Circular motion Definition and 1000 Threads

  1. John Mohr

    Constant Circular Motion Not Really Constant

    I was pondering my practice of talking about circular motion in the horizontal direction and the vertical direction. But I'd often would see in books, notes, and the internet that we assume constant velocity for the vertical case. However, when one thinks about the forces at different points in...
  2. L

    Circular Motion Questions (energies, forces, angular velocities, etc.)

    Question 1: I believe that the ratio would be b. 8:1 because by combining the formula for kinetic energy and momentum the expression Ek=p^2/2m can be obtained. Thus, for a body of mass 2kg with twice the momentum: Ek=2^2/2*2=1 For a body of mass 4kg with half the momentum: Ek=1^2/2*4=1/8...
  3. B

    What is the angle between the acceleration and velocity when rotating?

    ##ω = \frac {k} {\sqrt{φ}}## What is the angle between acceleration and velocity after 1spin (2π radians)? First I decided to find out what is the angular acceleration: ##α = \frac {dω} {dt} = \frac {dω} {dt} \frac {dφ} {dφ} = \frac {dω} {dφ} ω \implies ##after integrating ##\implies α = -...
  4. V

    Why Does Friction Provide Centripetal Acceleration in Circular Motion?

    Suppose a particle is moving around a circular track of radius R at speed v. To bend around a circle some agency has to exert an acceleration towards the center of the circle. I analyze the forces acting on the particle, its weight and the normal force and there is no acceleration in the...
  5. cle102

    Uniform Circular Motion on a racetrack

    Not sure what I'm doing here. Not sure how to continue? Please help. Thank you in advance!
  6. cle102

    Uniform Circular Motion: banked race track circular path

    Basically, I need help to continue on this question. This is what I have now: Angle of the race track (angle of the grey part): tan(18/(169-108)) = 0.30396 Not sure how to continue?? What am I supposed to do and find next? Thank you in advance! :smile::blushing::oldbiggrin:
  7. Olivia Lam

    What is the reaction force between the ring and the hoop?

    a.)N cos θ=mg N sin θ=mrw^2 sin θ cos θ=g/rw^2 b.) My question is reaction force =N ? or =F=mg tanθ ? If it is N then N=mg cosθ =mg^2/r w^2 or N=mg/cosθ =mrw^2 ? Thank you
  8. M

    What is Kepler's Formula and How is it Used in Circular Motion and Gravitation?

    Using Kepler's Formula, I tried to solve for the answer but was told that it's incorrect.
  9. Like Tony Stark

    Tension and reaction force in circular motion

    Hi I'm having trouble to understand the centripetal force in a rotating rod with a mass in its end. When ##90°<\theta<270°##, the centripetal acceleration is produced by the tension, which counteracts the radial component of the weight. But what happens when ##\theta<90°## or ##\theta>270°##...
  10. AN630078

    Circular Motion of a Cyclist and a Car going around a bend in the road

    Question 1: So we are given three variables; Mass=90kg Angle to the vertical = 20 degrees Speed = 10 ms^-1 There is not enough information to rearrange the formulas for centripetal force or acceleration in terms of r to find the radius. However, I have a attached a free body diagram of a...
  11. B

    Spring-mass system in circular motion has a maximum angular speed?

    and this is my solution for question (d), it may seems that $$R=(k)/(k-m\omega^2)R_0$$ so that $$\omega ≠ \omega_i =√(k/m)$$ but $$\omega_c <\sqrt{k/m}$$ is always true, ##\omega_i## corresponds to the limit case when ##F_max## is infinitely large Besides, I don't know other Physics prevents...
  12. G

    Mechanics Circular Motion Question

    Part (i) *Pink represents mark scheme method Part 2 However I am still confused on the diagram.
  13. RemotePhysics

    Require help with angular velocity and people flying off the planet

    My solutions (attempts) : a> w=v/r | r=6.35x10^6m | therefore V=7.04x10^-5 m/s b> speed of rotation is faster at the equator than the pole as w=v/r. As w remains constant, as r increases towards the pole V has to decrease. c> F = W - R d> Stuck here. I presume that I have to use the equation...
  14. RemotePhysics

    Futher Mechanics: Circular Motion of a Car Going Around a Banked Turn

    Below is my working out. If you could have a look at my answers and see if they are correct and then advice me on how to improve my solutions for Parts I and II, and how to answer F and G with the given information. Thanks in advance! Parts aand b are diagrams so please refer to the attached...
  15. G

    Is Gravity the only force doing work on a roller coaster cart?

    Why I think gravity *is* the only force doing work on the rider: 1) The only forces acting on the rider are gravity and the normal force. Broken down into their component vectors, we have: -> The component of the force of gravity moving parallel to the rider's direction of motion -> The normal...
  16. G

    To find the relative velocities of linear and circular motion

    Could I please ask for help regarding the final part of the following question: It is the very last part, to find v in terms of u. So I have that the velocity of the midpoint of XY is: V_m = (u/2) i + (u/2) j I let the position vector of P be: r_p = cos(wt) i + sin(wt) j (w = angular...
  17. Adesh

    How do we provide centripetal force in this situation?

