What is Calculation: Definition and 1000 Discussions

A calculation is a deliberate process that transforms one or more inputs into one or more results. The term is used in a variety of senses, from the very definite arithmetical calculation of using an algorithm, to the vague heuristics of calculating a strategy in a competition, or calculating the chance of a successful relationship between two people.
For example, multiplying 7 by 6 is a simple algorithmic calculation. Estimating the fair price for financial instruments using the Black–Scholes model is a more complex algorithmic calculation.
Statistical estimations of the likely election results from opinion polls also involve algorithmic calculations, but produces ranges of possibilities rather than exact answers.
To calculate means to determine mathematically in the case of a number or amount, or in the case of an abstract problem to deduce the answer using logic, reason or common sense. The English word derives from the Latin calculus, which originally meant a small stone in the gall-bladder (from Latin calx). It also meant a pebble used for calculating, or a small stone used as a counter in an abacus (Latin abacus, Greek abax). The abacus was an instrument used by Greeks and Romans for arithmetic calculations, preceding the slide-rule and the electronic calculator, and consisted of perforated pebbles sliding on iron bars.

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  1. M

    Motor calculation for a rotating platform

    Hi! My team and i have been stuck in this school project for awhile. Been reading up a lot but can't find the answer. We have been designing and rotating platform that is able to rotate a load of 2000kg. So the rotating platform would something similar to those car turntables where there would...
  2. K

    I Why Should the Total Number of States Equal the Volume of an Octant?

    *Pathria, Statistical mechanics pg 11,4ed* The text is long but it is straightforward. The question is at last about the equation given at end In order to find the number of microstates ##\Omega(N,V,E##) author writes " In other words, we have to determine the total number of (independent)...
  3. Dario56

    Extraction Flash Calculation - 4 Component and 2 Phase System

    I am performing extraction flash calculations for 4 component and 2 phase system. For anyone somewhat shaky with what extraction flash calculation is; extraction is performed, feed composition is known and we are calculating compositions of both phases at equilibrium, mole fraction of every...
  4. MadelineChoate

    Toroidal Inductor Flux Calculation

    Summary:: A 4.3 mH toroidal inductor has 100 identical equally spaced coils. If it carries an 11.6 A current, how much magnetic flux passes through each of its coils? Express your answers in milliwebers. 4.3 mH= (Wb/A) 100= N 11.6= I Φcoil= ? So from my observation of another question...
  5. greg_rack

    Engineering Transverse shear stress calculation in non-slender built up members

    Hi guys, this is an exercise I have been tasked to solve for an assignment. First of explaining you what I have done to solve it using the shear equation, in order to find the maximum shear stress and the shear flow in the juncture, one big question: how is it legal to utilize the shear formula...
  6. deFe_9807

    A Calculation of dipole and quadrupole momentum of CO

    This is my first post of this topic so I hope it is in the correct place. I need some help to figure out the using of GAUSSIAN in order of calculate the dipole and quadrupole moment for the carbon monoxide molecule with different levels of theory (SCF and Post Hartree Fock methods). In...
  7. ektov_konstantin

    How can vacuum heating be calculated for substrates in a chamber?

    Hello, everyone! I am calculating the time of substrates' heating in the vacuum chamber. It is a simple mathematical model to calculate roughly how much time does it take to heat polycor substrates in the vacuum chamber. At least all the tube heater`s power heats the substrates (this is...
  8. rh2022

    B Simple Counter-balance/Counter-weight Calculation Problem

    Hi, I am trying to figure out how much weight is needed to counter balance a pole stand where an object(m kg) is hanging. I also want to know which is more effective way to place counterweight as shown in the picture below. I was wondering if the counterweight A, B, and C are equal. It seems...
  9. Buzz Bloom

    I Please check my calculation of the radius of a finite universe

    My source for Ωk and H0 is https://www.cosmos.esa.int/documents/387566/387653/Planck_2018_results_L06.pdf , page 40, equation 47b. Ωk = 0.0007. Page 15 equation 13 has H0 = 67.27 km/(s Mpc). The formula I used is R = (c/H0) (1/Ωk)1/2 . ( I did have a reference for this, but I misplaced it, and I...
  10. MathematicalPhysicist

    A A Calculation of a Form Factor at large ##q^2##

    On page 180 they write the following passage: My question is how do I get ##F^M_{(0,0)}## from ##F^M_{(0,0)}(q^2)## for large ##q^2##. I tried using Mathematica's free input to get the series ##1/(1+x^2)^2=1-2x^2+3x^4+O(x^6)##, in our case ##x=\gamma/q##. But it doesn't seem to fit the result...
  11. N

