Accelerate Definition and 191 Threads

In mechanics, acceleration is the rate of change of the velocity of an object with respect to time.
Accelerations are vector quantities (in that they have magnitude and direction). The orientation of an object's acceleration is given by the orientation of the net force acting on that object. The magnitude of an object's acceleration, as described by Newton's Second Law, is the combined effect of two causes:

the net balance of all external forces acting onto that object — magnitude is directly proportional to this net resulting force;
that object's mass, depending on the materials out of which it is made — magnitude is inversely proportional to the object's mass.The SI unit for acceleration is metre per second squared (m⋅s−2,




{\displaystyle {\tfrac {\operatorname {m} }{\operatorname {s} ^{2}}}}
For example, when a vehicle starts from a standstill (zero velocity, in an inertial frame of reference) and travels in a straight line at increasing speeds, it is accelerating in the direction of travel. If the vehicle turns, an acceleration occurs toward the new direction and changes its motion vector. The acceleration of the vehicle in its current direction of motion is called a linear (or tangential during circular motions) acceleration, the reaction to which the passengers on board experience as a force pushing them back into their seats. When changing direction, the effecting acceleration is called radial (or orthogonal during circular motions) acceleration, the reaction to which the passengers experience as a centrifugal force. If the speed of the vehicle decreases, this is an acceleration in the opposite direction and mathematically a negative, sometimes called deceleration, and passengers experience the reaction to deceleration as an inertial force pushing them forward. Such negative accelerations are often achieved by retrorocket burning in spacecraft. Both acceleration and deceleration are treated the same, they are both changes in velocity. Each of these accelerations (tangential, radial, deceleration) is felt by passengers until their relative (differential) velocity are neutralized in reference to the vehicle.

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  1. S

    Does Force Affect Acceleration in Space?

    would an object's motion continue to increase in space after applying force on it(ignore gravity)
  2. jonisba5

    Can the Physics of Human Falling be Defined by Equations?

    Hello, I am an Engineering student in London and I am working on a very interesting project! Would be grateful if you could share your thoughts in this question I posted about it. Find it below: Thanks a...
  3. kiwaho

    I Can electron beam accelerate electron capture beta decay?

    Some nuclides undergo decay of electron capture or beta plus. Can electron beam with appropriate energy accelerate electron capture beta decay? Same scenario: If I am looking for something, and my friend kindly hands it over to me, then I say thanks, because my seeking time is shorten.
  4. MotoMike

    Payload accelerate after rocket separation?

    The USN used to shoot ASROC from box launchers. It was a torpedo with a rocket motor on the back. it was ballistic. The rocket fired and then separated mid flight. the torpedo continued on, a chute was deployed to slow and I think stabilize the water entry after which the torpedo went on...
  5. B

    What forces causes the top book to accelerate horizontally?

    Homework Statement A small textbook is resting on a larger textbook on a horizontal desktop. You apply a horizontal force to the bottom book and both books accelerate together. The top book does not slip on the lower book. What forces causes the top book to accelerate horizontally? Homework...
  6. M

    Calculate the average resultant force required to accelerate the ball.

    Homework Statement A 56 g tennis ball is accelerated at 1000 m s-2 to reach its service velocity. Calculate the average resultant force required to accelerate the ball. Homework Equations F = MA The Attempt at a Solution Mass = 0.56g = 0.056kg Acceleration = 1000m/s2 0.056 x 1000 = 56N...
  7. Likith D

    Can light accelerate in vacuum?

    Light being emitted from a source in vacuum, can photons accelerate ?
  8. B

    Magnetic field cannot accelerate a rest charged particle?

    Let's see delocalized electron cloud on a surface of a metal (a piece of iron for example): When a strong Nd magnet get close the spin of these electrons allign to the magnetic field but the electrons don't move. Why? The force is not canceled out. Electrons should move and compressed in one...
  9. henrco

    What rate does the lift accelerates in the first 5 sec?

    Hi, I'm trying to solve this problem and it's driving me a little crazy. Any help greatly appreciated. Q) A lift travels to the top of a tower through a vertical displacement of 48 m. The total journey takes 17 s. The lift accelerates from rest at a constant rate for the first 5 seconds. Then...
  10. P

    What Is the Required Thrust Force to Launch a 590 kg Rocket?

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  11. J

    Why do things accelerate due to gravity at the same rate?

    If you use Newtons gravity equation; F=M1*M2/d^2. The force is dependent on the mass of two bodies so how could the mass cancel? Also, for example If I had a bowling ball and a ball the mass of the sun and droped them 100 feet above Earth The two balls would not accelerate at the same rate...
  12. P

    Can a beam of photons accelerate an atom or object?

