Homework Statement
Let f(x)=x^{1/3} show that it is uniform continuous on the Real metric space.
Homework Equations
By def. of uniform continuity \forall\epsilon>0 \exists\delta>0 s.t for \forall x,y\in\Re where |x-y|<\delta implies |f(x)-f(y)|< \epsilon
The Attempt at a Solution...
Homework Statement
Prove a proper continuous function from R to R is closed.
Homework Equations
proper functions have compact images corresponding to compact preimages, continuous functions have open images corresponding to open preimages, in R compact sets are closed and bounded...
Is it possible to have the following signal:
1) Discrete and analog
2) Discrete and digital (I believe this one is true and very common in man made product)
3) Continuous and analog (I believe this one is also true and very common in nature)
4) Continuous and digital
If a picture...
X is a random variable with a continuous distribution with density f(x)=e^(-2|x|), x e R
How would you calculate E(e^(ax)) for a e R?
Will it be right to take a certain range of a?
And also, can you take the bounds for the integral to be between -Infinity and Infinity?
Homework Statement
Let (X,d) be a metric space and let {x_n} be a sequence in X converging to a. Show that d(b, x_n ) ->d(b,a)
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
For every eps > 0 there is an N such that d(x_n,a) < eps for all n>= N
But where do I go from here...
Let (S; d) and (T;D) be metric spaces. A function f : X -> Y is said to be
uniformly continuous if ( for all epsilons > 0)(there exists a sigma > 0) such that d(x; y) < sigma => D(f(x); f(y)) < epsilon
a. Show that a uniformly continuous function maps Cauchy sequences to Cauchy...
I have a Mathematica code with Manipulate [] and a number of inputs. At the end I have ContinuousAction->False, but my code keeps repeating the evaluation, even when the inputs are not changing. Ideally, I would like it to evaluate once when an input is changed. But now it goes like...
Homework Statement
Find a function f that has a continuous derivative on (0, ∞) and that has both of the following properties:
i. The graph of f goes through the point (1, 1)
ii. The length L of the curve from (1, 1) to any point (x, f(x)) is given by the formula L = lnx + f(x) - 1...
I'm very sorry for the initial post - I was having trouble working with LaTex (I've never used it before and the preview post wasn't showing me what I had expected it to look like - it kept giving me a square root symbol for every code).
Find the electric field a distance z above the centre of...
Do everywhere continuous, nowhere differentiable functions realistically model anything in physics, chemistry, or biology ?
Do such functions have applications to those sciences ?
Prove that any f: D -> C(complex) which is holomorphic in D subset of C is continuous in D
f is holomorphic in D if it is differentiable at every c element of D.
A function is differentiable at c if lim(h->0) (f(c+h) - f(c))/h exists.
I know from reals that a function is only...
Homework Statement
Let (X,T) be a normal topological space. Let R be the ring of continuous real-valued functions (with respect to the given topology T) from X onto the real line. Prove that the that T is the coarsest Topology such that every function in R is continuous.
Homework Statement
Let O be an open subset of R^n and suppose f: O --> R is continuous. Suppose that u is a point in O at which f(u) > 0. Prove that there exists an open ball B centered at u such that f(v) > 1/2*f(u) for all v in B. Homework Equations
f continuous means that for any {uk} in O...
If we suppose a > 0 is some constant and f: R \rightarrow R is
f(x) = |x|^a sin(1/x) if x \neq 0
f(x) =0 if x=0
if we let F(x) := f '(x) for x \neq 0 and F(0) :=0. For what values of
a is F a continuous function in R
Homework Statement
three functions:
y=\begin{cases}\arctan \frac{1}{x}\ x\neq0\\ 0\ x=0\end{cases}
y=\frac{1}{x}, y=|x^2-1| and what about inflection point?
The Attempt at a Solution
first function is concave on left of 0, convex on right, so from definition it should be inflection point...
I have about 40 tabs open on this right now and something important is slipping my grasp. I know this has been covered a million and a half times, but for some reason I cannot seem to find a straight answer (or more probably realize and understand it when I see it).
