Atomic Definition and 853 Threads

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  1. S

    Light transmission, reflexion, refraction and diffraction at a atomic level

    How to explain transmission, reflexion, refraction and diffraction at a atomic level. For example: 1 - how does light passes through a transparent material? 2 - what happens in the boundary of separation of two materials for light to be: partially reflected, partially refracted ad partially...
  2. S

    Atomic Weights: Why They're Not Integer & What is an AMU?

    Why are the atomic weights of elements not integers and how many grams would there be in 1 amu (atomic mass unit) of a material? I know these are trivial questions but it's been a long time since I left school! Thanks. -SK
  3. C

    Describing the attraction forces between atomic solids

    Oh god, please help... 1. Describe the attraction forces between atomic solids. Upon what factors do the strength of these forces depend? 2.Which of the noble gases would have the highest melting point? Why? :blushing:.. I'm not very good at chemistry
  4. Z

    Atomic structure and classification studies

    Kindly give me a link to some place I can study about Atomic Structure and Periodicity/Classification for IIT-JEE
  5. E

    Atomic physics: sodium D-line transition missing 2 pi

    Homework Statement Find the wavelength of the sodium transition 3p^{1},^{2}P -> 3s^{1},^{2}S Homework Equations E_{n,l} = -\frac{hcR}{(n - d(n,l))^{2}} d(3,s) = 1.374 d(3,p) = 0.884 \lambda = \frac{\hbar c}{\Delta E} The Attempt at a Solution Plugging the numbers in ain't...
  6. Amith2006

    Why Do We Use Integer Atomic Masses in Nuclear Reactions?

    Homework Statement In Clark's tables, the atomic masses of various isotopes are given which are decimal form. Are these experimentally obtained masses? Moreover, while writing nuclear reactions we do not use these, instead they are represented as integers. Is it just for convenience or is...
  7. P

    Atomic and Nuclear Transitions

    Can anybody tell me why atomic decays are usually only through electric dipole transitions, while nuclear decay often shows many different multipoles? i think that the transition rate for electric dipole transitions is much larger than for magnetic ones, but that doesn't really explain it. would...
  8. B

    Does an Atomic Bomb's Explosion in a Contained Box Affect Its Weight?

    Homework Statement I am having some trouble with this one, Suppose an atomic bomb was exploded in a box that was strong enough to contain all the energy released by the bomb. After the explosion the box would weigh: a) more than before the explosion b) less than before c) no change...
  9. D

    Atomic Orbitals & Circular Membranes: Is There a Connection?

    Is there a particular reason why the probability density distribution function of atomic orbitals bears a similarity to the modes on a circular membrane? Is this just a coincidence? Is it not actually that similar?
  10. S

    Time Dilation: Stationary vs. Moving Atomic Clocks

    Hello, I'm Eddie and this is my first post here. I'm almost a Junior in college going for a B.S. In chemistry but I must say that time dilation is one of the most interesting things in science. I was wondering if anyone has actual figures with regards to the difference in time between a...
  11. D

    Exploring the Microscopic World: Visualizing Atomic Physics

    Lets say that you took a Hydrogen Atom and expanded it to the size of let's say a basketball. I am not just saying the atom itself but the nucleus. If the nucleus expanded to the size of a basketball; how would the electron size up porportionally. Now keeping it all porportional what would the...
  12. WolfOfTheSteps

    How to Calculate the Mass of a ^{14}N Atom?

    Homework Statement What is the de Broglie wavelength of an ^{14}\mbox{N} atom that has been laser cooled to a temperature of T=77K. The Attempt at a Solution This is a trivial problem, and I can do the physics... But how do I calculate the mass of ^{14}\mbox{N}? My chemistry is obviously...
  13. R

    Integers in Bohr's atomic theory

    Are integers such as n=1,2,3 etc in Bohr's atomic theory, exactly whole numbers or just very close to being whole numbers?
  14. F

    Atomic bombs and radiation in TV shows

    It's interesting that TV series these days are adding suspense to the show by adding the threat of atomic bombs and nuclear explosions. But have the writers done their homework? Is this stuff anywhere near plausible? I'd like to know other peoples' opinions. Example 1, "24" An unmanned...
  15. N

    Semiclassical Physics in Atomic Physics

    Hi Physics Forum. I've a question and hope you guys could give me some advice. I've been offered the chance to pursue a Phd in the field of atomic physics. The project involves investigating the spectral properties of Helium atoms using semiclassical techniques. It seems the project will be...
  16. R

    Orthogonality in Basis Sets: Exploring the Overlap of Atomic Orbitals

    1: Why are the elements of a basis set taken to be orthogonal? But in real sense atomic orbitals do overlap.
  17. D

    Atomic Binding Agent: How Electrons Stay Together

    As I understand it, electrons orbit a nucleus in a sort of spherical "cloud", kept in tow by said nucleus' protons. However, when two or more atoms combine, what keeps the negative charge in the electron "clouds" from simply pushing them apart?
  18. K

    Atomic Physics - normalising eigenstates

    Homework Statement Hi, I'd doing question 1 of the attached sheet and just wondered if someone could help me out. I'm a bit unsure of my calculus and need it reviewed, alsoam not entirely sure how to break down my workings (using the supplied equations in the hint) to find C. So any input...
  19. B

    Atomic Spectra, transmission of photons

    Homework Statement A molecule with angular momentum L and moment of inertia I has a rotational energy that can be written as E=\frac{L^2}{2I}. Assuming that angular momentum is quantized according to Bohr's rule L = n\hbar, find the wavelength of the photons emitted in the n=2 to n=1...
  20. S

    Probing Atomic Nuclei with Electron Scattering.

