What is Data: Definition and 998 Discussions

Data are units of information, often numeric, that are collected through observation. In a more technical sense, data are a set of values of qualitative or quantitative variables about one or more persons or objects, while a datum (singular of data) is a single value of a single variable.Although the terms "data" and "information" are often used interchangeably, these terms have distinct meanings. In some popular publications, data are sometimes said to be transformed into information when they are viewed in context or in post-analysis. However, in academic treatments of the subject data are simply units of information. Data are used in scientific research, businesses management (e.g., sales data, revenue, profits, stock price), finance, governance (e.g., crime rates, unemployment rates, literacy rates), and in virtually every other form of human organizational activity (e.g., censuses of the number of homeless people by non-profit organizations).
Data are measured, collected and reported, and analyzed, and from data visualizations such as graphs, tables or images are produced. Data as a general concept refers to the fact that some existing information or knowledge is represented or coded in some form suitable for better usage or processing. Raw data ("unprocessed data") is a collection of numbers or characters before it has been "cleaned" and corrected by researchers. Raw data needs to be corrected to remove outliers or obvious instrument or data entry errors (e.g., a thermometer reading from an outdoor Arctic location recording a tropical temperature). Data processing commonly occurs by stages, and the "processed data" from one stage may be considered the "raw data" of the next stage. Field data is raw data that is collected in an uncontrolled "in situ" environment. Experimental data is data that is generated within the context of a scientific investigation by observation and recording.
Data has been described as the new oil of the digital economy.

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  1. M

    Java [JAVA] Question about data flow betwean methods

    Hi, Wanted to ask you guys how does Java know what specific parameter to take into a method if the method name has to be only - let's call it - "internaly consistent" (meaning the parameter in the head and the body have to be the same). E.g. if I pass a value to the method: private int...
  2. C

    C/C++ [C++] Question regarding input data type. Helppp :|

    Helo, im doing overloading function. example class a { ... example(int a) ... example(double b) }; int main() { a. b; cout << "Enter value"; cin>>q; b.example(q) } what is q's data type ?
  3. B

    Data Management - Probability Game

    I am making a probability game for my Data Management class, and have a few things I am unsure about. Essentially, each player has 6 objects located in locked boxes numbered one through six. Players take turns rolling a die that produces the key to the box that corresponds to the roll. The...
  4. A

    Find Transfer Function from Experimental Data

    I would like to find a useful function to predict the output based on the input. I'm trying to figure out how to get the transfer function given actual input and output data. What I've tried is getting a transfer function using Fourier transforms. I'm attemping to do a fft on both the input...
  5. P

    Data analysis: error calculation

    Homework Statement A=0,078m l=2,27m relative error of A: 0,01 relative error of l: 0,005 What is the error of: arctan(A/l)?
  6. P

    Fitting Pulsed NMR Data for Spin-Lattice Relaxation Time (T1)

    Hello, I didn't know where else to post this so here it goes ... I have collected data from a pulsed NMR experiment to calculate the value of the spin-lattice relaxation time (T1). Now I'm asked to fit the data using a function of the form V(t) = V_0*(1 - 2*exp(-t/T1)). But I'm not really...
  7. F

    Assessing Consistency of Experimental Data: Comparing Two Values of k

    Is my data consistent?? Homework Statement I've obtained two values for k from two different experimental methods and have calculated errors for each and now I want to comment on their consistency with one another. However I'm not too sure how to go about doing that, have a feeling there's...
  8. P

    Need Help Finding Data Concerning the Pyrolysis and Smouldering of Materials

    I am having a bit of trouble finding data about the various combustion temperatures (pyrolysis, smouldering, and flaming) temperatures of everyday materials. Here is the data I have collected so far (forgive me if anything is wrong): *Wood/Paper (C6H10O5)x: Pyrolysis Temperature is 233°C...
  9. G

    Circuit Diagrams in Component Data Sheets

    What software is used by manufacturers to produce the thousands of data sheets for all of the products that they make? Specifically, the circuit diagrams which look very crisp, like they were made in a vector format. I assume that each manufacturer has some proprietary software that they use to...
  10. f95toli

    Estimating the standard deviation from sampled data

    I am en experimentalist and in most of my experiments I am interested in measuring the properties of distributions, i.e. the phenomenon I am measuring is stochastic and the parameters I am interested in are (in the simplest case) say the mean value and the width of the distribution (variance of...
  11. P

    Where can I find the raw data behind this chart?