    Not quite sure how to ask this, but here goes: I think I understand how a photon impacting an atom can increase the energy level of an electron in the atom. When I read about "light pressure", I thought, is there a way for, say, a stream of photons to accelerate an atom by continually impacting...
  13. jerromyjon

    Minimum energy to accelerate a mass?

    I have a similar logical "gap" in my understanding that I still haven't resolved... which seems to be right on point with this thread if I call it "minimum amount of energy required to accelerate a given mass". From what I know about SR, accelerating mass takes energy which increases...
  14. 0coffeebean0

    Find the voltage needed to accelerate the electron from rest

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  15. N

    Optimal distance to accelerate projectile

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  16. L

    Inertia and a Rocket that doesn't accelerate anymore

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  17. N

    Do atmospheric muons accelerate?

    <<Moderator note: This discussion was originally posted in another thread. It has been moved as it did not concern the OP of that thread.>> The muons never accelerate from A->B?
  18. N

    Mass Needed to Accelerate a Box Along a Pulley

    Homework Statement Okay, so I am given an acceleration that I need to accelerate a box-thingy, along with a weight inside. Friction is included. I need to come up with a mass that is connected through a pulley to the box. This mass has to accelerate the box at the given acceleration. I am not...
  19. S

    Calculating magnetic field to accelerate deutrons in a cyclotron

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  20. A

    Spec-rel, two ships accelerate away from each other

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  21. Y

    How can I accelerate my laboratory practise?

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  22. N

    Why do negative charges spontaneously accelerate when they move to?

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  23. T

    Equilibrium Question - at what rate does the block accelerate?

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  24. DocZaius

    Uniform changing magnetic field does not accelerate a charge?

    Consider a charge in free space. There is initially no magnetic field and the only electric field is the one caused by the charge. Now introduce a B field which increases with time: \vec{B}=B\:t\:\hat{z} Faraday's Law: \nabla\times\vec{E}=-\frac{\partial\vec{B}}{\partial t} states...
  25. A

    Voltage required to accelerate a proton into another one

    Homework Statement A proton is accelerated through a voltage ∆V with parallel plates towards another stationary proton that is "far away" outside of the proton gun. To get fusion, we want them to get close enough to touch at the surfaces. Find the voltage across the plates that would...
  26. G

    Three hanging masses and two pulleys, why does m3 accelerate?

    Homework Statement Figure CP7.57 shows three hanging masses connected by massless strings over two massless, frictionless pulleys. a) Suppose: m1 = 2.5 kg, m2 = 1.5 kg, and m3 = 4.0 kg. Find the acceleration of each. b) The 4.0 kg mass would appear to be in equilibrium. Explain why it...
  27. H

    If light approaches a black hole will it accelerate?

    If light approaches a black hole will it accelerate? I think this question ties in with whether light has mass or not. Does light have mass? It seems accepted that light has momentum, but this is not consistent with saying that photons are mass-less (momentum=mass*volume). Could someone clear...
  28. D

    Accelerate a ball bearing through a 90 degree turn

    I am looking to accelerate a ball bearing through a 90 degree turn using an impulse from an electromagnet wrapped around a bent tube. What I want to know is what is the minimum radius turn you could use, obviously if the radius of the turn is too small the ball will simply impact the wall at the...
  29. S

    How does exercise accelerate glucose uptake in diabetes?

    We're usually just told that exercise is a great way to stimulate the movement of glucose into cells. But how does it do that? I would think that insulin resistance is insulin resistance, exercise or no exercise.
  30. S

    Time it takes to accelerate from 60-130mph

    So in the world of high end performance cars, this is yet another measuring stick to determine a cars acceleration prowess. Their 60-130mph times are measured using GPS devices in the car, given a minimum gradient restriction. Different divers have different techniques which they feel give...
  31. A

    The reason why you can't accelerate to light speed

    I had thought about it, and came to this conclusion: In order to accelerate your mass faster and faster, you'll need a higher and higher amount of energy in order to move yourself; this energy (which could be considered mass?) curves space/time and causes time dilation. How off am I?
  32. N

    Two objects accelerate from rest with the acceleration of Object A twi

    Homework Statement Two objects accelerate from rest with the acceleration of Object A twice that of Object B. After accelerating for a given time, Object A will have traveled how many times the distance of Object B? The Attempt at a Solution How can I find out mathematically? I know that...
  33. A

    How much mass will be converted to energy to accelerate the spaceship

    Homework Statement i put my answers to the questions in bold A spaceship and its occupants have a total mass of 1.8×105kg . The occupants would like to travel to a star that is 30 light-years away at a speed of 0.70c. To accelerate, the engine of the spaceship changes mass directly to energy...
  34. D

    Calculating the mass of matter required to accelerate a spaceship

    Homework Statement A spaceship is powered by a matter-antimatter reactor. Suppose you have a 23000-metric-ton spaceship and wish to accelerate it to 0.03 c. What is the total mass of matter and anti matter required, assuming a 100 % efficient engine. Homework Equations Really not sure about...
  35. M

    Frame drag to accelerate spaceships?

