What Makes Rock the Suggestion Box the Coolest Place to Vent?

In summary, Rock the Suggestion Box is a place for people to share their ideas and rants. It is not a place for questions.
  • #71
what do light beer and making love in a canoe have in common?
They're both f-ing close to water.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #72
Argentum Vulpes said:
Some things that really piss me off are people who just can't seem to understand when driving you need to pull your head out of your butt and PAY ATTENTION!. I mean if you are on a one way or any other multilane road please don't ride next to the other guy in the other lane when you bolth are moving 20 under the speed limit. Get over and let the 83 Chevy Surban that moonlights as a tank by, I mean I could crush that fiberglass pop can of a Hundi Civic that you drive and only mess up my front plate. Also thoes turn signals are there for a reason don't just think to use them as you are going into the turn or half way throught it. I mean really where did you people get your drivers license, as a prise in the bottom of a Cracker Jacks box.

Oh, I see you've been driving the same roads I've been on. I beeped my horn at one schmoe driving 10 under the limit in the left lane (there was someone else going 10 under the limit in the right lane, so changing lanes wasn't an option). She beeped back! So I finally managed to cut around both slowpokes and gave her the finger. o:)
  • #73
Moonbear said:
Oh, I see you've been driving the same roads I've been on. I beeped my horn at one schmoe driving 10 under the limit in the left lane (there was someone else going 10 under the limit in the right lane, so changing lanes wasn't an option). She beeped back! So I finally managed to cut around both slowpokes and gave her the finger. o:)

Woulden't it be nice to be able to just plow them out of the way and not have to get a ticket or having a hit on your insurance. :devil:
  • #74
Gokul43201 said:
Polyb, your Guinness is waiting for you.

Tribdog, Corona work for you ? And that's a vent valve :eek:, leave it alone !

Evo, 2 dirty martinis coming up. Should I go easy on the Vermouth ?

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  • #75
Argentum Vulpes said:
Some things that realy piss me off are people who just can't seem to understand when driving you need to pull your head out of your butt and PAY ATTENTION!. I mean if you are on a one way or any other multilane road please don't ride next to the other guy in the other lane when you bolth are moving 20 under the speed limit. Get over and let the 83 Chevy Surban that moonlights as a tank by, I mean I could crush that fiberglass pop can of a Hundi Civic that you drive and only mess up my front plate. Also thoes turn signals are there for a reason don't just think to use them as you are going into the turn or half way throught it. I mean really where did you people get your drivers license, as a prise in the bottom of a Cracker Jacks box.

Another thing is I toatly agree about customers and them seeming to be off in there own little fancy world. I mean realy do these people always have to be such jerks and a-holes. While I'm on the subject of jobs, My current job is literaly babysitting a bunch of automated manufracting machines, I take the plans from the customer, make a CAD program so the machines can make the part, then I sit and watch the machines work, then cheek the finshed part and make shrue it is what it needs to be. God this was not what I went to four years of collage for to get my Mechinal Engineering degree. I went so I could get a job in a R&D deparemnet of in the automotive indrusty, darn economy.

Well now that I'm done ranting, could I get some good Irsh whiskey, or as the rest of the world would call it chemotherapy :smile:
yeah, the economy. That's why you didn't get that job.
everyone makes mistakes, but c'mon. there is even a spellcheck button on the reply screen.
  • #76
tribdog said:
yeah, the economy. That's why you didn't get that job.
everyone makes mistakes, but c'mon. there is even a spellcheck button on the reply screen.

