What is Algebra: Definition and 999 Discussions

Algebra (from Arabic: الجبر‎, romanized: al-jabr, lit. 'reunion of broken parts, bonesetting') is one of the broad areas of mathematics, together with number theory, geometry and analysis. In its most general form, algebra is the study of mathematical symbols and the rules for manipulating these symbols; it is a unifying thread of almost all of mathematics. It includes everything from elementary equation solving to the study of abstractions such as groups, rings, and fields. The more basic parts of algebra are called elementary algebra; the more abstract parts are called abstract algebra or modern algebra. Elementary algebra is generally considered to be essential for any study of mathematics, science, or engineering, as well as such applications as medicine and economics. Abstract algebra is a major area in advanced mathematics, studied primarily by professional mathematicians.
Elementary algebra differs from arithmetic in the use of abstractions, such as using letters to stand for numbers that are either unknown or allowed to take on many values. For example, in


{\displaystyle x+2=5}
the letter


{\displaystyle x}
is an unknown, but applying additive inverses can reveal its value:


{\displaystyle x=3}
. Algebra gives methods for writing formulas and solving equations that are much clearer and easier than the older method of writing everything out in words.
The word algebra is also used in certain specialized ways. A special kind of mathematical object in abstract algebra is called an "algebra", and the word is used, for example, in the phrases linear algebra and algebraic topology.
A mathematician who does research in algebra is called an algebraist.

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  1. D

    I The Price of Beer - Linear Algebra Problem

    I came across the following problem somewhere on the web. The original site is long gone. The problem has me stumped. May be sopmeone can provide some insight. (The problem seems too simple to post in the "Linear/Abstract Algebra" forum.) The Cost of Beer It was nearing Easter, and a group...
  2. P

    I Why is the dual of Z^n again Z^n ?

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  3. P

    Linear algebra problem with a probable typo

    Well, my guess is that there is something wrong with the factors chosen, because ##\left\Vert \left(0,1,0\right)\right\Vert =1## and \begin{align} \left\Vert F\left(0,1,0\right)\right\Vert &=\left\Vert...
  4. P

    Book recommendations: Abstract Algebra for self-study

    Hello, I am looking for one or more books in combination for self-study of abstract algebra. Desirable would be a good structure of the book with good examples of sentences and definitions. Of course, exercise problems should not be missing. I am now almost tending to buy the Algebra 0 book by...
  5. S

    Is "College Algebra" really just high school "Algebra II"?

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  6. mcastillo356

    I Understanding Theorem 13 from Calculus 7th ed, R. Adams, C. Essex, 4.10

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  7. adamaero

    I Algebra equation with variable as exponent

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  8. murshid_islam

    What would be a good book for learning Linear Algebra by myself?

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  9. BadgerBadger92

    Intro Physics Best Physics, Algebra, and Trigonometry Textbooks (Modern)

    I am looking for good textbooks in physics, algebra, and trigonometry textbooks that are up to date and a good read. I heard that Feynman’s Lectures was really good. Is it still up to date enough? Any opinions?
  10. A

    Book recommendations (abstract algebra and number theory)

    Hi, For an engineer who graduated and finished typical Cal A,B,C + Linear Algebra + ODE, what book do you recommend to start reading to be a transition to advanced pure math subjects like abstract algebra and number theory? I did deep google search & concluded that that book supposed to include...
  11. brotherbobby

    Find the values of a real number ##a## for an inequality to hold

    Problem statement : Let me copy and paste the problem as it appears in the text. Attempt : From the "Relevant Equations" given above, we can compare to see that ##a-1 = -1## and ##a^2+2=3##. These lead (after some algebra) to the three values of ##\boxed{a=0, \pm 1}##. Issue : The book has a...
  12. guyvsdcsniper

    How Do You Convert Linear Operators to Dirac Notation?

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  13. BWV

    B Best algebra skills to practice for AP Calc?

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  14. Graham87

    Intro to quantum mechanics - Spin and linear algebra

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  15. C

    How to lower one's expectation in teaching college algebra

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  16. Darkside

    Algebra College Algebra, Mathematics & Trigonometry Textbooks

    Some textbooks I found online ( open source ) College Trigonometry 3rd Corrected Edition - STITZ ZEAGER OPEN SOURCE MATHEMATICS Precalculus 3rd, Corrected Edition - Lakeland Community College, Lorain County Community College A First Course in Linear Algebra - Robert A. Beezer Cheers.
  17. TGV320

    Courses Linear Algebra Self-Study: Textbook & Quantum Mechanics

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  18. T

    What are the two different senses of since and how are they used?

