Code Definition and 960 Threads

  1. F

    I dont know the code for exponential

    \int \ell^{x^2} x^2 dx = 1/2 \int \ell^{x^2} x^2 d(x^2) = 1/2 \int \ell^{t} . t dt (Let x^2 = t ) = 1/2 [t.\ell^{t} - \int \ell^{t} dt] = 1/2 [t.\ell^{t} - \ell^{t} + c ] = 1/2 [x^2 \ell^{x^2} - \ell^{x^2} + c] \ell is actually exponential. I don't know the code for...
  2. murshid_islam

    I was reading simon singh's the code book

    i was reading simon singh's the code book. it describes different systems of cryptography. but what i wanted to know was how to 'crack' different ciphers. can any suggest anything i can read. thanks to anyone who can help.
  3. D

    LaTeX Posting Latex Without Source Code

    Whenever I use latex in my posts, I get the source part of it too. I believe we can post without that part appearing in the post. How?
  4. wolram

    What is the proper start position for the Sted-E-Man walker to prevent damage?

    Please can anyone see an error. '############################################################################## 'Start Position: The Sted-E-Man needs a strat sequence to set the legs in the 'correct position. Unless the servo positions are known, the feet could clash 'on first start-up or...
  5. S

    .Creating a Forum or Wiki: Code Overview

    How do you code a forum or a wiki? Is there code available on the Internet to set up a forum or a wiki? Thank you
  6. siddharth

    New Dress Code: A Restriction of Student Freedom?

    Recently, a prominent university in my city, decided to implement a new dress code in 227 engineering colleges. The dress code states that students should not wear jeans, t-shirts, skirts or sleeveless and tight-fitting outfits and enjoins them to dress conservatively. This is because the...
  7. E

    Comp Sci C++ Code: Searching for a specific string

    umm, anyone who could help me write a code wherein, given an input file, it searches for a word inputed by the user, then outputs the result (how many times it appeared in the input file) in an output file. This program also uses 2 command line arguments. The first argument is the word to search...
  8. DaveC426913

    General best practices: commenting code

    When you're commenting your code (and I don't care what language you're writing in), do you comment *before* the subprocedure or *within* the subprocedure? What is the best practice? eg. Comment before: // loop through the following code for i=1 to 10 ---(some code) ---... ---//...
  9. F

    Request for help - math problem using binary code

    Hello I have math question that I am struggling with that apparently can be solved using code (or reasoning - I tried that and mine didn't work. GO figure :confused: ). Can anyone help me out? Here is the question: A coffee club with 8 membres meet every MOnday Wednesday and Friday...
  10. DaveC426913

    Compiling VB.NET Code with Interop_msxml.dll & Gacutil.exe

    If anyone has some experience with the following (even if you're not an expert), I would really appreciate talking to you (I am a novice): Visual Studio.Net Visual Basic.NET adding a reference interop_msxml.dll gacutil.exe Basically, I am trying to compile a bare-bones snippet of code...
  11. ranger

    Coding Differentiation: Need Math Program Help

    Does anyone know where to find or how to code a program that solves differtiation. Just differentiation and nothing esle. No computer algebra system. It doesn't even have to be a functional program, just some code extracts so I can see how the computer evaluates these problems. Langauge = C...
  12. K

    Learn Programming Through Source Code Examples: Tips and Tools

    I am new to programming( I done a quarter on C, but that s it). i had heard that the best way to learn about programming is by reading and understanding other peoples source-code( bill gate) . Are there any website i could go to do just that? Reading other peoples source-code? another...
  13. P

    MATLAB Writing Optimization Code in Matlab - Resource Guide

    OK, here is the situation. I am supposed to write optimization code in Matlab to determine which of two missions an airplane should perform. There are three total, but one of them has been decided on. So I need to determine which of the other two I should do. The problem is that I have...
  14. JamesU

    Be Cautious of 809 Area Code Calls

    We got this email. saying never to dial an (809) area code. it is fake and can scam you out on $2,500 Subject: DON'T EVER DIAL AREA CODE 809, 284 AND 876 THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT INFORMATION PROVIDED TO US BY AT&T. DON'T EVER DIAL AREA CODE 809 This one is being distributed all over...
  15. T

    Need FORTRAN Code for 3D Aerodynamic Matrices Calculation?

