What is Data: Definition and 998 Discussions

Data are units of information, often numeric, that are collected through observation. In a more technical sense, data are a set of values of qualitative or quantitative variables about one or more persons or objects, while a datum (singular of data) is a single value of a single variable.Although the terms "data" and "information" are often used interchangeably, these terms have distinct meanings. In some popular publications, data are sometimes said to be transformed into information when they are viewed in context or in post-analysis. However, in academic treatments of the subject data are simply units of information. Data are used in scientific research, businesses management (e.g., sales data, revenue, profits, stock price), finance, governance (e.g., crime rates, unemployment rates, literacy rates), and in virtually every other form of human organizational activity (e.g., censuses of the number of homeless people by non-profit organizations).
Data are measured, collected and reported, and analyzed, and from data visualizations such as graphs, tables or images are produced. Data as a general concept refers to the fact that some existing information or knowledge is represented or coded in some form suitable for better usage or processing. Raw data ("unprocessed data") is a collection of numbers or characters before it has been "cleaned" and corrected by researchers. Raw data needs to be corrected to remove outliers or obvious instrument or data entry errors (e.g., a thermometer reading from an outdoor Arctic location recording a tropical temperature). Data processing commonly occurs by stages, and the "processed data" from one stage may be considered the "raw data" of the next stage. Field data is raw data that is collected in an uncontrolled "in situ" environment. Experimental data is data that is generated within the context of a scientific investigation by observation and recording.
Data has been described as the new oil of the digital economy.

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  1. A

    PhD in astro to become a data scientist?

    I'm planning to start grad school for astrophysics next year, but am kind of put off by reading about the lack of jobs in science after graduation. It looks like data science is the current hot field to go into, even for PhDs in other fields. Would it make sense to start a PhD program fully...
  2. Tone L

    Data for Earth Orbiting Satellite & Ionosphere: Research Help

    HI all, I'm starting by senior research and I am in the hunt of some data! Specifically magnetometer data from an Earth orbiting satellite, I could get the data I think from the http://ppi.pds.nasa.gov/ site but was curious if anyone had an insight or guidance. At my college we have a...
  3. Earnest Guest

    Improved MOND Model for Galaxy Cluster Kinematic Data

    I have a modification to MOND that appears to work much better than 'Standard' MOND at the galactic scale. I want to test this model now on larger structures. Does anyone know where I can find kinematic data on galaxy clusters, preferably some 'gold' standard that people have been examining for...
  4. A

    Best straight line fit to a set of data

    Hello, I didn't know where to put my question, but I think here is the best section for it. http://im60.gulfup.com/apkrpJ.png The problem isn't that I can't solve it, I actually did but I don't understand the concept ! -- I don't remember anything from my high school stat and I didn't do...
  5. A

    Data Exclusion Protection in Windows -- need solution

    I have installed one app in windows 7 ultimate. When I run .exe file it will open but suddenly message will come like Then i tried to change it in My computer setting that is My computer->properties->advanced system setting->advanced tab->performance setting->Data Execution Prevention->Turn on...
  6. W

    Downloading Data for Access SQL

    Hi all, I want to do some Access SQL queries on some data. Do I need to have the data in some special format/extension to be able to "use it" , meaning do queries on it within Access SQL? Thanks
  7. Graeme M

    Modern interpretation of Libet data

    Many may be familiar with the Libet experiments that suggested that the brain begins the process of preparing for a motor action before the subject decides to make the action. This has been discussed and argued over a great deal in the past several decades. I came across this in reading about...
  8. W

    Deciding Diminishing Returns based on Data (Regression)

    Hi All, I am thinking of the issue of diminishing returns re linear regression. Can it be determined/decided from the data itself, or is it decided just from the context? I was thinking of examples like that of grade vs daily study hours or (height )jump length vs year ( winner heights have...
  9. B

    Understanding the SPI Interface: Clock, Data & Oscillators

    From my understanding of how SPI interface works, the clock basically sends out data when it is set to HIGH(or LOW). So, why does it seem like in pictures of the SPI lines, the setting of HIGH and LOW appears periodically. Can't we just put data onto DATA line, turn CLOCK line on to send, then...
  10. Dr. Courtney