    Homework Statement To study the structure of the lead nucleus, electrons are fired at a lead target. Some of the electrons actually enter the nuclei of the target, and the deflection of these electrons is measured. The deflection is caused by the charge of the nucleus, which is distributed...
  21. R

    New Book: Models of Atomic Nucleus (2006)

    I recently purchased a new book that reviews most historical models of the atomic nucleus: This is the only book on this subject in the past 40+ years that gives positive review (well--any review actually) for the 1965 Linus...
  22. M

    What Should I Cover in an Atomic Radius vs. Ionic Radius Presentation?

    Homework Statement That's the problem statement (above). I basically need help knowing which fields to cover while talking about said topic in a 5-minute oral presentation. Pretty much, what I need to talk about (specifically). Homework Equations None. The Attempt at a Solution...
  23. N

    Old Atomic Weapons: Investigating Reality

    I came across this looking for something else. I'm curious as to what, if any, objective reality is associated with it.
  24. L

    What is the Mass Ratio of Alpha Particles, Neutrons, and Gamma Rays?

    Homework Statement which of the following mass ration is ture? Mass of alpha-particles: mass of neutrons : mass of gamma- rays equal to A. 4 : 1 : 0 B. 4 : 0 : 1 C. 1 : 1 : 1 D. 1 : 1 :0 Homework Equations nil The Attempt at a Solution I thought it's D but the...
  25. L

    Atomic physics - nuclear fission

    Homework Statement 1. Which of the following statements is / are not correct? (1) In fission, two large fragments of equal masses are produced from a nuclide. (2) Natually occurring elements perform fission spontaneously. (3) 2 H2O --> 2H2 + O2 involves nuclear fission. Homework...
  26. L

    Atomic physics - reaction and energy

    Homework Statement Which of the following reactions will release large amount of energy (1) Nuclear fusion (2) alpha - decay (3) Nuclear fission (4) gamma - decay two of the options are: B (1) and (3) only D (1), (2), (3), (4) Homework Equations none The Attempt at a...
  27. M

    Atomic Hydrogen: Solving Homework on Thanksgiving - Help Needed

    I spent my Thanksgiving trying to solve my homework and I will need some help: 1)For fixed electron energy ,the orbital quantum number l is limited to n-1.We can obtain this result from a semiclassical argument using the fact that the larges angular momentum describes circular orbits,where...
  28. R

    Which Atom Has a Larger Atomic Radius: K+ or Ar?

    which atom has a larger atomic radius: K+ or Ar ?
  29. P

    Exploring the Atomic Model Since Quantum Revolution

    Hello, I have a few questions concerning what the atomic model currently "looks like" since the quantum revolution. I know that, since the wavefunction, electrons are in probability "clouds" and I know they are standing waves. So this would mean, technically speaking, that the electron...
  30. M

    What is the atomic mass number of an element with given mass and number density?

    sorry, I'm having trouble grasping a lot of this... i feel like i have a general understanding of what's going on but a lot of the problems are still confusing to me... this problem An element in its solid phase has mass density 1750 kg/m3 and number density 4.39 * 10^28 atoms/m3. asks...
  31. A

    Atomic Orbitals vs. Molecular Orbitals and Hybridization

    Hey everyone! I was wondering, when orbitals are hybridized, new hybrid Atomic Orbitals (AO) are formed. Now, when these hybrid atomic orbotals bond with another atomic orbitals, are molecular orbitals formed? For example, when 2 Hydrogens bond to form H2, the 1s orbitals overlap to form 2...
  32. A

    Atomic physics topics related to nuclear power?

    Sorry if this is wrong part of the board to post in... I am taking a atomic-molcular physics class right now and we are suposed to hold a 25 minute presentation in 4 weeks on a hot topic in atomic-molecular physics. If possible Il gladly take this as a chanse to deepen my knoweledge on...
  33. C

    Average Atomic mass of the human body?

    I was wondering average atomic mass is of a fully grown male human. What I mean by this is, if we consider the human body to be comprised of mainly Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen and other trace elements like Calcium, Sodium, Phosphorus, etc. Is it possible to determine an estimate about...
  34. S

    Electrons being fired at cold atomic hydrogen

    Electrons are accelerated through a potential V into a cloud of cold atomic hydrogen. A series of plates with aligned holes select a beam of scattered electrons moving perpendicular to the plates. Immediately beyond the final plate, the electrons enter a uniform magnetic field B perpendicular to...
  35. O

    Atomic transition - What does this notation mean?

