\text{In}[1]:=\text{Solve}\left[\partial _{\theta } \text{Sin}[\theta ]==0,\theta \right]
\text{Out}[1]:=\left\{\left\{\theta \to -\frac{\pi }{2}\right\},\left\{\theta \to \frac{\pi }{2}\right\}\right\}
Is there a Mathematica source code command that can read a specific numerical value...
Dear All,
I am working on digital image processing. I want to do texture analysis. I need computer vision source code. I could not find the source code. If you have these source code please share me.
When a resistor (R), capacitor (C) and battery (V) are connected in series,
a charge Q builds up on the capacitor according to the formula
Q(t) = CV(1 − e−t/RC)
if there is no charge on the capacitor at time t =0. The problem is to monitor the
charge on the capacitor every 0.1 seconds in...
Hi all,
I am having difficulty compiling the following code in g95, which is supposed to handle coarrays... The code is:
implicit none
INTEGER :: m, i
READ(*,*) m
a[i] = m
Hello! I am a programmer and I am working on a video game, up until now I have used "gravity" to make objects fall just based off simple positioning code. I want to create realistic gravity code though!
Here is how the code works...
You simply create a variable and assign it a value..
\text{In}[1]:=\text{Solve}\left[\partial _{\theta } \text{Sin}[\theta ]==0,\theta \right]
\text{Out}[1]:=\left\{\left\{\theta \to -\frac{\pi }{2}\right\},\left\{\theta \to \frac{\pi }{2}\right\}\right\}
Is there a Mathematica source code command that can read a specific numerical value from...
Homework Statement
I have a problem storing values in an array in Matlab.
If i want to return values according to the formula:
A(v,u)=v u^2-A(v-1,u-1)
where v is the row number and u is the coloumn number.
So, we need to know the previous elements in the matrix to calculate the next...
I'm asked to create a function that accepts any number of inputs, then computes the sum of all the arguments. I am asked to test the function using the four arrays, a,b,c,d defined in the calling program. Here is my code:
When I run this, I get these errors:
? In an assignment A(I) =...
ok I know how to code an fprintf if I am printing a value, but I want to make a "title" print for example.
Mass Time Error
fprintf values here. ... ... ....
fprintf values here... ...
Not sure where to post this.
I'm trying to write my dissertation, and both the examiners and I would prefer it if I used latex for the required notation. The frustrating thing is that even though I do know how to produce latex code, I don't know how to save it into a format that the computer...
Matlab R2011a's new feature: "portable C/C++ code directly from MATLAB"
Does anyone have more information about it? Does this mean that we could write most of our C code using MATLAB first, and then run the MATLAB coder? (C is important for speed, but MATLAB makes displaying output and...
I'm designing an interface between an ARM-CPU and a FPGA and have
a pretty noisy channel between them.
So I was wondering if anyone have any tip of error correction code on the FPGA side
except the Hamming method I am using right now.
What I want is a method which can correct if the...
Homework Statement
I'm required to make a page that has the following format:
Left Frame
Items with prices and check boxes next to them
An "Update Order" button at the bottom so the order details on the Right Frame can be updated.
Right Frame
A "receipt" form with all the...
hello nice people,
some guy was saying something that one can check his code in dos also. the instructor said yes. i didnt understand it. it will mean that you can test the code even without compiler. i didnt understand the whole story so i hope you can fill in the gaps. any ideas what they...
This may sound like a stupid question, but binary code seems so "simple", but it's been with us since the 1940's. What'd be wrong with tertiary code, say?
This is the code I have:
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
template <class X> X mode(X *data, int size)
register int t, w;
X md, oldmd;
int count, oldcount;
oldmd = 0;
oldcount = 0;
for(t=0; t<size; t++) {
md = data[t];
count =...
I have this code for a Gaussian Elimination:
As you can see, the input is A and b. I'm trying to figure out how I can make this code work for this Gaussian Elimination:
It's 17 rows. The code can do 17 rows. But some of the equations aren't in the...
Hi guys, i am using the C language and have created the following function:
void counter (double c) {
FILE *fp;
char output[]="output.xls";
int n,p=0;
int r=0;
int i,j;
float x=0;
fprintf(fp,"rmax\tnumber of particles within rmax\r\r\n");
Hi All,
I have been trying to solve a complex number equation for character impedance with MATLAB but it continues to tell me that "indexing must appear last on index addressing". I am new to MATLAB so I think that my code is wrong.
What I am using is
complex sqrt (R+jwL)(G+jwC)...
I am sorry I didn't know where to create this thread, it isn't really academic or career guidance...
I know morse code, I can get every letter if played slowly (I can't decipher it when played at a quick rate). I have known how to 'speak' morse code for about a year or so now, but...
Homework Statement
Let A be a min-heap. The operation HEAP-MODIFY(A, i, k) changes the key in the node i to a
new value k, then rearranges the elements in a min-heap. Give an implementation of the HEAPMODIFY that runs in O(lgn) time for an n-element min-heap.
Homework Equations
The Attempt at...
I have the following code:
For[SNRdB = 0, SNRdB <= 30, SNRdB = SNRdB + 1,
SNR = 10^(SNRdB/10);
y = FindRoot[
ExpIntegralE[0, x/SNR] - ExpIntegralE[1, x/SNR] == SNR, {x, 0.5}];
R = N[1/SNR*NIntegrate[Log[2, q/y]*Exp[-q/SNR], {q, y, Infinity}]]]
what is the error in this code...
