What Makes Rock the Suggestion Box the Coolest Place to Vent?

In summary, Rock the Suggestion Box is a place for people to share their ideas and rants. It is not a place for questions.
  • #36
Gokul43201 said:
Jason, here's your Coo...wait, I need to see some ID first. I'll have to decide what the age limit is here. Let's say 18 and up, wot ? Others may taste any of our fabulous non-alcoholic beverages : we've got Cranberry, Orange, Lime, Tomato, Pineapple, Coconut Juice, Lemonade, Pepsi, 7 Up and SunDrop.

Danke shoen, Polyb ! :approve:

<now playing : Kiss, Crazy Nights >

You're carding for Coors? I'm sure that counts as a softdrink. But when that's what they ask for, it's always a tip-off they're underage, isn't it? :biggrin:
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #37
<chucking broccoli into blender with a pint of Irish Red and a couple jalapenos>

Ivan, your beer's coming right up. :approve:
  • #38
I dropped my balloon and it floated away before I could dip it. Can I have another one?
I wouldn't have dropped it, but did you know you can't move your fingers if you accidently dip them? Do you have any tape? I need to tape my pinkie back on before it melts or it won't stick.
  • #39

Nitrogen is a liquid at 77 K (-196°C / -320°F ) at 1 atm pressure.

n-butane is liquid at 272.4 K (-0.6 °C / 31°F) at 1 atm pressure.

I agree with Moonbear, stay away from things flammable. :wink:

I would also recommend staying away from things very cold. :biggrin:

But since this is a suggestion box - http://www.physik.uni-augsburg.de/~ubws/nitrogen.html

Adult supervision required. :biggrin:
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  • #40
tribdog said:
I dropped my balloon and it floated away before I could dip it. Can I have another one?
I wouldn't have dropped it, but did you know you can't move your fingers if you accidently dip them? Do you have any tape? I need to tape my pinkie back on before it melts or it won't stick.

*hands tribdog duct tape* There, that should work on the finger. Gokul, do you have his whiskey ready? I think he'll be ready for the first shot as soon as the finger thaws.

What color balloon would you like? I anticipated you might have trouble and got a whole bag of them.
  • #41
I saw them put an eraser in Nitrogen on TV, then they took it out and set it down and it exploded a little while later. Think the Butane would freeze the eraser quickly enough?
I once worked in a par-bake bread factory. we froze the loaves of bread with nitrogen. I had read that you can make really really good ice cream with nitrogen, so I brought all the ingredients to work, but they caught me and wouldn't let me make my ice cream. Apparently I almost made them lose their "kosher" status.
  • #42
Nice going Polyb ! Here's anither Guinness for ye !

Astro, you thirsty ?

Tribdog, throw that pinkie away. What d'ya need it for anyway ? Your not British, remember. Just stick that stub in this here pail of LN2 and it'll be just fine.

We make LN2 icecream for our Physics Summer parties. They taste terrible

<now playing : Eric Clapton, Let it Grow >
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  • #43
oo, is uff astes errible.
  • #44
Glenmorangie - single malt whisky.

Guinness Stout!

BTW - GS goes well with pecan pie, but the pie has to be made with Karo syrup. It's something that some Brits came up with.
  • #45
tribdog said:
oo, is uff astes errible.

Gokul! Quick! Bring the whole bottle of whiskey! Hurry! We have to pour it in his mouth before his lips fall off! Trib, don't try to talk, stay still, wait until we thaw you out or you'll break your lips clean off!
  • #46
*tribdog stands still, twiddling his thumb and whistleing"
pppppppp pppppppp pp
  • #47
Astronuc said:
Glenmorangie - single malt whisky.

Guinness Stout!

BTW - GS goes well with pecan pie, but the pie has to be made with Karo syrup. It's something that some Brits came up with.

That's the only way I know how to make pecan pie...the recipe off the Karo syrup bottle. Okay, I'll get the pies ready. It won't take long, Gokul's got some really nifty, hi-tech stuff in the Suggestion Box kitchen.
  • #48
One Glenmorangie here...no water...no ice. That good, Astro ?

<now playing : Dire Straits, Brothers in Arms >

Here Tribdog, have another beer ! :-p
  • #49
That'll do, mate. :wink:
  • #50
I've got stuff to take care of...will someone cover for me please !

