Who is the Top Thread Killer Champion Since New Years?

  • Thread starter tribdog
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In summary, the Franzbear effect is a law that states that a Franzbear cannot be created nor destroyed, but can only be transferred from post to post. This law is impossible to break, but was broken by Tripdog's attempt to create another Franzbear. This attempt caused a rip in the being that gives rise to reality, and the terror of black creatures of the abyss is rising forth. We must destroy Franzbear now before its too late!
  • #71
Yeah, let's get this one to 10K before I kill it :smile:
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #72
how about we just go for a cool million...

I'll be around for a few years
  • #73
Lets get started
This thread is dea I killed it
  • #74
Sounds good, 1 million it is!
  • #75
999925 post to go!
  • #76
hmm...it took about 1 year for 10,000 posts...we'll have to make this thread last 100 years, okay?
  • #77
yomamma said:
hmm...it took about 1 year for 10,000 posts...we'll have to make this thread last 100 years, okay?

Let us all get to work on that aging problem.:smile:
  • #78
how about we post really fast and greg lowers the character limit (if possible)?
  • #79
Maybe, but I would prefer to kill two birds with one stone.
  • #80
Yeah we need to work fast! Otherwise none of us will be alive to kill it :cry:
  • #81
This thread and pengwuino? :hope:
  • #82
That's not fair! Evo should have locked this thread too. I killed it for about 3 month! yomamma, how much chocolate did it take to kill franzbear(I)?
  • #83
Franzbear times i? Or is it Amperes?
  • #84
Lisa! said:
That's not fair! Evo should have locked this thread too. I killed it for about 3 month! yomamma, how much chocolate did it take to kill franzbear(I)?
Sorry now that franzbear I was locked this thread has to be the replacment
  • #85
You don't think I'm going to let this live. If lisa! has a true kill on this thread, I'll have to declare it dead and award her the kill. My head hurts too bad to look right now.
  • #86
Yeah, I killed it on 03-06-2006
but scot1 resurected it #60
  • #87
EVO at TKC lockpost said:
It had previously been decided that if this thread had no posts for five days, it was dead. It has been 7 days.

I am awarding the OFFICIAL KILL of the "thread killer champions" thread to yomamma.

May we have a moment of silence.

It never said that if this thread(TKCII) had no post for 5 days it was dead. So I guess thread 4 months.
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  • #88
3 and a half months is hardly a kill. Damn you Lisa! and your bad spelling, I was going to use what you said about resurrecting the thread against you, but you spelled it wrong :cry: (You forgot an r; resuRRected)
  • #89
I guess we should get rid of you first, dear scott... :-p
  • #90
mattmns said:
3 and a half months is hardly a kill. Damn you Lisa! and your bad spelling, I was going to use what you said about resurrecting the thread against you, but you spelled it wrong :cry: (You forgot an r; resuRRected)
Very clever of you to spell the words of your own language correctly! I've been away from English for about 2 months...:rolleyes:

P.S. I also spelled scott wrongly in that post!
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  • #91
Well :-p
  • #92
Lisa! said:
P.S. I also spelled scott wrongly in that post!
When I was 5 I use to spell my name soctt
  • #93
Anyway I leave this thread to you kiddies to kill. I've got more important things to do these days...o:)
  • #94
Sure you do :rolleyes:
  • #95
what that means? Do you just want to pay me back that :rolleyes: or ...?

Anyway I forgot to thank you for correcting my mistake.:smile: You know when I think of it I'm also very serious about misspelling in our language and can't prevent myself from correcting others...
  • #96
I call the millionth post.
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  • #97
scott1 said:
I call the millonth post.
That is fine with me, and while we are at it, I will call the millionth post :smile:
  • #98
:zzz: :zzz: :zzz:
I give up for now...
  • #99
Lisa! said:
:zzz: :zzz: :zzz:
I give up for now...
Ok good...just wait until the 100th post...
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  • #100
I call this post

mattmns said:
That is fine with me, and while we are at it, I will call the millionth post :smile:
...I'll call the 100th post instead.
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  • #101
You can't double post for a milestone post!

However, you had the 100th post with your 99th reply. The numbers next to each post represent the reply number, so add 1 and you get the actual post number :smile:edit... Hmm, I seem to have the 100th post, yet this is the 101st reply :confused:
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  • #102
mattmns said:
edit... Hmm, I seem to have the 100th post, yet this is the 101st reply :confused:
I figured out why: When it says "reply" it doesn't count the opening post. Just look replies number of post with only the opening post.

Artman posted 6 times to get the 10,000 post in TKC.
  • #103
Hmm, I was wrong 10 times over :smile:

And for Artman, he is a cheater!111111
  • #104
I pwnz this post...
  • #105
yomamma said:
I pwnz this post...
\/\/007! 1 601n6 70 pwn 7h15 7hr34d 83f0r3 Y()4|\/|4 d035
1f y0u h4v3 n0 1d34 wh47 1'nn 54y1n6 |00k 47 7h15 3x7 f0r FFX:
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