    I Need help coming up with an equation for a bend angle calculation

    Apologies if this is the wrong forum. I have an application where I need to measure the bend angle of a tube and display the resulting angle on a screen. I am using a laser mounted in a fixed location which reports distance back to my controller, (scaled to millimeters.) I am measuring from 92...
  12. Marilyn67

    I Relative Simultaneity: Comparing 2 Incompatible Calculation Methods

    Hello, Hope you had a merry Christmas, :wink: In order to deepen some knowledge on the notion of relative simultaneity, I studied a graph taken from a video, and the ages of the twins being very very rounded, I decided to make precise calculations using two methods different. I would like to...
  13. M

    Engineering Torque calculation of a motor with permanent magnets

    $$Vstator_{peak} = 120√2 *√2 = 240 V$$ $$Istator_{peak} = i_{q} (current on q axis)= 20*√2 = 28.2842 A $$ $$ω{15} = Ω_{15} * p = 2π * 15 = 94.2477 rad/s$$ $$ω{15} = Ω_{15} * ψ_{pm}$$ Hence $$ψ_{pm} = e0/ω15 = 168.3V/94.2477 rad/s => ψ_{pm} = 1.79 Wb$$ $$M = 3/2 * p * ψ_{pm} * iq $$ Hence $$ M...
  14. S

    Calculation of the Berry connection for a 2x2 Hamiltonian

    This isn't technically a homework problem, but I'm trying to check my understanding of the geometric phase by explicitly calculating the Berry connection for a simple 2x2 Hamiltonian that is not a textbook example of a spin-1/2 particle in a three dimensional magnetic field solved via a Bloch...
  15. T

    Explicit Calculation of Q Factor of Loaded Tuned Circuits

    I would like to discuss in detail an interesting aspect dealing with general considerations and methods to calculate the Q factor of oscillating systems on the example of this regenerative receiver. Althought it is closely related to the discussion here discussion here (especially Baluncore's...

    How should I Approach this Circuit Calculation?

    Homework Statement:: R1 = 2kOHms; R2 = 2kOHms; R3 = 3kOHms; R4 = 3kOHms; VS = 25V; IS = 10mA [5,5] a) Determine the power provided by the source dependent on current using method of the nodes [3.0] b) What is the value of electrical power dissipated in all resistors in the circuit? Relevant...
  17. C

    I Non-Relativistic Bethe-Bloch Calculation for Alpha Particle in Xenon"

    Hi all, I got an exercise to plot Bethe-Bloch function (ignore the "Compare..." part, it belongs to an exercise above), for alpha particle in Xenon. See the question below: I've been struggling to get a plot that makes sense. I checked my parameters and the units a million times already, but...
  18. U

    Help with a calculation about gravitational waves

    An exact gravitational plane wave solution to Einstein's field equation has the line metric $$\mathrm{d}s^2=-2\mathrm{d}u\mathrm{d}v+a^2(u)\mathrm{d}^2x+b^2(u)\mathrm{d}^2y.$$ I have calculated the non-vanishing Christoffel symbols and Ricci curvature components and used the vacuum Einstein...
  19. C

    A Calculation of Fourier coefficients using SAMBA methodology

    Hello everyone. I have 4 samples of 50 elements from 4 unknown random variables obtained from a Karhunen-Loève decomposition using Matlab's pca (each one is a column of size 50 from the coefficient matrix). I am following the article SAMBA: Sparse Approximation of Moment-Based Arbitrary...
  20. M

    Engineering Induction motor calculation problems

    Given the following input parameters: Parameter Value Rs (Resistance through stator) 1.4 Ω Rr (Resistance through stator) 0.7 Ω Ls (stator inductance) = Lr (rotor inductance) 0.002 H xs = xr = 2*π*f*Ls 0.6283i Ω Lm(magnetic inductance) 0.01 H xm = 2*π*f*Lm 3.1415iΩ f (frequency)...
  21. Itay Segal

    Spectral Irradiance Calculation

    Hi everybody, I'm a mechanical engineer working on a phototherapy project, which includes choosing a LED light source that emits a spectral irradiance of 30 µW/cm^2/nm. however, most of the LEDs datasheets giving you the lumens at best. i was able to calculate the irradiance [µW/cm^2] from...
  22. M

    Error calculation in a measurement chain

    [Mentor Note -- thread moved to the schoolwork forums from the technical forums] Summary:: I would like to understand how to calculate the error of a measurement provided by a measuring chain Hello to everyone, I'm going to explain the problem I would like to understand better. Thank you for...
  23. K

