Accelerate Definition and 191 Threads

In mechanics, acceleration is the rate of change of the velocity of an object with respect to time.
Accelerations are vector quantities (in that they have magnitude and direction). The orientation of an object's acceleration is given by the orientation of the net force acting on that object. The magnitude of an object's acceleration, as described by Newton's Second Law, is the combined effect of two causes:

the net balance of all external forces acting onto that object — magnitude is directly proportional to this net resulting force;
that object's mass, depending on the materials out of which it is made — magnitude is inversely proportional to the object's mass.The SI unit for acceleration is metre per second squared (m⋅s−2,




{\displaystyle {\tfrac {\operatorname {m} }{\operatorname {s} ^{2}}}}
For example, when a vehicle starts from a standstill (zero velocity, in an inertial frame of reference) and travels in a straight line at increasing speeds, it is accelerating in the direction of travel. If the vehicle turns, an acceleration occurs toward the new direction and changes its motion vector. The acceleration of the vehicle in its current direction of motion is called a linear (or tangential during circular motions) acceleration, the reaction to which the passengers on board experience as a force pushing them back into their seats. When changing direction, the effecting acceleration is called radial (or orthogonal during circular motions) acceleration, the reaction to which the passengers experience as a centrifugal force. If the speed of the vehicle decreases, this is an acceleration in the opposite direction and mathematically a negative, sometimes called deceleration, and passengers experience the reaction to deceleration as an inertial force pushing them forward. Such negative accelerations are often achieved by retrorocket burning in spacecraft. Both acceleration and deceleration are treated the same, they are both changes in velocity. Each of these accelerations (tangential, radial, deceleration) is felt by passengers until their relative (differential) velocity are neutralized in reference to the vehicle.

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  1. LarryS

    Accelerate an Uncharged Particle?

    Particle accelerators use EM to guide and accelerate charged particles to close to the velocity of light. Is it conceptually possible to build a particle accelerator to accelerate uncharged particles that have a non-zero rest mass? Thanks in advance.
  2. A

    Joules required to accelerate 1kg of mass

    Homework Statement how many joules of energy are required to accelerate 1 kg of mass from rest to a velocity of 0.866c? I tried the relativistic kinetic energy equation, but I feel like it's totally incorrect. Homework Equations KE = [(m0c^2) / √(1-v^2/c^2)] - m0c^2 E = KE + m0c^2...
  3. S

    Energy required to accelerate a mass

    Homework Statement 1-Calculate the energy (1/2 mv^2) for each of the following: a) a nova outburst that accelerate a mass of 1E-5 M_sun to a velocity of 1000 km/s Homework Equations 1/2 mv^2 The Attempt at a Solution Now, here's what I am unsure of. Do I just take the kinetic...
  4. P

    How does the creation of virtual particles allow the universe to accelerate?

    Based on theories of an accelerating universe, how can the creation and annihilation of pairs of particles/anti-particles (virtual particles) generate energy in a vacuum (space) thus contribute to Eintstein's theory of a cosmological constant (positive pressure). And if the quantum...
  5. D

    What Torque is Needed to Accelerate a Phonograph Album?

    1.How much torque is required to accelerate a phonograph album (75-g, 30-cm diameter 33.3 rpm) at 3-rad/sec2 2. T=I(alpha) 3. Sorry i have to idea on this one I am completely lost!
  6. S

    Required torque to accelerate a disk of a certain mass

    Homework Statement (Actually, this is not a homework, but a project I'm trying to accomplish but I have almost forgotten physics...) There is a disk weighting 100kg with a radius of 0.6 meters. What would be the torque needed to accelerate the disk from 0 rpm to 6 rpm in 10 seconds...
  7. E

    Equal and Opposite variable forces on a mass - does it accelerate?

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  8. P

    Pulleys - find force to accelerate a block

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  9. R

    Thrush required to hover, take off and accelerate?

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  10. S

    What force is needed to accelerate a car

    Homework Statement What force is needed to make a 1200kg vehicle accelerate from rest to 108km/hr in 100m Homework Equations aceleration = Velocity/time Force = Mass x Acceleration Time = Distance/Velocity The Attempt at a Solution M = 1200kg D = 100m V = 108 km/hr /...
  11. J

    Power needed to accelerate a chain.

    I'm not a student, but this seemed like the correct place to put a question. I need to know how much power it takes to accelerate a motorcycle chain weighing 1 pound in 1 second to a speed that would equal 20mph at the wheel from a dead stop. The wheel has a diameter of 20 inches. The...
  12. S

    Why can't gravity accelerate an object past c?

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  13. I

    How to accelerate the SVD algorithm?

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  14. M

    Force needed to accelerate electron

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  15. N

    On the speed of light, accelerate toward mass

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  16. A

    Can we accelerate particles to arbitrarily high energies?

