What's the Buzz about Superb Tequila?

  • Thread starter rhody
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In summary, the artist is amazing and the music is great. The Tequila is overrated and not very good.
  • #36
I love good tequila. You are a bad person Rhody, I had given up expensive vices. :devil:
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  • #37

I must have missed: "THE RIVER BANK" in my travels, interesting story, however:
Then the two animals stood and regarded each other cautiously.

`Hullo, Mole!' said the Water Rat.

`Hullo, Rat!' said the Mole.

`Would you like to come over?' enquired the Rat presently.

`Oh, its all very well to TALK,' said the Mole, rather pettishly, he being new to a river and riverside life and its ways.

The Rat said nothing, but stooped and unfastened a rope and hauled on it; then lightly stepped into a little boat which the Mole had not observed. It was painted blue outside and white within, and was just the size for two animals; and the Mole's whole heart went out to it at once, even though he did not yet fully understand its uses.

The Rat sculled smartly across and made fast. Then he held up his forepaw as the Mole stepped gingerly down. `Lean on that!' he said. `Now then, step lively!' and the Mole to his surprise and rapture found himself actually seated in the stern of a real boat.

`This has been a wonderful day!' said he, as the Rat shoved off and took to the sculls again. `Do you know, I`ve never been in a boat before in all my life.'

`What?' cried the Rat, open-mouthed: `Never been in a--you never--well I--what have you been doing, then?'

`Is it so nice as all that?' asked the Mole shyly, though he was quite prepared to believe it as he leant back in his seat and surveyed the cushions, the oars, the rowlocks, and all the fascinating fittings, and felt the boat sway lightly under him.

`Nice? It's the ONLY thing,' said the Water Rat solemnly, as he leant forward for his stroke. `Believe me, my young friend, there is NOTHING--absolute nothing--half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats. Simply messing,' he went on dreamily: `messing--about--in--boats; messing----'

`Look ahead, Rat!' cried the Mole suddenly.

It was too late. The boat struck the bank full tilt. The dreamer, the joyous oarsman, lay on his back at the bottom of the boat, his heels in the air.

The imagery just kills me, lol. Just make sure you chill the Anejo Fuzzy, I know you will be pleasantly surprised.

Sorry Evo,

I usually keep a bottle of this stuff at least six months or so. My next goal is to get the extra aged Anejo if I can find it at a reasonable price. Why don't you organize a mentor's tasting party where everyone brings either a very exotic dish, or their prized bottle of aged tequila, and have a taste contest, that way you will get to sample the best of the best with all of your buddies.

  • #38
I bought a bottle of Hornitos, Anejo, came home, poured a small sample, put the same sized same in the freezer, to be followed by the same amount (at room temperature) of Patron, Anejo.

Verdict, the Patron has it heads and shoulders above the Hornitos, even when separating the tasting by fifteen minutes between each sample. The good news, I think if I were to take the same almost frozen sample of Hornitos and put an ice cube in it a minute before the taste test. I may not be able to tell the difference, except for the overshadowing taste.


P.S. Maybe after my track day this June if I make it back in one piece I will celebrate by buying a bottle of expensive, 100+ dollar bottle of Anejo to celebrate. That moment will be one to remember. If I do I will report on the Patron vs expensive stuff in comparison.
  • #39
rhody said:
I bought a bottle of Hornitos, Anejo, came home, poured a small sample, put the same sized same in the freezer, to be followed by the same amount (at room temperature) of Patron, Anejo.

Verdict, the Patron has it heads and shoulders above the Hornitos, even when separating the tasting by fifteen minutes between each sample. The good news, I think if I were to take the same almost frozen sample of Hornitos and put an ice cube in it a minute before the taste test. I may not be able to tell the difference, except for the overshadowing taste.


P.S. Maybe after my track day this June if I make it back in one piece I will celebrate by buying a bottle of expensive, 100+ dollar bottle of Anejo to celebrate. That moment will be one to remember. If I do I will report on the Patron vs expensive stuff in comparison.

