Accelerate Definition and 191 Threads

In mechanics, acceleration is the rate of change of the velocity of an object with respect to time.
Accelerations are vector quantities (in that they have magnitude and direction). The orientation of an object's acceleration is given by the orientation of the net force acting on that object. The magnitude of an object's acceleration, as described by Newton's Second Law, is the combined effect of two causes:

the net balance of all external forces acting onto that object — magnitude is directly proportional to this net resulting force;
that object's mass, depending on the materials out of which it is made — magnitude is inversely proportional to the object's mass.The SI unit for acceleration is metre per second squared (m⋅s−2,




{\displaystyle {\tfrac {\operatorname {m} }{\operatorname {s} ^{2}}}}
For example, when a vehicle starts from a standstill (zero velocity, in an inertial frame of reference) and travels in a straight line at increasing speeds, it is accelerating in the direction of travel. If the vehicle turns, an acceleration occurs toward the new direction and changes its motion vector. The acceleration of the vehicle in its current direction of motion is called a linear (or tangential during circular motions) acceleration, the reaction to which the passengers on board experience as a force pushing them back into their seats. When changing direction, the effecting acceleration is called radial (or orthogonal during circular motions) acceleration, the reaction to which the passengers experience as a centrifugal force. If the speed of the vehicle decreases, this is an acceleration in the opposite direction and mathematically a negative, sometimes called deceleration, and passengers experience the reaction to deceleration as an inertial force pushing them forward. Such negative accelerations are often achieved by retrorocket burning in spacecraft. Both acceleration and deceleration are treated the same, they are both changes in velocity. Each of these accelerations (tangential, radial, deceleration) is felt by passengers until their relative (differential) velocity are neutralized in reference to the vehicle.

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  1. C

    Calculate the maximum force required to accelerate the box

    Homework Statement Calculate the maximum force required to accelerate the box from rest and not move the glass on it's surface on top of the box. I am given the mass of the box and glass, and both the static and kinetic coefficients of both objects. I have to create a spreadsheet that can...
  2. A

    Manual or Automatic cars accelerate faster?

    We have a long debate on which transmission can accelerate faster. My idea is manual and I drive a manual, and I could pass other AT car (same capacity) quite easily. But some say automatic because the auto shift is very short. How about your idea?
  3. H

    Calculate the kinetic energy required to accelerate a proton

    Homework Statement Calculate the kinetic energy required to accelerate a proton from a rest position to 0.9999c. The mass of the proton is 1.67x10-27 Find the ratio of kinetic energy to the energy of a proton at rest Homework Equations Erest = mc2 Ek = mc2/√(1-v2/c2) The Attempt at a...
  4. R

    N-body simulation- objects accelerate *past* each other

    Homework Statement I am making a standard N-body simulation for a computer science class and, for some reason, the objects that I am simulating accelerate past each other, and then engage in spring-like motion, getting closer and then farther apart, etc. Obviously incorrect. Homework...
  5. D

    Energy need to Accelerate 4300 lbs from 55 mph to 84mph within a quarter mile?

    This might be an amusing one for you. I need help how do I calculate the energy needed to accelerate a 4300 lbs mass traveling at 55 mph to 84mph within a quarter mile. In real life terms: (No exact science needed) I'm trying to find out, roughly how much, theoretically, approximate additional...
  6. G

    Horizontal Force on a Ramp required to Accelerate a Mass

    Homework Statement A 5.57 kg box sits on a ramp that is inclined at 38.0^\circ above the horizontal. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the box and the ramp is 0.28. What horizontal force is required to move the box up the incline with a constant acceleration of 4.30 m/s^2...
  7. C

    Susskind Lecture - accelerate reference frames

    in at 0:47:00 Susskind begins discussing accelerated reference frames and notes that they relate to hyperbolas rather than parabolas. I understand the concept and need for the proper acceleration to be asymptotic at C. Susskind seems to infer that an observer in the accelerated frame will...
  8. edpell

    Accelerate He ions on to Thorium

    Can we breed protactinium from thorium by hitting it with accelerated He ions?
  9. T

    Why the engine spins faster when I accelerate?