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  17. F

    Power needed to accelerate up incline

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  18. A

    How much work was done by a force to accelerate a block

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  19. M

    How much tension must a rope withstand if it is used to accelerate a 1400 kg car

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  20. I

    Do photons have to accelerate to the speed of light

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  21. R

    How long did this car accelerate

    Hello I need help with a question i am doing: A car accelerates at 2.4ms^-2 until it reaches a speed of 16ms^-1 how long did it accelerate for? and what distance did it travel while accelerating? could someone please help me... Thanks Ryan
  22. C

    Hot Objects Don't Always Accelerate - Puzzling Physics Explained

    was just watching this video(The joy of science) on thermodynamics, and the proffesor of the video said "hot objects don't always accelerate." this went against what i previously thought. tried googling it but couldn't find an answer. i don't know how to picture this. how?
  23. C

    A: Calculate Ferlini's acceleration = 12.3 m/s / 0.16 s = 76.875 m/s^2

    1. Q: "John slides down on a hill on his toboggan. He starts from rest and speeds up to 18.0 km/h in 8.0 s. Find his acceleration in m/s^2." A: Convert 18.0 km/h to m/s^2 = 18.0 km/h(0.2778) = 5.00 m/s a=v/t = 5.00m/s / 8.0s = 0.63 m/s^2 2.Q: Explain how you can accelerate without speeding...
  24. S

    Chosing to stop or accelerate through a traffic light

    [b]1. A person driving her car at 47 km/h approaches an intersection just as the traffic light turns yellow. She knows that the yellow light lasts only 2.0 s before turning to red, and she is 30 m away from the near side of the intersection (Fig. 2-29). Should she try to stop, or should she make...
  25. M

    Tension on a Rope if used to Accelerate a car?

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  26. B

    How Much Force Is Needed to Accelerate a 35kg Mass Up a 25 Degree Incline?

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  27. M

    Is not possible the magnetic field to accelerate charges?

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  28. C

    Torque whatmakes a car accelerate

    For a car that is accelerating to the right, I don't understand for if the tyre is rotating clockwise, the force is acting to the right. From the diagram, in the above web site, the direction of Ff and Fr are to the right. For...
  29. C

    How Does Newton's Third Law Explain Acceleration in Cars?

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  30. J

    Refraction, Why does the light re accelerate?

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  31. P

    Determine the energy required to accelerate a car

    energy problem... I got a problem that goes likethis: Determine the energy required to accelerate a 1300 kg car from 10 to 60km/h on an uphill road with a vertical rise of 40m. Ok i know that work is the itegral of force which is ma. But what about this vertical rise of 40m? Does this...
  32. M

    If a magnetic field is increasing, will a charge in that field accelerate?

    I don't know what would happen.. Fm = qvBsin(theta) If B is increasing, will velocity of a charge increase? Or will only its radius decrease? Or both? Fc = Fm mv^2/R = qvB mv/qR = B anyone know? *acceleration was a bad choice of wording :) I mean will velocity increase..
  33. J

    Calculate the energy to accelerate and decelerate a leg

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  34. K

    Does my spaceship accelerate forever?

    Lets assume I create a spaceship that is powered by vacuum energy which gives the spaceship an unlimited fuel supply. I leave Earth at full power and remain at full power forever. I have an accelerometer mounted to the dash just below the fuzzy dice. Will my accelerometer measure my ship...
  35. Loren Booda

    Is the Speed of Light Really Constant?

    If photons can follow a curved trajectory, may they be considered to accelerate in a (generally) relative manner?
  36. G

    Torque needed to accelerate Earth

    Calculate the torque required to accelerate the Earth in 3 days from rest to its present angular speed about its axis I got that the Earth's mass is 5.98 X 10^24 kg and its radius is 6.38 X 10^6 m. I used that the Earth is solid sphere with a moment of inertia of: I = 2/5*M*r^2 so then...
  37. E

    Does Accelerating at Higher Speeds Require More Energy?

    OK. I have a problem. I've just started taking physics (1 month) so for more experienced physicists this should be simple. The kinetic energy of an object is: KE = 1/2*m*v^2 Right? This means that a spaceship would use a lot more energy to accelerate from 100m/s to 105m/s than it would do...
  38. J

    Protons to accelerate a space probe

    Okay ppl, I have a question, I'd just like you to check that my working here is correct. Q: A space probe of mass m=490kg is driven by an ion propulsion motor that involves the use of positive ions, each of mass m=2.18*10^-25 kg and having a charge of magnitude e=1.6*10^-19 C. These ions...
  39. C

    Energy required to accelerate a ship WITH ANTIMATTER

    Energy required to accelerate a ship.. WITH ANTIMATTER! Hey, I was reading a science fiction book that had lots of fast pitched space battles, ships manoeuvring around at 8 gees and stuff, powered by antimatter :P . So I was wondering, let's say you had a ship with a mass of 1000 tonnes.. how...
  40. Antonio Lao

    Can Photon Accelerate in Vacuum?

    It cannot because the speed of photon is a constant in vacuum. So it also cannot deccelerate in vacuum.
  41. P

    Electric Field Required to Accelerate Electrons in Television Tube

    The electron gun in a televeision tube is used to accelerate electrons (mass of 9.10939 x 10^-31 kg and charge of -1.60218 x 10^-19 C) from rest to 2 x 10^7 m/s within a distance of .053 m. What electric field is required?