    Situation: Let’s say we have a wire bent into a circular shape, there lies a bead through the wire and it can slide through it. The wire is kept in vertical plane and is swung along the axis AB. My question : How the centripetal force is provided to the bead? The bead will go into a...
  18. R

    When Does an Object Experience Only Centripetal Acceleration in Circular Motion?

    Hey guys, Theres something I've been confused about when looking at circular motion. When does an object have just centripetal acceleration as the acceleration of the object, if ever. I think that the acceleration vector is between the centripetal and tangential acceleration when an objects...
  19. LCSphysicist

    Analyzing Forces in Circular Motion: Finding Equilibrium in a Spring System got here, i think that the component y N will balance the mg force; the other componente of N will be divided in two, one to balance the force, and other to be the centripal result, but i don't know how relate to each other
  20. hobbes1235

    [Grade 12 Physics] Circular/gravitational motion

    Diagram for question 1: I know the mass, I need Fg. My work: Main equation: g = Fg/m I need to find Fg. Fg= Fc - Fn [Fn = 21 N Fc = ?] {I need to find Fc.} Fc = ma --> Fc = (mV^2)/ r [Mass = 1.3kg V = ? r = 0.70] {Now I need the velocity at that point where Fn = 21 N (the top of the...
  21. Adesh

    What actually is the centripetal acceleration formula?

    Centripetal force is defined as the force causing the body to follow a curved path, acting towards the center and always orthogonal to the direction of motion. For uniform circular motion the formula for centripetal acceleration is $$a_c = \frac{v^2}{r}$$. But my understanding of centripetal...
  22. H

    Circular motion, friction and forces

    I am not really sure how to go about this. I have been sick for a couple of weeks and fallen behind a bit. Can anyone help me out please? Thank you
  23. stephenklein

    Deriving the Relativistic Transverse Doppler Effect (Circular Motion)

    **I realize some of my inline math delimiters '\(' and '\)' are not acting on the text for some reason, and it looks clunky. I spend 20-30 minutes trying to understand why this is, but I can't. My limited LaTeX experience is in Overleaf, and these delimiters work fine in that compiler. My...
  24. Erucibon

    Circular motion and g forces in rollercoaster

    I my attempt, I set the drop height to 20m and using conservation of energy, i calculated the speed at the bottom. Calculating centripetal acceleration, if the radius of the circle is less than 10m then the g force is greater than 5, if equal to 10m the velocity at the top is 0 and there is 0...
  25. Z

    How Can You Calculate a Car's Motion and Impact in Circular Motion?

    Hi ,I have to many qusetions about Cercular Motion , I Want to know The solution of this general quistion :There's A Car with Mass OfMKg , And A velocity ofVm/s , and a Central Acceleration ofAm/s2And Driving in a circle with width ofXm And a Raduis ofRm .How Can You Make The Car Hit The Walls (...
  26. J

    Is Centrifugal Force Just a Reaction to Circular Motion?

    Is centrifugal force merely a reaction force caused by the change of velocity of an object travelling in a circle?Jeff Lee
  27. T

    How do you calculate tension in a rope during circular motion?

    Hi, i'm having trouble with a question on circular motion. The quesion is: You swing a 3.25 kg bucket of water in avertical circle of the radius 0.95 m. At the tope of the circle the speed of the bucket is 3.23 m/s; at the bottom of the circle its speed is 6.91 m/s. Find the tension in the...
  28. S

    What are the key physics calculations for a pendulum in circular motion?

    people plz read this question and try your best to answer it, if you are suspicious about your answer, plz don't send it cause this is REALLY important and i need a tottaly right answer, thanks all :D(BTW this is a question that came as part of an international exam for physics for people aged...
  29. D

    Circular motion

    Heres a question. Supposing you have an obect traveling in a circle. On the end of this object there is another object traveling in a circle around the end of the first object. (this is a Trebuchet, with the arm as the first circle and the sling as the second) How would I solve for an object...
  30. D

    Can Circular Motion Be Considered Simple Harmonic Motion?

    Hi,Question - can circular motion ever be simple harmonic motion?In SHM, the acceleration is proportional to the displacement, so how would we measure displacement for circular motion (ie the actual radius remains the same).If so, would you say the revolution of the earth around the sun is in...
  31. T

    How Can I Develop a Hypothesis for My Circular Motion Lab Project?

    I have a very hard problem that needs some solving. This problem is the lab that my lab group and I have created to demonstrate various proerties of circular motion. The lab is write up is due in 2 months and we are required to present to the class whatever we have in 3 and 1/2 weeks. Keep in...
  32. D

    How Can I Solve Non-Uniform Circular Motion Problems in Physics?

    I am nearly a comp sc. grad. I feel however I need more knowledge of physics as I have done none and did not complete high school physics.So I bought a high school text and am working through it, but have many problems especially with this non-uniform circular motion.1. An aeroplane flies in a...
  33. A

    How does circular motion affect the velocity of a cyclist's tire?

