What has the US done to tackle gun shootings?

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  • Thread starter rootX
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In summary: I think it would be a good idea to try to regulate access to mental health services so that people with mental illnesses can't just get hold of a gun and start shooting people.In summary, the US government doesn't seem to be doing much to prevent shootings from reoccurring. The politicians are acting reasonably, but the measures and actions from the government don't come in the international news. There is a organization called the police that tries to stop shootings, but it's not always successful.
  • #36
rootX said:
Cannot same people who determine whether a person is fit for punishment also determine who is unfit? There will be mistakes but ignoring the mental health issue just seems absurd to me after seeing a series of consecutive massacres all sharing the same root cause.

On positive side:
1) There will be more awareness among Americans about mental health
2) You would less likely to see a mad person shooting in public places
3) People who are not healthy will not live in denial but rather seek help than just ignoring and wasting all their life in dark

Sane people determine who is fit for punishment via a court system. I doubt the average person would become more knowledgeable about mental health issues. As for people who need help, the sane ones go and get it. It's the nuts who are too nuts to realize how nuts they are, that are the problem.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #37
rootX said:
I never said declaring people criminals based on a prediction. Rather, all I said that taking guns from hands of people who shouldn't have them. The people who are unhealthy can unlikely use them for their protection or for any other intent that American founders had.

How do you propose choosing which people shouldn't have them? Currently, when a person purchases a firearm from an FFL dealer (a.k.a. a gun store) they have to fill out an ATF Form 4473:

Wikipedia.org said:
Form 4473 contains name, address, date of birth, government-issued photo ID, National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) background check transaction number, make/model/serial number of the firearm, and a short federal affidavit stating that the purchaser is eligible to purchase firearms under federal law.

Question 11.f asks:
ATF Form 4473 said:
Have you even been adjudicated mentally defective, (which includes a determination by a court, board, commission, or other lawful authority that you are a danger to yourself or to others, or are incompetent to manage your own affairs) OR have you ever been committed to a mental institution? (See instructions for question 11.f.)

Question 11.f's instructions:
ATF Form 4473 said:
Question 11.f. Adjudicated Mentally Defective: A determination by a court, board, commission, or other lawful authority that a person, as a result of marked subnormal intelligence, or mental illness, incompetency, condition, or disease: (1) is a danger to himself or to others; or (2) lacks the mental capacity to contract or manage his own affairs. This term shall include: (1) a finding of insanity by a court in a criminal case; and (2) Those persons found incompetent to stand trial or found not guilty by reason of lack of mental responsibility.

So limitations for people deemed mentally unfit already exist, and the judgements can be assessed by several forms of "lawful authority." The release of medical records (psych records) to non-law enforcement agencies can get sticky though...

rootX said:
If these people can escape their punishments for being schizophrenia[1] why they should be given lethal weapons that can be used to harm innocent lives. It's similar to letting a blind person drive a car.

He's gotten life in prison, while it isn't a death penalty which I would have much preferred as well, he's out of society forever more. In his case, psychiatric "suspicions" were brought up by witnesses during the trial, but there were no official "judgements" against him thus he was allowed to purchase firearms. Hindsight is always 20-20...

rootX said:
Yes, it will never be possible to prevent all freshly blooming nuts (looking at all past incidents however none of them was freshly bloomed when they went on rage) from getting guns. But at least, the mental health should be given a consideration when legally handling person a gun.

It is definitely already a consideration as I've shown, but I agree there is room for improvement, perhaps in proactively getting court rulings against people who are dangers to themselves or society, and making those records easily accessible for the purpose of FBI background checks.
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  • #38
Some other questions in ATF Form 4473:

ATF Form 4473 said:
11.b. Are you under indictment or information in any court for a felony, or any other crime, for which the judge could imprison you for more than one year? (See Instructions for Question 11.b.)

11.c. Have you ever been convicted in any court of a felony, or any other crime, for which the judge could have imprisoned you for more than one year, even if you received a shorter sentence including probation? (See Instructions for Question 11.c.)

11.d. Are you a fugitive from justice?

11.e. Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance?


11.g. Have you been discharged from the Armed Forces under dishonorable conditions?

11.h. Are you subject to a court order restraining you from harassing, stalking, or threatening your child or an intimate partner or child of such partner? (See Instructions for Question 11.h.)

11.i. Have you ever been convicted in any court of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence? (See Instructions for Question 11.i.)
  • #39
I just am amazed at the apples and oranges comparisons I am seeing posted here. In many cases there is no positive way to identify a menatlly ill person until after the fact. Trying to do it by having them fill out a form is a joke.

RTTNews) - Former University of Colorado student James Holmes was referred to a threat team at his school weeks before he killed 12 people in a deadly theater shooting, throwing new onus on the institution.

Holmes, 24, was seeing school psychiatrist Dr. Lynne Fenton in the week's leading up to the shooting. Fenton, alarmed by Holmes and worried about a possible violent streak, warned the school's Behavioral Evaluation and Threat Assessment (BETA) team, the Denver Post reported this week.

The team was set up by Fenton in 2010 to help pinpoint possible violent students and alert the school to them before an incident could take place.

The federal laws and State laws are a jungle of contradictions. Primarily it appears that one of two elements must be present in regards to mental illness.

