What Makes the Tiki Bar the Favorite Lounge for Members?

  • Thread starter SOS2008
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In summary: Ummm, I love chicken enchiladas. When do you think it'll be ready? :tongue2:About an hour, come on over. Bring drinks. :tongue2:The Entertainment has a pretty good rack.Welcome to one of the favorite PF lounges--the Tiki Bar (moved from Philosophy to the new location in General Discussion). At the Tiki Bar members can enjoy exotic drinks and great entertainment. The Tiki Bar also offers fine dining or simply relax on the veranda and enjoy the view. Of course the favorite activity of all at the Tiki Bar is the comment box. We like to hear what members are thinking, so
  • #36
SOS2008 said:
Moonbear, would you mix up your specialty, please? Talk about kicking butt, that drink will...

well just you never mind about girls hitting on you, or getting a whooping on the table, or what ever.

Coming right up! Hmm...I've never come up with a name for it. How about Moonbear Madness? :biggrin:
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #37
Moonbear said:
Coming right up! Hmm...I've never come up with a name for it. How about Moonbear Madness? :biggrin:
So appropriate -- I love it! :smile: :biggrin:
  • #38
Moonbear said:
How about Moonbear Madness? :biggrin:
Isn't that a tad redundant?
  • #39
Danger said:
Isn't that a tad redundant?
Not with this drink...it'll make you a double dose of crazy! :biggrin:
  • #40
Moonbear said:
it'll make you a double dose of crazy! :biggrin:
Good... I'll have a double please. Make that two...
  • #41
*walks in with cloak and fake moustache*

give me a green apple martini
  • #42
yomamma said:
*walks in with cloak and fake moustache*

give me a green apple martini
*splashes green food coloring into some apple juice*
Here you go kiddo...er...I mean sir. :rolleyes:
  • #43
Just gimme a drink
  • #44
yomamma said:
Just gimme a drink
I need to leave the bar for now, and will trust that while I'm gone we won't lose the liquor license...right? Maybe Danger will teach you darts (and no fowl language, please), yomamma is getting polluted enough around here. :bugeye:
  • #45
*slips over to bar tap*
  • #46
yomamma said:
*slips over to bar tap*
Not so quick there young man! It's the root beer tap for you!
  • #47
Hey now, did we agree that the drinking age here is 17? i would fancy a pina colada... mmmm! (martini's just aren't my style... erm... not that I've ever had... eh...)
  • #48
Gale17 said:
Hey now, did we agree that the drinking age here is 17? i would fancy a pina colada... mmmm! (martini's just aren't my style... erm... not that I've ever had... eh...)
Interesting point since this is determined by each state, and PF is international... BTW, green apple martinis aren't like regular martinis, so I think you'd like 'em.

So I go to the airport to collect my mail order husband, but never found him. :confused:
  • #49
Oooooh, a bar!

SOS said:
and no fowl language, please

Chickens! Turkeys! Ducks! Geese!

Ahh dear, I only need a poultry excuse to make some puns! :smile:

Anyway, are there any real rules for this, urm, bar?

I'd like a manly back-rub from Danger, a manicure from Moonbear, and Gale can hook me up with some honey-roast cashew nuts. Where, geographically, is this place anyway? Is proper beer available? I've only got limited supplies.
  • #50
Gale17 said:
Hey now, did we agree that the drinking age here is 17? i would fancy a pina colada... mmmm! (martini's just aren't my style... erm... not that I've ever had... eh...)
I think we decided it was 17.6 on the Supersonic RV (that rounds up to 18, which is acceptable as a drinking age in most countries). I suppose we can float the Tiki Bar offshore in international waters and ferry folks out there.
  • #51
Gale17 said:
Hey now, did we agree that the drinking age here is 17? i would fancy a pina colada... mmmm! (martini's just aren't my style... erm... not that I've ever had... eh...)

Gail, haven't you been 17 for about 3 years now? :confused:

Can we see some ID please before you start drinking in here! :smile:
  • #52
Adrian Baker said:
Gail, haven't you been 17 for about 3 years now? :confused:

Can we see some ID please before you start drinking in here! :smile:

Give the girl a break! This is the UK! Landlords might say they don't appreciate underage drinking in their establishments, but what they mean is "would you like a double, love?"
  • #53
Adrian Baker said:
Gail, haven't you been 17 for about 3 years now? :confused:

Can we see some ID please before you start drinking in here! :smile:

you know, its clever that you noticed how long I've been 17... and yet still managed to spell my name wrong...

nice line of thought there brewndog...
  • #54
Gale17 said:
nice line of thought there brewndog...

Cheers chuck. Anyway, where was I? Ah yes.

Would you like a double, love? :smile:
  • #55
SOS2008 said:
Interesting point since this is determined by each state, and PF is international... BTW, green apple martinis aren't like regular martinis, so I think you'd like 'em.