    I Help Understanding Luminance Calculation Process

    Hello all, I have a system that consists of: A projector with a known position, orientation, and brightness (luminous flux, I guess - units are lumens), A lens with known distortion characteristics (i.e. a known light ray vector for every point on the projector's image-generating panel) A...
  24. J

    Bearing requirements calculation

    Hi! I am working on a design project. I already know all the loads (moment, force and gravity) on the shaft. I want to calculate the bearing requirements to help me choose the right bearing. All loads are very small, and the key requirement of the entire system is high accuracy. Can I assume...
  25. G

    A COG calculation of diffracted spots on a camera

    Hi all, I will like to simulate diffracted spots at least two spots, on a camera. I will be glad if someone can help out with a code. below are the details required: camera pixel size = 4um (each pixel can be sub divided for better calculation), gap size = 100nm, camera length = 4000 x 4000...
  26. M

    Approach analytical calculation for a beam frame

    Hi all, Currently I am working on a home-project, making a trike. Now just for fun and because I like to calculate things, I calculated the deflection of a frame with a load. The frame is shown in the picture below, I added the force for clarity. With my analytical calculation I found a...
  27. K

    Calculation of the rise in the temperature of a truck brake

    The text gives the answer as 92ºC. The answer is arrived at by doing ##Q=Mgh=mc\Delta T##. But it is unclear to me if they are the same. I checked the coefficient of friction and it definitely seems to be considerable. Is the entire PE lost by the truck going to result in increasing the...
  28. rudransh verma

    Calculating Speed from Intervals: Feynman's Lecture on Physics Vol. 1

    "We know only where she was at intervals of one minute from the table; we can get a rough idea that she was going 5000 ft/min during the 7th minute, but we do not know, at exactly the moment 7 minutes, whether she had been speeding up and the speed was 4900 ft/min at the beginning of the 6th...
  29. Thytanium

    A Radial Excess Calc: GR, 4πGρ & R00

    Which is the mathematical procedure to obtain ##\delta r = \frac{GM}{3c^2}## from ##\nabla^2 V = R_{00} = 4\pi G\rho## where ##\nabla^2 V## is volume contraction of a spherical mass of density ##\rho## and ##R_{00}## is the 00 component of Ricci tensor ##R_{ij}##?
  30. es4

    Calculation of pressure & volume both isothermally & adiabatically

    Hi, here is my attempt... Feel free to correct me if I am doing it wrong. v1 = .8 m3 p1 = 250 or 250000 n/m2 p2 = 7000 or 7000000 n/m2 Cp = 1010 Cv = 7321. isothermally p1v1 = p2v2 [Boyle equality law (isothermal process)] 250 000 * .8 = 7000000 * v2 7000000 * v2 = 250 000 * .8...
  31. benorin

    I Juicy game probability calculation

    This Q was asked in a chat room: Find the number of pulls (draws from the distribution) required to have a 50% chance of getting a full set of event 5*s (*'s denote rarity in the game) from the Magic Tower Summon (of the Empires & Puzzles mobile game) which has 5x event 5*s each at a 0.2% drop...
  32. M

    MHB Carry select adder - Time calculation

    Hey! :giggle: a) Suppose a binary pick-up adder (carry-select) of $32$-bits, comprising $4$ sub-sections adders spreading carry of range $8$ bits. Show the values obtained internally in the circuit of this adder to perform the addition of the numbers $01011001101100111110110011001101$ and...
  33. M

    MHB Indeterminate Integration with Integration Constant

    Hey! 😊 I want to calculate the integral $$\int\frac{1}{(x+4)(x^2-8x+19)}\, dx$$ I have done the following : $$\frac{1}{(x+4)(x^2-8x+19)}=\frac{1}{67}\frac{1}{x+4}+\frac{1}{67}\frac{12-x}{x^2-8x+19}$$ and so we get \begin{align*}\int\frac{1}{(x+4)(x^2-8x+19)}\, dx&=\frac{1}{67}\int...
  34. N

    How Do You Calculate the Flow Rate of Oxygen in a Pressurized System?

    I am trying to calculate the flow rate of O2 from a known volume 25 in^3. The cylinder will fill up to a maximum pressure of 140 psi in 11.26 seconds. Any help to determine the flow rate will be appreciated. Do I use Bernoulli equation to find the flow rate?
  35. MichaelTam

    Troubleshooting F = q v B sin(theta) Calculation

    I use the equation find that ## F = q v B sin(theta) ## F = 0.01*300*5*10^-5*0.5 F =75 N I don’t know why my solution is not correct?
  36. Nickf_Zar

    How Do You Calculate Torque for an Anchor Type Agitator Motor?