    Hello everybody, I need a FORTRAN code (the source code) with the capability to calculate the generalized aerodynamic matrices given the modes of the structure. In particular, I need a code that is able to handle 3D structures made by assembling trapezoidal plate elements. Does anyone...
  16. E

    Have a look at this code snippet - aerodynamics

    Hello everybody This snippet works if you insert 0 as spin around the z -axis, i.e. the angular velocity around the z-axis perpendicular to the x,y-plane (or dot product to linear velocity of the ball). Unfortunately it all comes crashing down when I insert an angular velocity, which in...
  17. Y

    Can the digits of Pi be used to predict the future?

    almost everyone has heard of the Bible code. what about the pi code? predicting the future with the Pi code! infinite digits means all possible combinations, right? if you get bored one day, you can predict the future.
  18. L

    Fortran code for projecting a grid on to a surface

    Does anyone know the fortran code for projecting a grid (cartesian or not) onto a surface? Thnx
  19. C

    Convolution Code and Error Correcting Capability

    Anyone know how to calculate the error correcting capability for a convolution code? My boss basically is giving me pressure to come up some answer by the end of this week... I won't have time to read things deep... My first question is: For a particular convolution code with a rate k/n, is...
  20. A

    Inertia tensors (moment of inertia) code

    inertia tensors (moment of inertia) for a game Hello, physics gurus! I'm trying to write a little 2D game that uses physics for more dynamism. Part of this game involves shapes bouncing around and reacting to forces, each other, etc. Each shape that can interact is a set of one or more...
  21. F

    What is the corresponding UCS2 code?

    i was preparing for my compsci exam doing past papers and encountered a few questions i don't get can someone help me please? The following bytes are encountered in a UTF8 stream. What is the corresponding UCS2 code? (Express your answer in hexadecimal) 23 E8 96 BC C2 8B i don't know...
  22. E

    Reading open source software code

    Hi Ho! ^^v I know that open source software can be reworked by many people. Because of that, it grows rapidly. Frankly, I wonder how people can rework it if they don't have a good technique in reading the source code. When reading Emacs source code, I really confused from where I should...
  23. J

    Understanding the Genetic Code: What is Universality and Redundancy?

    I'm having problems with three terms that are used to describe the genetic code: universality redundancy non-overlapping reading frame 1) Universality: For the most part, I understand. I know that the universality of the code allows for the limited exchange of genetic information among...
  24. R

    MATLAB Solving a Wire Antenna Using Pocklington IE and MATLAB/Fortran Code

    hi all, can any one help me to solve a wire of antenna by method of moment by using pocklington integral equation and MATLAB or fortern code in need the code please help me because this is my graduation project thanxxxxxxxxxx sad rose
  25. L

    Preventing Program Closure with Code: Solutions & Tips

    I wrote my code and try to setup the program , desperately the program closes it so quickly return 0 or getch() commands doesn't work how can I prevent it with a code ?
  26. Z

    Need Source Code In c For 2-Bodies Gravitational Problem

    Need Source Code In "c" For 2-Bodies Gravitational Problem Hello, My name is Zaheer. I am working on N-bodies gravitational problem, i made n-bodies program in "c" but the behaviour of the bodies is not correct as it is not making a complete circle, insted it is making a semi circle and...
  27. N

    Codons aren't basic units of the genetic code right?

    codons aren't basic units of the genetic code right? my friend told me that it does but i remember in lecture that proff said it doesn't but maybe i misheard
  28. Math Is Hard

    C/C++ (simple)C++ questions about a piece of code

    I am looking at a piece of code from my teacher's program and I am just a little unsure of about how a couple of things work. A char array is declared, and an int array is declared. It looks like a character is read from the keyboard and stored in the char array, then the character is...
  29. H

    What could be causing my rocket to never land on the moon?

    Heya, could someone take a look at my code for me? I'm trying to do the second part of "Part 1" from the problem sheet: [apologies the image is small on the site - I don't have enough webspace to upload it any larger] However, my code never seems...
  30. H

    C-Programming: My Code & Problem Sheet

    Thanks to everyone who offered to take a look at my problem sheet and my relevant code. I have scanned in the 3 relevant pages of my problem sheet and they can be seen at: [PLAIN][/URL] (the files are too large to upload onto here) Below is a copy of my...
  31. Astronuc

    Is Adware Becoming More Sophisticated and Virus-Like?

    My company uses McAfee ASAP (anti-virus) for security against viruses. It runs continuously and monitors all internet traffic. Since Friday, the anti-virus software was activated just after I entered a couple of websites. One seemed to be a 'legitimate' technical site, while the other was...
  32. F

    Translate Perl AI Script to C++ for 20 Questions: Expert Help Available

    I wrote an (small) AI script for twenty questions in perl, however i need the code translated into C++ (i ahve some knowledge of C++, but not enough to write this program). Thanx for the help: #!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; $ans = 0; $qnumber = 1; while (($ans == 0)&& ($qnumber <...
  33. N

    Exploring the Protein Code: A Look at an Outdated Source

    Hello! The following URL shows the protein code (from Codons) but it's quite old, so I don't know if it's still correct.
  34. J

    Read in the Da Vinci Code that phi = 1.68

    Hey.. .i just read in the Da Vinci Code that phi = 1.68 and that everythin in thie universal has the same proportion.. and that its called the DIVINE Proportion... For example, if you divide the length between your head to ur toe by the length between your waist and toe ur going to get the value...
  35. honestrosewater

    Why is the ISO-8859-1 character code not working properly for ö?