    Licensing of data from a published paper

    A colleague and I were recently approached by a publisher of educational materials regarding licensing the data from our paper, "Studying the Internal Ballistics of a Combustion Driven Potato Cannon using High-speed Video". See: http://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1305/1305.0966.pdf This is...
  11. majormuss

    Separating background data from expected data

    Hi all, I was hoping if someone can tell me what's the best way to separate background from expected. I have attached a picture of a representative graph. The data points are not real but the behavior is similar to what I expect to get from my research. The data I expect is supposed to...
  12. xortan

    Unable to Transfer Data Over Ethernet

    Hello everyone, I am currently working on a project that was using an Ethernet extender which converted the signal to VDSL, sent it over approximately 300 feet of tether, converted it back to Ethernet which then communicated with a couple of IP sensors. The extenders are proving to be...
  13. J

    Find Function/Transform for signal that minimizes CV of data

    Warning...this requires scripting and iteration, and is not theoretical -- it is a real problem I haven't been able to solve, but I'm sure someone here can... :-) Data: each .csv file is a test recorded at a time interval of 7.5Hz and each file has 3 columns. The first column is time in...
  14. W

    Refs for Advance Data Base Books ( My Turn )

    Hi all, I guess now I am at the different end, after having replied to many requests for info on books. I do not have access ( ha-ha) to a library, though I do have access to a bookstore. I am looking for an intermediate-to-advanced book in Database. I have covered the basics: Normalization...
  15. S

    Total column water calculation from radiosonde data

    hello, i want to calculate total column water from a radiosonde station data. data are relative humidity, pressure and temperature in various altitude. my course is not physics or meteorology. please help me. is there a free software?
  16. J

    Determining depth & volume relationship with bathymetry data

    I have Bathymetry data which gives the depth-area-volume relationship of a lake. I have determined the area-volume relationship using the function Area=A*Vol^B. Now I'm not sure how to determine the similar relationship between depth and volume. Can I use the same function i.e. Depth=A*Vol^B? I...
  17. K

    Fortran [Fortran] Help Reading Complex 2D data

    Dear All, Please, I am trying to read in a data shown in array form but no luck. The data is 10 by 10 with each 10 by 10 depicted by a local array, for e.g. 0 0 0 0 0 0. A sample of the code I tried using is as shown below and the data is as attached. Please, any help or suggestion will be...
  18. H Smith 94

    NFC/RFID devices -- How do they transmit data?

    Hi all, I am designing an NFC device but am still a little unsure about the principles behind NFC/RFID. From what I understand: A primary coil constantly emits a 'carrier frequency' magnetic field. This field induces an e.m.f. on a passive secondary coil which is in a secondary circuit. The...
  19. Garth

    Utility of observational Hubble parameter data on DE

    Another paper in Friday's physics arXiv on using the H(z) v z plot to investigate any possible evolution of DE: Utility of observational Hubble parameter data on dark energy evolution. From that eprint: As discussed in the Marginal evidence for cosmic acceleration from Type Ia SNe, this paper...
  20. S

    Rules for working with approximation data

    According to rules for working with approximate data, why the final result of a multiplication or division involving approximation data is round off so that the result has as many significant digits as the given data with the fewest significant digits? How is this rule established? For example...
  21. seo_andromeda

    Transforming FERMI SMARTS data from magnitude to flux

    I'm using data from the FERMI SMARTS website, which gives the emissions of blazers. The data has been calibrated using differential photometry (dividing by the average magnitude of a number of reference stars.) "The raw photometry of comparison stars in the field of the blazar was calibrated...
  22. T

    Improving Torque Data Signal with Digital Filtering

    Hello, I have a three phase brushless motor and was trying to measure its torque and speed using a torque sensor. The motor will first go to its maximum speed which is about 6000RPM, then I applied a brake to decrease its velocity. Here is what I get as a result of data acquisition : The...
  23. EternusVia

    Data Corruption from Sensors with Long Wires

    Hi all, Hopefully this is the right subforum. I have a question related to Arduino sensors. Q:Generally, when do you need to be worried about losing data from having long wires from your sensor to your Arduino board? Details:For example, I've been looking at two sensors. Sensor 1: MLX90614...
  24. QuantumCurt

    Fitting data to a Gaussian Distribution in Excel

    Hey everyone, I'm hoping I can get some input on this. As some of you may recall, I'm currently in an internship at Fermilab, and I've hit a snag in plotting my data. I'm measuring the intensity of the NuMI neutrino beam at multiple different points to look for discrepancies in the measured...
  25. G

    MATLAB Exporting data points to Excel with Matlab?