1. The person has been adjudicated to be incompetent to manage his own affairs.

2. The person has been involuntarily committed to a mental health facility.

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  • #40
With all this interesting discussion, I guess the simple answer to the original question is:

“Nothing useful.”
  • #41
Pkruse said:
I guess the simple answer to the original question is:
“Nothing useful.”

Did you read any of my above posts? What do you think needs to be done above and beyond what's already required when purchasing a firearm?
  • #42
rootX said:
I never said declaring people criminals based on a prediction. Rather, all I said that taking guns from hands of people who shouldn't have them. The people who are unhealthy can unlikely use them for their protection or for any other intent that American founders had.
You are contradicting yourself. You can't know if someone shouldn't have a gun until they do something wrong. You're declaring: 'If we give you a gun, you might/will use it to commit a crime, so you can't have one.' That's deciding ahead of time to limit a right based on a crime that hasn't been committed yet.
But at least, the mental health should be given a consideration when legally handing person a gun.
You're suggesting we send everyone who tries to buy a gun to see a psychologist or take a test that includes mental competency prior to buying a gun; in order to try to predict if they might use the gun to commit a crime. How does that jive with your first sentence I quoted?
I don't understand why freedom of a nut is more valuable than innocent lives.
Repeating it doesn't make it any more true or less nonsensical than the first time you said it. Again, you don't know if someone is a murderer until they commit a murder and what you are suggesting also limits the freedom of those innocents.
Reason I said innocent lives are priceless because they are more way more valuable than these nuts freedom or lives from my personal opinion as you already said "the scales are generally tipped far toward life".

Yes I might have been exaggerating because of the anger.
So you exaggerated because this issue upsets you. Fine. I'm glad you are self-aware enough to recognize that. But this is why I don't like changing policy based on a traumatic event. People have a tendency to not behave rationally after a traumatic event and the law needs to be rational.
Seeing these shootings one after another and yet complete inaction from the government, why wouldn't you be angry?
Just for clarity, I do want increased gun control in the US. Why don't these mass shootings make me angry and want it even more? Simple: I'm less emotionally driven than you are so I recognize that these events don't change anything.

It is great that you are self-aware enough to know you've been emotionally compromised. Step two though would be to choose not to make decisions when in an emotionally compromised state. I know that's difficult, though.
Government inaction was the main reason I started this thread. I feel occurrence of the same cause behind these incidents is bit too much to be ignored. You likely will have different ways to dealing with the issue but yet you and others seem to be ignoring that there is an issue.
As I said above, I do want increased gun control. What you are not getting is that recent events do not point to any additional need that wasn't already there three weeks ago and that taking quick action based on preventing specific crimes that already happened from happening again can lead to making rash decisions, such as additional compromises in freedom that may prove unnecessary with a more rational analysis.
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  • #43
edward said:
In many cases there is no positive way to identify a menatlly ill person until after the fact. Trying to do it by having them fill out a form is a joke.

Note that the check boxes on the form are compared against the instant background check. Criminal records are pretty well handled, but I think psych records aren't as well managed by a central entity.

edward said:
The federal laws and State laws are a jungle of contradictions. Primarily it appears that one of two elements must be present in regards to mental illness.

1. The person has been adjudicated to be incompetent to manage his own affairs.

2. The person has been involuntarily committed to a mental health facility.

You forgot the most important one: anyone ruled "a danger to themselves or others" by a judicial entity.
  • #44
edward said:
I just am amazed at the apples and oranges comparisons I am seeing posted here. In many cases there is no positive way to identify a menatlly ill person until after the fact. Trying to do it by having them fill out a form is a joke.
Of the half dozen high profile incidents in the past few years, I don't think any involved/required lying on that form M_E linked.
  • #45
rootX said:
You cannot price innocent people lives who just are enjoying their day at their school, watching a movie and having a peaceful religious gathering. Lives of people who never did anything wrong to others are priceless and these lives shouldn't be compromised just to give some psycho or neo-nazi freedom to do whatever he pleases. But, of-course this is a personal opinion.

Were the lives of the 50 million, or so, civilians in gun restricted nations who were slaughtered by their own governments priceless?

Who decides what groups are anti-social and violence prone?

Nazis? Klan? Black Panthers? Pro-life extermists? Greens? Communists? OWS vandals? "Militia" organizations? Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
  • #46
Mech Engr: Yes I read the posts. Lots of good thinking and discussion. Certainly much has Ben done, but I'd argue that it is all non effective window dressing designed to make people feel good rather than address the problem. It is still easy for anyone to get a gun, and to use it in any way they desire.

I offer no solution regarding guns as I don't think there is one. To fix any problem, we need to get to the root. Guns are not the root.

As some of this current discussion addresses, I believe that the root is our completely broken mental health system. Several more competent than I have published articles on that recently. One on the Time site this morning is particularly good, but a quick search will turn up many more.
  • #47
Pkruse said:
Mech Engr: Yes I read the posts. Lots of good thinking and discussion. Certainly much has Ben done, but I'd argue that it is all non effective window dressing designed to make people feel good rather than address the problem. It is still easy for anyone to get a gun, and to use it in any way they desire.
I'm working on a more detailed analysis, but real quick:

We had an assault weapons ban in effect for a few years that could have had a substantial impact on at least one case:

Jarrod Laughtner shot Rep. Giffords and 17 others with a legally purchased generic 9mm and a 33 round magazine. He was thwarted from further shooting by a failed attempt to reload that gave victims an opportunity to take him down. Thus it is reasonable to conclude that if the assault weapons ban had still been in effect, its ban on magazines above 10 round capacity could have prevented 12 people from being shot.