    I'm looking for annual mean temperature data for the city of Chicago for a large number of years, ideally over 100. I found this chart, which depicts the exact data I need from 1873 to 2011: http://www.climatestations.com/images/stories/chicago/chiann.gif which comes from this site...
  12. I

    Discerning the Elasticity Modulus of Brittle Cast Iron from Test Data

    Here goes try number two, the forum deleted my last post. :cry: First time poster, so hopefully I'm following the rules, I do apologise if I'm not. I have a problem with my lab report, I would be very grateful if anyone could help. Thanks. Homework Statement I'm writing a tensile test lab...
  13. A

    Are These Data Management Questions About Soft Drink and Auto Insurance Claims?

    Hello I'm having difficulty solving the following two questions and I need your help! (Step by step solutions would be very much appreciated if possible) Use a significance level of 0.05 for each question. Q1) A certain soft-drink manufacturer claims that its product holds 28% of the...
  14. Q

    MATLAB Fit data with a curve in MATLAB

    Hi friends. I want to fit my x datas and y datas with a function in the most exact way.my data is: x=[0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1 1.3 1.4 1.5 2 3 5 7 9 10 30 50 70 90 100]; y=[13.4347 8.3372 6.3107 5.27 4.93 4.28 4.14 4.0199 3.6349 3.3178 3.1282 3.0691 3.0432 3.0354 3.0043 3.0016 3.0008 3.0005...
  15. T

    How Do You Differentiate Truncated Position Data in Real Time?

    I don't have a ton of experience in numerical methods, so I'm hoping someone can help me out. Suppose I have a sequence of position data points for a car, but they've been truncated to integer values. I want to find the speed (derivative), but for speeds which are low relative to the time...
  16. P

    Creating Level Plots with Raw Data in R

    I'm doing some data analysis for a research project. Using the program R I'm trying to create level plots. Essentially 2D contour plots without the lines. I've trawled the Internet and tutorials for days and can only find tutorials that use data from a package. I have the raw data, x, y and...
  17. V

    Fortran Interpolating & Integrating Data from File to 2D Array

    I have this code that i have been working on that will interpolate and integrate some data. I need to read this data from a file with unknown rows and columns to a two dimensional array/matrix so that the data can be broken down further into one dimensional arrays from the parent 2D array's...
  18. I

    Longitude of the Ascending nodes (calculation, wrong data perhaps?)

    Question: Calculate the Longitude of the Ascending node for a satellite of Tundra Orbit. Satellite's longitude of perigee is 21.8 degrees and its argument of perigee is 270 degrees. Satellite must cover an Earth station with 21.8 degrees longitude and 63.5 degrees latitude. My approach...
  19. nomadreid

    Standard deviation calculators on the Internet are not for grouped data

    Homework Statement I teach a class of statistics with students who often do not have the types of calculators that can calculate standard deviation and who do not know how to program Excel, but do have access to the Internet. Googling "standard deviation calculator" on the Internet gives me...
  20. A

    How can I integrate discrete data without an analytical function?

