Axis Definition and 927 Threads

The Axis powers, originally called the Rome–Berlin Axis, was a military coalition that fought in World War II against the Allies. The Axis powers agreed on their opposition to the Allies, but did not completely coordinate their activity.
The Axis grew out of the diplomatic efforts of Nazi Germany, the Kingdom of Italy, and the Empire of Japan to secure their own specific expansionist interests in the mid-1930s. The first step was the protocol signed by Germany and Italy in October 1936. Benito Mussolini declared on 1 November 1936 that all other European countries would from then on rotate on the Rome–Berlin axis, thus creating the term "Axis". The almost simultaneous second step was the signing in November 1936 of the Anti-Comintern Pact, an anti-communist treaty between Germany and Japan. Italy joined the Pact in 1937 and Hungary and Spain joined in 1939. The "Rome–Berlin Axis" became a military alliance in 1939 under the so-called "Pact of Steel", with the Tripartite Pact of 1940 leading to the integration of the military aims of Germany, Italy and Japan. As such the Anti-Comintern Pact, the Tripartite Pact, and the Pact of Steel were the agreements that formed the main bases of the Axis.Particularly within Europe, the term "the Axis" is still often used primarily to refer to the alliance between Italy and Germany, though outside Europe it is normally understood as including Japan.At its zenith in 1942 during World War II, the Axis presided over territories that occupied large parts of Europe, North Africa, and East Asia. In contrast to the Allies, there were no three-way summit meetings and cooperation and coordination was minimal, and on occasion the interests of the major Axis powers were at variance with each other. The war ended in 1945 with the defeat of the Axis powers and the dissolution of their alliance. As in the case of the Allies, membership of the Axis was fluid, with some nations switching sides or changing their degree of military involvement over the course of the war.

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  1. M

    Volume of solid of revolution - y axis.

    Homework Statement Find the volume of the solid of revolution when we rotate the area limited by the x-axis and the function f(x) = 1 - cosx where x e [0, 2∏] once around the y-axis? The Attempt at a Solution In my notes I have the following equation: V = ∫ 2∏x f(x) dx If I put...
  2. 1

    Which axis does flux pinngin work on?

    i've seen all the super conductors and how it fixes a magnetic field and then levitates, but on which direction does it fixes? for example: if there was a solenoid pointing upwards(the empty middle is vertical) and moving from the axis of -Y to +Y and a ring of super conductor places higher...
  3. C

    How do Unit Vectors Behave in Triangular Coordinate Systems?

    How does it look like if three unit vectors at a point such that each vector is tangent to one of the axes in 3-Dimensional Cartesian System? Can anyone illustrate about this? Thanks.
  4. I

    Required torque to rotate a solid cylinder around its axis.

    I'm a mechanical engineer and I am more specialized in structural calculations than dynamic calculations and now I'm faced with a basic dynamic problem and would need some help. I have a solid cylinder (shaft) that I want to rotate around its axis. The cylinder is supported by two bearings at...
  5. AakashPandita

    Relation between r ,ω and θ for rotation around fixed axis.

    relation between r ,ω and θ for rotation around fixed axis. \frac{d\textbf {r}}{dt} = \textbf {ω} \frac{dθ}{dt} = ω \lvert\frac{d\textbf {r}}{dt}\rvert = \frac{dθ}{dt} bold means vector. Is this right?
  6. D

    Contour integral along the imaginary axis

    I'd like to evaluate the integral, \int^{i\infty}_{-i\infty} \frac{e^{iz}}{z^2 + a^2}dz along the imaginary axis. This function has poles at z = \pm ia , with corresponding residues \textrm{res}(\frac{e^{iz}}{z^2 + a^2},\pm ia) = \pm\frac{e^{\mp a}}{2ai} My question is - I'm not sure...
  7. AakashPandita

    Proof of parallel axis theorem.

    Everybody says that the distance ,between the two axis, used in the formula, is perpendicular. But in the proof it was a hypotenuse. It was not perpendicular.
  8. D

    MHB Integral = 2pi sum res UHP + pi i sum res real axis

    \(\DeclareMathOperator{\Ima}{Im}\) \(\DeclareMathOperator{\Res}{Res}\) Given \[ \Ima\left[\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}\frac{e^{iz}}{z(\pi^2 - z^2)}dz\right]. \] I know the integral is equal to \[ 2\pi i\sum_{\text{UHP}}\Res(f(z); z_j) + \pi i\sum_{\mathbb{R}\text{ axis}}\Res(f(z); z_k). \] However...
  9. Ascendant78

    Vector problem - solving x y z using angles between vector and axis

    Homework Statement Given that a vector has a magnitude of 6.0 units and makes an angle of 45° and 85° with the x and y axes, respectively, find the x and y components of this vector. Does the given information determine the z component? What can you say about the z component? Homework...
  10. W

    Moment of Inertia Using Parallel Axis Theorem

    Homework Statement Q is the edge length of the cube. The moment of inertia of the cube about an axis passing through its center and the center of two opposing faces is (1/6)mQ^2 (PCM in the diagram). Use the parallel axis theorem to find the moment of inertia if the axis is along one face of...
  11. J

    Rotation and Boost Commutating on the Same Axis

    I want to prove that: [J_1,G_1] = 0 Where J is the rotation operator and G is the boost operator (subscript refers to the axis). I am using the Jacobi identity: [[J_1,J_2],G_3] = [[G_3,J_2],J_1] +[[J_1,G_3],J_2] Using other identities, I got: [J_3,G_3] = [G_2,J_2] - [G_1,J_1]...
  12. W

    Circular Motion Rotational Axis

    Homework Statement Child P happens to be at a greater distance from the rotation axis than Child M. Which child has the greatest angular velocity? 2. The attempt at a solution Do they have the same angular velocity, and if they do can you please explain. Thank you.
  13. marellasunny

    Gyroscopic effect in a horizontal axis IC engine

    My tutor says Henry Ford opted for a horizontal-bed IC engine for the Model-T as this would avoid having any gyroscopic effects(normally associated with a vertical oriented engine). My question is,how does it matter if the engine cylinders are oriented horizontally or vertically?since the...
  14. S

    Ploting graph with gnuplot: manually determine x axis

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  15. O

    Capacitor Fringe Field Strength on Axis

    Homework Statement Show that the transformation w = e^{z} + z maps the infinite lines y = \pm\pi into semi-infinite lines u \leq u_{0}, v = \pm\pi. This is equivalent to transforming an infinite or edgeless parallel-plate capacitor (z-plane) into a parallel plate capacitor (w-plane). Sketch...
  16. V

    How Is the Semimajor Axis Calculated for a Distant Planet's Orbit?

    A planet in another solar system orbits a star with a mass of 4.0 ×1030 kg. At one point in its orbit it is 250×106 km from the star and is moving at 35km/s. Take the universal gravitational constant to be 6.67 × 10−11 m2/s2 · kg and calculate the semimajor axis of the planet’s orbit. The...
  17. MarkFL

    MHB Solid of revolution about an oblique axis of rotation

    Hello MHB, As students of calculus, we are taught to find the volumes of solids of rotation obtained by revolving given regions about horizontal and vertical axes of rotation. But, what if the axis of rotation is neither horizontal nor vertical? Please consider the following diagram: We wish...
  18. L

    Basic Complex analysis-why is z^1/3 discontinuous on real axis?

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  19. M

    Moment about an arbitrary axis

    Hello, I am having difficulty in understanding how the moment about an arbitrary axis is found as the scalar product of the moment about the origin with the unit vector of the arbitrary axis. Can anyone elucidate this?
  20. Q

    Angular velocity irrespective of axis of rotation?

    How exactly can the angular velocity of a 2 dimensional laminar object be the same with respect to all axes of rotation perpendicular to its plane ?
  21. P

    Area Between Two Functions and the Y-Axis: How to Compute the Integral?

    Homework Statement Compute the area as an integral along the y-axis: f(x) = x^2 - 6, g(x) = 6 - x^3Homework Equations N/AThe Attempt at a Solution I solve for x in terms of y for both equations and end up with: f(y) = +/-√(y+6), g(y) = (6-y)^(1/3) I then look for interception points of the...
  22. V

    Rotational speed at axis of rotation?

    Hello everyone! This is probably the stupidest question that I've come up with, and I'm a little embarrassed asking it, but here goes: Is it only the tangential speed that is zero of a point at the axis of rotation in a rotating solid? If not, then I don't understand how the rotational...
  23. J

    Method of shells around a different axis

    Homework Statement Use the method of cylindrical shells to find the volume generated by rotation the region bounded by the given curves about the specified axis. Homework Equations y = x^2, y = 2-x^2; about x = 1 The Attempt at a Solution I tried to just break it down. I want...
  24. M

    Can a Free 2 Axis Gyro Model Account for Contact with a Stop?

    I want to model a free 2 axis free gyro. I used to have a very detailed model, but cannot find it. It was cross coupled, and included many disturbance torques. All I am looking for is a great source on this topic. Thanks! Mike
  25. Baluncore

    Automotive Crankshaft axis offset from cylinder axis?

    I have always thought of connecting rods as straight and the crankshaft axis being line bored in the same plane as the cylinder axis. Is there an advantage in offsetting the crankshaft slightly to compensate for the difference between the compression and power stroke pressures ? Is the answer...
  26. U

    A coil of wire is placed along the axis of a solenoid? please explain your answer! also if u know of similar problems or where this problem is taken from do tell me coz i have an admission exam coming up soon please explain the following: 1. what is the flux like? 3. how the coil spins? z. how is...
  27. M

    Understanding the Role of the Quantization Axis in Angular Momentum Measurements

    What is quantisation axis? In many books authors just say that we choose that z is quantization axis.
  28. S

    Variance captured in coordinate axis.

    Hi all, Note: The text below is the motivation for my question. To jump to the question immediately, please skip to the line that says HI! I have a set of data points, let's call it A, and I ran principal component analysis to get the top 3 principal components to be able to represent the...
  29. E

    Axis of revolution-washer/disks

    Y=x^2, y=0, x=1 ; about x=2 v=pi r^2 T I tried 0 to 1 intg (x^3-2)^2+2^2 dx, but it wasn't right. Not sure what to do.
  30. E

    Semi-major axis equation question

    Homework Statement Hi there, this isn't a homework question but I need some help with this equation since I'm not the best at mathematics. I would like to rearrange this equation so I can solve for "a" Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution ?
  31. andyrk

    Axis of Rotation for Rigid Body: How to Identify & Conditions

    for a perfectly rigid body, how can one identify what is the axis of rotation of the rigid body? What is the condition required for an axis to be called the axis of rotation?
  32. D

    Rolling a spaceship along its horizontal axis

    This is probably a silly question, but I want to make sure I get it right for a story I'm writing. I want to roll an elongated spaceship "around" it's horizontal axis (as opposed to flipping it end over end). Is it equivalent to say "along" the horizontal axis? In this case, I'm assuming...
  33. K

    MATLAB How can I change the x and y-axis limits in Matlab to arbitrary scales?

    Hello, I have an image which gets displayed and has the x and y-axis ranging from 0-812 and 0-607 respectively. This is because these are the pixel sizes for my image. I would like to change the x-axis to show -3.85, 3.85 and for the y-axis to show -2.9,2.9. However, when I load my image into...
  34. N

    Generalizing symmetry axis of constant-contour ellipses

    Hi I am looking at the contours of the following function f, which trace out an ellipse: f(x, y, z) = \exp(-x^2a)\exp(-y^2b) Here a\neq b are both positive, real constants. The axis of these ellipses is along z. Now, I am wondering how to generalize the function f such that the symmetry...
  35. Y

    Statics Problem, Moment About an Axis

    Homework Statement Problem 3.60: Homework Equations M_{AD}= \begin{vmatrix} \lambda_x & \lambda_y & \lambda_z \\ x_{B/A} & y_{B/A} & z_{B/A} \\ F_x & F_y & F_z & \end{vmatrix} The Attempt at a Solution Looking at the figure, these are the unit vector components...
  36. Z

    Relativity along an axis in an inertial frame

    Suppose that two events occur on the x-axis of an inertial frame, Δx apart with a time interval between the events of Δt. a) the proper time interval between the events is...? b) the proper distance between the events is...? I think I'm just getting confused by the wording. I imagined that...
  37. A

    How to determine moment axis and direction on a rod in 3d

    if i have rod of a certain length. let point (a) on one end of the rod and point (b) on the other end. along the rod axially is the X axis, vertically Y axis and Z is the lateral direction.let force prependicular on x -axis at point (b) and move this force to point (a) which will create a...
  38. F

    How Do You Apply the Parallel Axis Theorem to Calculate Moment of Inertia?