Now while I think that law matters, I am fully aware that the resulting ~4 saved lives are statistically insignificant. I wouldn't call it window dressing, but it isn't that useful in the big picture.
  • #48
russ_watters said:
He was thwarted from further shooting by a failed attempt to reload that gave victims an opportunity to take him down. Thus it is reasonable to conclude that if the assault weapons ban had still been in effect, its ban on magazines above 10 round capacity could have prevented 12 people from being shot.

Or, the more reliable 10 round magazines wouldn't have jammed, like in the CO shooters drum magazine, and more would have died. I've been an NRA Life Member for more than 40 years. I started hunting/shooting at 8 and competitively as soon as I was old enough. IMO, the problem with most gun control relates to "punishing all" to catch a few. As was discussed above, cars kill more people and we don't ban cars and require mass transit. Alcohol kills by toxic effects, drunk drivers, rage events, etc., but we don't ban it for all because of some people. There isn't any redeeming factor for cigarettes, and they are far more deadly than guns at 444,000 deaths per year in the US ALONE. Source: http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm5114a2.htm . Cigarettes aren't banded and you don't need a permit to buy or use them.

I would break with some of my fellow shooters on a few points. IMO, just as first time hunters are required to have hunter safety classes before getting a license to hunt, anyone owning a firearm for protection should be required training on the proper, safe, and legal use of the firearm weapon class (rifle, shootgun, pistol, muzzle loader, etc.) being purchased, with refresher courses as laws change. EXCEPT, the State should be barred from any actions which would limit training with the actual or intended purpose of limiting ownership to people that would otherwise qualify. IMO, such training should include reasonable skills assessments, since discharging a firearm at an intruder in your home can be dangerous. I think if someone wants to own a gun they should be able to handle it safely for its intended purpose (target shooting, hunting, security, collectors, etc.). I support the FBI Instant Check system http://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/nics/general-information/fact-sheet . I would also like to see the Eddie Eagle Safety Program http://www.nrahq.org/safety/eddie/ in the public school system as part of the generic health classes. We all know kids will likely come in contact with a weapon in their lifetime, and knowing the Eddie Eagle basics can’t do anything but help, IMO.
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  • #49
From what I read, the issue was that he dropped the new magazine, not that there was a jam.
  • #50
Some of this info is a bit out of date but I doubt that much has changed(I don't care for certain political slants but the info is cited).:

Edit: removed inappropriate link, there are valid sources of information available

Regardless of being against restrictions on mag capacity and any additional restrictions on firearms for ideological reasons(I would like to see the NFA machine gun registry reopened and SBRs removed from the NFA), according to this info for the years looked at the majority of criminal homicides involve less then 3 shots being fired. Also according to this info for the years looked at most of the non-suicide criminal deaths involving guns are actually criminals killing each other.

Magazine capacity limits would possibly only come into play for the occasional large shooting which doesn't make up the vast majority of gun homicides. Standard capacity and 100rd magazines are in wide circulation so even if a ban was passed, it's not going to prevent someone from purchasing them with the intent of going on a shooting spree.

Also as I wrote before bombs would be more effective in large crowds if the persons goal is maximum deaths.

EDIT:Well apparently Evo didn't think my link was a valid source of information, I happen to disagree but I will conform to the mods rules.
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  • #51
Yes, this was emotionally motivated thread, and that was the reason I put this thread in General Discussion initially and didn't have any references in my post. Otherwise, I can only have limited substantial discussion because I don't know much about America as I pointed out in my OP.

Related article from fox:
At present, our mental health care system is so fractured, with followup so unreliable, information so scattered and authority granted to psychiatrists so meager, that those with delusions, even those who have expressed the desire and intent to kill others, falling through the cracks isn't the exception; it's the rule.
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  • #52
rootX said:
But, I only wanted to know about if something is being done and how successful the government has been in tackling the gun-violence issue)

I believe we need extreme punishment for these actions. The crimes need to be deterred with truly scary repercussions. Prison is horrible and so is the death penalty, but no where near what should be done. This cruel and unusual thing needs examination if we truly want change. 2c
  • #53
Aside from the "high-capacity magazines" (I put that in quotes because I wouldn't say anything over 10 rounds means high capacity, it depends), the AWB banned weapons based on their cosmetic features. According to the proponents of the AWB, having certain types of grips and barrel coverings and so forth makes the weapon more dangerous or deadly. The counter-argument (also the view I hold) is that that's like the difference between giving a set of crappy golf clubs to a person who can golf versus a set of decent clubs. They'll be able to hit the ball with either, it's just the decent clubs will be better-made. A lot of media reports have said it would have made the AR-15 James Holmes used illegal, but that's a misconception, as it never outlawed the AR-15. At most, it would have outlawed certain cosmetics of the AR-15 Holmes had.

You also can improvise, I mean if you want to fire forty rounds and have only ten round magazines, you could carry four pistols, and just shift to a different pistol upon using up the ammunition in one.