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  19. brotherbobby

    Solving for ##x## for a given inequality

    Problem Statement : I copy and paste the problem from the text to the right. Attempt (mine) : Given the inequality ##\dfrac{x}{x+2}\le \dfrac{1}{|x|}##. We see immediately that ##x\ne 0, -2##. At the same time, since ##|x|\ge 0\Rightarrow \frac{x}{x+2}\ge 0##. Now if ##\frac{x}{x+2}\le...
  20. brotherbobby

    Solve for ##x## involving modulus

    (I could solve the problem but could not make sense of the solution given in the text. Let me put my own solutions below first). 1. Problem Statement : I copy and paste the problem to the right as it appears in the text. 2. My attempt : There are three "regions" where ##x## can lie. (1)...
  21. 1

    Calculating a "fixed profit" on inventory

    Summary: Calculating a "fixed profit" on inventory [Mentor Note -- after an initial move to the schoolwork forums, this thread turns out to be a General Math question after all (see posts #5-6), so it is moved back to the General Math forum] I have 1000 products for sell in a store. Some make...
  22. brotherbobby

    An inequality involving ##x## on both sides: ##\sqrt{x+2}\ge x##

    Problem statement : Let me copy and paste the problem as it appears in the text on the right.Attempt (myself) : By looking at ##\large{\sqrt{x+2}\ge x}##, from my Relevant Equations above, we have the following : 1. Outcome ##\mathbf{x \ge 0}##, since square roots are always positive. 2...
  23. A

    A Anti-dual numbers and what are their properties?

    In [this post][1] user William Ryman asked what would happen if we try to build "complex numbers" with shapes other than circle or hyperbola in the role of a "unit circle". [Here][2] I proposed three shapes that could work. The common principle behind them being that if the unit curve is...
  24. S

    MHB How should I interpret a formula without brackets?

    Hi all, I have a formula which i might have expected to have brackets, but it hasn't, so i need to correctly interpret it. Could anyone please offer any pointers as to how it should read? The formula is '1.2 . h - 0.2 . x' Can i assume that it should be '(1.2 . h) - (0.2 . x)'? Thanks Zamb
  25. J

    Some algebra I don't understand: Solve for R

    The variable is already isolated on one side. I dont' know how to solve for R though. Any help? Thank you.
  26. chwala

    Solve for x and y in the given algebra problem involving fractions

    *Kindly note that i created this question (owned by me). My Approach, ##\dfrac {(x+y)(4x+6y)}{(5x-5y)}##=##-1## ##(x+y)(4x+6y)=-5x+5y## ##\dfrac {4x+6y}{-5x+5y}##=##\dfrac {1}{x+y}## to get the simultaneous equation, ##4x+6y=1## ##-5x+5y=x+y## ... ##4x+6y=1## ##-6x+4y=0## giving us...
  27. drooble122

    Algebra: distance from a fixed point

    The first image is the question and the second is the answer. My thinking is let's say North is positive, and South is negative. Fixed point O is the starting point. Then the question becomes +(2a-b)-(3a+2b). The answer should be -a-3b. I cannot fathom why the book gives the answer as a+b. Any...
  28. S

    Books/resources for exercises on tensors and multilinear algebra

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  29. A

    Engineering Signals & Systems with Linear Algebra

    Hello everyone, I would like to get some help with the above problem on signals and linear projections. Is my approach reasonable? If it is incorrect, please help. Thanks! My approach is that s3(t) ad s4(t) are both linear combinations of s1(t) and s2(t), so we need an orthonormal basis for the...
  30. L

    I Jacobi identity of Lie algebra intuition

    My intuition about the Lie algebra is that it tries to capture how infinitestimal group generators fails to commute. This means ##[a, a] = 0## makes sense naturally. However the Jacobi identity ##[a,[b,c]]+[b,[c,a]]+[c,[a,b]] = 0## makes less sense. After some search, I found this article...
  31. brochesspro

    The given function is an even or an odd function?

    I think the answer is an even function as the function ##x^2## is an even function and thus, is symmetrical w.r.t. Y axis. The question I have is how to do this problem algebraically. I tried to graph some functions on GeoGebra to verify my answer. a) ##y = ln(x^2)## b) ##y = sin(x^2)##...
  32. S

    How do Computer Algebra Systems handle the scope of variables?

    Computer languages handle the scope of variables in a precise way so that if one symbol, such as "k" is used in different contexts, the program keeps these separate. When sophisticated human beings re-use symbols in writing mathematics, they can keep things straight, but I don't think they...
  33. Vectronix

    Linear Algebra I need a book on linear algebra....

    Is Advanced Linear and Matrix Algebra by Nathaniel Johnston a good book on linear algebra? Will it teach me all I need to know? Is there any calculus in it despite the name? I never took a course on linear algebra so I'm looking for something that teaches everything and includes calculus with...
  34. brotherbobby

    Proving one equation, cyclic in variables ##a,b,c##, to another

    Problem statement : Let me copy and paste the problem statement from the text : Attempt at solution : I could not solve the problem reducing the L.H.S into the R.H.S. However, I could solve the problem by expanding the R.H.S. into the L.H.S., though it is less than satisfactory. Below is my...
  35. brotherbobby

    Reducing an algebraic fraction, cyclic in three variables, to another

    Problem : Let me copy and paste the problem statement as it appears in the text, as shown above. Attempt : I can sense there is an "elegant" way of doing this, but I don't know how. I show below my attempt using ##\text{Autodesk Sketchbook}##. I hope am not violating anything. Ok so I have...
  36. karush

    MHB B12 using counters of algebra eq

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  37. Jason-Li

    How Do You Simplify Complex Algebraic Fractions?

