Will Israel and USA Bomb Iran's Nuclear Facilities?

In summary: OMG, I'm getting into nuclear war territory now!). In summary, the United States is going to bomb Iran's nuclear facilities after the elections. The source was good enough for me, but I can't remember what it was. I think that Iran would be more destabilized by a war with North Korea, and we've never had much success in Iran. There are no troops left to use, and a draft would just about incite a near civil war as bad as things are already.
  • #1
Are they (Israel/USA {who else?}) going to bomb Iran's nuclear facilities?
I think they will 100% after elections.No doubt about it.
What you guys think?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
I read somewhere that because Iran could actually put up a fight against the imperial mafia, that it will be a much more covert regime change in Iran. It will be more like a propaganda thing where the CIA/whatever will undermine the government like the US did in Operation Ajax in 1953. The source was good enough for me but I can't remember what it was; I'll try to remember.
  • #3
I'd be really surprised to see them go after Iran. Here's why:

1) North Korea is much more belligerent, and would be more destabilizing to its region (look at how many other countries don't want them to get nukes).

2) We've always had a distinct lack of success doing anything in Iran.

3) There's no troops left to use. For those of you thinking a draft is coming, i doubt it, even if bush is reelected, a draft would just about incite a near civil war as bad as things are already. A draft would even bring a good size of bush's supporters all the way across. And while public support might not matter to him in his next term, all those congressmen still want to get reelected, and not one that votes for a draft would get reelected.
  • #4
U.S. to sell 5,000 smart bombs to Israel


Deal comes amid concerns about Iran's nuclear aspirations

The Associated Press ET Sept. 21, 2004

JERUSALEM - The United States will sell Israel nearly 5,000 smart bombs in one of the largest weapons deals between the allies in years, Israeli military officials said Tuesday.

The U.S. Defense Security Cooperation Agency said in a June 1 press release that the sale “will contribute to the foreign policy and national security of the United States by helping to improve the security of a friendly country that has been and continues to be an important force for political stability and economic progress in the Middle East.

... more”

I don't believe all 5,000 smart bombs are to kill Arafat. But we know a sure that it is for national security of the United States! :smile:
  • #5
Shouldnt they bomb it?
  • #6
On what international law would Israel have the right to bomb Iran?
  • #7
Iran agreed not to develop or acquire nuclear weapons in the NPT. If it does, it could be bombed or sanctioned.
  • #8
As usual, I'm lost amid all the sarcasm :confused:
  • #9
pelastration said:
On what international law would Israel have the right to bomb Iran?
Israel/USA is above international law.In 1980 Israel bombed Iraq's nuclear reactor.
  • #10
studentx said:
Iran agreed not to develop or acquire nuclear weapons in the NPT. If it does, it could be bombed or sanctioned.
Israel could punish Iran for no apply NPT? :smile:
Is Israel a signator to the NPT? No.
Iran signed but: Article X states that any state can withdraw from the treaty if they feel that "extraordinary events", for example a perceived threat, force them to do so. Israel telling it will attack Iran is sufficient.
  • #11
studentx said:
Iran agreed not to develop or acquire nuclear weapons in the NPT. If it does, it could be bombed or sanctioned.

My friend ,if I would come to your neighborhood and threatend you on a daily basis would not you try to defend yourself?and acquire some form of defense.
  • #12
tumor said:
Israel/USA is above international law.In 1980 Israel bombed Iraq's nuclear reactor.


And the view of US is clear (see statement above):
"The U.S. Defense Security Cooperation Agency said ... (Israel is) an important force for political stability ... in the Middle East."

Stability ... Stability ... yah. I would say: the cause of instability.
  • #13
Do you all see Iran becoming nuclear as a step forward? Or are you just willing to take a step back because youre angry at Bush?
  • #14
I think their point, studentx, is that international law only matters when it allows countries other than the US or Israel to do things like develop WMD, support (be) terrorists, or attack/annex their neighbors.
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  • #15
Apart from the terrible loss in archeology, and probably some ecological concerns, is there any good reason not to nuke out the entire middle east ?
  • #16
vanesch said:
Apart from the terrible loss in archeology, and probably some ecological concerns, is there any good reason not to nuke out the entire middle east ?
Well, it might make it tougher to get at the oil. I'm not sure its all that easy to drill through glass...
  • #17
vanesch said:
Apart from the terrible loss in archeology, and probably some ecological concerns, is there any good reason not to nuke out the entire middle east ?
Nuclear fallout can travel on high altitude winds, which limits the number of nukes you'd want to be detonating. Electro-magnetic pulses also play havoc with electronics (at a minimum, quite a few communications satellites would be in the direct line of sight).