The Assault Weapons Ban didn't stop the guys in the 1997 North Hollywood shootout, who had assault rifles (automatic fire weapons) and large capacity magazines. California has an AWB, but it didn't stop a gang member in 2005 from pulling out an SKS assault rifle (which had to be converted (the SKS is a semi-automatic rifle), itself something that isn't easy to do as the weapons have to be manufactured where you can't just easily convert them), with a large capacity magazine and armor-piercing rounds which are only supposed to be available to law enforcement and the military, and which I believe you need a special license to even manufacture them.
  • #54
One other point I thought I'd make (which has also been addressed to some degree in this thread already in the talk about mentally ill people), which has been pointed out by the columnist Charles Krauthammer, is that we as a society have taken the view that it is better to have lots of legitimately mentally ill people out loose in society so as to prevent the few sane people who could be wrongly locked up from ending up so. This was due to a change in the civil rights laws due to I think a SCOTUS case in the 1980s from groups such as the ACLU that changed these laws around. Beforehand, a person like a Jared Loughner for example, would have been committed into an institution, as so many knew he was mentally ill. Because of the laws now though, until the person does something bad, they can't be committed.

For all the talk about how we need to "do something," something had been in place, but it was un-done by those same proponents of rights for the mentally ill. I'm not saying that's bad, as the mentally ill have been horribly mistreated historically and sane people have been wrongly committed in the past (there's a saying that a Democrat is a Republican who's just been wrongly arrested and a Republican is a Democrat who's just had their home broken into or been through a situation in which law and order has broken down), but for all the talk about "gun control" the real problem may be entirely different (i.e. how to get the legitimately ill people off the streets without infringing on sane people's rights). It would be interesting to compare the laws regarding the mentally ill in the U.S. with the laws regarding how they can be committed in other countries.
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  • #55
CAC1001 said:
One other point I thought I'd make (which has also been addressed to some degree in this thread already in the talk about mentally ill people), which has been pointed out by the columnist Charles Krauthammer, is that we as a society have taken the view that it is better to have lots of legitimately mentally ill people out loose in society so as to prevent the few sane people who could be wrongly locked up from ending up so. This was due to a change in the civil rights laws due to I think a SCOTUS case in the 1980s from groups such as the ACLU that changed these laws around. Beforehand, a person like a Jared Loughner for example, would have been committed into an institution, as so many knew he was mentally ill. Because of the laws now though, until the person does something bad, they can't be committed.

I think you are referring to "deinstitutionalisation". This came about during JFKs time with the Community Mental Health Act http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Community_Mental_Health_Act .
  • #56
CAC1001 said:
Aside from the "high-capacity magazines" (I put that in quotes because I wouldn't say anything over 10 rounds means high capacity, it depends), the AWB banned weapons based on their cosmetic features. According to the proponents of the AWB, having certain types of grips and barrel coverings and so forth makes the weapon more dangerous or deadly. The counter-argument (also the view I hold) is that that's like the difference between giving a set of crappy golf clubs to a person who can golf versus a set of decent clubs. They'll be able to hit the ball with either, it's just the decent clubs will be better-made. A lot of media reports have said it would have made the AR-15 James Holmes used illegal, but that's a misconception, as it never outlawed the AR-15. At most, it would have outlawed certain cosmetics of the AR-15 Holmes had.

This is apples and oranges again. Any weapon that can be used to commit mass murder is an assault weapon. The previous description of grips and bayonet attachment is ludacris now. Holmes used an AR15 with a 100 round rotary magazine. Luckily it jammed. How many shots were fired was never disclosed.

You also can improvise, I mean if you want to fire forty rounds and have only ten round magazines, you could carry four pistols, and just shift to a different pistol upon using up the ammunition in one.

Ironically that is probably what a sane person would think of doing.

The Assault Weapons Ban didn't stop the guys in the 1997 North Hollywood shootout, who had assault rifles (automatic fire weapons) and large capacity magazines. California has an AWB, but it didn't stop a gang member in 2005 from pulling out an SKS assault rifle (which had to be converted (the SKS is a semi-automatic rifle), itself something that isn't easy to do as the weapons have to be manufactured where you can't just easily convert them), with a large capacity magazine and armor-piercing rounds which are only supposed to be available to law enforcement and the military, and which I believe you need a special license to even manufacture them.

Those guys were criminals and knew exactly what they were doing and why. They also knew where and how to obtain the weapons, which were most likely very expensive unless they stole the weapons themselves.

A person who goes off of the deep end isn't going to be able to do that. Even that is a moot point now that slide stocks and 100 round magazines are available for purchase online.

There are already so many semi automatics and high capacity magazines in the general public it would be impossible to enforce any kind of ban.

We are in a difficult situation to say the least. There are methods available that can detect unstable people, yet filling out a test with 500 true or false personal questions would most likely be declared a violation of privacy.

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  • #57
The problem with many weapons available on the market is the large risk that they impose to the public. A person can rush a crowed with an assault rifle and kill large amounts of people before anyone has the ability to respond. In my opinion, these weapons are primarily offensive.

On a side note, I don't understand the whole "intent of the founding fathers" argument. Their intent was based on a situation entirely different then ours. If they were writing the constitution today, I'm willing to bet it would be different.
  • #58
edward said:
This is apples and oranges again. Any weapon that can be used to commit mass murder is an assault weapon. The previous description of grips and bayonet attachment is ludacris now. Holmes used an AR15 with a 100 round rotary magazine. Luckily it jammed. How many shots were fired was never disclosed.

