Classical mechanics Definition and 1000 Threads

Classical mechanics is a physical theory describing the motion of macroscopic objects, from projectiles to parts of machinery, and astronomical objects, such as spacecraft, planets, stars, and galaxies. For objects governed by classical mechanics, if the present state is known, it is possible to predict how it will move in the future (determinism), and how it has moved in the past (reversibility).
The earliest development of classical mechanics is often referred to as Newtonian mechanics. It consists of the physical concepts based on foundational works of Sir Isaac Newton, and the mathematical methods invented by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Joseph-Louis Lagrange, Leonhard Euler, and other contemporaries, in the 17th century to describe the motion of bodies under the influence of a system of forces. Later, more abstract methods were developed, leading to the reformulations of classical mechanics known as Lagrangian mechanics and Hamiltonian mechanics. These advances, made predominantly in the 18th and 19th centuries, extend substantially beyond earlier works, particularly through their use of analytical mechanics. They are, with some modification, also used in all areas of modern physics.
Classical mechanics provides extremely accurate results when studying large objects that are not extremely massive and speeds not approaching the speed of light. When the objects being examined have about the size of an atom diameter, it becomes necessary to introduce the other major sub-field of mechanics: quantum mechanics. To describe velocities that are not small compared to the speed of light, special relativity is needed. In cases where objects become extremely massive, general relativity becomes applicable. However, a number of modern sources do include relativistic mechanics in classical physics, which in their view represents classical mechanics in its most developed and accurate form.

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  1. Reuben_Leib

    I Help with Euler Lagrange equations: neighboring curves of the extremum

    I tried writing this out but I think there is a bug or something as its not always displaying the latex, so sorry for the image. I have gone through various sources and it seems that the reason for u being small varies. Sometimes it is needed because of the taylor expansion, this time (below) is...
  2. Reuben_Leib

    I Why does ##u## need to be small to represent the Taylor expansion

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  3. R

    Coordinates of a point on a rotating wheel

    My issue is in deriving the coordinates of a point on a wheel that rotates without slipping. In Morin's solution he says that: My attempt at rederiving his equation: I do not understand how the triangle on the bottom with sides indicated in green is the same as the triangle on top that is...
  4. Slimy0233

    I Heating a tungsten filament to find out the maximum brightness emitted

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  5. Peter Morgan

    I The collapse of a quantum state as a joint probability construction

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  6. M

    Morin classical mechanics differential equation problem

    I was reading the oscillations chapter which was talking about how to solve linear differential equations. He was talking about how to solve the second order differential below, where a is a constant: In the textbook, he solved it using the method of substitution i.e guessing the solution...
  7. V

    Satellite mechanics: linear and rotational momentum

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  8. Lotto

    Can two objects moving parallel relative to a ground meet?

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  9. Lotto

    What is the smallest value of angular displacement of the raft?

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  10. V

    I Satellite mechanics: linear and rotational momentum

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  11. A

    Classical A replacement for Mcauley's Classical mechanics

    Mcauley's "Classical mechanics: transformations, flows, integrable and chaotic dynamics" has a very interesting table of contents, and it has a philosophy of approaching Hamiltonian flows and chaos without using the formalism of modern differential geometry. Unfortunately, after reading the...
  12. S

    Distance travelled by a car considering only air friction?

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  13. luqman

    Coordinate Transformation (multivariable calculus)

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  14. C

    I Variational Principles in Classical Mechanics (Douglas Cline)

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  15. S

    I Water powered funicular with equal masses?

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  16. M

    B Irreversibility of Aristotle's law

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  17. becks1

    Classical mechanics problem for a free particle

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  18. Al-Layth

    I Comprehensive List of Mechanics Formulations

    beyond 1.) the Newtonian formulation 2.) The lagrangian formulation 3.) The Hamiltonian formulation What other formulations are there
  19. S

    I Receding movement of a stopped object in an accelerating universe?

