What Makes the Tiki Bar the Favorite Lounge for Members?

  • Thread starter SOS2008
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In summary: Ummm, I love chicken enchiladas. When do you think it'll be ready? :tongue2:About an hour, come on over. Bring drinks. :tongue2:The Entertainment has a pretty good rack.Welcome to one of the favorite PF lounges--the Tiki Bar (moved from Philosophy to the new location in General Discussion). At the Tiki Bar members can enjoy exotic drinks and great entertainment. The Tiki Bar also offers fine dining or simply relax on the veranda and enjoy the view. Of course the favorite activity of all at the Tiki Bar is the comment box. We like to hear what members are thinking, so
  • #1
Gold Member
Welcome to one of the favorite PF lounges--the Tiki Bar (moved from Philosophy to the new location in General Discussion).

At the Tiki Bar members can enjoy exotic drinks


and great entertainment.

The Tiki Bar also offers fine dining

or simply relax on the veranda and enjoy the view.

Of course the favorite activity of all at the Tiki Bar is the comment box. We like to hear what members are thinking, so please share your thoughts with us.
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  • #2
I try to avoid thoughts when I'm in a bar, but if any come up I'll be sure to let you know.
  • #3
Hey, great place SOS! (always good to know the owner) :approve:

I have to clean my oven right now. I want to bake some chicken enchiladas tonight. I forgot I had something in there that I had planned to put in the fridge. Never made it to the fridge. Don't use my oven that often. Now my oven smells.

Just thought I'd share and get the conversation going. :biggrin:
  • #4
Danger said:
I try to avoid thoughts when I'm in a bar, but if any come up I'll be sure to let you know.
Well come on in Danger, and let me buy you a drink (feisty little bugger). :-p

Comment Box: Has anyone been watching the Greatest American promo by Discovery and AOL? I was looking at the 100 nominations, and was shocked at some of the people on this list:


Is it just me, or are some of these nominations ridiculous?!
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  • #5
Evo said:
...I want to bake some chicken enchiladas tonight.
Ummm, I love chicken enchiladas. When do you think it'll be ready? :-p
  • #6
Greatest American…What did you expect? Today’s top story is about the Michael Jackson verdict. Buried under that is the story: “More than a million Americans living with HIV”
  • #7
I think the Tiki Bar also needs a pool table.
  • #8
SOS2008 said:
Ummm, I love chicken enchiladas. When do you think it'll be ready? :-p
About an hour, come on over. Bring drinks. :-p
  • #9
SOS2008 said:
Comment Box: Has anyone been watching the Greatest American promo by Discovery and AOL? I was looking at the 100 nominations, and was shocked at some of the people on this list:


Is it just me, or are some of these nominations ridiculous?!
I think they confused "greatest American" with "name an American". Every day my belief that the majority of people in this country are dumber than dirt is sadly confirmed. :frown:
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  • #10
TheStatutoryApe said:
I think the Tiki Bar also needs a pool table.
The entertainment has a pretty good rack. :smile: Good suggestion -- We'll get some tables in here, but then it would only be fair to have darts too. :smile: But it'll have to wait 'till I get back from Evo's (the usual green apple martini, or our new rum concoction?)
  • #11
SOS2008 said:
The entertainment has a pretty good rack. :smile:
I'm not touching this one.
  • #12
SOS2008 said:
Comment Box: Has anyone been watching the Greatest American promo
Thanks for the drink, honey. I must admit that at first I thought your post said "the Greatest American porno". The link turned out to be a little disappointing. (And of course it's ridiculous.)

TheStatutoryApe said:
I think the Tiki Bar also needs a pool table.
Yeah! :-p

Evo said:
Every day my belief that the majority of people in this country are dumber than dirt is sadly confirmed. :frown:
Welcome to the rest of the world. :-p

Evo said:
I'm not touching this one.
I will, as long as I don't get slapped.
  • #13
Danger said:
Thanks for the drink, honey. I must admit that at first I thought your post said "the Greatest American porno".

I'm just glad to hear other members think some of the people on the list are ridiculous. It was on the Discovery Channel, so I looked it up online. In the meantime, the list has been narrowed. Nothing against Elvis and Oprah, but they are included in the innovation category -- I might accept these folks in an entertainment category, but not in the same category as Thomas Edison, etc. Okay, end of rant.

About the rack joke...I wore reindeer antlers last Christmas, and got quite a few jokes (that was one).
  • #14
SOS2008 said:
Comment Box: Has anyone been watching the Greatest American promo by Discovery and AOL? I was looking at the 100 nominations, and was shocked at some of the people on this list:
Matt Lauer was talking about this on The Daily Show last Thursday and said that Elvis was currently in the top 5.
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  • #15
Yeah I agree the entertainment does have a nice rack! *Looks down, at balls and cue stick* :smile:
  • #16
Wow, great idea moving the Tiki Bar over here! That walk over to Philosophy and back was getting tiring. I'll try that new rum drink. :approve:

I've always wondered why people put dartboards in bars. I do enjoy playing darts, but somehow, pointy, sharp projectiles in the hands of drunk people just doesn't seem like such a good idea. :confused: I think I'll stick with pool. Danger can laugh at my ineptitude at pool.
  • #17
Rabid said:
Matt Lauer was on the Daily Show last Thursday and said that Elvis was currently in the top 5.

I noticed that they are promoting this on AOL.
Well I guess if George W. Bush can be included with Lincoln, JFK, Washington, etc. AARGH! , why not?! (Oh, I'll try to get a grip -- bartender...another drink!)
  • #18
Moonbear said:
Wow, great idea moving the Tiki Bar over here! That walk over to Philosophy and back was getting tiring. I'll try that new rum drink. :approve:
It's made with coconut rum (I'll PM the rest of the recipe if you likey.)