No one in the Eastern Hemisphere would be very happy and at least some of the fallout would travel to the Western Hemisphere (remember Chernobyl?).
  • #18
studentx said:
Do you all see Iran becoming nuclear as a step forward? Or are you just willing to take a step back because youre angry at Bush?
Iran has the right to become nuclear. I don't like that but Iran has that right. Israel had the same right. Israel used that right. The reason was to create a superior weapon, stronger than the surrounding countries had. I understand that argument.
But that doesn't give Israel yet the right to forbid Iran to do the same.
If Israel attacks again Iran (cfr bombing in 1980 Iran) with 100 of those 5,000 US smart bombs there will be much more reactions and fanatism then you can imagine in your worst nightmare.

If that happens terrorism will be exported to USA. 9/11 was organized with a small structure. What happens when in US a couple of 100,000 Islamics feel personally attacked?

Why not try to find solutions in a Buddhistic way? Buddha said: "reduce stress". You don't reduce stress by attacks. With attacks you add stress. We see that in Sharon's solutions. Does he wins? No. He can win a battle, but not the war. The only solution can be found by talks and negotiations.
If you stay on attacking you get isolated because reasonable people want to have a simple and peaceful life, fun and love.
And that isolation is what happens with US and Israel. They became 'agressors' in the eyes of most people in the world.
  • #19
pelastration said:
Stability ... Stability ... yah. I would say: the cause of instability.

No more than Islam is the cause of instabiility.
  • #20
NUKING THE MIDDLLE EAST!...that wud put an end to mr. bush'zz vision of "glob-oil domination"

and what abt the iraq ...surely its a big prize for bush and his teammates...who wud want to nuke that ...after goin thru all that fuss in the UN! :smile:
  • #21
Apparently everything in the m.east revolves around oil and natural resources.
Iran is very rich in oil, so what I suspect, whole Iranian nuclear threat is just a cover to take over oil fields and nothing else.

On the other hand Israel has strong policy of nuclear domination in m.east region,and does not under ANY circumstances will let muslim country in the region develop nuclear power stations not to mention bomb.
  • #22
tumor said:
Apparently everything in the m.east revolves around oil and natural resources.
Iran is very rich in oil, so what I suspect, whole Iranian nuclear threat is just a cover to take over oil fields and nothing else.

On the other hand Israel has strong policy of nuclear domination in m.east region,and does not under ANY circumstances will let muslim country in the region develop nuclear power stations not to mention bomb.

Once again as I've stated several times in the past twelve hours:


Israel has been hated by every other country in the Middle East from Day 1 back in 1948. They would be idiots to let them gain nuclear weapons. For the last several thousand years Israel has been a placed that has been subjected to genocide, enslavement, conquest, and all sorts of nasty things by what used to be stronger nations that surrounded them. For the first time in history they are the strongest military power in that area (as they have proved on more than one occasion when faced with invasion, from both the Syrians and the Egytians). However nuclear weapons would massively level the playing field. Israel's superior conventional military would mean far less if its enemies had nuclear weapons, it would be far more difficult to guarantee is own security.
  • #23
It is very simple. Democracies never goes to war against each other. The US, France, England and Israel will not attack another democracy. Iran might and have already given strong hints that they will.

If a day comes when the world of Islam is duly equipped with the arms Israel has in possession, the strategy of colonialism would face a stalemate because application of an atomic bomb would not leave any thing in Israel but the same thing would just produce damages in the Muslim world
  • #24
If Israel bombs Iran, Israel will itself become a radiated zone where none can live in the near future. They've already condemned themselves, that would only speed there eventual judgement for crimes against Arabs over thousands of years.

If I were an Isreali citizen, and only if I had intelligence, I would leave that socio-physically cursed land that is only a curse because they are there.
  • #25
omin said:
If Israel bombs Iran, Israel will itself become a radiated zone where none can live in the near future. They've already condemned themselves, that would only speed there eventual judgement for crimes against Arabs over thousands of years.

