Biology Definition and 602 Threads

Biology is the scientific study of life. It is a natural science with a broad scope but has several unifying themes that tie it together as a single, coherent field. For instance, all living organisms are made up of cells that process hereditary information encoded in genes, which can be transmitted to future generations. Another major theme is evolution, which explains the unity and diversity of life. Finally, all living organisms require energy to move, grow, and reproduce, as well as to regulate their own internal environment.Biologists are able to study life at multiple levels of organization. From the molecular biology of a cell to the anatomy and physiology of plants and animals, and evolution of populations. Hence, there are multiple subdisciplines within biology, each defined by the nature of their research questions and the tools that they use. Like other scientists, biologists use the scientific method to make observations, pose questions, generate hypotheses, and perform experiments to learn about the world around them.Life on Earth, which emerged more than 3.7 billion years ago, is immensely diverse. Biologists have sought to study and classify the various forms of life, from prokaryotic organisms such as archaea and bacteria to eukaryotic organisms such as protists, fungi, plants, and animals. These various living organisms contribute to the biodiversity of an ecosystem, where they play specialized roles in the cycling of nutrients and energy.

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  1. A

    Programs Biology or Chem: which degree is more employable?

    Which grads are in greater demand right now?
  2. K

    Biology Careers & Benefits with a BSc Human Biology Degree

    Hi. Do you guys have an idea of what kind of careers are open with a BScHuman Biology degree! And, according to you, which may be more beneficial, a fourth year doing an undergraduate Master (research based) or a 4th year spent on industrial experience? Thank You Kushal
  3. P

    Schools Biology Grad School For Physics Majors

    So I'm currently a Physics/Math major with an interest in biophysics. Since biophysics is such an interdisciplinary field, some graduate schools have this area in their biology department, while others have it in their physics department. I looked at MIT's biology site and it says that they are...
  4. L

    Sterilizing Blood Serum - Autoclaving at 121°C

    Homework Statement Which of the following methods is suitable to sterilize a liquid medium,containing blood serum? (1) pasteurization (2) Autoclaving at 121degrees celsius for 10 minutes (3) Boiling at 100 degree celsius for 10 minutes (4) Filtration using a sterile membrane filter...
  5. D

    Biology So after a B.Sc in Cell biology

    Hey guys, I am trying to find what type of hospital jobs are suitable for a person who will have a B.Sc in cell microbiology. There are jobs (some have been stated many times in this forum) such as doctor, pharmacist, etc, but are there more? I know that a B.Sc will not get me much in a...
  6. S

    What Immediate First-Aid Measure Could Save a Life After a Chest Wall Injury?

    Homework Statement Suppose a terrorist bomb has exploded next to a friend and injured him by opening two small openings in his chest wall: one on the left side, one on the right side (assume that no significant internal bleeding has occured). Can you suggest, and explain, the purpose of an...
  7. D

    Is Philosophy a need in Biology?

    Hi, My first time on this forum found you when i was googling :biggrin: I wanted to know if i have to take Philosophy if i am studying Teaching Secondary Biology. I have to choice in this group to register for the next term of school here is a list Cinema Appreciation A survey of World...
  8. N

    Biology: Plasmid Conjugation & Separating Mixtures

    Hi everyone, I'm fairly familiar with the basic processes of plasmid conjugation. But I was asked a question on this small test concerning the location of a gene and determing the location by seperating mixtures at different times. The longer the time, the 'further' along the gene, since the...
  9. K

    Physics Molecular biology or particle physics

    What do you guys think would be more fun particle physics or molecular biology? I love science and math and i love the idea of working on the most fundamental things of the universe, but i could do more practical things in molecular biology, so I am asking you guys what do you think?
  10. R

    What Are Key Factors in Plant Water Movement and Vascular Cambium Locations?

    I have 3 biology questions that I don't know the answer to...I have guesses on some of them, but I want to make sure of it before I hand in the questions to my teacher. I think 1 is B. For 2, I know that vascular cambia are found in gymnosperms and dicots. I'm not sure at all about 3...
  11. B

    Genetically Modify E. Coli w/ Jellyfish Genes - Coolest Lab Yet!

    We genetically modified E. Coli with jellyfish genes for flourescence. It was probably the coolest lab we've done yet. No freakin' titrations or counting and sexing any damn fruit flies.
  12. B

    In what ways can biology create indefinite lifespans?

    The world has been working more and more over the years to research a way to live indefinitely with health. What ways can you think of that biology can make an indefinite life span for a human? Of course, I am not looking for a sure fire way, I am just looking for brainstorms and ideas.
  13. K

    Can Quantum Mechanics Explain Biology?

    In my biology class, I've learned that most of the fundamental processes of genetics occur on an atomic level (i.e. DNA, RNA, etc.). Can quantum mechanics be applied?
  14. N

    Biology seems like a waste of time

    I am a 16 years old chinese, and i live in Missouri, US. Need some advice about my career, i love Physics. However i don't like biology, but i have to take it next year, or i don't get any other kind science class... It is a waste of time! I wish to quit school and start on my Physics work...
  15. P

    Resources for biology extended essay

    Hey everybody, I'm doing my International Baccalaureate extended essay (2500 to 4000 words) in Biology. please give list of resources for biology ee. Any suggestions for a research question welcome! thanks bi03
  16. C

    Exploring Quantum Biology: Resources & Experiments

    i'm interested in doing some work on quantum biology, does anybody know of any good places for resources, such as papers, books, or just any good avenues of research in this field. I'm interested in it particularly as I'm currently doing some work in a biophysics lab, and if I find any cool...
  17. S

    Programs Major in biology with say psychology

    yes this is a physics forums but I been coming here for a while (not really posting a lot but meh :P reading) and i notice that there is a biolog section andI'm REALLY interested in biology and I'm applying to university soon... I've noticed that for first year you take general courses for the...
  18. M

    Biology - Different Stages of Mitosis

    Homework Statement I'm studying for a biology test at the moment and I'm reading about the M Phase of the cell cycle but I can't really grasp where the boundaries between each phase lies. I'm reading my notes as well as wikipedia but neither make it clear which stage each process occurs in...
  19. Ivan Seeking

    Misc. Do it yourself synthetic biology

    "Do it yourself" synthetic biology
  20. B

    Exploring the Effects of Osmosis on a Protozoa Cell in a Freshwater Fish Tank

    Homework Statement A protozoa that normally lives in the ocean is placed in a freshwater fish tank. What would happen to the water balance in the cell? Use the terms osmosis, turgor, cell membrane, hypertonic or hypotonic. Describe what could happen to this cell (remember to include any...
  21. S

    Biology and Physics? Biophysics, biomimetics ?

    I am a grade 12 physics student and I am looking into potential topics/concepts for an upcoming physics 'fair-style' project. I have a stong interest in biology, especially zoology, and would like to come up with a project that incorporates both disciplines of science. The assignment is to...
  22. J

    Majors for High Schooler Interested in Math & Biology

    Im in high school and I am applying to several schools, most of which feature a relatively strong biology/premed and engineering core curriculum. i am not sure about my major; biomedical engineering seems like a logical choice but I am not really sure what it is... I've heard there's some...
  23. Simfish

    Schools What do Biology grad schools think of multiple GREs?

    So there are two GRE exams that are very similar - biochemistry+cell biology and biology. Do a lot of biology students take those 2 exams? And what do grad schools think of that? (also, do a lot of them also consider taking the GRE chemistry exam too?) From the initial looks of it, it seems that...
  24. A

    Evolutionary Biology Homework: Phenotypic Plasticity vs Adaptive Radiation

    Homework Statement I'm a little bit confused with the terms: Phenotypic plasticy and adaptive radiation, please tell me if I'm correct The Attempt at a Solution Ok, so what I understand is that phenotypic plasticity is basically the ability of an organism (obviously with a fixed...
  25. 8

    Biology - Follicle Development (or lack of) During Pregnancy?

    Okay, so I'm doing these 'perception check' sheets that my bio teacher assigned for us about the female reproductive system & pregnancy. I haven't had much trouble until this question. I have an idea about what the answer is, but I would like to double check it with some of you! Question...
  26. B

    Biology: Evolution and variation

    What role do you think variations play in the process of evolution?
  27. A

    Biology Trouble: Choosing Between Student's T-Test & Chi-Square Test

    Homework Statement Ok the main problem is that I don't really understand in which biology-related scenarios I'm suppossed to use the student's t-test or the Chi-square test (we are using these tests in my biology class)? How do you know which test to use to analyze the following data and...
  28. M

    Biology for Physicists: Books to Learn From

    Does anyone know of any good books (preferably not introductory textbooks, otherwise I'll never get through them) geared towards or recommended for physicists who are learning biology for the first time? Something like the equivalent of Feynman's Lectures would be perfect, but I'm open to any...
  29. B

    Understanding Integral and Peripheral Proteins: Biology Q&A

    Proteins associated with the plasma membrane can be classified as either integral membrane proteins or peripheral membrane proteins. For the following types of proteins, please specify whether they would be integral or peripheral. Glucose transporter Sodium-potassium pump Ion channel -I...
  30. O

    Topic that involves physics, chemistry and biology?

    Does anyone know about the IB Diploma course? We're supposed to make a project or investigation and analyze the physics, chemistry and biology aspect of it... the theme of the project is 'Go Green' and it can be literal (do things involving green things, paint green stuff)... I'm confused of...
  31. L

    How does temperature affect the rate of pepsin digestion in egg albumin?