    In another thread, someone was trying to use the ISO-8859-1 character code for ö and forgot the semicolon. They wrote and when I quoted them to point out the omission, the character magically appeared. When input from the text box, &#246 appears in the html as (no space) as expected. But when...
  36. R

    C/C++ Code me the php explode function into c or c++

    can someone code me the php explode function into c or c++ that would work with original strings? thanks in advance
  37. E

    Analyzing Recurrence Relations: Help with Summations Code

    Hi everyone, I have the following recurrence to represent in terms of n: n-1 n j Sigma Sigma Sigma(c1) =... i =1 j = i+1 k=1 Basically, it is an analysis of following code: for(i = 1 to n -1) for(j = i+1 to n) for(k = 1 to j) something of O(1) So, I...
  38. W

    Mysterious Book Findings: Examining the Bar Code

    I have just bought a number of books, whilst waiting for the right moment to start on Penrose:The road to reality, I just noticed that the book appeared to be wishing me to open at a random page?..thus I did this just to see what page it open's at. The page I happened to open at contained a...
  39. U

    Morse Code IC Timer for Intercoms

    Is there such a thing as a morse code ic timer chip or is the only way cascading 555's or something complicated like that. Eproms and machine code is ok if that's what it takes if its cheap and easy for my pc. Only need maybe 3/4 pulses timed. EDIT: want to modify my intercom into a system...
  40. Juntao

    Handling User Input Errors in C: Looping and Checking for Numeric Range

    Hi, I am trying to write a loop that will check a users input to be between a certain numeric range in C. The thing is, I expect the person to enter a number, not a character. When the person enters a character, the loop becomes infinite. Thats the problem. If you look at example source...
  41. tandoorichicken

    Is this the correct basic code for a for-loop?

    Is this the correct basic code for a for-loop? for (n=1, n<=10, n++) { /* statements */ } If not what am I doing wrong?
  42. A

    Can You Crack This Word Substitution Code?

    hey guys i recently found a code in a spam e-mail sent to me, it apears to be a word substitution code and i haven't been able to break it (not sure if there is a way) anyway here's the portin of code i got, if you think you might need more examples e-mail me, i won't post them here becasue some...
  43. C

    Cracking Dr. Ray's Secret Code: Can You Figure it Out?

    Dr. Ray protects his computer system from those pesky university freshmen by incorporating a secret code that only he knows how to work out. Two numbers appear on his screen, and he can't log in until he types in a third number, related to the first two. However, certain freshman spies...
  44. Monique

    Did a Dutch Inventor Create Revolutionary Source Code?

    Did anyone hear the story about the dutch inventor Jan Sloot from Nieuwegein who supposedly invented a new computer source code, but died by a heart-attack the day before he was going to place the patent at a lawyers office? The story aired on television a few days ago and is covered in a...
  45. C

    Finding the Physics Code of Ethics

    Can someone please tell me where I may find a page with the 'Code of Ethics' for Physics? In my Humanities class, we are required to bring in a copy of the code of ethics for our major...and mine is Physics; however, I have looked in a few places online with no avail. Any help, links, etc...
  46. D

    Compute Expected Code Length of 5 Nodes

    The question ask me to compute the expected code length of 5 nodes A B C D E each of frequency .1 .1 .2 .2 .4 respectively. I already did the tree and derive the huffman code. What does it mean by " compute the expected code length ?"
  47. A

    How Do Keyboard Scan Codes Work with Modified Keys like 'Alt' or 'Ctrl'?

    Hey guys; I was driving the other night, and I was thinking about some programs I used to write many years ago in Pascal (like ~ 11-12 years ago in TurboPascal 7.0, or was it 6.0?) in which I used to catch the keyboard scan codes. I realized that I neve caught a keyboard scan code for a...
  48. D

    How Many Combinations Are Possible for a 4-Digit Jet Ski Security Code?

    i was wondering how to calculate the posibilities that a security code could be. For instance if a jet ski security code consists of 4 numbers. each digit can be any number 1 through 5. how many combinations can that make? p.s. - I am not trying to steal a jet ski; I am just wondering.
  49. T

    Understanding PriorityQueue: A Code Snippet Guide

    Can you give me a code snip clearifying some basic uses of PriorityQueue ? I read Bjarn but wasn't clear enough, could you please help me ? Thanks in advance,
  50. I

    LaTeX Installing LaTeX Code into a Forum

    Where'd you guys get it? How would you go about installing it into a forum?