    I have a grid and on each point on the grid I have discrete velocity data. I however don't have anyalytical function. I need to integrate the points and check where in space they will be after some time. I know it very easy to do it with runge-kutta if i have the analytical function for velocity...
  21. X

    Weighted Importance in sampled data statistics

    I was just wondering how exactly to appropriately modify the 1st and 2nd order stats when you want to weight a given sample more heavily. If \vec{X} is my vector of N samples and I have a weight vector \vec{W} of the same dimension, which ideally is measuring the reliability of each sample...
  22. C

    Systematic vs Random Errors or Quality of Data

    Both the copper wire and the light bulb became hotter and hotter when a current was constantly passing through them, resulting in an increase in their resistances, which in turn lowering the value of the current through the conductor. (I did not allow time for both the wire and the light bulb to...
  23. M

    Automatic pattern recognition and data modeling

    I can't help but think that some day, someone will figure out a way to get a computer to recognize patterns in a given set of data, and fit an equation, if there is any, to that set. Such a system could be used in areas like forecasting stocks, weather, and sales, or even in air traffic...
  24. A

    Why html data has to be send to a different server to process?

    Since HTML is a markup language it cannot process data. So we have to send the data somewhere to produce some output. But why do we need to send it to a different server where data is processed using PHP language? Why can't we just have an external c or c++ program and have a way to send the...
  25. A

    Where can I find detailed Particle/parton data table for some resonances?

    hi, I need detailed information of Delta(1950) and N+(1700) as what the Particle/parton data table provides. The website http://www-cdf.fnal.gov/upgrades/computing/projects/run2mc/mc_generators/pythia/pythia6129_decay_table.txt does not contain the two resonances. Where should I find the...
  26. N

    MATLAB Analyzing Wall Thickness vs Force Data Sets

    Attached are three figures. The problem in question essentially involves extracting data from a .CSV (MS Excel) file and .mdb (MS Access) file which I have done already but not correctly. Data set #1: gives me 'Wall Thickness vs. Time' ( [3400 - 8200] s , [0,1] in.) as shown in figure3.jpg...
  27. M

    Fortran How can I read only the real data from a txt file in Fortran 90?

    hi dears I have a txt file as follows: " x1 Xi x2 x-EN y-EN EA EB ma gnetic ------------------------------------------------------&------------ .0010 -.9990 .7322 .4042 -.3280 -.0002 -.3279 .0010 .0010...
  28. L

    Displacement from Acceleration data

    I was looking for some help on getting displacement from acceleration data (using an accelerometer). I found this old PF thread - https://www.physicsforums.com/archive/index.php/t-123128.html I am familiar with the double integration/trapezoidal integration. It isn't much help. The FFT method...
  29. M

    Curve-fitting to data with horizontal/vertical error bars

    Hello I've measured some data, let's say f±Δf as a function of x±Δx, and I know the form of f(x) but not the specific parameters, so it will be something like f(x) = (A/x)*exp(-B/x + C), I think. I'm comfortable enough fitting the data (x,f) to the curve and finding A,B,C, but can anyone point...
  30. N

    Determining a confidence interval for data.

    Homework Statement I have 20 data points of the surface roughness of oil pipes, the mean, and the std of the sample. I need to get a 95% confidence interval of the mean surface roughness of these pipes. I did a boxplot, and found that it's negatively skewed, and therefore not normally...
  31. S

    Maple How can I fit a sigmoid line to data points using Excel or Maple?

    Hi I used plot digitizer software to pull data points off a picture of a graph and i need to fit a line to the points (and get an equation for the line). I know the data points fit to an s-curve from the picture. I'm thinking excel doesn't do this, or maybe I missed it? I have access to maple...
  32. A

    Analytic algebraic expression of serial data having random pattern

    I have conceptualized a method for generating serial binary data at rates varying randomly. This concept should be able to provide data at random rates with various characteristics.The most relevant application is generation of Random sensor data for testing C4I systems (Surveillance and...
  33. A

    Seat belt force mismatch between test data and calculations

    Hello! I have a question about seat belt force. In a 55km/h collision maximum chest acceleration is 60 g, and if say torso weighs say 40kg, then max force should be 600 m/s^2 * 40kg, which equals a lot, but if you look at test data of seat belt force it is only 8KN which is strange, compared to...
  34. T

    Mathematica Fitting Data Imported into Mathematica from Excel

    Can you fit data that is imported into Mathematica 8? I am just using the Import command, and I cannot figure out how to work with this data. I would really like to fit my curve. This is the code I used to import the data: Import[datafile.xlsx"]
  35. X