You have quite literally ensured that I will never willingly consume Hornitos tequila! You can freeze horse dung (literally again) and work with it a bit... if it's cold enough you only get the aftertaste. Oh, and no, not from this prank being played on me, or me on another... not safe at all. Still, I was an observer...
  • #40
nismaratwork said:
You have quite literally ensured that I will never willingly consume Hornitos tequila!

Bad experience nismara ? Care to share it with the rest of us, the curious folk ? hehe...

  • #41
rhody said:
Bad experience nismara ? Care to share it with the rest of us, the curious folk ? hehe...


Oh boy... yeah. Technically however it was Mezcal, not tequila. Let's just say that I didn't drink ANYTHING for about 2 years after that one night. I wasn't more drunk, but whatever I was drinking must have been fermented motor oil with congeners for flavor. I woke up with one of only 2 hangovers I've had in my life, and I wanted to DIE.

Actually, I believe I said, "I don't want to die, but if I have to, now would be a good time."

I'd go into details, but I just got back to PF... which should tell you all that you need to know; all orifices were involved... possibly even my ears (bloos... grey matter...).

It took even longer before I could smell tequila without retching, and now... yum. Tequila is just one of those drinks that's so often sold as a cheap product that it got a bad name. Really, it's a wonderful sipping drink at any temp, and the Tequila Sunrise... mmmmmm.
  • #42
nismaratwork said:
it was Mezcal, not tequila.

Bingo... now that you have learned your lesson, I have heard that in a pinch that stuff will work in your gas tank if out of fuel as long as you go slowly. Sorry you had to find out the hard way what NOT to drink.

  • #43
rhody said:
Bingo... now that you have learned your lesson, I have heard that in a pinch that stuff will work in your gas tank if out of fuel as long as you go slowly. Sorry you had to find out the hard way what NOT to drink.


:smile: Yeah, I'm sure it's good at de-greasing too. Thanks for the sympathy, but I did learn that lesson and I was a moderate drinker before, and just so now. I'm happy to get tipsy, but it takes a LOOOT to get me drunk, and I just don't care to drink that much. Sipping a great tequila with those soft woods notes under the spice... it's really worth the hard lesson.

Believe it or not, I have a friend who likes regular uber-cheap Cuervo Mezcal... he's a little insane. :-p He does however, sometimes roast whole hogs and do clam-bakes, so if he wants to drink a molotov cocktail without the rag... go for it.

The only other time I ran into trouble was the first time my very good friend from childhood introduced me (I think I was 20-something) to really GOOD Bourbon whiskey. I think it was Woodford Reserve, but unfortunately we went a BIT overboard. Once the Woodford was gone, a particular dishonest grocer sold our stumbling butts Maker's Mark (which really isn't bad bourbon). It was a blast, and the I fell asleep in my nice easy chair.


I woke up GLUED to the chair, every nerve screaming, and my head pounding. Still, that faded within hours and some hydration/salt... that "tequila" experience ruined me for a day, and I felt it for longer. I'm fairly sure the last thing I heard that night was the shrieking of my brain cells dying.

Now... I'm a sipper of the hard stuff, or I genuinely like classic beach drinks like Hemingway's Daiquiri (no frozen junk). A truly good Mojito, especially with that amazing 10-Cane rum (made from the sugar, not the molasses) works as well. Tequila for me, is almost like coca cola in its appeal: "burn and bite" with a smooth transition of flavors.

Oh... and there was one time in Greece with some relatives... uh... and there was (I think) un-watered Ouzo, then Retsina... I don't remember much of that. Nothing will kill you faster than relatives who all want to have a drink with you... each one... a full shot. Oopa. *dies*.

That said, I like Ouzo with lamb, and reduced it's amazing. I'd suggest reducing a nice Anejo Tequila and using it in a salad dressing with a nice strong vinegar and a nutty/fruity olive oil. It's AMAZING, and goes beautifully with bitter greens.