Moonbear said:
I've always wondered why people put dartboards in bars. I do enjoy playing darts, but somehow, pointy, sharp projectiles in the hands of drunk people just doesn't seem like such a good idea. :confused: I think I'll stick with pool. Danger can laugh at my ineptitude at pool.
:smile: Just watch your back...
  • #19
SOS2008 said:
:smile: Just watch your back...
It might be better for her to watch her front. If somebody punctures one of those babies, the explosion could level the room.
  • #20
Danger said:
It might be better for her to watch her front. If somebody punctures one of those babies, the explosion could level the room.
I will watch her front for her! For safety reasons, of course :biggrin:
  • #21
SOS2008 said:
It's made with coconut rum (I'll PM the rest of the recipe if you likey.)
Ooh, yes...I likey! :biggrin:

:smile: Just watch your back...
Are you kidding? The only way I can win at pool is to distract the competition by wearing low cut shirts and short skirts and finding lots of excuses to lean WAAAAAYYYY over the table every time I make a shot. :smile:
  • #22
SOS2008 said:
Well I guess if George W. Bush can be included with Lincoln, JFK, Washington, etc. AARGH! , why not?! (Oh, I'll try to get a grip -- bartender...another drink!)

I'm sure some people here would point out that Clinton is also on the list. Although, it will be interesting to see how they finish.
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  • #23
The whole thing is a farce for publicity. I see Madonna is on there, won't be long before Britney Spears makes the list. :rolleyes:
  • #24
Well that makes me glad I've avoided it. Cause my Granny is the greatest American!
  • #25
SOS2008 said:
Well I guess if George W. Bush can be included with Lincoln, JFK, Washington, etc. AARGH! , why not?! (Oh, I'll try to get a grip -- bartender...another drink!)
I used to get angry when I saw things like this. Now I just laugh, it's much easier.

Moonbear said:
Are you kidding? The only way I can win at pool is to distract the competition by wearing low cut shirts and short skirts and finding lots of excuses to lean WAAAAAYYYY over the table every time I make a shot.
You should try doing this when your opponent is taking a shot. It works better. :wink:
  • #26
hmmm.. I like the new location! New management, eh? I hope they didn't fire the cooks. Do they still have the same great flaming pu-pu platters?

Bartender, I'll have my mai-tai served in a coconut shell, please.
  • #27
Moonbear said:
I've always wondered why people put dartboards in bars. I do enjoy playing darts, but somehow, pointy, sharp projectiles in the hands of drunk people just doesn't seem like such a good idea.
Aw, what the hell... might as well get this one out of the way when it's at least a little bit appropriate.

  • #28
TheStatutoryApe said:
You should try doing this when your opponent is taking a shot. It works better. :wink:
And it's a really quick way to find out if the cute guy I'm playing against is gay or straight. If he's gay, he'll complain that I'm blocking his shot and I know to give up chasing after him. :-p
  • #29
I love flaming pu-pu platters. :approve: Who was I with last time that set the table on fire?
  • #30
Danger said:
It might be better for her to watch her front. If somebody punctures one of those babies, the explosion could level the room.
No wonder she is afraid of darts... :bugeye:
Rabid said:
I'm sure some people here would point out that Clinton is also on the list. Although, it will be interesting to see how they finish.
True, but Dubya hasn't even completed his presidency yet (not to mention his first 40 years are already a disgrace) - Geez! I was watching a program about FDR a few weeks ago...though he had to confront the depression and WWII (while his health deteriorated), perceptions of him seem more negative over time.
  • #31
TheStatutoryApe said:
I used to get angry when I saw things like this. Now I just laugh, it's much easier.
None of the modern presidents should be in the same category as Washington, Lincoln, or even Thomas Jefferson or Benjamin Franklin--but let's not talk anymore of this talk...why don't you have a little drink with me? :-p
Math Is Hard said:
hmmm.. I like the new location! New management, eh? I hope they didn't fire the cooks. Do they still have the same great flaming pu-pu platters?

Bartender, I'll have my mai-tai served in a coconut shell, please.
Of course that is still on the menu, and a mai-tai--excellent choice. :biggrin:

:smile: That's great! :smile:
  • #32
SOS said:
why don't you have a little drink with me?
I'd love to. I've never been to the Tiki Bar before, what do you recommend?

Moonbear said:
And it's a really quick way to find out if the cute guy I'm playing against is gay or straight. If he's gay, he'll complain that I'm blocking his shot and I know to give up chasing after him.
Well now... I'm very definitely not gay but I have had to kick myself for ignoring girls that were hitting on me because I was too absorbed in whooping some butt on the table.
  • #33
TheStatutoryApe said:
I have had to kick myself for ignoring girls that were hitting on me because I was too absorbed in whooping some butt on the table.
Not like I've ever been 'hit on', but the women around here long ago learned that I'll stare at them with my tongue hanging out until they get tired of it, then make the shot. They still do it as a joke, though, which I appreciate. :biggrin:
  • #34
TheStatutoryApe said:
I'd love to. I've never been to the Tiki Bar before, what do you recommend?
Moonbear, would you mix up your specialty, please? Talk about kicking butt, that drink will...

well just you never mind about girls hitting on you, or getting a whooping on the table, or what ever.

  • #35
TheStatutoryApe said:
Well now... I'm very definitely not gay but I have had to kick myself for ignoring girls that were hitting on me because I was too absorbed in whooping some butt on the table.
Yeah, but were they leaning over the table wearing a low, loosely cut blouse? Besides, if you were playing against me, you wouldn't have to try too hard to win, so you could afford to relax your concentration on the game. If I was interested in a guy, I'd never distract him if he was playing against someone else...I'd want him to win so we could celebrate. :biggrin: