Biology Definition and 602 Threads

Biology is the scientific study of life. It is a natural science with a broad scope but has several unifying themes that tie it together as a single, coherent field. For instance, all living organisms are made up of cells that process hereditary information encoded in genes, which can be transmitted to future generations. Another major theme is evolution, which explains the unity and diversity of life. Finally, all living organisms require energy to move, grow, and reproduce, as well as to regulate their own internal environment.Biologists are able to study life at multiple levels of organization. From the molecular biology of a cell to the anatomy and physiology of plants and animals, and evolution of populations. Hence, there are multiple subdisciplines within biology, each defined by the nature of their research questions and the tools that they use. Like other scientists, biologists use the scientific method to make observations, pose questions, generate hypotheses, and perform experiments to learn about the world around them.Life on Earth, which emerged more than 3.7 billion years ago, is immensely diverse. Biologists have sought to study and classify the various forms of life, from prokaryotic organisms such as archaea and bacteria to eukaryotic organisms such as protists, fungi, plants, and animals. These various living organisms contribute to the biodiversity of an ecosystem, where they play specialized roles in the cycling of nutrients and energy.

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  1. F

    Biology Biology: Genetics: Inherited disease

    QUESTION 1: Homework Statement 9. Your first cousin died of Tay-Sachs disease (autosomal recessive, incidence 0.09% (about 1 in 1100)). You are not affected, nor is anyone else in your extended family. What is the approximate chance that you are a carrier? A. 5.8% B. 12.5% C. 25% D. 50% E...
  2. A

    Programs Can a biology major enter a bioengineering grad program?

    I am in my first year at the university as a Bachelor of the Arts student rather than as an engineering student. Though I may be able to switch in my second year, this isn't likely given the first-year course load in the engineering school. If I were to get the B.A., would I be able to enter a...
  3. W

    Should I Choose Biology or Engineering for My Career?

    I am torn between which I should choose. I know this sounds stupid, but for some reason I feel like if I choose biology I will be considered ''dumber'' than the engineering counterparts and therefore be less respected because biology is easier than engineering and taking the easy way out of school.
  4. mishima

    General Biology Textbooks: Beyond Raven and Campbell

    Basically I'm looking for a general Biology book on par with Linus Pauling's General Chemistry. Perhaps a step above the likes of Raven or Campbell texts. Thanks.
  5. narrator

    Explore Evolutionary Biology with Opera Widgets

    For those interested in Evolutionary Biology, you may find this interesting. If you use the Opera browser, you may know about their downloadable widgets. (They had a programming competition recently and lots more were added.) The widgets are simple app's, usually very small in size. This...
  6. F

    Biology Biology: Genetics: Hardy-weinberg + restriction enzyme

    Hi, everyone, I was hoping if you can clear up some confusion for me. I have the questions and book answer to these homework problem. The hard part for me is understanding WHY these answer turn out to be the way it is. 1: Hardy-weinberg: Homework Statement 14.4 Consider a population that...
  7. S

    What are False Priming Sites in PCR Reactions?

    Homework Statement I am reading an article on PCR reactions and I keep coming across the term "False Priming Sites'. I've googled the term and look it up in my textbooks, but can't find a good definition. Can someone please help? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution
  8. S

    Naming systems physics vs biology

    (I think I could equally have posted this in the biology section!). I know nothing about formal structure of biology..and hope that I will be enlightened. My question is to do with naming systems in physics vs naming systems in biology.. In physics nearly all units that you care to...
  9. Q

    Do Ribosomes, tRNA, and mRNA Interact to Synthesize Proteins?

    1) am i right to say ribosomes are the sites where tRNA and mRNA meet to produce proteins? by the way, is it proteins or amino acids? 2) if i want to form 5 amino acids, does it mean i need 5 tRNAs? do i need to count in the stop codon or release factor? but since stop codon is mRNA, and...
  10. F

    Solutions Manual for Physical Biology of the Cell

    Does anyone have a solutions manual for the biophysics textbook, Physical Biology of the Cell. Or a link/login info for an online copy?
  11. A

    Learning Biology concepts instead of facts

    I am currently taking Biology 2 and learning about Micro organisms like bacteria and fungi. However, I find both listening to my professor lecturing and reading the material draining and only slightly interesting. Its like learning another language where nothing seems to hold much significance...
  12. R

    Explore the Convergence of Drug Levels with Math, Physics, Biology, & Chemistry

    Okay, this question straddles math, physics, biology, and chemistry, so I'm not sure if this is the correct forum to post it in, but I was using mostly chemistry knowledge to solve it, so I would guess that may be the correct method. Anyway, it's not homework, but it is similar to many homework...
  13. P

    Measuring Efficiency of Fuels with Physics, Chemistry and Biology

    Hi, I am working on this project that has to involve physics, chemistry and biology. The chemists in my group will be performing an experiment to measure the enthalpy of combustion of three different fuels: alcohol, diesel and petrol. My task as a physicist is to, using their results...
  14. R

    Biology Lab Microscope Magnification Calculations

    Homework Statement To examine a particular blood sample in biology lab, a student uses a compound microscope set to have a magnification of -4530. The objective and eyepiece are both attached to a tube which is 18 cm in length and the eyepiece has a focal length of 2.62 cm. The near point of...
  15. F

    Grade 11 Biology EEI (similarities and differences)

    Hey there guys and girls, My name is Mark, I'm in a bit of a predicament here I have received an assignment in my grade 11 biology class which I am currently having some trouble with. Our task is as follows: This task examines the body plans of selected animal(both structure and function)...
  16. Z

    Using Cell Biology Book From 1983

    The bio department at my university encouraged that I "take a look at" Alberts' Molecular Biology of the Cell over this summer in preparation for a course next year. The problem with this is that I don't want to actually buy a $100+ book just for that, but the only book I have borrowing access...
  17. S

    Programs Pursuing PhD in Molecular Biology & Microbial Genetics

    Iam really interested in molecular biology and microbial genetics, did masters in microbiology and want to get into doctoral program and do serious research in my interesting field. Is it not the good reason to get into phd.
  18. N

    Biology Sec 4 - Solving Homework Questions

    Homework Statement Homework Equations None The Attempt at a Solution For the 1st qn, all that i can decipher is urea in blood would not be removed and that dialysis fluid will not receive any urea. Therefore if a blockage happened during dialysis, urea concentration in blood would...
  19. K

    The role of Calculus in Biology?

    Hello to all. I work with someone who is majoring in Biology who hopes to become a medical doctor in time. I believe that at least at my school, calculus is not a part of the biology curriculum. I would like to know from those of you who know biology and calculus: 1) How much of a role...
  20. P

    Respiration in Biology: Aerobic & Anaerobic Processes

    The following represent two processes of energy production. The letters X and Y represent two products: Process 1: Glucose → Pyruvic Acid → Carbon Dioxide + X + 38 ATP - Happens with Oxygen Process 2 Glucose → Pyruvic Acid → Carbon Dioxide + Y + 2 ATP - Happens without Oxygen...
  21. T

    Need Experiments for Sophomore Biology Class

    Actually, this isn't really a "Homework" question but I figured it would fit better here anyway. I'm a sophomore (in high school), taking a biology course, as the title suggests. I'm making a straight 98 and my teacher has asked me several times if I am "Bored" and suggested I brainstorm an...
  22. S

    Campbell and Reece 8th edition Cell Biology

    hello everyone hopefully i make use of this forum "We now have an explanation of why carbohydrates is always found on the outside surface of the plasma membrane. It is because the carbohydrate was originally added by enzymes in the lumen of the ER, and membrane asymmetry is preserved when...
  23. K

    Why is Studying Biology So Difficult Compared to Physics?

