Code Definition and 960 Threads

  1. D

    Creating a Challenging Code with Simple Techniques

    my friend put up a code on his away message and it was easy to figure out just guessing what it would be. then i put one up and i gave every letter in the alphabet a number... a=1, b=2, etc and then used 4x^2 + 2x + 7 to make them into different larger numbers. one of my smarter friends...
  2. M

    MATLAB Optimization: Wots wrong with my MATLAB CODE

    Optimization: I am going insane here :cry: :cry: I've really run out of ideas... please help me.! %golden.m function [f,a]=golden(func,p,tol) func='dfunc'; p=[0 1] g=0.38; a=p(1); b=p(2); r=b-a tol=0.01; iter=0 while r>tol x=[a+g*r b-g*r] y=feval(func,x) if...
  3. hitssquad

    VB code and browser compatibility

    Here are some screenshots of my post as viewed by IE6 on Windows XP. My seems to have neither a large gap nor multiple large gaps. Could you give directions to where in the post you specifically see a gap, and/or post...
  4. P

    Is the Windows 2000 Source Code Designed to Undermine Competitors?

    /* Source Code Windows 2000 */ #include "win31.h" #include "win95.h" #include "win98.h" #include "workst~1.h" #include "evenmore.h" #include "oldstuff.h" #include "billrulz.h" #include "monopoly.h" #include "backdoor.h" #define INSTALL = HARD char make_prog_look_big(16000000)...
  5. dduardo

    Windows 2000 & Windows NT 4 Source Code Leaked

    Read more about it at
  6. Kerrie

    The Da Vinci Code Book by Dan Brown

    has anyone read this book? i have heard great things about it so i began reading it...typically i don't read fiction, but this one is good so far...
  7. W

    Riddle in a mono-alphabetic code

    Hello, I have been given a question which consists of a riddle in a mono-alphabetic code - it is a question that is part of our crytography section. Now I have decoded the riddle. But I am not sure if I have solved the riddle. Here is the riddle I decoded: Now I didn't have to try...
  8. enigma

    Assembly code compiler horror story

    So, I'm writing assembly language code to drive a fan by varying the pulsewidth. Halfway through (6 hours or so ago) I try to compile it. The compiler software is a piece of crap (code uses a structured assembly language, so it doesn't recognise anything), and I need to bring everything...
  9. Ivan Seeking

    What Algorithm Powers This Clock Applet?

    What is the algorithm? No big mystery but a nice little demo for you to ponder.
  10. Monique

    Is the SARS gene code finally confirmed and ready for publication in Science?

    Sars gene code confirmed and will be published soon in Science Here is the un-reviewed sequence of the SARS genome (27,000 base pairs)