    I have to write up a lab related to pepsin. I did an experiment in class but unfortunately it did not turn out how I wanted it to be and I did not collect my results properly. Maybe someone has done a pepsin experiment before and could help me out. This is what I thought of for my new...
  32. T

    Chemistry Honors molecular biology homework help please

    Honors molecular biology homework help... please :) Hello, My daughter was given a honors project for Biology at her very small private high school (maybe 150 students total) It is on molecular biology (I think) She was given no workbook, no information, and no idea as to where to...
  33. J

    Biology: how the wobble effect explains the degeneracy of the genetic code

    Hello, Here's a conceptual question: The wobble effect says that 1 tRNA can be used for more than 1 anticodon, as the nucleotide near the 5' position of the anticodon does not need to follow strict base pairing rules. The degeneracy of the genetic code refers to the fact that more than...
  34. M

    Exploring Engineering: A Journey from Biology to Industrial Engineering

    I'm currently majoring in biological sciences. Throughout high school I was not interested in engineering because of a misconception. Now that I looked into industrial engineering I feel that it strongly describes my interests and passions. Although I planned to go to med school, but now I'm not...
  35. M

    Philip Ball: Water in Biology - Recent Papers & Free Review

    I found this site the other day on the topic of water in biology by Nature writer Philip Ball (who's also written a variety of non-fiction, including a well-regarded book about water a couple of years ago) where he highlights recent papers on the issue of water in biological systems about twice...
  36. B

    Studying Do Quantum Bs Affect My Chances at Top Theoretical Biology Programs?

    i'm really interested in doing theoretical biology stuff about theoretical evolution, sequence spaces, autocatalytic sets, stuart kauffman kind of stuff... this stuff is usually studied in physics programs rather than in biology despite the subject matter i took a more than usual...
  37. S

    Where Can Biology Graduates Find Jobs?

    A friend of mine is a new graduate with a bachelor's in biology. His ideal job is in evolutionary cell biology but he can really do any kind of biology. He's searched exhaustively for jobs with no luck. Anyone have any tips on places to look for bachelors level jobs in biology? He's willing...
  38. A

    Mathematica Biomathematics/Mathematical Biology

    I'm a freshman who's about to enter the U of MN Twin Cities Campus this fall. My college offers a UG degree in "Mathematical Biology" that really is drawing my attention. What sort of work would be done with this? How marketable is the degree? I'm planning on going to graduate school, by the...
  39. B

    Taking AP Biology as a high school sophomore

    While many in GD know me fairly well, I thought I'd make an introduction here, as next year I'll be taking AP Biology as a high school sophomore and know I'll be here A LOT.
  40. P

    UK & US: From Biology to Physics

    Hey there, I was wondering what people's opinion/advice on my problem would be. I've just finished a BSc degree in Genetics in a uni in the UK; but I'm starting to think that yes, while I'd like to work in research science, it's not the Biological field but the Physics field that I'd...
  41. I

    What to do with a BS in biology?

    I about to graduate in 1 year (I have just finished my Junior year). So what next? I'm unsure... For this discussion (consider that I am NOT going to medical school). By the time I graduate I will have a --say-- 3.5 or 3.4 GPA. Money is not important, but I would like Career that pays well...
  42. R

    Biology salaries - do you think they will spike at some point ?

    Biology salaries - do you think they will spike at some point ? I've been curious about this for a while now. I get the feeling that one day, they certainly will.
  43. M

    Schools Advice on Applying to a PhD Program in Computational Biology

    Hello everyone, I'm in my 4th year of college as a Biological Science major with a minor in Mathematics and am ready to apply to a PhD program in Computational Biology and Molecular Biophysics at my current institution. Overall, I have about 3.6 with a lot of basic sciences at a Community...
  44. M

    Inspiring AP Biology Project for Abused Children

    For a school project, I am going to visit a local summer program for abused children and am going to bring supplies for and guide them through several simple (elementary to middle school level) experiments and presentations. The one problem is, it is supposed to inspire these kids. I made a list...
  45. M

    AP Biology Project: Science Experiments for Kids' Summer Program

    My biology teacher has assigned us a post-AP project that must involve service to the community and science in some way. My group has decided to do a "science camp" over the summer with disadvantaged elementary and middle school children. We will attend summer programs for these kids and give...
  46. D

    Is Engineering Physics a Good Choice for a Double Major with Biology?

    Just a little bit of backround...I've recently finished my biology major but haven't graduated yet. About 3/4th the way through my bio major I started taking my physics prereqs. Instead of the general physics Bio major were only required to take I decided to take Engineering level physics. I...
  47. Cincinnatus

    Exploring Systems Biology: What Does It Mean?

    "Systems biology" is a phrase that gets thrown around a lot, though it never seems to be completely clear what it actually means. Wikipedia defines it as: "Systems biology is a relatively new field that focuses on the systematic study of complex interactions in biological systems" What do you...
  48. C

    Can You Pursue a Career in Marine Biology with a Physics Degree?

    As the title states does anyone know if you can actually work as a marine biologist with a physics degree ? Or if there's some Masters degree that allows you to ? I am in my 2nd year of a Physics degree by the way.
  49. K

    Skills to study computational biology?

    Hi. I just finished medical school and I want to start studying computational biology (and maybe pursue a PhD at systems biology). I have a very good level of physiology knowledge but, as most medical students, I am not good at mathematics. So every time I start reading a book, I mess it up when...
  50. V

    Biology - Frequency of allele problem

    Hello, I've been given this problem involving allelic frequencies and I used the Hardy Weinberg's Law as an attempt to solve it Homework Statement In a sample of 35 people, 19 have specific smell hypersensitvity to asparagus. Calculate the frequency of the allele in this sample given...