    So my final equation is: ##\frac {1} {2700} + \frac {1} {3930n^2} + 10^{-5}## I need to boil this down, the learning materials has the following working, but I can't seem to get it $$\frac {1} {2700} + \frac {1} {3930n^2} + 10^{-5}$$ $$\frac {3930n^2+2700+2700*3930n^2*10^{-5}}...
  38. brotherbobby

    Reducing one algebraic fraction to another

    Problem statement : Let me copy and paste the problem as it appears in the text : Attempt : I am afraid this looks like a very difficult problem, despite being at the elementary level (high school). My glance through the text shows that the authors have gone about reducing the first set of...
  39. S

    I Linear Algebra 1 problem, Vector Geometry: Lines

    Problem: Given the line L: x = (-3, 1) + t(1,-2) find all x on L that lie 2 units from (-3, 1). I know the answer is (3 ± 2 / √5, -1 ± 4/√5) but I don't know where to start. I found that if t=2, x= (-5, 5) and the normal vector is (2, 1) but I am not sure if this information is useful or how...
  40. M

    MHB Relation Algebra - Relational Calculus

    Hey! :giggle: Give for the following expressions of relation algebra the equivalent expression in relational calculus. 1. $\sigma_{B=A}(R(A,B,C))$ 2. $\pi_{B,C}(R(A,B,C))$ 3. $R(A,B,C)\cup S(A,B,C)$ 4. $R(A,B,C)\cap S(A,B,C)$ 5. $R(A,B,C)\setminus S(A,B,C)$ 6. $R(A,B,C)\times S(D,C,E)$ 7...
  41. M

    Algebra Looking for my first textbook on Linear Algebra Need suggestions

    First of all, I attached pictures of the very last algebra textbook that I have finished studying. I'm going the self taught route. I really loved this book because it had lots of examples, practice exercises, quizzes and even tests! It also had answers in the back. It's currently my favorite...
  42. P

    Simple lie algebra that holds just four generators?

    I’m reading Weinberg’s QFT books, and stacking how to solve problem 15.4. Weinberg says there is no simple lie algebra with just four generators, but I have no idea how to approach this problem. If the number of generators are only one or two, it can easy to say there is not such a simple lie...
  43. MathematicalPhysicist

    A Some algebra in Schutz's textbook

    Until I understand how to use maple for my steps by steps algebra manipulation feature (which I learned it has), I'll use PF for some help in the algebra. I want to derive the expression for ##D=-\Delta \sin^2 \theta## on page 313 in Equation (11.89). Attachments of printscreen below. I wrote...
  44. JD_PM

    Statements about linear maps | Linear Algebra

    First thing to notice is that ##L## and ##L \circ L## are precisely equal linear maps. What we know $$L \ \text{is injective} \iff \ker(L)=\{0\}$$ $$\ker L' = \{ x \in \Im(L) \ | \ L'(x)=0\}$$ $$\Im(L)=\{ x \in V \ | \ \exists \ v \in V \ \text{such that} \ L(v)=x\}$$ Besides, we notice...
  45. N

    MHB Abstract algebra: i need examples of ...

    please offer me examples of: a) 3 vector spaces over the same field; and b) the same vector space over 3 fields.
  46. S

    A A problem in multilinear algebra

    I have the following problem in multilinear algebra: Let ##W## and ##V## be real finite-dimensional vector spaces, ##V^*## is the dual space of ##V## Let ##L:W \times V \rightarrow \mathbb{R}## be a non-degenerate bilinear map Define ##g:W \rightarrow V^*## by ##g(w)(v)=L(w,v)## To prove: ##g##...
  47. JD_PM

    Finding a complementary subspace ##U## | Linear Algebra

    We only worry about finite vector spaces here. I have been taught that a subspace ##W## of a vector space ##V## has a complementary subspace ##U## if ##V = U \oplus W##. Besides, I understand that, given a finite vectorspace ##(\Bbb R, V, +)##, any subspace ##U## of ##V## has a complementary...
  48. JD_PM

    Given subspaces ##U \& W##, show they are equal | Linear Algebra

    Show that ##U = span \{ (1, 2, 3), (-1, 2, 9)\}## and ##W = \{ (x, y, z) \in \Bbb R^3 | z-3y +3x = 0\}## are equal. I have the following strategy in mind: determine the dimension of subspaces ##U## and ##W## separately and then make use of the fact ##dim U = dim W \iff U=W##. For ##U## I would...
  49. A

    Linear Algebra - LU Factorization

    Hello all, I have a problem related to LU Factorization with my work following it. Would anyone be willing to provide feedback on if my work is a correct approach/answer and help if it needs more work? Thanks in advance. Problem: Work: