What happens to light when it reaches the edge of the universe?

In summary: The universe is curved, so if you keep walking in one direction on Earth, eventually you will reach your starting point. Similarly, light traveling in one direction through the universe will eventually reach its starting point (if it travels long enough and outruns any expansion of the universe). However, if the universe is expanding (as is currently believed), then light could never reach the edge.In summary, the "edge" of the universe is the distance to which this light has gotten, and if the universe is the same everywhere - as stephen hawking says it must be to make calculations relevant -then light can't reach an "edge" because an edge would be different from the rest of the universe.
  • #36
marcus: 15 billion light years is the average of what is currently measured as the distance the hubble's constant approaches the speed of light [between 10 and 20 billion light years]. this approximation is supported by stellar evolution models that predict it would take no less than 10 billion years [by local inertial reference frame clocks] and no more than 20 billion years to result in globular clusters composed mainly of white dwarf stars. the fact these clusters are only observed at the extreme fringes of galaxies strongly suggests they are the most ancient gravitationally condensed collections of matter in any galaxy.

regarding recessional velocities. you are right. hubble's constant is not constant over time. the fact the red shift increase with distance, and therefore over time, insists the universe expanded more rapidly in the past than it does now. that is no surprise. the early universe had to expand with more force than the attractive force of gravitation. it would otherwise have collapsed upon itself before we had the opportunity to observe and ask the question 'what happened?'. we know gravity is attractive, hence, the existence of a repulsive [anti-gravity] force is virtually assured. the main question is which force will prevail? i would guess neither. the universe, as we perceive, will eventually reach a state of equilibrium. when the matter density exactly balances the energy density, the universe will acquire a state of perfect equilibrium. this implies other consequences, but, we don't have to deal with that for at least another 6 billion years.
Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #37
shrumeo: i think the real problem here [and with quantum gravity] is that gravity ceases to be a 'player' at the subatomic level. number one, the other 3 forces [strong, weak, and electromagnetic] are vastly more powerful than gravity at short distances. i think gravity is nonexistent at such short distances. quantum field theory requires forces to act at integer distances. from what i have seen, the wave length of gravity must be a recipocal of c^2. this is not consistent with the theoretical distance between an electron and proton in atomic hydrogen.
  • #38
Doesn't a flat and infinite universe imply there's a center ?

Assume the universe is flat and infinite.
Is there an infinite amount of matter covering this infinite universe ? Not according to big bang, right ?
So is this limited amount of matter spread across the entire universe ? No, cause then there'd be infinite distance between these "pieces" of matter, right ?

The only alternative is that there is a limited amount of matter localised somewhere in the universe. So I guess it's a matter of definition, right ? Do we define "the center" as the center of all space (i.e. there is none), or do we define it as the gravity center of all matter/energy ? Or perhaps the point where the sum of all coordinates of matter equals zero ?
.. or what ?

If there is to be no center (of any kind) to the universe, isn't a closed borderless one the only option ?
  • #39
Hydr0matic said:
Doesn't a flat and infinite universe imply there's a center ?

Assume the universe is flat and infinite.
Is there an infinite amount of matter covering this infinite universe ? Not according to big bang, right ?
So is this limited amount of matter spread across the entire universe ? No, cause then there'd be infinite distance between these "pieces" of matter, right ?

The only alternative is that there is a limited amount of matter localised somewhere in the universe. So I guess it's a matter of definition, right ? Do we define "the center" as the center of all space (i.e. there is none), or do we define it as the gravity center of all matter/energy ? Or perhaps the point where the sum of all coordinates of matter equals zero ?
.. or what ?

If there is to be no center (of any kind) to the universe, isn't a closed borderless one the only option ?

No a falt nfinite unievrse doe not imply a centre, the big bang means that if the unievrse is infinite in space it is infinite in energy.
  • #40
hmm.. ok ?
So how did this energy get from being localised in a single point to being distributed in an infinite space with finite density ? Did this happen in an inifinitesimal timeframe ? Was there ever a moment where the energy was somewhere in between the singularity and the infinite distribution ?

Feels like I've got some reading to do ...
  • #41
Hydr0matic said:
hmm.. ok ?
So how did this energy get from being localised in a single point to being distributed in an infinite space ...