    I love Physics. There's only a few things you need to memorize and everything else is just logical and understanding. Biology is way too much memorization. I have a Bio exam tomorrow and trying to memorize everything on the nervous system but I just can't pay attention. It is mind numbing. I...
  24. D

    How relevant is biophysics in biology?

    How relevant is "biophysics" in biology? I'm making a decision between studying biochemistry at school A, or biophysics at school B. School A is bigger and more well known, especially for its life sciences, while only school B offers me the option of studying biophysics. This is undergraduate...
  25. N

    Engineering What Engineering Majors Can Lead to Working with Marine Animals?

    What possible type of engineering could I major in that would also allow me to work with marine animals?
  26. Pythagorean

    What are some surprising factors that have been used as defenses for murder?

    Lectures by Robert Sapolsky
  27. C

    What Is the Size Order of Atoms, Electrons, Molecules, Organelles, and Cells?

    Homework Statement 4. atom, cell, electron, organelle, molecule. Define each of these terms and list them according to size from smallest to largest. Which of these, if any, are visible in the compound light microscopes we use in lab? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution largest to...
  28. R

    Biology Medical school if I find biology boring?

    I find chemistry extremely interesting but biology the epitome of boring. I'd rather do 10 hours of organic chemistry than 5 hours of biology. How would this relate to medical school? Is it more like chemistry (conceptual, stuff fits together like a puzzle) or biology (rote memorization)?
  29. T

    Biology Biology - the lowest paid science?

    I've often heard this (and it concerns me b/c it's my current major) - I was wondering if there is any basis to it, and if someone can link some relevant data/statistics to support/refute this claim? Thanks :)
  30. F

    Biology What Can You Do with a B.S. in Biology if You Don't Make it to Med School?

    So I'm about to graduate this year and was wondering if I don't make it to med school what other options I have. I really like to see myself doing medical work. so what can a person with a B.S. in Biology do for living. can anyone give me ideas so that way I can start to think about them. thank you.
  31. N

    Cell Biology - Devising Experiments

    Cell Biology -- Devising Experiments Homework Statement I've included a picture of the problem to avoid confusion 2. The attempt at a solution I need to devise an experiment that would confirm the 3 statements. By experiements, it means something along the line of DNAase II sensitivity...
  32. Pythagorean

    Human Behavioral Biology Lecture

    For the Math and Science Learning Materials Forum Excellent Speaker, Robert Sapolsky, from Stanford University:
  33. C

    Chemistry Molecular Biology (Molecular Chaperone Proteins)

    The study of viral particles has revealed significant information regarding protein folding. Many proteins hae been shown to often spontaneously fold into their functional structures and give an active viral particle. Yet some are incapable of proper folding on their own. It was shown in 1973...
  34. S

    Advice and Perspective on Molcular Biology or Genetics Ph. D.

    A stab at any of my questions would be much appreciated. I've been mulling over the idea of pursuing a Ph. Molecular Biology, genetics or something akin. I've missed the application deadlines for next year. However is it still possible to take classes towards the Ph. D. over next...
  35. N

    Grouping Molecules: Urea, Thiourea, Ethanol, etc.

    Homework Statement How would these substances be grouped into families of molecules? 1. Urea 2. Thiourea 3. ethanol 4. ethylene glycol 5. glycerol 6. dextrose 7. saccharose 8. Bi-Distilled Water 9. Triton X-100 ( a detergent) Homework Equations n/a The Attempt at a...
  36. Simfish

    Biology research - do ppl have to argue for how relevant+interesting it is?

    So for biology in particular, there are millions and millions of organisms and gene pathways that we still know next to nothing about. And for research in many of them, output is proportional to effort/money invested (in other words, you can still get things to be done without expecting costs to...
  37. X

    Biology Problem: Understanding PCR Markers & Hemophilia Genotypes

    Hi I have a question about PCR markers. I have attached an image of both a pedigree and a gel showing the genotypes of a family with a history of hemophilia, an X-linked recessive disease. The question I am trying to answer is whether the PCR marker used appear to be linked to the diseased...
  38. FeDeX_LaTeX

    Choosing AS Subject: Should I Pick Biology or Spanish?