Hey, give the guy a break. He's just had to drive home behind some nitwit who can't find the gas pedal and needs to rant about it. There wasn't any time for spell-check!
  • #77
This thread has my email ringing like a telephone. :biggrin:

I think this is a record thread already.
  • #78
Argentum Vulpes said:
Woulden't it be nice to be able to just plow them out of the way and not have to get a ticket or having a hit on your insurance. :devil:

I just keep thinking that if I was a billionaire and could afford the tickets, bail and high insurance, I'd put one of those cattle guards on the front like trains have. :biggrin: :devil:
  • #79
I'm sorry, I'm just grouchy. I can't find my kidney.
  • #80
so let's add some more just to make it interesting...and so that I can be annoying.
  • #81
Ivan Seeking said:
This thread has my email ringing like a telephone. :biggrin:

I think this is a record thread already.
the most amazing part is that the posts have been of such high quality. Each and every one of them and I..what the heck?
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  • #82
Ivan Seeking said:
This thread has my email ringing like a telephone. :biggrin:

I think this is a record thread already.

Do you email yourself all the threads? My inbox would be full in no time if I did that around here.

Ooh, that's something else I can rant about. :biggrin: The insanely SMALL attachment limit on my university email account, and that every nitwit secretary has to send out every seminar announcement as a huge, attached PDF file including pictures rather than just sending a few lines of text with the title, location and time. I signed up for a Yahoo account just so I can send and receive large attachments (you know, like figures for manuscripts that my co-authors need to see).

Okay, better pour me another hurricane now that I'm back to ranting.
  • #83
tribdog said:
...That's why you didn't get that job.
everyone makes mistakes, but c'mon. there is even a spellcheck button on the reply screen.

But then I'd have to spend about ten seconds waiting for the program to load that extension, and it would cut down on my slacking time. I mean really how could you ask a person to waste those precious seconds, the total and utter inhumanity. :-p And just for the record I know I'm a bad speller so I do use spell check regulary.
  • #84
Argentum Vulpes said:
But then I'd have to spend about ten seconds waiting for the program to load that extension, and it would cut down on my slacking time. I mean really how could you ask a person to waste those precious seconds, the total and utter inhumanity. :-p And just for the record I know I'm a bad speller so I do use spell check regulary.
Irony at its best! Thank you. I make spelling mistakes all the time so don't take me seriously.
  • #85
tribdog said:
I'm sorry, I'm just grouchy. I can't find my kidney.

How did you manage to drop that into the nitrogen?! :eek:

Oh, hey, wait! Polyb, don't touch the kidney pie! I might have gotten the wrong kidney. *hic*
  • #86
tribdog said:

I guess you'll be limited to typing just 8 characters for a while then. Just until you shed that layer of skin from your fingertips. I thought the vaseline on the keyboard might help prevent it from sticking again. Oh well. I'll get a straw for your whiskey.
  • #87
Hey everyone. I almost screwed up. Good thing I read the back of these bottles. I almost used this stuff is this bottle, then I read that it is flammable. good thing I used this other stuff instead, it is inflammable. This should be cool, 5 more seconds.
  • #88
tribdog said:
Hey everyone. I almost screwed up. Good thing I read the back of these bottles. I almost used this stuff is this bottle, then I read that it is flammable. good thing I used this other stuff instead, it is inflammable. This should be cool, 5 more seconds.

Good thing my habit is made of asbestos! *puts on sunglasses* :cool:
  • #89
WOW! Nothing smells quite like burnt eyebrows!
Can you still see me? Did it work or not?
  • #90
tribdog said:
WOW! Nothing smells quite like burnt eyebrows!
Can you still see me? Did it work or not?

*cough* *cough* *sputter* *cough* I can't see anything through all the dust and smoke. Oh, wait... *hhhhh squeak squeak* It was just dirty glasses. :redface:

:smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: *hands tribdog the black electrical tape* :smile: You might want :smile: to :smile: cut some of this :smile: :smile: in the shape of eyebrows. :smile:
  • #91
You can still see me? DAMN. that invisibility recipe I got on EBAY must have been a phony.
  • #92
tribdog said:
You can still see me? DAMN. that invisibility recipe I got on EBAY must have been a phony.