Hydr0 there is actually a linguistic (not physics) problem here
that confuses people again and again

In ordinary non-technical English, "singularity" means peculiarity, or oddness, or abnormality

(it has no connotation of happening at a single point!)

a theoretical model can experience a singularity at an infinite set of points

it simply means that there is a boundary or limit to its applicability

it means you cannot push the model past a certain limit, because (say) it blows up and fails to compute, or it computes infinities or meaningless numbers----then there is a singularity

this limit could be pictured as a 3D hypersurface bounding a 4D region where the model works well----a little bit like the 2D crust on a 3D loaf of bread is a boundary of the bread (no, I cannot think of a good image, all the images seem to make it more confusing)

But because "singularity" sounds like the word "single"
it suggests to many people that there is a single point
where the singularity happens!
so they imagine a single isolated point
this is a wrong image and leads to much confusion

the BB singularity may have been confined in a small point-like region, but this is not the prevailing view. It could also have occurred at every point of an infinite 3D hypersurface---this is nowadays a very common view
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  • #42
Ok, I see. So the difference between now and the beginning is simply a matter of energy density, where "the critical density" marks the point to which the theory is limited.

right ?
  • #43
not right yet

the "critical density" is a very nice density of about 0.83 joules per cubic kilometer

which is either exactly (or else very near) the actual density
of the universe right at this moment!

at the bigbang time the energy density was probably "off the chart"
infinities are usually a sign that the model is breaking down
and in the usual model
things like density and curvature go off to infinity as one approaches
the instant that expansion began
and so one really must admit that if one wants to approach
that instant and continue computing them one needs a new model!

perhaps you are wondering what is the "critical density"
it is the density the U would need to have (in the simplified Friedmann picture) in order to be exactly spatially flat, at this moment

too much mass/energy and she will be positively curved
too little and she will be negatively curved
and critical is just right
and since the U is observed to be indistinguishable from flat, spatially, it is usually assumed that the actual density, smoothed out to a uniform average level, would be equal to or very near the critical
  • #44
Ok :smile: .. "critical" sounded more dramatic so I assumed it was the point when the model brakes down.

thnx for clearing things up :smile:
  • #45
Chronos said:
shrumeo: i think the real problem here [and with quantum gravity] is that gravity ceases to be a 'player' at the subatomic level. number one, the other 3 forces [strong, weak, and electromagnetic] are vastly more powerful than gravity at short distances. i think gravity is nonexistent at such short distances. quantum field theory requires forces to act at integer distances. from what i have seen, the wave length of gravity must be a recipocal of c^2. this is not consistent with the theoretical distance between an electron and proton in atomic hydrogen.

hmm, maybe I'm missing something...(total non-physicist here trying to understand these things in plain english)

i didn't really mean to imply anything about gravity among subatomic particles. it was just a string of nonsequential questions. But still, let's say we are at the subatomic level and we are "looking" (forgive me Heisenberg) at an electron surrounding a proton. Now, space is expanding even at this scale, right? Now, are the electron and proton something that is not part of the fabric of spacetime? In other words is there more "vacuum" being added to the existing "vacuum" that spearates them? is the electromagnetic force constantly overcoming the expansion OR are they wrinkles in spacetime that also expand along with the vacuum?

On the other scale, say a planet and a moon. Is the space between them expanding to where gravity is constantly overcoming all the new space between them?

Also, there is amount of space between the atoms and molecules that make up the planet and moon (forgot tht scale). Is the electromagnetic force constantly overcoming the expansion of space between them?

If objects and matter remain intact (which they appear to do), do any equations that, say, deal with their, say, group velocity, for example, automatically have built in them, from experiment or derivation, a term that overcomes the expansion of space? :confused:
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  • #46

Universe Measured: We're 156 Billion Light-years Wide!
By Robert Roy Britt
Senior Science Writer


Stretching reality

The universe is about 13.7 billion years old. Light reaching us from the earliest known galaxies has been travelling, therefore, for more than 13 billion years. So one might assume that the radius of the universe is 13.7 billion light-years and that the whole shebang is double that, or 27.4 billion light-years wide.

But the universe has been expanding ever since the beginning of time, when theorists believe it all sprang forth from an infinitely dense point in a Big Bang.

"All the distance covered by the light in the early universe gets increased by the expansion of the universe,"

The scientists studied the cosmic microwave background (CMB), radiation unleashed about 380,000 years after the Big Bang, when the universe had first expanded enough to cool and allow atoms to form...

...findings have shown "no sign that the universe is finite, but that doesn't prove that it is infinite."

The results do render impossible a "soccer ball" shape for the universe...