    Hello friends, I just wanted to know what makes the engine turns faster when you open the valve throttle.
  10. P

    How to accelerate ions at home?

    How to accelerate ions at home? I am really interested in accelerating some metal ions at home but don't really know where to start... I am willing to reach 30 keV... Is it even possible? Are there any alternative ways of doing this other than using accelerators? Many thanks for your...
  11. W

    Power Needed to Accelerate 1200 kg Car from Rest to 20 m/s

    A car with a mass of 1200 kg accelerates from rest to 20 m/s in 6.0 seconds. What average power must the car produce to cause this acceleration? a. 5 kW b. 15 kW c. 30 kW d. 40 kW For this problem, I did (1200)(9.81) and got the force. Then I used d= (6 seconds) x ((0 +20)/2) to find...
  12. A

    How can light accelerate to such a huge velocity?

    I mean if light has relative mass which makes its mass near to infinity, then from where does it get the energy to accelerate such a heavy thing to such a huge velocity?
  13. I

    Calculate torque required to accelerate question

    Hi all getting a bit stuck on this problem:- a solid cylinder rotating about its polar axis has a mass of 120kg and a diameter of 0.6,. If the bearings provide a frictional torque of Nm, find the torque applied to accelerate the cylinder from 200 to 1400rpm in 40 seconds? if anyone can...
  14. N

    The potential difference necessary to accelerate an He+ ion ?

    The potential difference necessary to accelerate an He+ ion...? Homework Statement "What potential difference is needed to accelerate a He+ ion (charge +e, mass 4u) from rest to a speed of 1.2×10^6 m/s?" Homework Equations K_f + q*V_f = K_i + q*V_iThe Attempt at a Solution I figure that...
  15. G

    How do I determine torque required to accelerate

    Referring to the attached diagram, how do I determine the torque required to uniformly accelerate the object about the vertical axis XX from rest to 50 rpm in 5 seconds?
  16. C

    Bike and Car both accelerate from rest ( intermediate problem)

    Bike and Car both accelerate from rest ("intermediate" problem) Homework Statement Basically, both a bike and car start from rest. The bike will not go any faster than (final velocity) 20 mi / hr. The car will not go faster than (final velocity) 50 mi / hr. However, at first, the bike is...
  17. K

    How does an electron in orbit not accelerate towards a proton in an atom?

    If the proton in the nucleus of, say a hydrogen atom, exerts an attractive force on an electron that is in orbit, why doesn't the electron move towards the proton? And does this have anything to do with the electric force being the centripetal force?
  18. R

    Torque required to accelerate a steel shaft

    Background - I am a retired aeronautical and mechanical engineer (70 years old) and closed my consulting/manufacturing firm about 2 years ago. My technical books are still in storage and I can't get to them right now. A friend has asked me to assist with some machine design calculations and...
  19. R

    Create an object that will accelerate down a ramp

    I have to create an object that will accelerate down a ramp and travel for a distance of three metres and stop. No braking systems allowed. Once i know the angle of the ramp what factors do i need to consider?
  20. R

    Calculating Torque to Accelerate

    Hi, I need to find out horsepower to accelerate pipe (40ft long) which is fixed with the plate (10ft x10Ft x 1inch) and whole assembly supported with bearing and shaft. I need to accelerate and decelerate this assembly 180 degree in 10 second ? Plate weight = 4000...
  21. 1

    Finding Force to Accelerate a Wheel Cart for Bending Moment Calculation

    I am having trouble trying to find the force required to accelerate a wheeled cart. so that i can calculate the bending moment in a stopping bracket, the bit I am stuck on is The Acceleration of the cart, the situation is; An 80,000Kg Wheeled cart runs on rails from rest and hits a stop...
  22. jegues

    Electric potential difference to accelerate electron

    Homework Statement What electric potential difference is required to accelerate and electron, initially at rest, to the speed at which it will move in a circular path with radius 1cm when the electron enters a region of uniform magnetic field of 1.0T, if the field is perpendicular to the...
  23. M

    Can you accelerate faster than the speed of light?

    hello all, I know that it is impossible for something to have a speed greater than c, is it possible however to accelerate faster than c? For example, would it be possible to accelerate something at 4c/s for 1/8 of a second, resulting in a speed of 1/2c?
  24. O

    How fast does the balloon accelerate upwards?

    Homework Statement your team is in charge of launching a large helium weather balloon that is spherical in shape, and whose radius is 3.0 m and total mass is 17.5 kg (balloon plus helium plus equipment). (a) What is the initial upward acceleration of the balloon when it is released from...
  25. L

    Why Does Accelerating a Body Require Twice the Energy You Get Back?

    E= 1/2mv2 Since "for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction", I can only accelerate one object by pushing away from another, meaning both accelerate in opposite directions. If both weigh the same, then my energy that I spent will be divided into 2, meaning each half will only...
  26. T

    What else could the LHC accelerate?

    The LHC accelerates protons and lead ions. Are all the electrons stripped from the lead ions? If so, could lead ions with some electrons still be accelerated? Would there be any reason to? Could the LHC accelerate alpha particles or other nuclei? Why lead ions over lighter or heaver...
  27. J

    Can Jet Engines Accelerate a Spacecraft in Empty Space?

    Imagine we are in a spacecraft which is moving with a constant velocity in empty space. If we are not influenced by any gravitational forces, and if we restart the engine, will it be accelerated ?
  28. I

    How to calculate fuel to accelerate a vehicle

    Homework Statement Hello, This is not a home work question but as I am not a math or physics major I need some help moving this problem forward. I am trying to calculate how much fuel (petrol/diesel/LPG) it takes to accelerate a vehicle and well to cut a long story sort I seem to be...
  29. I

    How to calculate fuel to accelerate a vehicle

    Hello, I am trying to calculate how much fuel (petrol/diesel/LPG) it takes to accelerate a vehicle and well to cut a long story sort I seem to be getting my units mixed up also whether I should us small or big calories. Lastly is the incline and issue that I also need to consider and how do I...
  30. A

    What horizontal force is required to accelerate the block

    A block of mass 4.0kg rests on a horizontal surface. What horizontal force is required to accelerate the block at 5.0m/s2 if the coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.25?
  31. L

    Work Needed to Accelerate 2008 Dodge Viper SRT

    Homework Statement The 2008 dodge viper srt uses a v-10 engine to develop more than 600HP of the power, question- If the mass of the viper is 1560 kg, what work must be done by the car to accelerate from rest to 30m/s> Homework Equations I am confused on what formula to use...
  32. B

    Calculating force to accelerate object

    Homework Statement What is the initial force P required to accelerate the table upwards at 0.3ms^2. Homework Equations I have attached the the problem, it is drawn out in paint. The mass expected to be carried on the table is 200kg and can be assumed to be a point mass acting at...
  33. Z

    Why Do Objects Accelerate Despite Equal and Opposite Forces?

    If Newton's law states that every action has an opposite and equal reaction, why would an object accelerate? Why does the net force not always equal zero, meaning no acceleration? For instance, a man pushes a cart with a force of 10N. According to Newton's law, the cart pushes back with 10N. So...
  34. C

    At what rate does the mass accelerate?

    Can someone help explain this question to me, i know the answer to be 5 m/s^2 but thought it was 10 m/s^2. An anstronaut on the moon applies a 100 N horizontal force to a 10 kg mass at rest on a table. At what rate does the mass accelerate?
  35. R

    Torque and Power required to accelerate a car from 0-60MPH

    Hi All I have a typical automotive problem here i am being confused by; I have a three wheeled vehicle with two driven wheels and i am trying to spec a motor/power supply for it. To do this i want to calculate the torque and therefore power required by the motor. The process i have...
  36. R

    Electric field needed to accelerate an electron

    Homework Statement The electron gun in a television tube is used to accelerate electrons (mass of 9.10939 X 10 ^ -31, and charge of -1.60218 X 10 ^ -19) from rest to 2 X 10 ^ 7 m/s within a distance of 7.4 cm. What electric field is required? Answer in units of N/C Homework Equations F_e...
  37. M

    Traveling at c-(1 planck length/planck time), then accelerate. What happens?

