vanhees71 said:What is it that's observed, which needs a collapse to describe it?
You can't get single outcomes without it. With just unitary evolution you don't get single outcomes.vanhees71 said:What has this to do with the collapse?
Whether it "explains" it depends on what you consider to be an "explanation". But mathematically, the state after applying the collapse postulate describes a single outcome having happened. The state before applying the collapse postulate does not.vanhees71 said:This doesn't explain, why there is "a single outcome".
That's going to depend on what you think needs to be explained.vanhees71 said:My question is simply, what has to be explaned?
A measurement with a single outcome is a preparation procedure by filtering. If I pass a photon through a horizontal polarizer and it is transmitted (instead of absorbed), I can either say I've measured its polarization and the result (single outcome) is "horizontal", or I can say I've filtered it so that only horizontally polarized photons get through. It's the same thing either way.vanhees71 said:It doesn't explain the single outcome but the preparation procedure by filtering
This is also the case for a photon measured (and destroyed) by a detector. Otherwise you wouldn't be able to explain why just one detector fires in any experiment with multiple detectors (for example, a beam splitter with a detector in each output arm). Unitary evolution predicts a superposition of "detector A fires" and "detector B fires" for a case like that.vanhees71 said:Of course, when doing a filter measurement, it's described FAPP by the projection/collapse postulate.
Of course, I'm not saying we don't. I'm saying that if we only use unitary evolution and do not use the collapse postulate, QM does not predict this. It predicts a superposition of detection by different detetors, not a single detection by just one detector.vanhees71 said:We always detect one photon only once
Yes, but that "interpretation" still doesn't narrow down very much. Advocates of all of the known QM interpretations say that they are consistent with Born's probability interpretation of the state and the Born rule.vanhees71 said:That's why Born introduced the probability interpretation of the quantum state
Yes, that's how we view them in our 7 Basic Rules.vanhees71 said:Born's rule, in my opinion, is also simply one of the other independent postulates of QT, and it has nothing to do with the collapse postulate.
What about the Stern-Gerlach apparatus that measures spin of a massive particle? Would you say that the projection postulate holds in this case?vanhees71 said:Of course there are (approximations of) ideal von Neumann "filter measurements", e.g., using a polarization filter, which lets through only photons with linear polarization in a given direction. Then the projection postulate holds, and you have a kind of "collapse of the state".
The minimal statistical interpretation also does not explain why there is a single outcome.vanhees71 said:This doesn't explain, why there is "a single outcome".
From my perspective, the collapse just declares in a simplified way that the agents expectation is changed after an information update. It is just a "reset" required before again applying unitary evolution. What needs to be explained is the detailed HOW the interaction/observation by the agent is processed and revise the expectation of the agent.vanhees71 said:My question is simply, what has to be explaned?
In my opinion it has nothing to do with the agent, which state I associate with the system after a measurement but with the specific experiment I'm doing, i.e., with how the measured system interacts with the measurement device. The collapse assumption is only then the right choice for the update of the state after the measurement, if the equipment is realizing (with some good approximation) a filter measurement. Otherwise you have to think about another update of the state.Fra said:From my perspective, the collapse just declares in a simplified way that the agents expectation is changed after an information update. It is just a "reset" required before again applying unitary evolution. What needs to be explained is the detailed HOW the interaction/observation by the agent is processed and revise the expectation of the agent.
The unitary evolution describes the time evolution of the states (probability amplitudes) for a closed system. What happens to the partial system of interest, follows by "tracing out" the other parts (measurement devices, "environment") and is not a unitary time evolution anymore, and this time evolution includes dissipation and decoherence. The "information update" for us is completely irrelevant to this dynamics. It's just reading off a measurement result from a scale or from a computer file.Fra said:As the unitary evolution only defines the agents expectations - in between - information updates, what happens AT the "information updates" is like some boundary process, that is left unexplained in QM.
If one particle is sent and several detectors respond.martinbn said:What is a multiple outcome?
That is still a single outcome.A. Neumaier said:If one particle is sent and several detectors respond.
There certainly can be other "classical outcomes," which are not single outcomes. You would probably classify such measurements as "weak measurements," and only regard the projective measurements with "single outcomes" as true measurements. Noisy detector readings are sometimes better interpreted as approximations to the expectation value (which could even evolve in time) of the measurement operator, instead of interpreting each individual noisy measurement record as a "single outcome".martinbn said:I don't understand the issue with single outvomes. How can there be anything else? What is a multiple outcome?
It depends how one counts. Those discussing the unique outcome problem say that there are two outcomes, one at each detector. This is not observed, hence should be explained. The quest for an explanation is the unique outcome problem.martinbn said:That is still a single outcome.
… many different answers and discussions by different people …martinbn said:I don't understand the issue with single outvomes. How can there be anything else? What is a multiple outcome?
A. Neumaier said:This is not observed, hence should be explained. The quest for an explanation is the unique outcome problem.