Sorry, I've gone far afield, but cooking with tequila is AWESOME; just for the love of god do not use anything less than Patron or better. Reduction = concentration of flavor, good or bad. I also have to say, in place of a cap-full of vodka in tomato sauce, if you're making an arrabiata tequila will add a second kind of flavor and a bit of spice behind the chilis.
  • #44
I would just say, there IS good mezcal, but you have to work a little to find it, and frankly I prefer the smoother tequila.
  • #46
rhody said:

Funny, I was looking up "arrabiata tequila" in google after reading your last post, and guess where it took me, see the http://www.google.com/#hl=en&sugexp...=arrabiata+tequila&pbx=1&fp=a5e9728ef75bcd44". The first link at the top is YOUR post !

How does google index it that fast ??!

Rhody... :bugeye:

Wow... I guess PF is rapidly updated... makes sense given its singular nature. Still... wow. I only thought of the tequila arrabiata based on a junky recipe from Uno's. I figured it would do better with tomatos, where the alcohol can liberate flavors, and the congeners can add body and flavor. Still, a shot of vodka works... just have to cook it all out.

Oh, and of course if you want something REALLY rich, use a bit of wine or sherry.
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  • #47
I finally found and had the opportunity to enjoy rhody's recommendation. It was really wonderful, thanks!
  • #48
fuzzyfelt said:
I finally found and had the opportunity to enjoy rhody's recommendation. It was really wonderful, thanks!

I don't want to sound smug, like a party animal, or I told you so, but...


  • #49
rhody said:
I don't want to sound smug, like a party animal, or I told you so, but...



You did tell me, and I'm very grateful, thanks! :smile:
  • #50
fuzzyfelt said:
You did tell me, and I'm very grateful, thanks! :smile:


I was just punking you and I hope you know that. I am glad you enjoyed it because the brain stimulation effects and after effects you get from tequila are unique. The best way I can describe it is that you get a sense of well being, a oneness that transcends language. I suspect that the cross talk between sections of the brain especially the left language processing side in all except for 15% of population is somehow subdued, the noisey bother with me with details side is dimmed and the creative, appreciation of the whole (right) side can fully emerge, and does so under the influence of tequila. I don't know how it works and have searched for quite some time for the scientific properties that lead to the effects I have just described. If anyone following this thread has access to reliable data, please post it here. Thanks...

  • #51
Astronuc said:
That's quite a disclaimer/warning. :smile:

That's what I was thinking when I saw the title of this thread.

I'll admit: Little E's existence can be attributed to a tequila-fueled evening. At least prior to that, we had been saying "Wouldn't it be nice to have a little girl?"... but since then, I'll admit to avoiding the stuff; we got the little girl, and we certainly don't need FOUR kids.
  • #52
physics girl phd said:
That's what I was thinking when I saw the title of this thread.

I'll admit: Little E's existence can be attributed to a tequila-fueled evening. At least prior to that, we had been saying "Wouldn't it be nice to have a little girl?"... but since then, I'll admit to avoiding the stuff; we got the little girl, and we certainly don't need FOUR kids.
physics girl,

I never thought of it that way... Wow, all I will say with certainty is that fine tequila consumed in the right amounts in the right situation will take you to places you never dreamed of otherwise. Thanks for sharing.

Rhody... :devil:
  • #53
Since January I've tried Patron Silver and Anejo and Don Julio Reposado... They were all really good... the Patron Anejo was better tasting in my opinion than the silver. I took these as regular tequila shots (salt/lemon) and just drank them straight with nothing else... I tried drinking the Patron Silver on the rocks but I found it wasn't nearly smooth enough.

Big party life living alone for school. :wink:
  • #54
zomgwtf said:
Since January I've tried Patron Silver and Anejo and Don Julio Reposado... They were all really good... the Patron Anejo was better tasting in my opinion than the silver. I took these as regular tequila shots (salt/lemon) and just drank them straight with nothing else... I tried drinking the Patron Silver on the rocks but I found it wasn't nearly smooth enough.

Big party life living alone for school. :wink:


Not to try to instill bad habits in you but if you are strapped for cash, try a shot of Anejo (not top shelf), chilled in crushed ice and a frozen shot glass if you have one for about a minute or two. The slight amount of water from the ice breaks the strong taste, mellows it out substantially.