Any gun can be used to commit a mass murder though.

Ironically that is probably what a sane person would think of doing...

Those guys were criminals and knew exactly what they were doing and why. They also knew where and how to obtain the weapons, which were most likely very expensive unless they stole the weapons themselves.

A person who goes off of the deep end isn't going to be able to do that. Even that is a moot point now that slide stocks and 100 round magazines are available for purchase online.

Remember though that being insane is not the same as being stupid. And otherwise sane criminals are also the ones society has to be concerned about as well.
  • #59
SixNein said:
The problem with many weapons available on the market is the large risk that they impose to the public. A person can rush a crowed with an assault rifle and kill large amounts of people before anyone has the ability to respond. In my opinion, these weapons are primarily offensive.

Remember, assault rifles are not available for sale. And any gun can be used offensively. A gun is gun is a gun generally, they're machinery capable of killing (remember unless you believe in Creationism, then humans are biologically animals, so anything that can kill a human can make an excellent hunting weapon and vice versa). There are AR-15s that fire a larger-caliber round, such as 7.62 mm, that are for hunting larger game, but which otherwise look like an "assault weapon." The U.S. Army's M24 sniper rifle system and the U.S. Marine Corps's M40 sniper rifle system are both based off of one of the most popular hunting rifles in existence, the Remington 700. The 700 is not a civilian version of a military sniper rifle, it's the opposite, those sniper rifles are militarized versions of a hunting rifle. Almost all bolt-action hunting rifles today draw their core design from the Mauser rifles from the late 19th century that were used for military purposes. Then there's all manner of handguns and shotguns that for both civilian, police, or military use.

On a side note, I don't understand the whole "intent of the founding fathers" argument. Their intent was based on a situation entirely different then ours. If they were writing the constitution today, I'm willing to bet it would be different.

Was it? There are plenty of Westernized countries that, given enough economic crisis and radical politics, could experience another tyrannical government. Modern liberal democracies do not make obsolete the right to bear arms regarding a tyrannical government. In the United States, it sounds incredibly rare because of how stable our system is and how large our country is (such an instance would probably lead to another civil war if it really happened). But rare doesn't make it impossible.

Also, the concept of the right to bear arms was not created by the Founding Fathers. A lot of people think the right for people to bear arms was a novel concept because of the war they'd just fought with England, but actually, the right to bear arms goes back to the English Bill of Rights from 1689. By the time the Constitution was being written, the idea that people have a fundamental right to bear arms was something that was considered as normal then as our idea that people have a right to free speech and freedom of religion and so forth today is.

The question was over whether to codify it into the Constitution or not. In terms of what the Founders meant by the word "arms," they meant weapons commonly owned by law-abiding citizens that they would be expected to muster to milita conscription with. At the time, the weapons used for war, hunting, personal protection, etc...were pretty much the same, and really to a good degree, that is still the case. Yes, there are guns designed solely for hunting, but there are plenty of guns used for all of these things, and military guns can easily be adopted for hunting (they make some of the best hunting weapons) and of course for personal protection purposes, and hunting guns can be adopted for military purposes as I've pointed out.

The difference today is that in addition to handguns, rifles, and shotguns, the military has a whole slew of additional weapons that didn't exist before, that are not commonly owned by citizens (tanks, bombs, aircraft, etc...). Now if one wants to say that citizens should have a right to those to be able to stand up to a modern tyrannical government, well that would require amending the Constitution as interpreting the Second Amendment as covering that would likely be a form of right-wing judicial activism as you are stretching the meaning of the word "arms." The left-wing judicial activist argument is that the word arms only meant weapons of the time and not modern weapons, but by that argument, then one could say the First Amendment doesn't apply to modern forms of free speech and the Fourth Amendment doesn't apply against modern forms of search and seizure.

So the word arms today applies to weapons held by both civilians and the military so long as they are commonly-owned types of weapons (handguns, rifles (so long as they are not automatic fire), and shotguns).
  • #60
On related topic, I recall some US military personnel were involved in compromising the US interests in ME/Afghanistan (killing innocent people/burning holy books etc). I believe these personnel are closely related to the US public shooters. The solution for dealing with incompetent military members might be useful at home also.
SixNein said:
The problem with many weapons available on the market is the large risk that they impose to the public. A person can rush a crowed with an assault rifle and kill large amounts of people before anyone has the ability to respond. In my opinion, these weapons are primarily offensive.
A normal person wouldn't do that. It's either terrorists or mad people who are behind these kinds of attacks IMO. It's interesting to note that while guns are widely available but Al-Qaeda has never managed to use them in the US. The point is that it's not that easy to kill large amounts of people even when you are very determined. Waking one morning and feeling like playing with your gun in public is bit easier as the recent massacres suggest.
  • #61
It seems like all we are doing is coming up with reasons why the OP can not be answered.
  • #62
CAC1001 said:
Remember, assault rifles are not available for sale. And any gun can be used offensively. A gun is gun is a gun generally, they're machinery capable of killing

You seem to have missed the point. My overall point is that public risk is a big factor in the discussion. So when we talk about what guns and components should or should not be available to the public, we should consider how much risk is involved. Yes any gun can kill; however, guns have different capabilities to kill over a period of time. And according to those rates, they can benefit offensive use over defensive use. For example, how does a machine gun empower gangs and lone wolf individuals compared to legally abiding citizens?

Was it?
Of course it was different. Just look at the way war was conducted then and now. In addition, compare a gun 300 years ago to a modern machine gun. If you are going to argue "Anything can kill; therefore, guns", you might as well extend that argument to the right to own nukes. Nukes don't kill people, people kill people right?

There are plenty of Westernized countries that, given enough economic crisis and radical politics, could experience another tyrannical government. Modern liberal democracies do not make obsolete the right to bear arms regarding a tyrannical government. In the United States, it sounds incredibly rare because of how stable our system is and how large our country is (such an instance would probably lead to another civil war if it really happened). But rare doesn't make it impossible.

Gun ownership isn't going to stop a tyrannical government. Instead, education is the real protection from such things.

Also, the concept of the right to bear arms was not created by the Founding Fathers. A lot of people think the right for people to bear arms was a novel concept because of the war they'd just fought with England, but actually, the right to bear arms goes back to the English Bill of Rights from 1689. By the time the Constitution was being written, the idea that people have a fundamental right to bear arms was something that was considered as normal then as our idea that people have a right to free speech and freedom of religion and so forth today is.

What did arms mean then compared to now? In a basic nutshell, you are comparing apples to oranges.

The question was over whether to codify it into the Constitution or not. In terms of what the Founders meant by the word "arms," they meant weapons commonly owned by law-abiding citizens that they would be expected to muster to milita conscription with. At the time, the weapons used for war, hunting, personal protection, etc...were pretty much the same, and really to a good degree, that is still the case. Yes, there are guns designed solely for hunting, but there are plenty of guns used for all of these things, and military guns can easily be adopted for hunting (they make some of the best hunting weapons) and of course for personal protection purposes, and hunting guns can be adopted for military purposes as I've pointed out.

We are a nuclear power with a gigantic military. We have weak neighbors and we are flanked by fish. The whole argument that we need these guns in the domestic area in case we get invaded is simply risible.

The difference today is that in addition to handguns, rifles, and shotguns, the military has a whole slew of additional weapons that didn't exist before, that are not commonly owned by citizens (tanks, bombs, aircraft, etc...). Now if one wants to say that citizens should have a right to those to be able to stand up to a modern tyrannical government,

Ideas are more dangerous to tyrannical governments then guns. Your not going to win any kind of rebellion unless the majority is on your side. Unless of course, the international community steps into help.

well that would require amending the Constitution as interpreting the Second Amendment as covering that would likely be a form of right-wing judicial activism as you are stretching the meaning of the word "arms." The left-wing judicial activist argument is that the word arms only meant weapons of the time and not modern weapons, but by that argument, then one could say the First Amendment doesn't apply to modern forms of free speech and the Fourth Amendment doesn't apply against modern forms of search and seizure.

The word "arms" as expressed in the constitution did mean arms of the day. The question for us to resolve is how should we interpret that today in light of new technologies and the realities of our time? For the most part, this is a job for the supreme court. But the legislator could clarify it.
  • #63
rootX said:
A normal person wouldn't do that. It's either terrorists or mad people who are behind these kinds of attacks IMO. It's interesting to note that while guns are widely available but Al-Qaeda has never managed to use them in the US. The point is that it's not that easy to kill large amounts of people even when you are very determined. Waking one morning and feeling like playing with your gun in public is bit easier as the recent massacres suggest.

How many people dying do you think is reasonable? What is your tolerance?

In other words, how much risk to the public are you willing to accept?
  • #64
SixNein said:
On a side note, I don't understand the whole "intent of the founding fathers" argument. Their intent was based on a situation entirely different then ours. If they were writing the constitution today, I'm willing to bet it would be different.
Are you American? That's an odd thing to not understand:

Clearly, their intent would have to be updated if they lived today. But the Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land and has to be obeyed unless 2/3 of us agree to change it. I'm in favor of that, but thus far, it hasn't gotten the needed support.
How many people dying do you think is reasonable? What is your tolerance?
That's a very difficult question. The answer can include some facts and logic, but also includes a significant component of opinion. Much is made of the fact that the US has a higher gun murder rate than most other western countries. Seems to indicate a problem. Trouble is, we also have a much higher car accident death rate. Is that also a symptom of a problem? To really answer that question, we have to investigate why and what we get out of it (ie, more miles driven = more deaths).
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  • #65
SixNein said:
You seem to have missed the point. My overall point is that public risk is a big factor in the discussion. So when we talk about what guns and components should or should not be available to the public, we should consider how much risk is involved. Yes any gun can kill; however, guns have different capabilities to kill over a period of time. And according to those rates, they can benefit offensive use over defensive use. For example, how does a machine gun empower gangs and lone wolf individuals compared to legally abiding citizens?

Again though, machine guns are already illegal, minus a few exceptions. To own a machine gun, you have to go through all manner of legal arm-twisting, and the weapon must be registered pre-1986. It also will cost you an arm-and-a-leg to acquire. Otherwise, the fastest rate-of-fire for a weapon is semi-automatic (semi-automatic (one round fired for each trigger pull).

Of course it was different. Just look at the way war was conducted then and now. In addition, compare a gun 300 years ago to a modern machine gun. If you are going to argue "Anything can kill; therefore, guns", you might as well extend that argument to the right to own nukes. Nukes don't kill people, people kill people right?