I guess martinbn asked why we need an axiom like Born‘s in the first place. And now you come and ask „where‘s the problem“, the „unique outcome problem“ is solved by Born‘s …vanhees71 said:But the "unique outcome problem" is solved by Born's probabilistic interpretation of the state. So, where's the problem?
No, he explicitly asked for the issue with single outcomes:gentzen said:I guess martinbn asked why we need an axiom like Born‘s in the first place.
martinbn said:I don't understand the issue with single outcomes. How can there be anything else? What is a multiple outcome?
Born's rule doesn't solve this issue but simply postulates it away!gentzen said:the „unique outcome problem“ is solved by Born‘s …
Why? Physics is an empirical science, and Schrödinger's interpretation of the physical meaning of his wave function was not in accordance with the observations, i.e., single electrons were not detected as little "smeared clouds of continuous charge distributions" but as dots on a photoplate. On the other hand Schrödinger's ##|\psi(t,\vec{x})|^2## were correctly describing the distributions of these dots when applying his wave equation. So Born draw the conclusion that ##|\psi(t,\vec{x})|^2## describes the probability density for finding an electron at the place ##\vec{x}## (when measured at time ##t##). That with one ingenious insight resolved the wave-particle duality of the old quantum theory. Obviously even today the prize to pay, i.e., that nature is inherently behaving probabilistically, seems to be too high, so that they look for other (deterministic?) "explanations", but that's a philosophical (religious?) rather than scientific issue.gentzen said:… many different answers and discussions by different people …I guess martinbn asked why we need an axiom like Born‘s in the first place. And now you come and ask „where‘s the problem“, the „unique outcome problem“ is solved by Born‘s …
Independent of the quality of the different answers and discussions, this reaction feels very strange to me.
Born's rule indeed does solve this issue by a postulate, which, as anything in the natural sciences, is justified by its consistency with all observations. That's all you need for an accomplishment in physics and, btw, to get a (somewhat belated) Nobel prize ;-)).A. Neumaier said:No, he explicitly asked for the issue with single outcomes:
Born's rule doesn't solve this issue but simply postulates it away!
This is the simple-minded way of solving all unexplained issues in physics: simply postulate what needs to be explained! But it gives a false sense of accomplishment.
It's not unexpected that you see it differently. How the measured system interacts with the measurement device is in my view simply "how the measured system interacts with the agent".vanhees71 said:In my opinion it has nothing to do with the agent, which state I associate with the system after a measurement but with the specific experiment I'm doing, i.e., with how the measured system interacts with the measurement device.
Thinking about this general update of the state is what understanding the state of the agent is about for me.vanhees71 said:The collapse assumption is only then the right choice for the update of the state after the measurement, if the equipment is realizing (with some good approximation) a filter measurement. Otherwise you have to think about another update of the state.
The general inside agent/observer is always an open system - except in between information updates - where there is unitary evolution IMO, whose form should be followed be selfconsistency of the prior information (state + hamiltonian). This holds until the agent is perturbed again.vanhees71 said:The unitary evolution describes the time evolution of the states (probability amplitudes) for a closed system.
Then the question is why some outcomes dont occur, rather than why a single outcome occurs.A. Neumaier said:It depends how one counts. Those discussing the unique outcome problem say that there are two outcomes, one at each detector. This is not observed, hence should be explained. The quest for an explanation is the unique outcome problem.
If you count differently, the problem still persists, but there is no longer a simple word for it.
Conservation laws apply at all scales. When you send 1 electron, you detect 1 electron.martinbn said:Then the question is why some outcomes dont occur, rather than why a single outcome occurs.
martinbn said:Then the question is why some outcomes dont occur, rather than why a single outcome occurs.
I think the issue is, if you have an experiment that concludes with either detector 1 or detector 2 going off, QM will give you probabilities for these events. But it will also give you probabilities for complementary events built from superpositions, though they do not have to correspond to "both detectors go off". E.g. Considering the state ##\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(|D_1\rangle + |D_2\rangle)## $$p(D_1) = \mathrm{tr}|D_1\rangle\langle D_1|\rho$$ $$p(D_2) = \mathrm{tr}|D_2\rangle\langle D_2|\rho$$ $$p(?) = \frac{1}{2}\mathrm{tr}|D_1+D_2\rangle\langle D_1+D_2|\rho$$The third outcome never occurs even though its probability is nonzero.CoolMint said:Conservation laws apply at all scales. When you send 1 electron, you detect 1 electron.
But unitary quantum mechanics implies conservation laws only for the quantum expectations!CoolMint said:Conservation laws apply at all scales. When you send 1 electron, you detect 1 electron.
Can you point to a theoretical argument proving this?vanhees71 said:No, quantum mechanics implies conservation laws event by event.
This is an experimental proof, not a consequence of quantum mechanics.vanhees71 said:There was a short debate about this in connection with the (infamous) Bohr-Kramers theory. This was disproven by Bothe with his coincidence measurements concerning Compton scattering: As to be expected energy-momentum conservation was fulfilled event by event.