    Hello all, I've been reading about laser cooling, and when they speak of tuning the laser to a atomic transition, they write this (for example) as "The laser cooling was performed on the D_2 transition (3S_{1/2} \rightarrow 3 P_{3/2})". But what do they mean by that notation? I'm clueless...
  36. H

    Atomic Number, Orbitals & Subshells: Definition & Image

    Atomic number and Orbitals 1. Does the amount of protons define the atom? The other subatomic elements just seem to distort the properties on a much smaller scale: electrons seem to only change the charge, and neutrons the stability. Basically I just need the atomic number to define an atom...
  37. D

    Atomic transition and cavity axial-mode frequencies

    Hello folks, I would like to know whether or not the cavity axial-mode frequencies have any influence on the frequency output of the laser beam. I suppose that the atomic transition from excited state to ground state is the only occurrence responsible for the wavelength, whereas the axial-mode...
  38. A

    How many degenerate quantum states are there in the 3d state of a hydrogen atom?

    In the hydrogen atom, an electron is in the 3d state. (i) Find the orbital angular momentum of the electron (in units of n =3, l = n - 1, l = 1. L = [sqrt( l (l + 1) )]hbar therefore L = sqrt(2).hbar (ii) Find the energy of the electron (in eV). En = -13.6ev / n^2. E = - 13.6eV / 9 (iii)...
  39. B

    Atomic Mass Units: Discrepancy Explained?

    Been many years since I took general and org chem and am currently reading general chem textbook as refresher. Came across defintion of amu (atomic mass unit). Text says that the mass of the carbon-12 atom is defined to be exactly 12 amu. However, a couple of pages over, I read that the mass of...
  40. rcgldr

    Black holes and atomic particles

    Can a proton or netron be compressed? Why don't individual neutrons behave like mini-black holes? What about the nucleus of an moderate weight atom; how much empty space is there in the nucleus of an atom? A lot of articles refer to the gravitational pull within a black hole, but what...
  41. K

    Magnetic Permeability and Electric Permittivity effects on atomic clocks

    Speed of Light c= \frac {1} {\sqrt{\varepsilon_0\mu_0}} Phase Velocity v= \frac {1} {\sqrt{\varepsilon\mu}} Electric Permittivity of Free Space \varepsilon_0 = 10^{7}/4\pi c^2 \quad \mathrm{(in~ A^2\, s^4\, kg^{-1}\, m^{-3}, \, or \, F \, m^{-1})} Magnetic Permeability of Free Space...
  42. O

    Possible Atomic Levels: How Can J Be Equal to 1?

    Hello all, I wonder if anyone can help me with a problem I don't understand about atomic levels. Given an excited state of He with electronic config (1s,2p), I need to find all possible atomic levels. The answer sheet lists 4 levels: 1) S=0, L=1, J=1 2) S=1, L=1, J=1+1=2 3) S=1, L=1...
  43. A

    How can a non-resonant monochromatic light induce an atomic transition?

    Hello How can a monochromatic light induce a transition ( absorption ) between two energy levels whose energy difference doesn't match the frequency of the incident light ?? A treatment using time dependent perturbation theory shows that the transition will occur even when the incident...
  44. K

    Write Atomic Symbols in MS Word: Super/Sub Scripts?

    I am trying to complete some chem homework in microsoft word, but I need to write the atomic symbols. Is there any way I can write the mass number over the atomic number. Can I use sub and super script at the same time in the same place?
  45. P

    24 GPS satellites carry atomic clocks

    Quoted from" How do they know which of the points is the correct one? (see sentence in blod) Thank you!:approve:
  46. C

    Atomic Energy Release: How Long Does It Take?

    say an atom absorbs only a certain amount of energy. how long dose it take for the atom to release its obtained energy?
  47. DaTario

    Atomic photon versus cavity photon

    Hi all My question arises in the context of a photon which is emitted by an atom located inside a cavity. From quantum mechanics, a photon is a quantum of an electromagnetic mode, but we also use the definition which says that the photon is what is released by an atomic system when its...
  48. T

    What Went Wrong with My Calculation for Iridium Atomic Radii?

    hey just wondering where I went wrong Iridium Crystallizes in a face centred cubic unit call that has an edge length of 3.833A The atom in the cantre of the face is in contact with the corner atoms calculate the atomic radii of the irridium atom I did this using pythag...
  49. A

    Why Does a Unified Atomic Mass Unit Differ from Calculated Values?

    Hi guys I understand that the unified atomic mass unit is defined as 1/12 of the mass of a carbon-12 isotope and has a value of 1.66 X 10^-27kg. Why is this value slightly different with when I use the calculation 0.012/6.02 X10^23? Why in theory, is the mass of a protn different from a...
  50. N

    Where Can I Learn About Atomic Orbitals and the Pauli Exclusion Principle?

    I have searched some books I have on Quantum Physics, and so on, but I still haven't found any useable material to learn about the Pauli exclusion pinciple, atomic orbitals, why the Periodic Table exists, or things like that, in an informal way. Thanks, Neohaven