Biology Definition and 603 Threads

  1. U

    Worms: Unraveling the Science Behind Their Rainy Behavior

    Here is a strange question :/ Worms wriggle up to the grounds surface when it is raining how do they know this or even what direction to go in?
  2. M

    Good Biology Forum - Discuss Issues & Clear Concepts

    Anybody know where I can find a good biology forum? One that discusses issues in detail; for example, in clearing certain concepts up? Kind of like physicsforum, except biologyforum.
  3. Ivan Seeking

    What do you biology types make of this?

    I would normally post this kind of thing in the PS section, but it seems that we must have something unusual here. What do you good people make of this? Due to the testing that has allegedly already been done, I am assuming that this is not a hoax.