    Homework Statement Homework Equations I=Bmr^2 Parallel axis theorem = Icm + MD^2 WET, KE, PE equations The Attempt at a Solution So far I've only done parts a and b and I wanted to post this up as soon as possible, I want to make sure if I'm on the right path so far. part...
  39. M

    Biased distribution on semi-infinite axis

    Hi Usually I'm used to dealing with symmetric distributions with mean at 0, but one has come up that cannot take this form because 0 is impossible to attain. Instead, this function seems to have a bell-shaped look, although the mean is around 5 and the tail towards 0 drops off a little bit...
  40. L

    Understanding MEMS Gyro Output: X & Y Axis Positioning

    I have a basic question about MEMS gyros - Let's say a dual axis(X & Y) gyro IC is lying flat. Ideally the output reading would be zero. If I lift one end of the IC by some degrees, there would be change in output reading. Let's call this new reading. When the IC is held at this position...
  41. H

    What is the axis of rotation for a freely moving rigid body after a collision?

    hi. I have an essential question. Suppose we have an complex shape at complete rest freely in space. There exist no forces at all. If we collide it in a point, at which axis it will be rotate? How I find it? I want the answer be in general and for all shapes.
  42. T

    Finding Euler angles from rotation about arbitrary axis

    Homework Statement An object is rotated 45 degrees about an axis whose + direction is that of (i-k). Find zxz Euler angles (that is, Euler angles as introduced by Goldstein) for a set of three active rotations that gives the same net motion of the object. Homework Equations...
  43. M

    Surface Area of Revolution about x axis

    Homework Statement x^2 + (y - 2)^2 = 1 The hint given by the question was to split the function into 2Homework Equations Surface Area about x axisThe Attempt at a Solution So i did this. (y - 2)^2 = 1 - x^2 y = √(1 - x^2) +2 and y = 2 - √(1 - x^2) The range I calculated when...
  44. K

    About bode plot horizontal axis question

    I have a question I'm wondering in bode plot we write the horizontal axis w rad/sec what does this mean? is it normal scale 0.1 0.2 0.3 ... etc with equal distances?? it's clear not because it's drwan on semilog paper if it's the horizontal log w why then we write 0.1 ,0.2 ,,1 ...
  45. F

    Helical Twist Vertical Axis Wind Turbine - Generator Matching

    Hello I have designed a vertical axis wind turbine (Savonius) with a 180deg helical twist. It catches the wind really well but the wind power to electrical power conversion is really poor, it is currently only at 4% efficiency. I think the problem is the dc motor that I am using as a...
  46. L

    Z-direction. Quantisation axis

    I'm a bit confused with this concept of quantisation axis. ##|+\rangle## and ##|-\rangle## spin. And operators ##\hat{S}^+=\hat{S}_x+i\hat{S}_y## and ##\hat{S}^-=\hat{S}_x-i\hat{S}_y## are rising and lowering operator of spin projection. Why z-axis. How is measured that?
  47. B

    Vertical axis wind turbine design, torque help

    Hi i am currently doing my dissertation in which i am designing a vertical axis wind turbine design that is a modification of that of a savonius design. A major problem that i am having is being able to predict the torque value of torque for my design in order for me to then predict the...
  48. J

    Electrostatics not on the same axis

    Homework Statement #39. Homework Equations Ep=KQ1Q2/R The...
  49. M

    Parallel Axis Theorem Clarification

    in what situations would you require the use of the parallel axis theorem? Also, from the physics book it says that let x and y coordinates of P(a point parallel to the first axis) be a and b. then let dm be a mass element(what does this mean? a point anywhere within the object?) with the...
  50. S

    Magnetic field at (z) axis of square loop

    Homework Statement We have a square loop with side length 2a, at xy plane. Now we know ( I have calculated ) that the magnetic field at the center of the square loop to be H = \frac{2I}{\sqrt{2} \pi a} Now we want to know what is the magnetic field at point P, which is on the axis which...