I explained what the word "arms" in the Second Amendment means. It does not extend to machine guns or nukes or anything in between. Those are not arms commonly owned by citizens that they'd bring to militia duty with. Also, I wasn't referring just to warfare, but the question of whether there is a need for people to still own arms in modern societies. My point was the existence of modern liberal democracies does not mean that people no longer need guns. Liberal democracies still have violent criminals and are fragile systems in which law and order can break down during certain natural disasters, economic disasters if severe enough, or where even the government could collapse in extreme cases.

Gun ownership isn't going to stop a tyrannical government. Instead, education is the real protection from such things.

Education is what keeps a liberal democracy a liberal democracy, but if the liberal democracy fails and a tyrannical government forms, then education isn't going to mean anything at that point. That is where firearms ownership comes in. And I believe firearms ownership could very much stop a tyrannical government. Look at the fighting occurring in Syria. Those people never had a right to bear arms and were going up against tanks, artillery shellings, attack helicopters, and all the works, but still are fighting there. In America, this is assuming said tyrannical government would be able to maintain complete control of the existing military, which probably would not be the case. A lot of military would probably either defect or aid the resistance movement (or individual states might break off while retaining their own National Guard units). And yeah I know all that is a highly-improbably scenario, but highly improbable doesn't mean impossible.

What did arms mean then compared to now? In a basic nutshell, you are comparing apples to oranges.

Arms then as the Founders intended meant the weapons commonly owned by citizens that would be used to form up a militia.

We are a nuclear power with a gigantic military. We have weak neighbors and we are flanked by fish. The whole argument that we need these guns in the domestic area in case we get invaded is simply risible.

Where did I ever say we needed guns for fear of invasion?

Ideas are more dangerous to tyrannical governments then guns. Your not going to win any kind of rebellion unless the majority is on your side. Unless of course, the international community steps into help.

Guns are not the be-all, end-all, but they are a very helpful tool to have. That's like saying the Internet isn't useful to a rebellion as its the ideas that count. Sure, but access to the Internet can allow the ideas to be spread a lot more thoroughly.

The word "arms" as expressed in the constitution did mean arms of the day. The question for us to resolve is how should we interpret that today in light of new technologies and the realities of our time? For the most part, this is a job for the supreme court. But the legislator could clarify it.

The problem with that interpretation is that then one could say the First Amendment only meant the communications mediums of that time as well. If the Founders had meant the arms of the day, I think they would have explicitly written muskets, not arms. Arms is a general term as advancements in weapons can occur as years go by.
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  • #66
russ_watters said:
That's a very difficult question. The answer can include some facts and logic, but also includes a significant component of opinion. Much is made of the fact that the US has a higher gun murder rate than most other western countries. Seems to indicate a problem. Trouble is, we also have a much higher car accident death rate. Is that also a symptom of a problem? To really answer that question, we have to investigate why and what we get out of it (ie, more miles driven = more deaths).

To expand on those points, Japan has a significantly lower gun violence rate than the European countries, even though all have restrictive gun laws. And most of the gun violence in the U.S. occurs in the inner cities between gangs. If we could stop the gang violence in the major cities, it would reduce America's gun violence rate by an astronomical amount. The causes of the gang violence is a wholly separate issue though.
  • #67
CAC1001 said:
To expand on those points, Japan has a significantly lower gun violence rate than the European countries, even though all have restrictive gun laws. And most of the gun violence in the U.S. occurs in the inner cities between gangs. If we could stop the gang violence in the major cities, it would reduce America's gun violence rate by an astronomical amount. The causes of the gang violence is a wholly separate issue though.

It's very tough to make an apples-to-apples comparison between countries on an issue like this because culture plays a *huge* role in how individuals react. You use Japan as an example, but they have a tremendous social pressure to conform and not be a "squeaky wheel". Makes it hard to compare them to the US on social issues, since Americans value individualism so strongly.

I agree with your point about gangs. Damn vermin, they are. But we have only to look as far as our screwed up drug laws to see the root of that problem.
  • #68
CAC1001 said:
And yeah I know all that is a highly-improbably scenario, but highly improbable doesn't mean impossible.
So then we should think about the Now implications of having a gun policy that is based partly/largely on a highly improbable possibility. Is it worth it?
Arms then as the Founders intended meant the weapons commonly owned by citizens that would be used to form up a militia.

Where did I ever say we needed guns for fear of invasion?
That was one of the purposes of the militia.
  • #69
I've only skimmed through this thread, and for that, I apologise. But I was moved to post after having digested the news of the Wisconsin Sikh Temple massacre by that Nazi crazy. An incident like that simply would not have happened if civilians were barred from owning and carrying guns (and the law was strictly enforced).

I can already foresee some of the counter-arguments the pro-gun faction might make. Like, for example, that instead of curtailing gun ownership, gun ownership and marksmanship training should be made universal (this argument has actually been used before in the aftermath of other shooting tragedies). The problem with this line of thinking is that most people would be understandably reluctant to carry firearms in a sacrosanct place of worship, and even more reluctant to actually use them. So what's the alternative? Guards and metal detectors at the entrances of places of worship? Not only might this offend religious sensibilities, it is a very oppressive measure indeed. *That* would be like building a police state, which is ironically the very thing that liberal gun ownership laws are ostensibly in place to protect against. There is almost no one who doesn't find modern air travel security to be a royal PITA. Do you really want to see that sort of system proliferate throughout every arena of your daily lives?