When I take the Continuous...
Homework Statement
Find the continuous points P and the differentiable points Q of the function f in {R}^3, defined as
f(0,0,0) = 0
f(x,y,z) = \frac{xy(1-\cos{z})-z^3}{x^2+y^2+z^2}, (x,y,z) \ne (0,0,0).
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
If you want to look at the limit I'm...
Homework Statement
Find A and B so that f(t) is continuous everywhere.
Homework Equations
Suppose that:
The Attempt at a Solution
Well, I wouldn't be posting if I wasn't lost, but I will tell you what I've tried. I know that I...
1. Prove f is differentiable at x=xo implies f is continuous at x=xo using epsilon and delta notation.
2. I have gotten this far:
absolute value(f(x)-f(xo)) <= absolute value(x-xo)*(epsilon + absolute value(f '(xo)))
<= means less than or equal to.
3. I need to get here:
Hi Guys,
I've used this forum as a great resource for a while now and it's always helped me out. Now I'm really stuck on something and was hoping you guys could help out. It's a pretty long question, but if you guys can just give me a general direction of what to do, I can go ahead and work it...
1. Homework Statement
find all points that are continuous in the function f
f(x,y) = (y-5)cos(1/x2) if x not = 0
if x = 0, then f(x,y) = 0
3. The Attempt at a Solution
my notes says that to show continuity, i must show that f(x,y) = f(a,b) when x,y tends to a,b
how do i do that...
Hello there,
I am going through some problems and I arrived at continuous distribution... thus saying,
λx(x) =
..so that sx(x)= e ^ -xƒ-∞λx(u)du
Sorry I am not good with writing out equations on the computer, I am a pencil and paper...
Homework Statement
Let f: R-->R be continuous. For δ>0, define g: R-->R by:
g(x) = (1/2δ) ∫ (from x-δ to x+δ) f
a) g is continuously differentiable
b) If f is uniformly continuous, then, for every ε>0, there exists a δ1>0 such that sup{∣f(x) - g(x)∣; x∈R} < ε for 0<δ≤δ1The Attempt at...
Homework Statement
I need a example of a continuous function f:(X, d) -> Y(Y, p) does NOT map a Cauchy sequence [xn in X] to a Cauchy sequence of its images [f(xn) in Y] in the complex plane between metric spaces.
Homework Equations
If a function f is continuous in metric space (X, d), then...
Homework Statement
consider the function f(x) = (4 - x) / (2 - \sqrt{x}). define a new function g(x) = f(x) for all x except 4 and such g(x) is continuous at 4.The Attempt at a Solution
i got the limit of the f(x) when x approches 4 and i got 4 as the final answer.
here's how i did it,
Homework Statement
Suppose we're given some sigma-finite measures v1, v2, v3,...
I want to construct \lambda such that vn is absolutely continuous w.r.t. \lambda for all n.
2. The attempt at a solution
So far, I've tried thinking of making an infinite weighted (weighted by...
Homework Statement
So, let (X, dx) and (Y, dy) be metric spaces, and let Y be complete. Let A be a subset of X, and f : A --> Y a uniformly continuous function. Prove that f can be uniquely extended to a uniformly continuous function g : Cl(A) --> Y.
The Attempt at a Solution
My first...
Homework Statement
Is the set of all continuous functions (defined on say, the interval (a,b) of the real line) a vector space?
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
I'm inclined to say "yes", since if I have two continuous functions, say, f and g, then their sum f+g...
Homework Statement
I have 1 class for reading parameter from file (example below) and 1 class for doing calculation
For every step, I'd like to read in parameter and do calculation in between.
For i = 0 to number of lines in parameter file
Read in parameter;
Homework Statement
Given a sphere of radius r, what is the average area of a cut given by a random plane meeting the sphere?
The Attempt at a Solution
I just need someone to check my answer, and maybe suggest an alternative solution if there is a better one. I assumed that the cut is...
Homework Statement
for what values of the constant c is the function f everywhere continous
f(x) cx+7 if x<= 2
(cx)^2 +1 if x>2
i don't understand how to do continuous functions so can someone please explain the
Riemann Integrable <--> Continuous almost everywhere?