All the booze is on this side and the cryogens, fuels and hazardous waste are all over there, near Tribdog.
  • #51
Gokul43201 said:
I've got stuff to take care of...will someone cover for me please !

All the booze is on this side and the cryogens, fuels and hazardous waste are all over there, near Tribdog.

Where'd polyb go? I thought he was helping. I'd help out, but I'm still thawing tribdog's lips over here. :biggrin:
  • #52
Since tribdog had his unfortunate accident, me figured that whiskey was in order! Got ten whole cases! The good stuff too!:biggrin:


anuther song lads and lassies!:biggrin:
"As I was a-goin' over Gilgarra Mountain
I spied Colonel Farrell, and his money he was countin'.
First I drew my pistols and then I drew my rapier,
Sayin' "Stand and deliver, for I am your bold receiver."
Musha ringum duram da,
Whack fol the daddy-o,
There's whiskey in the jar.

He counted out his money and it made a pretty penny;
I put it in my pocket to take home to darlin' Jenny.
She sighed and swore she loved me and never would deceive me,
Bu the devil take the women, for they always lie so easy!
Musha rungum duram da

I went into me chamber all for to take a slumber,
To dream of gold and girls, and of course it was no wonder:
Me Jenny took me charges and she filled them up with water,
Called on Colonel Farrell to get ready for the slaughter.
Musha rungum duram da

Next mornin' early, before I rose for travel,
A-came a band of footmen and likewise Colonel Farrell.
I goes to draw my pistol, for she'd stole away my rapier,
But a prisoner I was taken, I couldn't shoot the water.
Musha rungum duram da

They put me into jail with a judge all a-writin':
For robbin' Colonel Farrell on Gilgarra Mountain.
But they didn't take me fists and I knocked the jailer down
And bid a farewell to this tight-fisted town.
Musha ringum duram da

I'd like to find me brother, the one who's in the army;
I don't know where he's stationed, be it Cork or in Killarney.
Together we'd go roamin' o'er the mountains of Kilkenny,
And I swear he'd treat me fairer than my darlin' sportin' Jenny!
Musha ringum duram da

There's some takes delight in the carriages and rollin',
Some takes delight in the hurley or the bollin',
But I takes delight in the juice of the barley,
Courtin' pretty maids in the mornin', o so early!
Musha ringum duram da"

:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
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  • #53
My lips feel much better now. give me a kiss.
Since polyb's gone can I sing a song?
Does the band know "House of the Rising Sun"?

there is a place in PF2:
Gokul's Suggestion Box
Come one, come all and have a drink
No Coors for JasonRox

Ivan hates the public.
Evo hates her boss.
Moonbear, she hates replacing
the things that tribdog's lost.

We'll make a pie for Astronuc
While I sing this song.
Boulder, Franz and matt will dance
I hope they don't for long.
  • #54
Has anyone seen my guitar pick? I can't go on without my pick.
wow, these chips are terrible.
  • #55
tribdog said:
Has anyone seen my guitar pick? I can't go on without my pick.
wow, these chips are terrible.

Oh dear, I shouldn't have tried making nachos after a cosmo and two hurricanes. *wipes cheese off one of the picks* Here's your pick. :biggrin:

I guess I better go warn the band they're using tortilla chips to play...it might explain why they're sounding out of tune and swearing a lot. *cringes*

Don't worry, I'm pretty sure I put pecans in the pecan pie.
  • #56
I think this may be one of the fastest growing threads to date.

Also, I don't deal with the public. :wink:
  • #57
Ivan Seeking said:
I think this may be one of the fastest growing threads to date.

Also, I don't deal with the public. :wink:

Maybe we should do a costume party so you can blend in and enjoy hanging out among the humans.
  • #58
Humans? God no. I work with engineers!

edit: better add these quickly! :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
  • #59
Ivan Seeking said:
Humans? God no. I work with engineers!