Probably sold "As Is" huh? Next time, just spend the extra money and get the invisibility cloak.
  • #93
tribdog said:
Irony at its best! Thank you. I make spelling mistakes all the time so don't take me seriously.

I'd hope that you would like it. And really np I've seen enough of your posts to realize when you are being serious and not.

Moonbear said:
Oh, hey, wait! Polyb, don't touch the kidney pie! I might have gotten the wrong kidney. *hic*

So now where are thus fava beans and a nice Chianti, oh wait never mind that goes with liver, oh well
  • #94
That's the best dern pickle I evah heaoid!
wow, it is the eyebrows.
  • #95
Argentum Vulpes said:
So now where are thus fava beans and a nice Chianti, oh wait never mind that goes with liver, oh well

Oh, that's okay, we can improvise. I think I saw some fava beans next to the pickled onions. We'll have to wait for Gokul or polyb to come back and tell us if there's any chianti, otherwise we'll have to settle for the Guinness on tap.
  • #96
damn, I tried to cut and paste that last comment onto here, but it didn't work.
Moonbear, do we have any more bandaids?
  • #97
tribdog said:
damn, I tried to cut and paste that last comment onto here, but it didn't work.
Moonbear, do we have any more bandaids?

I think we ran out of bandaids a while ago. There's still a lot of duct tape. You'll have to settle for that. Or, we can just use freeze-cautery to stop the bleeding. Did you blow up the nitrogen tank in that last explosion, or do we still have some of that?
  • #98
Oh, the canister of nitrogen is still full. Wherever it landed, it landed full.
hmm. what's this?
...may cause intestinal bleeding...blindness...night sweats...horrible, horrible death...
may? cause.
may not? cause?
Doesn't look so tough.
  • #99
Well if Trib didn't waste all of the superglue there is always the Nam fix, also if we needed LN2 several years ago we could of stolen it from the physics building at my collage, the door combo was the first 5 digits of the atomic weight of N2. Sadly they changed it my junior year :cry: all of that fun with LN2 gone.
  • #100
Argentum Vulpes said:
Well if Trib didn't waste all of the superglue there is always the Nam fix, also if we needed LN2 several years ago we could of stolen it from the physics building at my collage, the door combo was the first 5 digits of the atomic weight of N2. Sadly they changed it my junior year :cry: all of that fun with LN2 gone.

Now they basically sell superglue as an alternative to stitches, but give it a different name, which allows them to sell it at 10 times the price.

Okay, I'm going for either the 100th post or 100th reply (depending if someone beats me to it here), and then I think it's time to call it a night.
  • #101
good Idea, good night hun. sleep well. I'm just going to try to get this battery charger hooked up to these belt sanders, then I'll be joining you.
  • #102
tribdog said:
good Idea, good night hun. sleep well. I'm just going to try to get this battery charger hooked up to these belt sanders, then I'll be joining you.

That's alright. I'm already working on the oatmeal raisin cookies for Enigma. Now that he's all respectable looking...well, when you're done playing with those batteries and belt sanders, could you take the whole thing over to the hot tub? I've got a nice insurance policy on you, but remember, you have to make it an accident. :biggrin:
  • #103
tribdog said:
... I'm just going to try to get this battery charger hooked up to these belt sanders, then I'll be joining you.

This sounds like the kind of thing that will get people hurt so to avoid injury I'm going to call it a night and leave this party (ducks to avoid a flying belt sander).
  • #104
Moonbear said:
Oh, that's okay, we can improvise. I think I saw some fava beans next to the pickled onions. We'll have to wait for Gokul or polyb to come back and tell us if there's any chianti, otherwise we'll have to settle for the Guinness on tap.
There's a couple bottles of Classico Riserva. Will that do ? How many glasses ?

There's also this great bottle of Bushmill's Irish Whiskey, but we'll save that for later.

Franz...you've been drinking all weekend...today should be your day off !
  • #105
oh my god. you animal.