    I'm having some problems understanding this question:"A cyclist accelerates from rest at a rate of 0.80m/s2. How fast will a point on the rim of the tire (diamenter = 68 cm) at the top be moving after 4.0s ? (Hint: At any given moment, the lowest point on the tire is in contact with the ground...
  34. mmaismma

    How to Solve Hinge Force Problems?

    I have solved problem (A). But I couldn't solve problem (B). Here is my attempt:
  35. T

    AP Physics 1 Help? Centripetal motion/Kinematics/Friction problem

    I think I have solved the first three, and only really need help on question four. For number one, I used Fc = (Mv^2)/R and just rearranged it for velocity so I ended up with v = sqrt(ac * R) For number 2 I used Ff = Fn*mu and got Mg*mu = Ff For number 3 I used w = Ff*d and got w = -Mg*mu*l...
  36. F

    Horizontal Circular Motion With Lagrange

    In the situation described in the problem, the mass is moving on a horizontal circular path with constant velocity. Wouldn’t this make L and U both constant? Then the Lagrange equation would give 0 = 0, which isn’t what I’m looking for. Any help would be appreciated.
  37. ela12aj

    In circular motion - centripetal acceleration is never there

    So far what we know about the circular motion is that an object moving in a circle experiences a force towards the center of the circle and as a result accelerates towards this center. But we also know that an object always moves in the direction of resultant force - if two tractors moving at...
  38. L

    Trouble understanding vector hat notation - Circular Motion

    I'm new to classical mechanics. I've done enough work with vectors to get the basics. But, I'm having trouble understanding the notation on this MIT presentation I found on circular motion: On slide 23, for example, I...
  39. brotherbobby

    How Does Braking Compare to Turning in Avoiding Collisions?

    1. For the car to apply brakes, we have ##v^2=2ar⇒a=\frac{v^2}{2r}=μg\;\;[ma=μmg]⇒v=\sqrt{2μgr} ## 2. For the car to go in a circle ##\frac{mv^2}{r}=μmg\Rightarrow v=\sqrt{\mu gr}##. We find from above that the maximum velocity ##v## possible to avoid a collision is ##\sqrt{2}## times as much...
  40. ColoradoGrrrl

    Circular Motion: Write expression for the period in terms of r and g

    I'm not sure if I'm doing this right as far as coming up with the equation they are asking for. I feel the question is poorly worded and the formatting makes their equation notation difficult to understand. Any insight would be very helpful. This is my work so far:
  41. Phylosopher

    I Aberration of Light in Circular Motion: Does Distance Change?

    Simple as it sounds! Usually people derive aberration of light using linear motion, not circular motion. When aberration happens in linear motion, one would expect distance between the source and the observer to change. But, in circular motion, the path light takes in the circular motion, in...
  42. S

    Static Friction in Circular Motion

    A) So we are given the radius and the coefficient of static friction as 3.0 m and 0.28 respectively. I know that in the vertical direction the only forces acting are the normal force and the gravitational force. Therefore, the normal force is equal to mg because net force is equal to 0, due to...
  43. Like Tony Stark

    Finding angular velocity for a rope to be cut

    I wrote Newton's equations for each body (I took ##x## as the axis aligned with the tension) ##m_1##: ##x)f*_1 -T_1+T_2=0## Where ##f*_1=\omega ^2 r_1## ##m_2## ##x)f*_2 -T_2=0## ##x)f*_2=T_2## Where ##f*_2=\omega ^2 r_2## I wrote that ##T_2=1100 N## and solved for ##\omega##, and I got...
  44. S

    Using Newton's Laws: Friction, Circular Motion, Drag Forces

    Here is my attempt at setting up the equation: I set up the equation to find the acceleration of the box: F-Ffr= m*a after finding the acceleration, I can use the acceleration and plug it in the formula v^2=(v0)^2+2*a(x-x0), which will get me the value of (x-x0)The solution sheet says that F...
  45. jisbon

    Circular motion with kinematics

    My working: ##s=\int v## ##v= \sqrt{\frac{a_{c}}{r}}=\sqrt{\frac{a_{c}}{\frac{4}{2t+2}}}## ##s= \int_{0}^{2} \sqrt{\frac{2}{\frac{4}{2t+2}}}## My final answer seems to be wrong. Any ideas? Cheers
  46. jisbon

    Circular motion -- Find the angular velocity at t=3

    Hi everyone. Do correct me if I am thinking wrongly. So to find angular velocity, won't I just have to integrate angular acc = 2t, which means angular velocity = t^2? Hence, won't the answer be 3^2=9? The answer seems to be 5.43 :/ Thanks
  47. Shivam

    Calculating Safe Velocity: Why Is 4th Option Incorrect?

    1). I calculated maximum safe velocity using the equation - V(max)=√200x10x0.2 =20m/s So the speed at which car is traveling is greater than the safe speed.. So the car should skid. So why 4th option is not correct ?
  48. S

    Vertical circular motion with accelerating centre

    I can do the problem if the centre is fixed. The steps are: 1) Assuming tension in the string is zero at the top most position, we calculate the velocity at top most position by mv2/R = mg 2)Now, we simply apply mechanical energy conservation when the ball is at the top and bottom positions...