"If the universe was finite, and had a size of about 4 billion to 5 billion light-years, then light would be able to wrap around the universe, and with a big enough telescope we could view the Earth just after it solidified and when the first life formed," Cornish said. "Unfortunately, our results rule out this tantalizing possibility."

"The problem is that funny things happen in general relativity which appear to violate special relativity (nothing traveling faster than the speed of light and all that).

might help-might not
  • #47
how did that guy earn a doctorate? i agree GR has potential flaws, but, not on the basis of such patently flawed arguments. you cannot look into a telescope and see the back of your head. that violates causality. i can play along with any kind of universe anyone predicts, but, i absolutely reject any model that violates causality. even GR forbids that. god may play dice, but a universe without causality is impossible to observe.
  • #48
Chronos said:
how did that guy earn a doctorate? i agree GR has potential flaws, but, not on the basis of such patently flawed arguments. you cannot look into a telescope and see the back of your head. that violates causality. i can play along with any kind of universe anyone predicts, but, i absolutely reject any model that violates causality. even GR forbids that. god may play dice, but a universe without causality is impossible to observe.

i think you are agreeing with the article(?)

  • #49
According to the most accurate measurements of the position of "planet earth" in relation to the rest of the universe, we are in the Dead center. And so one could assume 2 things about the universe: 1) we are extremely lucky. or 2) the universe is closed. The reason being, if we do indeed live in a closed universe, then it would appear that we we're in the center. For example, Imagine yourself standing on planet Earth (pretty hard huh? XD) But without all of the mountains, valleys, trees, grass etc. Just you and a nice two dimensional surface. If you assumed that the Earth was flat (and if it was), then you would observe that you were in the very center (just as we observe). However, it is very unlikely that we are at the very center of the universe. Therefore, there is only one other possibility:We live in a closed universe. However, this is only hypothetical. And I don't think that we will know for sure until we are able to venture out into the universe and make more observations. So the answer to your question in my opinion is that Light propagating from stars and galaxies eventually comes back around to the point of origin.
  • #50
jcsd said:
The rate of expansion of the universe is measure by Hubble's constant, which is equal to vr/d, so you should be able to see that even if Hubbles constant is very small, as long as the distance between the two objects (d)is large enough the recession velocity (vr) will exceed c. In an infinite expanding universe there must be a distance where vr exceeds c.

I though the speed of light was the speed at which "Stuff" (Pardon my ignorance here) of 0 mass can travel, ie photons. So how can there be ANYTHING that travels faster than this?
  • #51
This is what lead me to post this, something Marcus wrote on a post somewhere, i thought it would take infinite energy to move objects of mass at c ?

(For example, galaxies are routinely observed at redshifts greater than 3.

In fact, one was recently detected to have z = 10 (by Roser Pello's group).

A galaxy observed at z = 3 must have been receding from us, at the time it emitted the light we are now receiving from it, at a speed greater than light).
  • #52
Disclaimer on all of this: I am a mathematician, not a physicist; this is all just a hobby for me and I have a lot to learn myself.

EMFsmith said:
I though the speed of light was the speed at which "Stuff" (Pardon my ignorance here) of 0 mass can travel, ie photons. So how can there be ANYTHING that travels faster than this?

There can't. According to special relativity, you are correct. Objects with 0 mass must move at exactly c and objects with more than 0 mass must have velocities less than c. However, this rule can be bent in general relativity. The objects themselves must have velocities less than c, but the distance between them can grow at a rate faster than c.

Imagine the universe is a typical piece of graph paper, complete with the little grid lines and everything. On this graph paper are two marbles that represent galaxies. To keep this simple, we will use regular Newtonian mechanics, but impose a speed limit on the marbles. So they can move around, but are limited to a maximum speed of, say, 1 grid box per second. You initially place one at (-1, 0) and one at (1, 0). The first one moves due left and the latter one moves due right. So they are moving apart, and it follows that the fastest the distance between them can grow is 2 boxes / sec.

Now imagine that after the first second, Superman comes by and quickly rips your graph paper cleanly in half, right down the x=0 line. He then separates the halves and pastes a whole new 20x20 sheet of graph paper in between the two halves, glues everything together, and speeds away back to comic book land. The distance between your marbles just increased by 22 boxes in 1 second, but each one has only moved 1 box relative to the box it was just in. This is how galaxies can recede from each other faster than the speed of light; locally they are not moving very fast (or even at all) but space is being inserted in between them.

shrumeo said:
i didn't really mean to imply anything about gravity among subatomic particles. it was just a string of nonsequential questions. But still, let's say we are at the subatomic level and we are "looking" (forgive me Heisenberg) at an electron surrounding a proton. Now, space is expanding even at this scale, right? Now, are the electron and proton something that is not part of the fabric of spacetime? In other words is there more "vacuum" being added to the existing "vacuum" that spearates them? is the electromagnetic force constantly overcoming the expansion OR are they wrinkles in spacetime that also expand along with the vacuum?