I tried a shot of unchilled patron anejo after the cheap stuff, by cheap stuff I still mean anejo that costs in the high twenty dollar range and could barely tell the difference. I did not take a double blind test, and if I did, may not have been able to tell the difference. Your good tequila will disappear so fast that you should use it for special occassions and only with your closest friends. I didn't have the good stuff till my early 40's and have been hooked ever since. Be prepared for some of the wildest dreams you can ever imagine, happens to a lot of folks I know each and every time, including yours truly.

Rhody... :wink:
  • #55
rhody said:

Not to try to instill bad habits in you but if you are strapped for cash, try a shot of Anejo (not top shelf), chilled in crushed ice and a frozen shot glass if you have one for about a minute or two. The slight amount of water from the ice breaks the strong taste, mellows it out substantially.
I'll definitely try this out sometime. Thanks.
I tried a shot of unchilled patron anejo after the cheap stuff, by cheap stuff I still mean anejo that costs in the high twenty dollar range and could barely tell the difference. I did not take a double blind test, and if I did, may not have been able to tell the difference. Your good tequila will disappear so fast that you should use it for special occassions and only with your closest friends. I didn't have the good stuff till my early 40's and have been hooked ever since. Be prepared for some of the wildest dreams you can ever imagine, happens to a lot of folks I know each and every time, including yours truly.

Rhody... :wink:
Hmm really? Next time I have a bottle of Patron I'll try to compare it to something cheaper. I haven't really drank much tequila before, actually I've only ever really drank Jose Cuervo. I still have much more brands to experience before I can firmly say I've tried a 'good tequila' but normally the bottles are gone by the end of the night. :-p
  • #56
zomgwtf said:
I'll definitely try this out sometime. Thanks.

Hmm really? Next time I have a bottle of Patron I'll try to compare it to something cheaper. I haven't really drank much tequila before, actually I've only ever really drank Jose Cuervo. I still have much more brands to experience before I can firmly say I've tried a 'good tequila' but normally the bottles are gone by the end of the night. :-p

Mmmmm... Rhody got you on Patron... GOOD RHODY! :biggrin:

I know it's literally fruity, but try a tequila sunrise... OJ, some Grenadine, and tequila... looks good, tastes better. DO NOT drink this if you're going to pound the rest of the tequila however, the sugar will give you the hangover from hell.

@Rhody: Sounds like the best way to take Ouzo, not too expensive, water or ice it down. Also the only way to drink Bombay Saphire (with ilives or onions as needed).
  • #57
I only drink Patron Tequila, and my favorite thing to do with it, is mix it 50/50 with a spicy Bloody Mary mix, shot style. In between shots I'm munching on really garlicky pickles and fresh veggies.
  • #58
hypatia said:
I only drink Patron Tequila, and my favorite thing to do with it, is mix it 50/50 with a spicy Bloody Mary mix, shot style. In between shots I'm munching on really garlicky pickles and fresh veggies.

You might like pepper infused vodka then... good stuff, and goes well with blinis, creme fraiche, and caviar or smoked salmon/bluefish/whitefish. Eat, shot, repeat.

You can buy some Grey Goose or whatever you like and infuse pepper yourself, it's quite easy.
  • #59
nismaratwork said:
Also the only way to drink Bombay Saphire (with ilives or onions as needed).

Ugh, I bought some Bombay Sapphire to make some Tom Collins (easily my favorite drink :-p) and noticed that it's not that great. Smells like a perfume and tastes like one too (alone) and you can definitely taste that even when you mix it.
  • #60
zomgwtf said:
Ugh, I bought some Bombay Sapphire to make some Tom Collins (easily my favorite drink :-p) and noticed that it's not that great. Smells like a perfume and tastes like one too (alone) and you can definitely taste that even when you mix it.