So I go to the airport to collect my mail order husband, but never found him. :confused:
Yes green apple martinis taste like jolly ranchers.

So what are we going to do about getting that harem of yours up and running if the mail order catalogues are flakes?
  • #56
brewnog said:
Chickens! Turkeys! Ducks! Geese! Ahh dear, I only need a poultry excuse to make some puns! :smile:
:smile: Exactly! And sheep, beavers, turtles, monkeys...
Thanks brewnog :!) <-- In a plutonic way of course!
brewnog said:
Anyway, are there any real rules for this, urm, bar?

I'd like a manly back-rub from Danger, a manicure from Moonbear, and Gale can hook me up with some honey-roast cashew nuts. Where, geographically, is this place anyway? Is proper beer available? I've only got limited supplies.
I can't vouch for services rendered by other members, but the bar is now located here in General Discussion, and we have a great selection of lager, ale, and...well maybe you could help with the ordering, hum?
  • #57
SOS2008 said:
well maybe you could help with the ordering, hum?
We simply must have some Guinness on tap. The stuff tastes like it's been filtered through a moose, but it looks fantastic.
  • #58
TheStatutoryApe said:
Yes green apple martinis taste like jolly ranchers.
And some of us get a little too jolly when we drink too many of 'em. :rolleyes:
TheStatutoryApe said:
So what are we going to do about getting that harem of yours up and running if the mail order catalogues are flakes?
Well I suppose I should follow my own advice that quality can be better than quantity. My shift at the Tiki Bar ends at 11:00. :-p :devil:
Danger said:
We simply must have some Guinness on tap. The stuff tastes like it's been filtered through a moose, but it looks fantastic.
  • #59
Guinness is a definite must. That and Saphire, decent tonic, and limes. And there must be some Sinatra/Rat Pack on the Juke Box!
  • #60
SOS said:
My shift at the Tiki Bar ends at 11:00.
Can I buy you an apple martini? :wink:
  • #61
we have to have kareoke night still! see who can resist from getting up on the bar and dancing.
  • #62
TheStatutoryApe said:
Guinness is a definite must. That and Saphire, decent tonic, and limes. And there must be some Sinatra/Rat Pack on the Juke Box!
Oh a Juke Box--that would be great by the pool table and dart game!
TheStatutoryApe said:
:blushing: Can I buy you an apple martini? :wink:
And you look so sweet... Okay! :rolleyes:
Gale17 said:
we have to have kareoke night still! see who can resist from getting up on the bar and dancing.
Yes, and karaoke--I want to hear the rhinoceros song!

You all have such great ideas! :biggrin:

Comment Box: Now when I email clients from work, I start to click on a smilie, and sadly realize there aren't any.
  • #63
TheStatutoryApe said:
Guinness is a definite must. That and Saphire, decent tonic, and limes. And there must be some Sinatra/Rat Pack on the Juke Box!
Agreed! We should get a nice assortment of IPAs and ESBs too.
  • #64
I'll be simply relaxing on the veranda and enjoying the view.
Nice place you got here, SOS! How did I miss it until now?

Guinness in a 2 liter mug, please. :biggrin:
  • #65
Gale17 said:
we have to have kareoke night still! see who can resist from getting up on the bar and dancing.
We'll send Huck up first...he does karaoke sober, so he can warm up the event while the rest of us wet our vocal cords. :biggrin:
  • #66
SOS said:
And you look so sweet... Okay! :rolleyes:
I am a complete gentleman.. or at least as much a one as a lady wants me to be. Gentleman is always the default though. o:)
  • #67
Do we all have web cams? We can all decide to meet at a certain time online and all videocoference together. We could all talk and see what we look like while we're talking. :biggrin:

What do you say?
  • #68
That would be interesting. Unfortunately I don't have a webcam. Currently I don't even have net access at home.
  • #69
Astronuc said:
Nice place you got here, SOS! How did I miss it until now? Guinness in a 2 liter mug, please. :biggrin:
Thanks--And we just stocked up on Guinness--perfect timing! :smile:
Moonbear said:
We'll send Huck up first...he does karaoke sober, so he can warm up the event while the rest of us wet our vocal cords. :biggrin:
Yeh, I think he's just not too crazy about dancing (without something to hang on to). :-p
TheStatutoryApe said:
I am a complete gentleman.. or at least as much a one as a lady wants me to be. Gentleman is always the default though. o:)
Okay, I'll go first with karaoke. (Sung to the melody of Uptown Girl by Billy Joel)

Virtual girl
She's been living in her unreal world
I bet she never had an e-love guy
I bet her moderator never told her why
  • #70
SOS said:
Virtual girl
She's been living in her unreal world
I bet she never had an e-love guy
I bet her moderator never told her why
I get no kick from champagne
Mere alcohol doesn't thrill me at all
So tell me why should it be true?
That I get a
Kick! Out of you

Ok this is just getting cheesy lol.