On the other scale, say a planet and a moon. Is the space between them expanding to where gravity is constantly overcoming all the new space between them?

Also, there is amount of space between the atoms and molecules that make up the planet and moon (forgot tht scale). Is the electromagnetic force constantly overcoming the expansion of space between them?

If objects and matter remain intact (which they appear to do), do any equations that, say, deal with their, say, group velocity, for example, automatically have built in them, from experiment or derivation, a term that overcomes the expansion of space? :confused:

I don't know much about QM so I can't really say what happens on the atomic/subatomic level. As others have noted QM may require integer distances or some other such sillyness that may cause the effects of gravity and expansion to be exactly zero at those scales (as opposed to just being really really small effects).

In most models, according to the Hubble data, the expansion "force" between two objects should be proportional to the amount of space between them. The effect is only really significant at intergalactic scales. For the earth-moon scale, it is pretty negligible and will not overcome gravity. As long as the expansion constant does not change, it will just sort of slightly decrease the strength of the Earth's gravity. The earth-moon system will not gradually grow any larger from this effect.
  • #53
marcus said:
Chronos you might enjoy reading "Expanding Confusion" by Tamara Davis. I will put a link, in case you want to.
It addresses some misconceptions about the expansion of the universe and the dimensions of what is observable.

Hi marcus.. I've read the first few pages of Tamara's report, but being a layman, I started getting bogged down in all the items being referenced. The major premise seems based on the graphs (Page 3, Figure 1). I can understand proper distance, comoving distance and time, and I think I understand conformal time (time as it conforms to the location of the observer?) but beyond that, the paper depends a lot on the reader comprehending a bunch of things.

I Googled ACDM and found it refers to the cold dark matter model (which raises other questions). I tried to understand the ACDM concordance model (0.3,0.7 etc), and got lost with the last part of "the event horizon is the distance light can travel from a given time t to t = ∞".

But in reading page 4, para 2, I got the idea that she was saying, the light we're seeing from superluminal galaxies is like an artifact that the expanding Hubble sphere has given us access to. Did I read that right? If I did, I still don't understand how light which is effectively receding from us (observer) can end up heading towards us when the Hubble sphere reaches that distance from us.

Maybe in simple math terms, it could be like this. Say the superluminal galaxy is moving away from us at c + 100kph. If we are moving in the direction of that superluminal galaxy at say 200kph, then that light is effectively traveling towards us at 100kph. It won't reach us as fast, but eventually it will reach us. But I get the idea I'm not on the right track.
  • #54
Shovel said:
locally they are not moving very fast (or even at all) but space is being inserted in between them.

Where does this inserted space come from? Does it relate to curvature?

I'm trying to imagine this in my mind. The big gaps between masses (the space) is where time moves slower (slower than time in the neighborhood of a mass). So... umm it's like space is being inserted (relative to our time). Is that it?
  • #55
GodAdoresU said:
According to the most accurate measurements of the position of "planet earth" in relation to the rest of the universe, we are in the Dead center.

We are in (or near) the centre of what we can observe. Light from beyond that bubble hasn't reached us yet. We are not in the centre of anything else, let alone the universe.
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  • #56
narrator said:
Where does this inserted space come from? Does it relate to curvature?

I'm trying to imagine this in my mind. The big gaps between masses (the space) is where time moves slower (slower than time in the neighborhood of a mass). So... umm it's like space is being inserted (relative to our time). Is that it?

I think what shovel is trying to say (Or here's how I see it) is that the space is expanding, the universe is expanding in all directions from every point within it, so there's no "More" space, its just the amount we have has stretched so to speak.

The thing I don't get is the amounts of Redshift, why are some objects moving faster? Is it the further away they are the faster there moving? I know further things are Redshifted more because the universe has expanded more in the time its taken the light to reach us, I am just confused why some thing move faster.
  • #57
narrator said:
We are in (or near) the centre of what we can observe. Light from beyond that bubble hasn't reached us yet. We are not in the centre of anything else, let alone the universe.

Right. Doesn't that imply that the universe is closed, because whatever is on the other side of the sphere is out of view. Just like we can't see around the world.
  • #58
GodAdoresU said:
Right. Doesn't that imply that the universe is closed, because whatever is on the other side of the sphere is out of view. Just like we can't see around the world.

Only closed from view, not closed in actuality. Have you ever watched a distant jet in the sky? For some time the jet is silent, then eventually the sound of it reaches you. The jet is there all the time. You just haven't heard it yet. The same is true of light traveling from very distant space. The stars and galaxies are there, just like the jet, but the light (like the sound from the jet) hasn't reached us yet. Hence, using the word closed suggests the wrong conclusion. To use your analogy, the rest of the world is not closed, it's just out of view.

As a lay person myself, one thing I understand clearly is that we must make sure our concepts are unambiguously clear, as best as possible. The idea of a closed universe (no more stars/galaxies existing beyond some boundary), linked to the idea that we are in the center is suggestive of design, and while it would be nice to think that, the concept itself is incorrect.
  • #59
narrator said:
Only closed from view, not closed in actuality. Have you ever watched a distant jet in the sky? For some time the jet is silent, then eventually the sound of it reaches you. The jet is there all the time. You just haven't heard it yet. The same is true of light traveling from very distant space. The stars and galaxies are there, just like the jet, but the light (like the sound from the jet) hasn't reached us yet. Hence, using the word closed suggests the wrong conclusion. To use your analogy, the rest of the world is not closed, it's just out of view.

As a lay person myself, one thing I understand clearly is that we must make sure our concepts are unambiguously clear, as best as possible. The idea of a closed universe (no more stars/galaxies existing beyond some boundary), linked to the idea that we are in the center is suggestive of design, and while it would be nice to think that, the concept itself is incorrect.

The poster here had a point - although I don't think he was intentionally making it.

To take the jet anaology further - there are jets that exist that we will never see nor never hear. These stars/galaxies are just too distant and receeding>c. So in effect our OU is closed causally, anything outside our OU is currently causally disconnected from our current OU - at least this is my current understanding. :)
  • #60
Understand that the topology of the universe [closed, flat, open] mainly depends on the matter-energy content of the universe. The illusion we reside at the center of the observable universe is unrelated to its topology. I would argue it makes more sense to assert we reside at the temporal edge of the universe [i.e., the most ancient observable region of the universe]. No matter which direction we look from earth, we see the universe as it was in our past. The center of the universe appears to be 13.7 billion light years distant in every direction [apparent distance to the surface of last scattering]. This merely implies the universe has no center, not that it is closed, flat or open..
  • #61
Chronos said:
The center of the universe appears to be 13.7 billion light years distant in every direction.

I'm having a hard time understanding how we are able to see the center of the universe in every direction. Also, how can they tell it's the center?
  • #62
The CMB is the youngest place in the universe - a mere 400k years old.. Given it surrounds us in every direction suggests there is no 'center'. or that everywhere is the 'center' - same difference.
  • #63
GodAdoresU said:
I'm having a hard time understanding how we are able to see the center of the universe in every direction. Also, how can they tell it's the center?

It took me a while to comprehend this too. We're so conditioned by the paradigms that make sense of everyday life that new paradigms seem not to make sense.

As I understand it, the big bang is a misnomer, because we think of it like an explosion that radiates out from an x,y,z center. (The expression the big bang was coined by a skeptical competitor and it stuck). What the science suggest is very different. The big bang was not located at an x,y,z coordinate (post plank time?) but rather happened everywhere at once, infinite in every direction. I guess it's a little like the forming of mist, which doesn't originate in one spot but condenses over a wide area (except with mist its boundaries are finite).

As I said, this was difficult for my brain to accept, but the more you learn, the more it makes sense. It's a paradigm shift in how we look at things.

So, in essence, if you had to locate where it began, its origin, its center, then the answer is, "everywhere".

I still have trouble with picturing it in my mind around plank time, when the universe was very tiny, because that suggests a physical 3D size, and geometrically finite. But having gotten over the hurdle that the BB happened everywhere, the next step in my understanding isn't so daunting.
  • #64
If the "Big Bang" is really "The Great Mist" happening everywhere at once over infinite space, what is all the discussion about "expansion". Sounds to me like it is already expanded and just is morphing from one state of existence to another. Whether it's a single point with infinite density that decides to open up into a universe or a soup of one form of matter and energy over infinite distances that decides to evolve into the matter/energy we now see doesn't help me one bit. Both are inconceivable constructs to me.

I found this forum through my son when I posed a question to him yesterday about what happens to light that's traveling in the opposite direction from us from objects that are at the edge of the observable universe. These objects look very different than the ones near us. They are considerably older and more amorphous than nearby galaxies indicating that they are out near the "edge". I've read the entire forum about "no edge, no center", but as the Webb telescope may see that we do run out of galaxies as we get past the 15 million light year limit. Then what?
  • #65
It would be more accurate to say we run out of time, not space. Obviously, we cannot observe anything that is older than the universe.
  • #66
I think it is a metaphysical question rather than a physical question.
  • #67
trainman2001 said:
If the "Big Bang" is really "The Great Mist" happening everywhere at once over infinite space, what is all the discussion about "expansion". Sounds to me like it is already expanded and just is morphing from one state of existence to another. Whether it's a single point with infinite density that decides to open up into a universe or a soup of one form of matter and energy over infinite distances that decides to evolve into the matter/energy we now see doesn't help me one bit. Both are inconceivable constructs to me.

We know nothing about what the big bang was. We only know that as we look backwards in time it appears that the universe gets denser and denser. We extrapolate this out using known laws and it leads to a point where our math simply breaks down and we get a singularity. It is very likely we simply don't know how the universe works at the densities and temperature of the extremely early universe, leading to this breakdown.

The talk of the expansion is simply because we observe that all objects not bound to us through gravity are receding from us. Moving away.

I found this forum through my son when I posed a question to him yesterday about what happens to light that's traveling in the opposite direction from us from objects that are at the edge of the observable universe. These objects look very different than the ones near us. They are considerably older and more amorphous than nearby galaxies indicating that they are out near the "edge". I've read the entire forum about "no edge, no center", but as the Webb telescope may see that we do run out of galaxies as we get past the 15 million light year limit. Then what?

Here's where it gets a little tricky. The speed of light is finite. It takes time for it to get anywhere. Since the universe has a finite age, somewhere around 13.8 billion years, it is impossible for light to have traveled for any longer than that. So when we look at galaxies that are further away, they are also older. This trend continues until we reach the point that we simply can't see any further. For us to see further, the light would need to have traveled for longer than the current age of the universe to reach us. Obviously this is not possible.

Note that nothing of what I've said has been about an "edge". We don't believe the universe has an "edge" in space. Instead, we believe it is either infinite in size, or it wraps around on itself so that if you go far enough you end up back where you started. Yay geometry! It's weird, ain't it!
  • #68
Drakkith said:
The talk of the expansion is simply because we observe that all objects not bound to us through gravity are receding from us. Moving away.

Thanks Drakkith for the simplicity of your explanation. Could you (or someone else) please clarify me on the following points. Please note that I am talking about the total universe, not the observable universe:

- The distances between galaxies is increasing, but the universe cannot be expanding, because it is everything. It always was everything since the BB. All we see is a changing distribution and changing proportions of the different types of matter and the different types of energy. I assume that space composed of dark matter and dark energy (at least). Space can’t be nothing, otherwise the universe would be a very peculiar shape indeed! So we look through the dark energy and say, that is the distance to the galaxies. Right?

- We cannot say that the universe is getting bigger, because there is nothing to compare it to. The universe must be infinite because it is everything. It is only the individual contents of the universe which are finite. An infinite universe cannot logically have a center nor an edge . Although we assume that the universe does not run out of galaxies somewhere, it’s possible that the distribution outside our small observable portion is not isotropic and that the most distant parts of the universe (from us) could be entirely non-baryonic.

- Question: If the universe is curved, does this mean that all the galaxies plus their radiated energy will return to where they started and contribute to the next BB? If the universe is only slightly curved, does this just mean that the same process takes longer? If this is not correct, what does curvature do that a flat universe does not?

  • #69
1. That doesn't logically follow. Any arbitrary area or volume can be tracked and observed to expand (or not) regardless of its size, curvature or arbitrary or lack of boundary.

2. False. I have a ruler sitting on my desk to compare the size of the universe to.

3. Almost. Radiated energy could in some models (depending on expansion rate) return to its source, but there is no one source. Our sun and other suns are radiating from different locations. And the big bang may have been a single point, but all points in the universe were once there and are expanding away from each other so a point for everything to converge on does not exist.
  • #70
Got caught up in this discussion now! I think the answer is no, because of the 1/r squared rule. (I hope this comes out OK!)

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