    Hello; I am in my final year of GCSE and sooner or later I will have to pick what I want to do for AS and A2 (A-Level). For A2, I am fairly certain I will be picking Further Maths, Physics and Chemistry. For AS however, I am a little stuck. I will definitely be picking Maths/Further...
  39. E

    What are the basics I should know for Bio 101?

    Biology...where do I begin? Background: College student. Going to start Bio 101 January 31st. Previous knowledge of Bio was at the high school level don't really remember/know much anymore. I want to learn the very basics and ground rules so that I won't struggle when I take the course. Like...
  40. N

    A Beginner's Guide to Cell and Molecular Biology

    science book :) hi ,i am high school student it's my final year and i am interested in science . i am wondering about a book that i want to buy "cell and molecular biology by gerald karp" is it usefull for me .
  41. D

    Programs Can a molecular biology major do NMR?

    I am a junior molecular biology major. I plan to go into graduate school and currently my #1 topic of interest is using solid state NMR to determine molecular structure. I am doing research on the unrelated topic of bacteriophage genomics but do not want to change labs because I am well...
  42. R

    Biology of Belief - Bruce Lipton

    Hello, I've just started reading this book and I'm confused by the ideas he's putting forth as its going aginst what i have read from other sources. I'm keeping an open mind and reserving judgement till I've read the whole book. In chapter 1, it seems to me that he's doing away with "walls"...
  43. S

    Should biology be left to the biologists?

    A recent paper on arXiv claims a new paradigm is needed for biology. In essence the paper seems to recall mathematician David Hilbert's famous quip that physics is too important to be left to the physicist. Authors Goldenfeld and Woese claim that the existing paradigms of biology are not up the...
  44. Q

    Understanding Secondary Growth in Trees: Tissue Effects and Replacement Process

    In a tree undergoing secondary growth, many of the tissues will split or even be shed, due to the increase in girth of the stem. Which tissues will be affected in this way? It they are lost, how will replacements be made? Could anyone please help me with this question? Thank you.
  45. nukeman

    Website that helps pronounce Biology and Chemistry terms ?

    I know someone who is doing biology and chemistry 11 and soon biology and chemistry 12, but has a hard time pronouncing all the terms (learning english) Is there a website out there that helps people pronounce all the terms in biology and Chemistry, in a grade 11/12 level? Thanks!
  46. F

    Physics in biology and medicine (spring/compression) PLEASE HELP, THANK YOU

    Physics in biology and medicine (spring/compression)... PLEASE HELP, THANK YOU Homework Statement A person falls from some height before catching themselves by their fingers (one hand) on a lodge. If each of the four fingers is treated as a 3 cm long bone with a cross-sectional area of 3.0cm^2...
  47. O

    Math for Biology: Which Courses to Take?

    Could I get some advice for which math to take for biology? Here's a list. Thanks!
  48. B

    Atoms in Biology - Questions Answered

    I was just curious about atoms in biology. Do organisms have the same atoms all the time? Or are they always changing? When we eat do we gain new atoms etc. Sorry if this is a dumb question. I can't find anything on it maybe because it is to easy.
  49. S

    Why Does DNA Replication Require a Lagging Strand?

    1 hard(?!) Biology Question!HELP! :/ Homework Statement If life had been "intelligently" design, and if an important design principle is conservation of material and efficiency of process, we would not expect DNA replication to involve the crazy, complex, intricate, Byzantine mechanism for...
  50. mugaliens

    This should probaly belong in Biology, but

    During one year, I, a mammal, traveled more than 24,000 miles but I am by far no means the king of mammals, for I have reports of mammals who've traveled more than 200,000 miles. And that's not counting our astronauts. Why are you failing to recognize our achievements as homo sapiens...