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  20. P

    Maximum duration of Solar eclipses

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  21. D

    Getting wrong answer in an (angular) impulse momentum problem

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  22. SaintRodriguez

    Please help me pick a topic for an essay about classical mechanics

    I was wondering if someone can telling me a topic about classical mechanics which I can write an essay. First I thought to write about Legendre transformation, but I guess that is very general. Also, if someone can tell me some tips to write an scientific essay I'll be so glad.
  23. bigmike94

    Prerequisites for John Taylor classical mechanics

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  24. H Ucar

    A Magnetic bound state in classical mechanics

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  25. Physicsphysics

    I Understanding Classical Mechanics: Acceleration

    I'm reading once again through Landau-Lifchitz and I am stuck on the first page! I can't wrap my head around why we only need to define the coordinates and velocities to determine the acceleration? Surely if we only know those two in a single point in time, that's not enough to determine an...
  26. M

    B Why is KE not conserved when momentum is?

    Its clear in elastic collision that both KE and momentum is conserved. Bodies exchange their velocities. It is seen clearly in this video. There is no decrease in speed. Total KE is constant. But in an inelastic collision momentum is conserved again but not the KE. There is loss in KE (I guess...
  27. A

    What causes knots and stress when untwisting ropes?

    [Mentor Note -- thread moved from the schoolwork forums to GD as it seems like a more general question] Homework Statement:: Topoisomerases help in relieving strain in the DNA ahead of the replication fork caused by the untwisting of the double helix (Topoisomerases are enzymes that...
  28. AF Fardin

    Moment of inertia of a double physical pendulum

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  29. M

    B Does a body behave as a point mass even at rest?

    Hi, A body with center of mass behaves as a point mass when a force is applied. So when ##F_{ext}=0## then does it also behave as a point mass with ##a_{com}=0##, at rest. If yes, How can we prove this? (And can somebody please answer my other question I posted a week ago...
  30. M

    B K Energy & Momentum: Driving Force or Lost Heat? If I understand correctly mathematically the momentum of the system remains unchanged but individual momentums decreases always. In an inelastic collision the momentum...
  31. bigmike94

    I Topics covered in John R Taylor Classical mechanics

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  32. P

    Calculate tilt angle of a bar lifted via two ropes on fixed points

    Summary: How to calculate the equilibrium angle of a bar that is lifted on its two ends with ropes attached to fixed lifting points? Hello and good day all, First of all I would like to apologize in advance for my english, I am not a native speaker so some grammar errors may be left. My...
  33. Dario56

    I Why is it Impossible to Solve the Three Body Problem Analytically?

    Three (many) body problems where three or many bodies (particles) interact are impossible to solve analytically. First one appeared in classical mechanics where equations of motion of planets were tried to be found by applying Newton's 2nd law for system of planets and stars interacting via...
  34. rudransh verma

    Accelerating wedge with a block at rest on it

    I have drawn a fbd and the logic I think is that at rest the block moves down the wedge but when a force P is applied vertical force becomes zero and the horizontal force ##F_N\sin \beta## = P?
  35. rudransh verma

    B Why does friction decrease with repeated force application?

    Suppose you have a heavy body placed on a surface. We apply a horizontal force such that it is on the verge of moving (maximum static friction). We measure this force and note it down. Now we cut the body from the top and remove a thin layer and again do the same thing. We apply a force and...
  36. rudransh verma

    B Understanding Friction: The Impact of Inter-Molecular Bonding on Movement

    Imagine a solid body big and heavy. It will have friction between it and the surface when tried to move. Somehow the cluster of molecules opposes the push. When free these molecules stick on surface and can be moved by a mere blow of wind but when bonded into a solid body the structure of large...
  37. rudransh verma

    B Why does ice have more friction when it's solid compared to when it's melting?