They're human? :confused:

  • #60
where's the fire extinguisher? nevermind, no time. what comes after stop, drop and...?
  • #61
Actually, for the record, just so that I don't insult the engineers any more here, my problem is really with business owners, the number 2 man in a small company, and corporate support engineers. The owner is after you pocket; obviously. Number two man always seems to have ego problems. Corporate support engineers can be great or dreadful. It varies greatly. Suffice it to say that a good percentage of the companies selling stuff for automation don't know how their own product works, or even how it is supposed to work. Nor do they have the critical information needed in order to figure it out. So, many will lie when pressed for information that they don't have. This is especially true of the smaller companies.

Edit: then there's engineering managers but never mind.
  • #62
tribdog said:
where's the fire extinguisher? nevermind, no time. what comes after stop, drop and...?

*sprays tribdog with the sink sprayer* Didn't we tell you no butane? Stick with the nitrogen. That way you only hurt yourself and don't risk burning the alcohol in here. We'll be really mad if you waste good alcohol!
  • #63
Ivan Seeking said:
Actually, for the record, just so that I don't insult the engineers any more here, my problem is really with business owners, the number 2 man in a small company, and corporate support engineers. The owner is after you pocket; obviously. Number two man always seems to have ego problems. Corporate support engineers can be great or dreadful. It varies greatly. Suffice it to say that a good percentage of the companies selling stuff for automation don't know how their own product works, or even how it is supposed to work. Nor do they have the critical information needed in order to figure it out. So, many will lie when pressed for information that they don't have. This is especially true of the smaller companies.

Edit: then there's engineering managers but never mind.

It's okay, I'm sure even the engineers here understand. There's the guy who designs stuff and knows what he's doing, and the one who has seniority and spends most of the day with his head up his butt and claims the credit for everything.
  • #64
How do I get my head out of my butt?
woo, thanks. It's hot in there.
  • #65
*with almost empty old comber bottle in hand, takes drink*

theese wunes fur seester Evo

"Oh the summertime is coming
And the trees are sweetly blooming
And the wild mountain thyme
Grows around the blooming heather
Will ye go, Lassie go?
And we'll all go together
To pluck wild mountain thyme
All around the blooming heather
Will ye go, Lassie go?

I will build my love a tower
Near yon' pure crystal fountain
And on it I will build
All the flowers of the mountain
Will ye go, Lassie go?

If my true love she were gone
I would surely find another
Where wild mountain thyme
Grows around the blooming heather
Will ye go, Lassie go?"


*drops to floor, curls up in fetal position mumbling incoherently about lucky charms and lost lassies*
  • #66
what's that lassie?
polyb fell down?
lead me to him.
  • #67
I'm wondering how much alcohol is there in the beer in the USA?

Common stuff like Budweiser or what not.

I hear it's low like 2%.
  • #68
no, well, the beer in Utah is 3.2% but that doesn't count. What's the beer everywhere else? 6% for the most part?
  • #69
Some things that really piss me off are people who just can't seem to understand when driving you need to pull your head out of your butt and PAY ATTENTION!. I mean if you are on a one way or any other multilane road please don't ride next to the other guy in the other lane when you bolth are moving 20 under the speed limit. Get over and let the 83 Chevy Surban that moonlights as a tank by, I mean I could crush that fiberglass pop can of a Hundi Civic that you drive and only mess up my front plate. Also thoes turn signals are there for a reason don't just think to use them as you are going into the turn or half way throught it. I mean really where did you people get your drivers license, as a prise in the bottom of a Cracker Jacks box.

Another thing is I toatly agree about customers and them seeming to be off in there own little fancy world. I mean really do these people always have to be such jerks and a-holes. While I'm on the subject of jobs, My current job is literaly babysitting a bunch of automated manufracting machines, I take the plans from the customer, make a CAD program so the machines can make the part, then I sit and watch the machines work, then cheek the finshed part and make shrue it is what it needs to be. God this was not what I went to four years of collage for to get my Mechinal Engineering degree. I went so I could get a job in a R&D deparemnet of in the automotive indrusty, darn economy.

Well now that I'm done ranting, could I get some good Irsh whiskey, or as the rest of the world would call it chemotherapy :smile:
  • #70
JasonRox said:
I'm wondering how much alcohol is there in the beer in the USA?

Common stuff like Budweiser or what not.

I hear it's low like 2%.

That's not beer, it's colored water! My philosophy on Bud is save it the trip and pour it straight into the toilet. Besides, that cheap beer always gives me a headache.