    Amateur so go easy on me. Let's say you're traveling so close to c that you are only 1 Planck length/planck time slower. Seems like you have to increase speed in increments of Planck lengths/planck times (correct me if I'm wrong). Presumably to go any faster, you'd have to skip right to c...
  38. E

    Power Required to Accelerate Space Craft to Near Light Speed

    I hope I can explain my question clearly enough for someone to answer. Suppose we wish to estimate the power required to accelerate a spacecraft from say 0.9c to 0.9999c in a certain time. By basic definition: Power = Change in Energy / Change in Time. Due to special relativity, there is...
  39. M

    Work required to accelerate a horizontal wheel

    Homework Statement How much work is required to accelerate a horizontal wheel of mass 1150 kg from rest to a rotational rate of 1 revolution in 5 seconds Homework Equations I = 1/2(m)(r^2) Rotational KE (ie work) = KE2 - KE1 Rotational KE = (1/2)(I)(Omega Squared) The Attempt at a...
  40. A

    Max Force on 3.0kg Box to Accelerate: Find the Answer

    Homework Statement Two boxes sit on a table, connectedn by a massless string. The first is 2.0 kg and the second is 3.0 kg. The coefficient of kinetic friction betweent the boxes and the table is 0.80. The max tensile strength is 1000 N. What is the max force that can be exerted on the 3.0 kg...
  41. S

    If Kinetic friction is a constant can I accelerate forever?

    If a limiting friction of an object is 10N and the kinetic friction is 5 N. If I apply a force of 20 N continuosly would I be accelerating with a 5 N force forever.
  42. T

    The Mystery: Accelerating Time in Strong Gravitational Fields

    This question seems trivial, but I couldn`t find an answer to it. I know that time slows down in strong gravitational field, but is there something even theoretically capable of accelerating time around it? Thanks for answers.
  43. F

    Why do protons accelerate towards regions of low potential?

    I am a bit confused, because I was trying to solve a question involving lines of constant electric potential and protons/electrons which move through this field. Now, I noticed that I do not know why protons do accelerate towards lower potential? Could somebody please explain the reasoning...
  44. D

    Calculating Horizontal Force to Accelerate Shopping Cart

    Homework Statement A shopper pushes a 7.5 kg shopping cart up a 13 degree incline. Find the magnitude of the horizontal force needed to give the cart an acceleation of 1.41 m/s^2. Homework Equations F = m * a The Attempt at a Solution I am not sure how to set up the F(x) and...
  45. P

    Max Horizontal Force for Two Blocks to Accelerate Without Slipping

    Homework Statement A block of mass M_1 rests on a block of mass M_2 which lies on a frictionless table. The coefficient of friction between the blocks is \mu . What is the maximum horizontal force which can be applied to the lower ( M_2 ) block for the blocks to accelerate without...
  46. J

    Forces required to accelerate a mass on a spring

    Hi, I am currently working on a project and have become stuck on what should be a relatively simple problem (I thought). Basically I am using a DC motor to provide a force on a crank that compresses a piece of rubber. The movement includes some acceleration. I am trying to use the...
  47. C

    The way Lenz force can accelerate a magnet

    Hello. I have problems with the Faraday and Lenz laws. Not problems with their definitions (they are OK), but with the usual assumptions and relation with conservation of energy: The definition of these two laws states: - Faraday law: The induced electromotive force or EMF in any closed...
  48. B

    Water waves accelerate in deeper water.

    A standard demonstration of refraction is to show water ripples traveling from deeper to shallow water. The frequency remains constant and the wavelength is observed to be shorter and the velocity lower. BUT when the water wave travels from shollow to deeper water the opposite happens and the...
  49. J

    Finding potential difference to accelerate the ion

    Homework Statement What potential difference is needed to accelerate a He + ion (charge +e, mass 4 u) from rest to a speed of 2.0 * 10^6 m/s?Homework Equations Kf + Uf = Ki + Ui U = qV where V is potential difference (volts) K = (1/2)mv^2 The Attempt at a Solution I chose the rest point to...
  50. G

    How to calculate torque required to accelerate

    I have a bicycle that has a mass of 100kilograms with the rider on it. The wheels have a diameter of 26" or 0.722meters. How do i calculate how much torque is required to: 1.) break the static coefficient of friction and cause the wheel to start turning, and 2.) determine how much torque is...