The fact remains that, unless guns are kept out of the hands of *all* civilians who don't have an official need to arm themselves, this sort of tragedy is going to recur again and again. Background checks are pretty useless, and there is no way to accurately assess a person's current intent, let alone predict his future state of mind. Excluding people with a history of mental illness is not going to do much either - the man who shot those innocent Sikhs was likely not "crazy", just an evil psychopath who knew exactly what he was doing. He was evil, just like Anders Behring Breivik is evil.

Let's take the second amendment arguments. I think they're old hat, frankly. Do you think there's really a need for a "well-regulated militia" to ensure the security and freedom of the State? What does that say about your opinion of how shaky the foundations of US democracy and liberty are? If you truly believe it's necessary for every citizen to go around armed (or at least own one firearm at a minimum) in order to preserve the sanctity of the State, then there's something very wrong with your opinion of how stable your country is.

OK, let's, for the sake of argument, play devil's advocate here, and take that guff about the necessity of gun ownership to defend your freedoms from the hideous State apparatus at face value. So what's the sticking point at which you'd personally be prepared to mount an armed defence? A tax increase? Increased video surveillance? Phone taps or internet-traffic surveillance enforced nationwide? A lot of these things have been introduced in one form or another in recent history, yet there's no massive armed revolution in the offing.

How about if the police or Feds come to arrest you on a charge you know yourself to be completely innocent of? Would you defend yourself with your trusty gun? There's a chance they could be fabricating those charges (just the sort of thing a corrupt State might resort to) and once they get you away from your guns, they could potentially detain you in lockup indefinitely, and basically do whatever the heck they wanted with you. Would these thoughts be running through your mind, and would you, as a law-abiding, gun-owning, second-amendment-supporting citizen, take pre-emptive action against the *potentially* corrupt State official at your doorstep demanding you surrender your immediate freedom to his custody? Well, I should hope not - if you're sane. You're probably thinking it's an honest mistake, which can be cleared up with the help of legal counsel and the due process that's your guaranteed right in America. But *why*, exactly are you thinking this instead of assuming the paranoid worst-case scenario? The answer is simple: because, deep down, you're convinced the system still functions as it should. That social justice still prevails. And this deeply-held conviction makes your strident belief in the need to own guns for reasons stated in the Second Amendment all the more incongruous.

Let's take it up a notch. What if your government decided, through duly enacted process of law, to make all personal firearms illegal and started requiring you to surrender your weapons to the nearest police station? Would this be seen as a gross violation of your personal freedom? Would you resist it passively by simply ignoring the new law and holding onto your gun(s) (knowing that eventually, agents of the State will come for your firearms, and you, for having broken the law)? Or would you put up an active armed resistance, seeing it as the beginning of the end of "true freedom" in your country?

The point I'm trying to make is that there's no clear-cut line in the sand that most people (let alone everyone) can agree upon as the threshold beyond which personal freedoms have to be defended from the State using firearms. The collapse of your civil liberties is not going to happen abruptly like a "Red Dawn" scenario (I'm referencing the Patrick Swayze movie here) where a militia becomes the last beacon of hope and the last bastion of the American way. If it happens, it's more likely to happen slowly and gradually, and indeed many feel it IS already happening with the insidious erosion of your civil liberties since 9-11 and the passing of the Patriot Act. Like the well-worn cliche of the frog in water brought to a slow boil, you won't feel the heat till its too late. Since no one is likely to be defending their own Constitutional freedoms using their guns, why bother with them?

What about those who want to keep guns for hunting or target practice? There are ways to achieve this without the need for guns to be stored at home. There could be gun clubs with well-protected armouries to hold the guns and ammo. Members of these clubs could book these guns out, use them within a defined area (which might include designated hunting grounds away from populated areas), then return them to the armoury after they're done. No guns or ammo can be brought outside the limits of the club. RFID tags and metal detectors can be used to enforce this. No matter which way you cut it, there's really no *need* as such to have guns at home, where children can get at them with disastrous results.

My last point is this: if stalwart gun rights advocates still insist on the need to hold onto their guns, why stop there? Why not allow grenades or rocket launchers at home? Why not personal weapons of mass destruction - like that clever reference in a Futurama episode to "mutated Anthrax for duck-hunting"? Where should the line be drawn, and more importantly, who are you to decide the line is drawn at firearms, but no further?

For these reasons (and others I won't be getting into), I think it's high time that liberal gun ownership is scrapped in the USA. Other countries are getting on fine despite strict gun control laws, and I don't see the US as being any safer. Quite the reverse, actually.

(I'm not going to enter into a debate about using guns for defending one's home, property or person because, if gun control is properly (even harshly) enforced, then even criminals won't be able to get hold of them, so there shouldn't be a need to use firearms for personal defence to counter this threat. Admittedly, doing this is going to be a very messy task in the US, where guns are pretty rampant, but it has been done successfully in other countries. My own country has the automatic death penalty for crimes committed with a firearm. Draconian? Sure, but coupled with strict border controls, it does the job.)
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  • #70
Curious3141 said:
An incident like that simply would not have happened if civilians were barred from owning and carrying guns (and the law was strictly enforced).
And knives. And a list of other objects too long to fit in this post.

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