    As far as I understand, a spaceship going around rotating black hole should gain additional acceleration due to frame drag. Right? So, would there be max speed gain, like in gravity assist, or could you accelerate infinitely? Thanks.
  36. P

    How does matter accelerate in a gravitational field

    I have been reading various forums etc but can't find a clear explanation of how the space-time warping causes an object to accelerate/gain energy. I don't want pseudo explanations about potential energy etc. Thanks
  37. Z

    Fuel usage to accelerate to 20 mph

    In an effort to approach the EPA on the subject of eliminating unnecessary stop signs in an effort to reduce fuel consumption nationally, I am trying to determine approximately how much fuel is required to accelerate from a dead stop to 20 mph. With all the variables (vehicle weight...
  38. M

    Does light accelerate to its speed or is it instant?

    Someone actually asked me an intersting question. Does light accelerate to its top speed or is its acceleration at 0 and is always at the top speed. Please assume we are in a vacuum, and you slam two protons together to release light, does that light start of at max speed or does it accelerate...
  39. A

    Why does a gyroscope accelerate?

    A gyroscope has two forces acting on it (is this wrong?): the normal force and its weight. Assuming they cancel, the total acceleration of the center of mass should be zero. How then, does the center of mass spin in a circle? Is there another force (friction?) present? If I released a gyroscope...
  40. V

    What causes gas particles to accelerate so that P = F / A

    Dear Physics Forums, Pressure is force / area, and force is mass * acceleration. When you have a gas in a container, it's said to exert a pressure on its container. Therefore, the particles are accelerating toward the container's walls. What's causing these gas particles to accelerate...
  41. B

    The force required to accelerate a radiating charge

    If we try to treat a non-relativistic point charge, what force do we need to accelerate it uniformly, when we take the fact that it radiates into account? I assumed the force would do the necessary extra work so that: F dx = d(1/2 mv^2) + P dt; where P is the Larmor power, but at any point...
  42. M

    Does there need to be a difference in pressure for a fluid to accelerate?

    From some of the questions I'm encountering my text, it seems like the writers are implying that there always needs to be a difference in pressure for a fluid to accelerate (by this I mean a difference between the Pi and Pf values on either side of Bernoulli's equation). But is this really true...
  43. T

    Is it better to accelerate into a head on collision?

    Naturally, one would think, the faster your going the more energy you will create and the harder you will hit. But take a deeper look. Under the basis that in a car accident, it isn't the "Crash" that kills you, but the stop (inertia). If you were to be involved in a head on collision with an...
  44. L

    Use Archimede's Spiral For Accelerate An Object.

    Hi, Is it possible to help to accelerate an object with an Archimede Spiral ? We can apply a force F perpendiculary to the spiral, like this if we want to turn the spiral in its center we don't need energy. If we want to accelerate an object near the spiral, we apply a force F to the spiral...
  45. coktail

    Energy required to accelerate, and frames of reference

    It is my understanding that the faster an object moves, the more energy is required to accelerate it. As an object approaches the speed of light, an infinite amount of energy is required to further accelerate it, which is why no object can travel faster than the speed of light. But movement is...
  46. O

    Power required to accelerate an object question?

    I want to calculate the mechanical power I can output continuously on a stationary bike. The good news is I have the power vs. speed curve available for the given bike, the question is how much power does it take to accelerate from one speed to another? If I know it takes 250W at 20mph and...
  47. J

    How to chemically Accelerate Evaporation?

    I am trying to create a solar refrigerator which is roughly based on the Zeer Pot idea...
  48. J

    How fast can a human safley accelerate?

    In a straight line, on sea level (if it matters), how fast can a human safley accelerate? Not just the strongest human, but even the weakest, like an elderly or a child. Assume that they are strapped in a seat. I'm thinking about those maglev trains in air evacuated tunnels and how fast they...
  49. C

    Variation in speed of light - how does it accelerate after being slowed down?

    As you will see this is my first post so I apologize if I have chosen the wrong sub-forum. My academic training (maths) was many years ago and it now seems to me that for the last 30 or so years my brain has been in a kind of intellectual limbo from which it is only now beginning to emerge, so...
  50. Q

    Couldn't you accelerate past light by means of gravitational acceleration?

    If I type in any equation for acceleration due to gravity, I can look and see that it will eventually become bigger than 186,000 miles per second. So, what's stopping the acceleration from being faster than light if the principal of the curvature of the fabric for space allows matter to follow a...