#include <iostream>;
using namespace std;
double w = 3.4;
bool p = true;
long foo(int a, int b);
void goo(int &a, double b);
float soo(long a, double b);
bool too(double b);
int boo();
int main()
int c,d;
c = 4;
d = c * 3;
cout << foo(c,d) << endl;
cout << c << " " << d <<...
I'm attempting to write some simulation VHDL code that will be able to write the output of my simulation as a single string of binary values in a .dat file.
So far I've used both the textio and std_logic_textio libraries to write the signals to a .txt file as text. Is there a library I can...
Hi everyone,
I'm trying to make my MATLAB code run as efficiently as possible.
II have a 2xN vector designated like so:
acc1(1,:) = A*rc(1,:);
acc1(2,:) = B*rc(2,:);
where A and B are scalars,.
Is it possible to combine these two into a single line of code?
Hi, I am trying to solve a problem using the central difference scheme in Matlab where there are two coupled diffusion equations (where both diffusion equations depend on S(i,j)). They are as follows:
dS/dt = Ds * d^2S/dx^2 - VmaxS/Km+S
dP/dt = Dp * d^2P/dx^2 - VmaxS/Km+S...
Hello to all
I have been given a task in "C" environment ... to read a text file with a sequence of positive integers the sequence should be terminated with a sentinel value of -1
Values in text file is : 6 9 17 4 12 8 7 -1
We have to read the integers from text file, display the...
Hi all,
This is my first post here. I had a hard time determining the correct subforum to ask this question, as this is not a technical issue, and is closer to academic problem. Having read the subforum guidelines, this post doesn't seem to suit the subforum's purpose, but let alone other...
Homework Statement
I was flicking through the newspaper the other day and noticed there is a type of puzzle where words are added together to form a sum.
Each letter represents one of the digits 0-9,
for example:
and the aim of the puzzle is to find which...
Hello, friends. I just registered because I desperately need some help.
Homework Statement
For my bachelor's degree in physics, I'm trying to simulate gravitational microlensing of a background source on a system of objects, acting as gravitational lenses. I have the equation up and running...
Hello All,
I am new to these forums and hope someone may help me out. I am doing an assignment and am stuck on one of the questions.
There is a sample of 1000 people of different age groups.
18-24, 25-34, 35-44, 45-54, 55-64, 65 or older
People were asked if they thought the new tax...
As I saw in wolfram website and in pari , if given divisors(x) , it will give all the divisors of x in a row.
ex: divisors (34567) = { 1, 13, 2659, 34567 }
So I we know some x = 2^5 * 5^15 * 21^5 * 119 , Here we even know the prime factors
Is there any program in c language (or) any...
Hi I am trying to use MATLAB for some data analysis. I start by getting user input for a variable called exptno, Then I want to access a location in a structure, but to do this I need to append the variable exptno to the name of the structure. Ill try and give an example to hopefully make it...
Hey guys. I'm trying to practice some basic MIPS, but I can't seem to get this right. You just plug in the number and then you follow the code and you'll get obviously the end result. I can't get the result for these here. Does anybody know? I'd really appreciate help. Thank you!
1. $t0 =...
Hi all,
I am doing a project that needs me to design a PMOS transistor with a channel length of 65 nanometers using Silvaco TCAD tools. As you may know, there are examples provided in the software that I am using to customize in order to get the required channel length. So, I have to modify...
Hi. I've been working on a finite-difference problem in differential equations. I was wondering if this code can be further optimized, perhaps eliminate some if statements or assignment statements. That is, what is the most efficient way to code this or is it already written in the most...
lists = [(2 * i + 1) for i in range(100)]
i = 0
while (i < 100):
if(lists[i] == 3):
i = i + 1
print lists
It is giving me an error about the index being out of range. I am new to python and I am not understanding this error.
Edit: Fixed it. This is by...
Hi, I have just managed to make a PIC light blink. My question has to do with the syntax. In my code, I use a Delay subroutine that is called in between turning the LED on and turning it off.
I tried two codes. The first had my Delay subroutine being placed before my main code. The second had...
When I write my LaTeX code in this forum, it appears completely distorsionated when I click "Preview Changes" in edit mode. For example:
n^2(\rho) = n^2_0\left(1-\alpha^2\rho^2)\right) is shown as a "z" if previously I wrote z. In fact, I don't know if this post will be shown well...
please check math in code for em-force on moving particle due to finite straight wire
could someone pretty please make sure I'm doing the calculations correctly?
this is for a computer simulation of charged particles in an electromagnetic field.
it's to calculate the electro-static and...
I was writing a program to find if a given number is prime or not. I can't figure out what the error is.
/* To check if a number is prime*/
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
int main()
float a;
int p,i,f=0;
if(a %...
I have written a C code program for factorization of a given number into two divisors, when the two divisors are having approximately the same number of digits . It cannot check for prime numbers.
With my code limit I can check it only upto 14 digits using long long int. It is working...
I am new to this forum so please kindly let me know if my question needs to be posted in another area.
I am trying to write a MATLAB code to show a chirped Gaussian function and I am having some...
I am new to this forum so please kindly let me know if my question needs to be posted in another area.
I am trying to write a MATLAB code to show a chirped Gaussian function and I am having some trouble with it. I am trying to obtain a chirped Gaussian pulse by modulating a chirped...
Dear all:
For a standard linear system, y(n*1)=A(n*n)x(n*1)
If y is exact and A is well-conditioned, it is easy to calculate x.
However, if y has some disturbances or some errors, at the same time, A matrix is ill-conditioned. It is difficult to accurately obtain vector x...