If I were an Isreali citizen, and only if I had intelligence, I would leave that socio-physically cursed land that is only a curse because they are there.
And who will take on the duty of nuking Israel?

There's not a country on Earth right now that will do it.
  • #26
pelastration said:
Iran has the right to become nuclear. I don't like that but Iran has that right. Israel had the same right. Israel used that right. The reason was to create a superior weapon, stronger than the surrounding countries had. I understand that argument.But that doesn't give Israel yet the right to forbid Iran to do the same. If Israel attacks again Iran (cfr bombing in 1980 Iran) with 100 of those 5,000 US smart bombs there will be much more reactions and fanatism then you can imagine in your worst nightmare.

My worst nightmare is fanatics becoming nuclear. According to you they do have that right they will use it. Common sense forbid it and the UN will decide whether or not Iran really has that right or give someone else the right to take away the right from Iran.

If that happens terrorism will be exported to USA. 9/11 was organized with a small structure. What happens when in US a couple of 100,000 Islamics feel personally attacked?

What happens... well, when 100,000 fanatics feel personally attacked, ppl will hold the US responsible, blame the current president and then it will be 200.000. Its already happening, and Iran being nuclear will assure there's nothing to be done about it.

Why not try to find solutions in a Buddhistic way? Buddha said: "reduce stress". You don't reduce stress by attacks. With attacks you add stress. We see that in Sharon's solutions. Does he wins? No. He can win a battle, but not the war. The only solution can be found by talks and negotiations.

This is all fine, I am all for peaceful solutions. Unfortunately nobody knows the Buddha solution to Israel/Palestine, Iran etc.

If you stay on attacking you get isolated because reasonable people want to have a simple and peaceful life, fun and love.
And that isolation is what happens with US and Israel. They became 'agressors' in the eyes of most people in the world.

Theyre seen as agressors because the enemy is invisible. The enemy has a right we don't have, the right to be pissed off and respond in the most brutal way possible. We have the duty to bend to their rage or be held accountable. Because the real enemy is invisible the closest thing that can be held accountable is the US and Israel, and you can see how much the world loves doing that.
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  • #27

Who say's the state, country or philothrapic group needs to say?: Look! It is us bombing Israel!

When a patient asks about a cure that a medical doctore is responsible for, the doctor can't always explain things. Because, the patient would need the same years of education and experience neccesary to interpret the explanation of the cure. The doctor is not intentionally being secretive. It's the circumstance of intelligence that prevents the patient from understanding.

Those who would nuke Israel are not cowards because they don't stand up and admit it, it would be done because of the circumstance the physical intelligence creates.

The same analogy applies to the suicide bomber of state with less powerfull economies when they must defend themselves. Palestenians do not carry the bombs over because they are insane (like the Associated Press and Fox News has many thinking), the circumstance of their Kami-Kazi defense has made it necessary if they are to defend and promote a patriotic environment of defense against an evil agressor.

Terrorist labeling is necessary by the Evil Agressor because it takes more passion and heroism to achieve the status of a suicide bomber. There is no better hero in any war than the one who sacrifices themselves to attack those who are killing or support the killing of there own people. The coward can be seen safe from his F-16 while he murders the women and children with his collateral damage, which is most of the damage Israeli leadership is responsible for. The suicide bomber must submit to a flight with the Valkre when he makes his war oath. He's the better hero. Jealousy of this drives the label terrorist.

Power is decentralizing. Chemistry and physics and the unstopable internet as well mass publications mixed with evil aggressive policy such as Bush and Israel, we will suffer the repercussion of (Ironically) David who always will be able to slay the belligernant Giant (no matter what form it takes). David is a terrorist by Bushes defintion.

America will submit to fairness and remove Bush types and Kerry types. How many will die in the process while the imminent bottom line is approached?

Get rid of the Vadors, Vote Nader.
  • #28
Jewish people never had better lives than under the arab rule,from Iberian peninsula to the ottoman empire. Jews had to pay just taxes and could pray to whatever they liked,Christians also.
Now in this century someone has screwed Jews and Palestinians big time,and who are they? zionists and wars go with them.
  • #29
Aquamarine said:
It is very simple. Democracies never goes to war against each other. The US, France, England and Israel will not attack another democracy. Iran might and have already given strong hints that they will.

