Why all my girlfriends turned out to be psychos

  • Thread starter BobG
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation revolves around the potential correlation between finding attractive partners who may also have mental illness, the appeal of dating "crazy" individuals, and the potential for these relationships to influence one's own sanity. Various humorous and lighthearted anecdotes are shared, including a quiz used by one individual to gauge a potential partner's level of "craziness". The conversation also touches on the use of inanimate objects as conversation partners and the potential dangers of dating someone with a potentially violent or unstable nature.
  • #36
SpaceTiger said:
It's true, crazy girls are hot. I won't date anyone that hasn't had at least one lengthy conversation with a lamp or seat cushion.
That doesn't work. Once in a while you run into one that fakes them and it's hard to tell. The conversation sounds the same and only she knows the lamp and seat cushion aren't talking back.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #37
BobG said:
That doesn't work. Once in a while you run into one that fakes them and it's hard to tell. The conversation sounds the same and only she knows the lamp and seat cushion aren't talking back.

What really gets me is the cell phones. I'll be walking down the street and see someone who appears to be talking to themselves or a nearby batch of shrubbery, and I'll be all like, "Hottie alert!" Then I'll get closer and find out they're just talking on a cell phone or headset or some such nonsense. This all just plays into my theory that cell phones will eventually lead to the extinction of human beings.

That reminds me, I need to get a new cell phone.
  • #38
I'm not psycho, is that why I'm all alone? :frown:
  • #39
Evo said:
I'm not psycho, is that why I'm all alone? :frown:
Everyone can't be psycho. If you're not psycho, you're supposed to be attracted to a psycho. The article said so.
  • #40
zoobyshoe said:
Everyone can't be psycho. If you're not psycho, you're supposed to be attracted to a psycho. The article said so.
I'm not aware of being attracted to any psychos, so does that make me psycho by default? :frown:
  • #41
Evo said:
I'm not aware of being attracted to any psychos, so does that make me psycho by default? :frown:
Well, you are attracted to psychos. In the article they're called "creative people".

Certain schizophrenia-related personality traits, they speculate, may confer benefits when they are not part of a mental illness. When they instead spur creativity, for example, they may offer a mating advantage, according to the researchers, led by Daniel Nettle, a psychologist at the University of Newcastle.
  • #42
Evo said:
I'm not aware of being attracted to any psychos, so does that make me psycho by default? :frown:
Everybody's crazy except for me and thee and I'm not to sure about thee.~ Sigmund Freud or was it Rasputin
  • #43
Evo said:
I'm not aware of being attracted to any psychos, so does that make me psycho by default? :frown:
The way you judge potential mates by the manner in which they wield a fork is definitely a bit odd.:wink:
  • #44
TheStatutoryApe said:
The way you judge potential mates by the manner in which they wield a fork is definitely a bit odd.:wink:

:smile: :smile: :smile:
  • #45
But antisocial personality disorder and schizophrenia are not the same mental illness. Psychopaths are usually the dangerous types.
  • #46
i don't think creative types are necessarily crazy. I like to think of myself as quirky. oooor, imaginative. ooooor living in an idealistic reality not necessarily in sync with everyone else's reality. yes, all that, but not crazy, no no. If you heard what the lamps were saying, you'd be talking to them all the time too!
  • #47
zoobyshoe said:
Everyone can't be psycho. If you're not psycho, you're supposed to be attracted to a psycho. The article said so.

Are you sure about that? Maybe it's supposed to be that psychos are attracted to you if you're not psycho.
  • #48
Psychos are attracted to non-psychos because they want to make everyone else psycho so they can then be normal...
  • #49
russ_watters said:
Psychos are attracted to non-psychos because they want to make everyone else psycho so they can then be normal...

I disagree. I'm definitely psycho, and I'm only attracted to psychos because normal people are boring. Like my last ex who thought all ugly people should just die. Yup, definitely a psycho. Or the other one who was a liberal socialist devout christian. Brilliant and crazy. See?
  • #50
SpaceTiger said:
What really gets me is the cell phones. I'll be walking down the street and see someone who appears to be talking to themselves or a nearby batch of shrubbery, and I'll be all like, "Hottie alert!" Then I'll get closer and find out they're just talking on a cell phone or headset or some such nonsense. This all just plays into my theory that cell phones will eventually lead to the extinction of human beings.
That reminds me, I need to get a new cell phone.


(from ToothPasteForDinner http://www.toothpastefordinner.com)
  • #51
Smart - yes.

Crazy - never.

Quirky is ok, but then I'm quirky. :biggrin:
  • #52
Gale said:
oooor, imaginative. ooooor living in an idealistic reality not necessarily in sync with everyone else's reality. yes, all that, but not crazy, no no.
I reject reality and substitute it with my own!
  • #53
Jelfish said:
What is that one in the middle? An undigested sandwitch?
  • #54
People yell in their phones because they're jackasses. You can talk into the phone in a low voice and it gets picked just fine. When you yell, what you're actually doing is pronouncing words properly instead of slurring them.
  • #55
I'm a jackass because I leave my phone off until I feel like calling someone...lol.

Call me old fashioned, I like a girl with big jugs.
  • #56
All women are psychotic, the only thing different among them is their level of psychosis.
  • #57
gravenewworld said:
All women are psychotic, the only thing different among them is their level of psychosis.
All right sisters, you know what to do. :devil:

  • #58
Evo said:
All right sisters, you know what to do. :devil:


I think you proved his point.

I love threads that go almost a whole year without posts before someone digs 20 pages back into the PF archives to resurrect them.
  • #59
franznietzsche said:
I think you proved his point.
Neve said I disagreed. :biggrin:

I love threads that go almost a whole year without posts before someone digs 20 pages back into the PF archives to resurrect them.
You missed the 2 year old necropost on crater chains in S&D the other day?

Why do the smilies keep moving? :mad:
  • #60
Evo said:
Why do the smilies keep moving? :mad:

Because they're dancing with the scroll bar.
  • #61
SpaceTiger said:
Because they're dancing with the scroll bar.
The Scroll Bar: an internet cafe that serves alcohol? :biggrin:
  • #62
Did you just say that, Moonbear?
  • #63
GeorginaS said:
Did you just say that, Moonbear?
:rolleyes: Should I have just thought it to myself and spared everyone my sense of humor? :redface:
  • #64
It was pretty korny, but I wasnt going to say anything :smile: :smile:
  • #65
Every woman I've ever dated was crazy...eventually.
  • #66
I met this college student at a cafe where I hang out and she was the sanest, nicest person in the world...untill her boyfriend would call. Then she became strangely spaced out, seeming like someone who'd taken a bunch of valium. It was spooky.
  • #67
tribdog said:
Every woman I've ever dated was crazy...eventually.

I actually just had lunch with my crazy ex.

We've been on more dates since we broke up than in the entire time we were dating, incidentally.

She's fun, just absolutely crazy.
  • #68
fun crazy or scary crazy?
  • #69
tribdog said:
fun crazy or scary crazy?

A healthy combination of both. Beauty queen too.
  • #70
franznietzsche said:
A healthy combination of both. Beauty queen too.
Uhm there is no "healthy" combination of those. RUN!