    I have an optimization algorithm running 50 full trials with up to 10,000 iterations each (it breaks off if the error goal is reached before that). I want to export the iteration number and the best function value at each iteration to an excel file, then after each trial completes move to the...
  26. M

    Reference Request - Books for mastering Data Structures

    Thank you for taking the time to stop by this thread. I am in a Computer Science Engineering course and have just finished my first year. I don't think the first year was very fulfilling in terms of quench in my thirst for knowledge. But that's alright because it was largely unrelated to my...
  27. Sir Bro

    Calculating half life from experimental data

    Homework Statement Decay of Carbon-11 from given data of count rate at time 0 to count rate at time 14 minutes in 2 minute intervals. Homework Equations I feel like I've gone wrong here because the answer I get of 19.6 minutes is actually negative if I go back and do the last equation again. I...
  28. M

    IDL (interactive data language) material wanted

    Does anyone know where I can find some material (for free) on IDL? I'm new to programming, and I would like to teach myself this language. I would like suggestions to material that is "novice" friendly.
  29. K

    Fortran Please, Help with Data Reading in Fortran

    I have been trying to read in a data using Fortran but for some reasons, it doesn't read the data correctly. Please, any help will be appreciated. To read the data, I used the following (Note, for the attached data, Nm=1, nw-nu=5, nw=10). The array data(i,j,m,n) is declared as...
  30. E

    Python Python 2.7: Fit a model to data

    Hi, I'm trying to get how well a known function fits to a set of data. I'm not interested in the data's line of best fit or anything, I just want to know how close it is to my model. I've tried using curve_fit and linregress but neither really give me what I'm after. My data follows a...
  31. zoobyshoe

    Radiation-Monitoring Reveals Interesting Data

    Here's an article by a woman who obtained a radiation monitor and noted it's readings at various places she went: http://www.ratical.org/radiation/radMonData.html I have a question about this passage: Why would this clock be so radioactive? I am also baffled by this revelation: Why is it...
  32. U

    Graphical representation of elevation data.

    What other ways other than a typical contour map and a line graph, are there to graphically present elevation data from a levelling run etc? Any help would be great appreciated. Thank you.
  33. T

    Matlab storing data and checking conditions

    Homework Statement clear all; close all; totalanswers=zeros(100,4); k= ; flag =0; for i =0:25 a=i; if flag ==1 break; end and so forth for a,b,c,d, etc for a finite set of values all have the break values too. x=[ a,b,c,d]; does some math calculationhere is a...
  34. Arsenic&Lace

    Exploring C.elegans Brain Data for Computational Neuroscience Models

    So I have downloaded the connectome of c.elegans for my own amusement; I have a few very simple neural models I want to implement. However they require some knowledge of the boundary conditions, i.e. given that a touch or temperature sensor on c.elegans has certain inputs, what is the incoming...
  35. andy__9

    How is wireless data sent over the airwaves?

    So you start with electromagnetic radiation(Maxwell) and magically send 'data' over the atmosphere to a receiving device. EM radiation consists of photons, not electrons(I think), and the only way to detect a photon is through the photo-electric effect. I also have heard of frequency...
  36. D

    Forecasting stationary data that has no trend/seasonality

    Homework Statement We've got a random variable that appears to have no trend/seasonality, is stationary, and we want to forecast it. The variable is number of warranty claims received each day, 53 days, so we've got 53 values, and we want to forecast the values of the upcoming 5 days. 2. The...
  37. J

    MHB Double ended queue data abstraction.