Israel is not exactly such a beautifull democracy,there are severe restrictions on non -jewish and they are second class citizens.
I heard even about restrictions on intermarriage bettwen various ethnic groups.
  • #30
studentx said:
My worst nightmare is fanatics becoming nuclear. According to you they do have that right they will use it. Common sense forbid it and the UN will decide whether or not Iran really has that right or give someone else the right to take away the right from Iran.
One of the fanatics has already that nuclear weapon: Israel.

The problem with Sharon is that he sees Jews are superior beings, choosen by God, and based on a book written by one or more humans. Now I am not impressed about that book. I believe humans are equal. But Bush also believes (Pat Robertson?) that Jews are superior and have a natural relationship with the other superior nation: USA. :smile:
You need the links?

If Israel would attack Iran, it will not use it's nukes, but the US smart bombs, and it's own smart bombs.
  • #31
All the while giving people good reason to NOT want to help America IN ANY WAY WHAT SO EVER. It won't be so funny when large coallitions of nations one day make up their minds to oppose the US.

USA won't bomb Iran. But Isreal will. Which will be its downfall. Not that they will lose to the Iraniains. But it will trun their society into such a warlike state that it will simply chease to exist as a Democracy. IT will be DEPENDANT on warfare as a defenition of its very statehood. ((( Dear lord the irony, Isreal as a facist state. ))) When it gets to that point Isreal will devole into a spiral of death and destruction which will end in dissolution of Isreali unity AND THEN ON THAT DAY THEY WILL GET RAPED LIKE NOTHING YOU CAN IMAGINE.
  • #32
Preator Fenix said:
All the while giving people good reason to NOT want to help America IN ANY WAY WHAT SO EVER. It won't be so funny when large coallitions of nations one day make up their minds to oppose the US.

USA won't bomb Iran. But Isreal will. Which will be its downfall. Not that they will lose to the Iraniains. But it will trun their society into such a warlike state that it will simply chease to exist as a Democracy. IT will be DEPENDANT on warfare as a defenition of its very statehood. ((( Dear lord the irony, Isreal as a facist state. ))) When it gets to that point Isreal will devole into a spiral of death and destruction which will end in dissolution of Isreali unity AND THEN ON THAT DAY THEY WILL GET RAPED LIKE NOTHING YOU CAN IMAGINE.

:smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: Man, throw in some fire and brimstone with that apocalypse while you are at it
  • #33
Well I still am allowed to dearm at least?

Can you not leave an old fool enjoy his own ignorace and well engouh alone with his foolish illusions?
  • #34
tumor said:
Israel is not exactly such a beautifull democracy,there are severe restrictions on non -jewish and they are second class citizens.
I heard even about restrictions on intermarriage bettwen various ethnic groups.

And like the family law in America, the most fundamental of all civil laws, they are fl*u!nking idiots!

FAQ: Will Israel and USA Bomb Iran's Nuclear Facilities?

1. What is the current situation between Israel, USA, and Iran?

The current situation between Israel, USA, and Iran is tense due to ongoing conflicts and disagreements, particularly regarding Iran's nuclear program. Israel and the USA have expressed concerns that Iran's nuclear facilities could be used to develop weapons, while Iran maintains that their program is for peaceful purposes.

2. Why would Israel and the USA consider bombing Iran's nuclear facilities?

Israel and the USA have stated that they would consider bombing Iran's nuclear facilities as a last resort to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons. They believe that a nuclear-armed Iran would pose a threat to regional and global security.

3. Has Israel or the USA bombed Iran's nuclear facilities in the past?

No, neither Israel nor the USA have officially bombed Iran's nuclear facilities in the past. There have been reports of cyber attacks and sabotage on these facilities, but no confirmed military strikes.

4. What are the potential consequences of bombing Iran's nuclear facilities?

The potential consequences of bombing Iran's nuclear facilities are complex and could have far-reaching effects. It could lead to an escalation of conflicts in the region, damage to infrastructure and loss of life, and could potentially push Iran to retaliate or accelerate their nuclear program.

5. Is there any other way to address concerns about Iran's nuclear program?

Yes, there are ongoing diplomatic efforts and negotiations between Iran and other countries, such as the USA, to address concerns about their nuclear program. These efforts include the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) which aims to limit Iran's nuclear activities in exchange for sanctions relief.

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