    Hi All, I must calculate the torque and for an agitator motor. An anchor type agitator/scraper, removing crust off the edge of a tank. My instinct is the max or startup torque will be = (Moment of Inertia) x (Angular Acceleration) + (Drag force of the submerged impeller)* Max radius +...
  37. Haorong Wu

    I Calculation for angular excess

    Hello. I am not familiar with spherical trigonometry while I am reading a solution in a GR problem book. It reads, I study spherical trigonometry on Wikipedia and some other sites, but I am still not sure how to calculate the angular excess. First, is angular excess equivalent to spherical...
  38. kshitij

    Limit calculation involving log and trig functions

    This was the question, The above solution is the one that I got originally by the question setters, Below are my attempts (I don't know why is the size of image automatically reduced but hope that its clear enough to understand), As you can see that both these methods give different answers...
  39. C

    I Desorption probability calculation

    Hi all! I would like your assistance with wrapping up my thoughts regarding the following problem. Say I have Am-241 nuclide, which emits alpha particle in every decay (for the sake of this discussion, let's assume that 100% of the decays lead to a daughter nuclide, Np-237 + an alpha...
  40. S

    Calculation of the lateral force of a trailer coupling

    Hello, i´ve got a problem with the calculation of the forces on the hitch of a vehicle and a trailer. I do need the lateral force on the hitch for the calculation of my single track model of the vehicle and trailer. I have a longitudinal model of the vehicle and the trailer. My input signal...
  41. llha

    I [Quantum Computing] Quantum Parallelism State Calculation

    Hi, I'm going through Nielsen and Chuang's Quantum Computation and Quantum Information textbook and I don't really understand this part about quantum parallelism: Shouldn't the resulting state be (1/sqrt(2^4)) * (|0, f(0)> + |0, f(1)> + |1, f(1)> + |1, f(0)>), since the resulting state would...
  42. chwala

    Solving this rate of decay problem -- Mass loss calculation

    My interest is on question ##11.ii## only. I think there is a mistake on the markscheme...i just need a second opinion on this...find attached the question and markscheme... markscheme here: it ought to be, ##e^{0.0277t}=1.6797##
  43. B

    Trouble with Plasma Frequency Calculation

    This would appear to be a straightforward algebra problem, but it just doesn't pass the smell test for me. The issue might be with the number of electrons per cubic meter, as that was calculated in a previous problem, so let me know if that number seems wrong. My plasma frequency (##\nu##) not...
  44. DarkoX

    Advice on pressure drop calculation

    Hello everyone, I would appreciate any help with my task I am struggling to resolve. I need to calculate or simulate pressure drop when got the following parameters: 1. Supply pressure: 45barg. 2. Pipe Length: 80 meters 3. Pipe diameter: OD - 10mm, ID - 8mm. 4. Pipe material: stainless steel...
  45. shahbaznihal

    A Galaxy statistics calculation in Saslaw's book

    I am trying to follow a calculation from the book of William C. Saslaw, The Distribution of the Galaxies: Gravitational Clustering in Cosmology. The calculation is shown on the pages following page 122 in chapter 14 where the author talks about the Correlation function. I am able to reproduce...
  46. S

    Calculation of orbital velocity -- Geometrical solution

    Hello, I would like to calculate the orbital velocity using the geometrical way of reasoning. But I have a hard time to understand and apply some basics into my calculations. The reasoning is pretty simple. After some time: dt ,the particle travels the distance: Vtot1 * dt = R*sinθ (see the...
  47. mountainchicken46

    How to Calculate Required Torque for Mini Servo on Slider?

    how to calculate the required torque for the mini servo to move the load on slider?
  48. L

    Calculation on spontaneous fission and effect from alpha decay

    Summary:: Help needed on how to calculate on spontaneous fission and effect from alpha decay Heat from alpha decay from Pu-238 is used to generate direct current. At the beginning (1977) it generated 470W, how large is the effect now? And if the efficiency between the electricity and heat...
  49. Viky1147

    A Granular convection (particle distribution) calculation

    Hi All, Am new here came particularly hoping for some guidance I need to calculate theoretically, how different types of particles (shown below) distribute in a granular convection Condition: Large surface or open surface Types of particles: 1) Low volume, Low density particle 2) High...
  50. K

    A Calculation of an amplitude using the Grassmannian approach (amplituhedron)

    In the following review paper on scattering amplitudes, by Elvang and Huang: https://arxiv.org/abs/1308.1697 they calculate the amplitude for 6 particles with half of positive helicity and half of negative helicity in section 9.3.2. Their matrix C (a point in the relevant Grassmannian) is...