The blue **** is only if you like gin, juniper and all. I would NOT use it as a mixer... for that Tanquery 10 is a great choice, with more emphasis on citrus and less on "pine tree". :wink:

edit: fav drink: Hemingway Daquiri with 10-Cane Rum.
  • #61
nismaratwork said:
The blue **** is only if you like gin, juniper and all. I would NOT use it as a mixer... for that Tanquery 10 is a great choice, with more emphasis on citrus and less on "pine tree". :wink:

edit: fav drink: Hemingway Daquiri with 10-Cane Rum.

Tanquery 10 huh, I'll definitely look into getting a bottle of that then. Try it out at least. The only reason I bought Sapphire was because my friend was saying it was a great gin. I suppose if you're into those flavours it would be great, just I'm not feeling it at all. So now I have half a 26er sitting on my fridge. Not sure what I'll do with it :-p.
  • #62
zomgwtf said:
Tanquery 10 huh, I'll definitely look into getting a bottle of that then. Try it out at least. The only reason I bought Sapphire was because my friend was saying it was a great gin. I suppose if you're into those flavours it would be great, just I'm not feeling it at all. So now I have half a 26er sitting on my fridge. Not sure what I'll do with it :-p.

It's a great gin if you like high-test gin of the old school, which is VERY strong juniper. Tanq is more smooth, lower ABV (not by much), and a lot more citrus... less aromatic.
  • #63
I am going out to buy online, are you ready for this, shot glass molds (see thumbnail).
I am forever breaking or losing the damn things. This solves that problem for good. The second thumbnail sets the mood, for me anyway...

Rhody... :-p

P.S. Food for thought, some warm sunny day this spring, what say we have a virtual tequila party, start a thread and report in it. Now that would be a PF first, any takers ? Maybe even set up a skype session or two.


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    setting the mood.JPG
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  • #64
"Margarita" shots are a nice way to enjoy a fine tequila.

Lick of salt (generally off of the back of your thumb/hand)
Lime (squeeze from a small wedge)

Makes the tequila go down smoothly; easy to lose track of how much you've drank, though, since they are so drinkable!
  • #65
I love tequila, but I don't drink all that often or know any particularly good ones, hmm but 1800 comes to mind, I can't remember if that's the name of it? Anyway, I've had a couple of really nice glasses and they were drinks to remember!
  • #66
rhody said:
I am going out to buy online, are you ready for this, shot glass molds (see thumbnail).
I am forever breaking or losing the damn things. This solves that problem for good. The second thumbnail sets the mood, for me anyway...

Rhody... :-p

P.S. Food for thought, some warm sunny day this spring, what say we have a virtual tequila party, start a thread and report in it. Now that would be a PF first, any takers ? Maybe even set up a skype session or two.

I've seen shot molds and thought them a good idea! I think the virtual tequila party is a brilliant idea too.
  • #67
rhody said:
P.S. Food for thought, some warm sunny day this spring, what say we have a virtual tequila party, start a thread and report in it. Now that would be a PF first, any takers ? Maybe even set up a skype session or two.
That sounds fun, drunk posting eh? :wink:
  • #68
Evo said:
That sounds fun, drunk posting eh? :wink:

Thatssss redikulush... *sway* ...whod be DRUNk, and posht? *burp*


How about those of us who enjoy a sip, but not so much getting good and tight? :smile:
  • #69
What is rhody up to now, headed for more uncharted territory, Frozen Ghost Pepper Tequila shots. Here is what you need: frozen shot glasses, your favorite tequila, ghost peppers. First, dice extra fine about 1/8th of a teaspoon of a pepper (from the bottom), added diced bits to frozen shot glass, let stand five minutes (mine are made from water molds not glass), stick back in freezer. Add tequila, let stand two minutes. Be aware that if you use frozen water shot glasses like I do, you stand a chance of the tequila eating through the water glass before it chills in two minutes. Some leak, some don't because of minute cracks in the frozen water.

If you are brave, sip, then swallow and chew, otherwise send it down like a normal shot. If you chewed you are probably among the few who have. I will post pictures and an assessment soon. Stay tuned.

Rhody... :redface: :devil:
  • #70
Ghost pepper shots. Hmmm!

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