    Hi, I'm working through a question where I need to design the Deque data abstraction giving it's formal specification with axioms. A deque is a queue where items can be added to and remove from either end of the queue. I've already got an abstraction for a normal queue and from what I can see...
  38. M

    Determine uncertainty of collection of data

    Hello, I work in a liquid calibration Lab and we are applying for ISO 17025. Basically we verify customers flow meters against our standard and capture the data onto our calibration report. An example is I would perform 4 tests of a specific flow rate and calculate the error in % for each test...
  39. Mr Davis 97

    Data for a potential and kinetic energy experiment

    I have performed an experiment testing how mechanical energy is conserved. I conducted this experiment by first creating a ramp. I gathered data by first calculating the gravitational potential energy of a marble on various points on the ramp (depending on height). Next I rolled the ball down...
  40. AlbeFerS

    Nuclear data libraries in ACE format for MCNP5

    Hello everyone, I need some continuous-energy neutron cross sections libraries in ACE format for MCNP5 (endf66a, endf66b, endf66c, misc5xs) as well as the continuous-energy photon tables (mcplib, mcplib02, mcplib03, mcplib04). Here: http://www.oecd-nea.org/janisweb/search/endf , we have...
  41. K

    Engineering Shady data from a transformer’s short-circuit test

    Homework Statement Data from the short-circuit test of a 60-Hz, 100-kVA, 4600–230-V transformer are: VSC = 172.3 V ISC = 20.2 A PSC = 1046 W Get the per-unit parameters. 2. Relevant equations ISC ≠ Irated, so how will I solve the problem? The problem is from the book with ISBN 0130612103.
  42. F

    Where can I get standard data for motion time study?

    I'm working on a school project (Plant layout). In the project, I'm in the planning phase of a new product and I need to have some standard data for motion time study (i.e. assembling) to determine equipment, space and people needed in the plant. Where can I find such data?
  43. T

    Understanding CDC Data on SEIR Model: Interpreting Flu Outbreak Reports

    I am doing a project about the SEIR model, which is an epidemic model consisting of 5 ODEs, that classifies people according to 5 categories: S: Susceptible E: Exposed I: Infected R: Recovered I am looking into CDC's website and would like to take Flu as an example. My medical knowledge is...
  44. Buzz Bloom

    Fitting a model to astronomical data

    I have several questions about the process of determining the value of cosmological parameters by LMS fitting tunctions of the form z = f(DL) (where DL is the luminosity distance to astronomical data points), for example, as shown in the following diagram: The five cosmological parameters I am...
  45. C

    Interpretation of Accelerometer Measurements

    I have performed an impact test on different football shin guards to assess their performance. I am however confused with the readings measured by the accelerometer I have used. The sensor was attached to a striking mass of 4.3 kg which was dropped at different heights. The graph I have attached...
  46. sheila92lala

    Correlation between a continous and nominal data in SPSS

    How do i check for correlation or test for association between a continuous data and nominal data in SPSS? My nominal data is the "type of GPS receiver" and the continuous data is "latency" in seconds.
  47. Mark lamorey

    Looking for tabular data of Isotopes

    I am looking for tabular view of all isotopes (*.xls, *.csv, *.ods , ... ). Preferably with as much information as possible - half life, mean life, decay constant, specific activity, ... Any thoughts on where this might exist. I am wondering about correlations between stability and different...
  48. T

    Convert Data to STC: Power Equations

    Hi, I have got a rather large data set and no matter how hard i look i can't find any equations to convert the data back to STC, i have both AC and DC power, all the currents and voltages and all the data sheets for the equipment. if someone could please help me find an equation to help it...
  49. fluidistic

    Is it common for physicists to trash data?

    I'll soon start to take some data (i.e. making measurements) and from the little I've seen from a physicist doing research, I believe he trashes some data. In other words he doesn't publish all the data he extracts from the laboratory. He applies some non rigorous/mathematical criterion to the...
  50. W

    [SQL] Query using Data from 2 Tables

    Hi, say I am doing a query for which I need data from two tables, on, say the salary of those who teach French from 2-to-3 P.M, and one table T_1 contains the teaching subject and another table T_2 contains the class schedule/hours. Say these two tables are related. Do we then do a query...