I ran across a statement somewhere in the forums saying that a function is Riemann-integrable iff it is continuous almost everywhere, i.e. if its set of discontinuities has measure 0.
Is that right?
What about the case of a function...
Homework Statement
give an example of a function f: R --> R that is differentiable n times at 0, and discontinous everywhere else. Homework Equations
---The Attempt at a Solution
i got one, and i proved everything, i just want to make sure what i did is correct:
f:x n+1 when x is rational...
Homework Statement
Here it is in all its glory: http://imgur.com/w08cpHomework Equations
Here is a definition on what an upper ideal is: http://imgur.com/ZILjW
Here's what a finite topological space is: http://imgur.com/tBGTnThe Attempt at a Solution
From what I gather, I want to show that if...
Homework Statement
1+ integrand of e^t f(t) dt (from a to x^2) = ln (1+x^2)
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
I managed to sub in x^2 and derive the left then moved the one to the other side and differentiated the right hand side as well (a hint attached to the...
First let me pose the assumptions that I am making (because this is not something I am an expert in):
1.) Energy and Mass are equivalent
2.) Quantum mechanics discretizes just about everything, or that a discrete element can be found for everything.
3.) Mass is discrete via the Higgs Boson...
Homework Statement
Here's a nice one. I hope it's correct.
Let p : X --> Y be a closed, continuous and surjective map such that p^-1({y}) is compact for every y in Y. If X is Hausdorff, so is Y.
The Attempt at a Solution
Let y1 and y2 in Y. p^-1({y1}) are then p^-1({y2}) disjoint...
Homework Statement
Let p : X --> Y be a closed, continuous and surjective map. Show that if X is normal, so is Y.
The Attempt at a Solution
I used the following lemma:
X is normal iff given a closed set A and open set U containing A, there is an open set V containing A and whose...
Homework Statement
Here's another one I'd like to check.
Let f, g : X --> Y be continuous functions into a Hausdorff space Y. Show that S = {x in X : f(x) = g(x)} is closed in X.
The Attempt at a Solution
Let X\S be the complement of S in X. Let's show it's open.
Let x be an...
If f is a continuous bijection from a metric space M to a metric space N, is the inverse function of f necessarily continuous?
My intuition tells me no; it seems like there could be a continuous bijection f whose inverse exists but is not continuous. Intuitively, I see two spaces being...
Homework Statement
Hello I am asked to find the solution to the following equation no infinite series solutions allowed. We are given that there is a string of length 4 with the following...
With y(0,t) = 0 y(4,t) = 0 y(x,0) = 0 yt(x,0) = x from [0,2] and (4-x) from [2,4].
Homework Statement
A table of values of a function f with continuous gradient is given. Find the line integral over C of "gradient F dr" where C has parametric equations x = t2 + 1, y = t3 + t, 0<=t<= 1.
Sorry, don't know latex.
But here's a picture of the table and values...
So I gave it a go, and I just want to make sure my argument is convincing:
If f is uniformly continuous and unbounded on [0,∞), then for some c in [0,∞], lim x->cf(x) = ±∞(notice the closed brackets, I wanted to leave the option that c...
Homework Statement
we have 2 metric spaces (X, d) and (Y, d')
1) A is a dense subset of X
2) Y is complete
3) there is a uniformly continuous function f: A->Y
let g: X->Y be the extension of f
that is, g(x)=f(x), for all x in A
is g uniformly continuous?
Homework Equations
Homework Statement
As in the question -
Suppose that f_n:[0,1] -> Reals is a sequence of continuous functions tending pointwise to 0. Must there be an interval on which f_n -> 0 uniformly?
I have considered using the Weierstrass approximation theorem here, which states that we can find...
I like thinking of practical examples of things that I learn in my analysis course. I have been thinking about functions fn:[0,1] --->R. What is an example of a sequence of piecewise functions fn, that converge uniformly to a function f, which is not piecewise continuous?
I've thought of...