    Water is made up of loose molecules but a body like ice is bonded strongly into a shape. Imagine a ice brick. It will have friction between it and the surface when tried to move. Now it slowly starts melting. The molecules of ice will start sticking on the surface. Somehow the cluster of...
  38. rudransh verma

    B What is the relationship between force and distance in planetary motion? 9-7 "From this figure we see that the horizontal component of the force is related to the complete force in the same manner as the horizontal distance x is to the complete hypotenuse r, because the two triangles are similar. Also, if x is...
  39. rudransh verma

    B Analysis vs arithmetic approach to solving motion Using Mathematical approach we can describe the motion of a falling body whose gravity is 32 m/s^2. Analysis shows that this is simply ##s-s_0=ut+1/2at^2##. Similarly we can describe the motion of...
  40. D

    A classical mechanics problem involve rotating

    I came up with these: (especially not sure if second is right)
  41. mohamed_a

    I Classical analogy approach to quantum mechanics

    I have read about several approcahes to bypass some classical restrictions to quantum facts such as the electron being in a torus-like shape to avoid ,the greater than speed of light, rotation paradox . Could you recommend websites , sources or books that give good classical analogy to quantum...
  42. rudransh verma

    B Confusion with orientation of coordinate axis in inclined plane

    When we take the x-axis parallel to incline surface its clear that the horizontal component of weight is causing the block to come down but when we take the standard orientation its not so clear to me. Is horizontal component of ##F_N## causing the block to come down? <Moderator's note: Use of...
  43. rudransh verma

    What is the minimum force needed to move a block with friction present?

    We know the minimum force to move the body in presence of friction will be ##F>\mu F_N## But it’s not right.
  44. rudransh verma

    B Understanding Weight and Inertia: A Comparison of Mars and Earth “Weight and inertia are proportional, and on the earth’s surface are often taken to be numerically equal, which causes a certain confusion to the student. On Mars, weights would be different but the amount of force needed to overcome inertia...
  45. rudransh verma

    Potential energy in case of Atwood machine

    ##T-2mg=2ma_1## (acceleration of heavier mass) ##T-mg=ma_2## (##-a_1=a_2##) On solving the eqns, ##a_1=-g/3=-a_2## ##s=1/2at^2## ##s=-g/6## , distance covered by heavier mass. ##s=g/6## , covered by lighter mass. Edit: ##\Delta U_1=mgh=-2mg^2/6## (decrease in U of heavier mass) ##\Delta...
  46. rudransh verma

    A block coming down the incline

    ##W_{ext}=mgh+KE_f+0=-20(5\sin 37)+(1/2)2(10^2)## ##W_{ext}=-60.18+100=39.81J## But it’s not consistent with ##W=F.d=20*5=100J## I can’t figure it out.
  47. rudransh verma

    Block pulled up the incline problem

    a) $$v=u+at$$ $$v=0+(F/m)t$$ $$v=-10$$ Now $$v^2=0+2as$$ $$s=-5$$ $$W=F.d=(-20)(-5)=100J>40$$ b) $$W=-mgh$$ $$W=-20(3)$$ $$W=-60$$
  48. rudransh verma

    B About actually touching something and sound made by collision We know the friction happens because of the intermolecular forces between the atoms of the surfaces in contact. When we place something on other there are places where they get come in contact there are bonding formed and due to...
  49. rudransh verma

    A mass sliding down the inclined plane -- Will it stop?

    For lower half ,$$Fnet=-\mu F_N+mg\sin \phi$$ For upper half, $$v^2=u^2+2as$$ (s is half of the total slant distance) $$v^2=0+2\frac{mg\sin \phi}ms$$ $$v=\sqrt{2g\sin \phi s}$$ again for lower half, $$v^2=u^2+2as$$ $$0=2g\sin \phi s+2\frac{-\mu F_N+mg\sin \phi}ms$$ $$\mu=\frac{2gm\sin...
  50. rudransh verma

    B Does more energy mean more work?

    As we always say eat food and rest because tomorrow you have to go to work. When we throw a ball up, it gains a max PE at some height. More the height more energy it has which makes it do more work. Is this right to say?