    Difference Between 'Raw Data' and 'Diff Raw Data'

    Difference Between 'Raw Data' and 'Difference Raw Data' I have a whole bunch of information and it's plotted on a graph. The first graph is the raw data plotted, no transformations done to the data, it is raw. The second graph is the same data but it says 'Diff Raw Data' The second graph...
  36. H

    Security of computer data and passwords

    I hope there are some security-minded folks that can reply with practical suggestions. I've become increasingly nervous over time about the security of the data on my laptop (mostly financial) and online information via the myriad of username/password combinations that are used for...
  37. D

    Mathematica Fitting Curve to Data Points using Mathematica

    I am trying to use Mathematica to fit a curve to these data points ListPlot[{{2*Pi/(1 - 0^2/16), 5 (3 - Log[2])}, {2*Pi/(1 - .05^2/16), 10 (3 - Log[2])}, {2*Pi/(1 - .1^2/16), 15 (3 - Log[2])}, {2*Pi/(1 - .15^2/16), 20 (3 - Log[2])}, {2*Pi/(1 - .2^2/16), 25 (3 - Log[2])}...
  38. Z

    Fraunhofer Lines Essay/General Data Analysis

    Hi, I'm doing an essay on how accurately can a student measure fraunhofer lines in the sun? I've done the experiment, gotten good results, wrote about the equipment, the procedure etc... However I'm not sure what to do now, and I need to make this essay longer, and my data analysis is a...
  39. M

    Deriving values from experimental data (algebra help)

    One more question - I'm working on a problem in which I need to determine the values of R and p in the equation: {E_{B} = -RZ^{2}n^{p}} Where Z is 1 (we're using a hydrogen atom), and n is the principle quantum number of the electron. I know p is 2, but the point of the exercise is the...
  40. B

    Can I Build a Career in Data Analysis with a Physics Background?

    Hi physics forums. I'm a 4th year student in Applied Physics. Originally I had no idea what I wanted to do with my education, or what useful skills I was learning. This year I've got a lab course and a computational physics course that have piqued my interest. I'm really enjoying...
  41. K

    Exploring Redshift of Distant Galaxies - Experimental Data

    Why it's not explained just by Doppler redshift caused by faster movement of those galaxies billions of years ago when that light was emitted? Would the speeds of the galaxies necessary for Doppler redshift to explain all of the observed galaxies redshift be unreasonable or is there something...
  42. S

    Calculating variance of a single statistic from different collections of data

    Let's assume there's a magical ball that bounces once every .5 seconds, and that there was a specific machine designed to calculate the rate of the ball's bounce (with error). After performing numerous readings of the ball's bounce using this machine, you have a collection of values describing...
  43. Z

    Propogation of uncertainty in a data set (finger-math at most)

    Homework Statement I have conducted a simple lab, that involves getting the distance traveled by a vertically falling weight at certain time intervals. Velocity is calculated for every time interval (distance traveled per time interval). Then I graph velocity versus time to get acceleration...
  44. M

    Book on Data Structures for beginners

    I am an undergraduate student studying Computer science and engineering (2nd yr). I have studied the basics of C programming and have started studying data structures. But I find it oddly difficult to get hold of a good book that explains basics and the algorithms used for various data...
  45. V

    Need a place to find nuclear data

    Hello Im working on a project and I am looking for a place to find nuclear data. For example I'm Interested in Ferromagnetic substances in which the nuclear decay decreases by unit through Electron Capture Is there a place where i could sort data like this? Any info would be appreciated
  46. P

    What can we say about QQPlot of this data ?

    This is the QQPlot of a data. What can be inferred from this plot ? (Tested against Normal Distribution) QQPLOT 1 : QQPLOT 2:
  47. Y

    Fortran Storing Data in Fortran: Solving the File Replacement Problem

    I was looking for a fortran code wherein the stored file in DAT file will be stored once I run the program again. My program is just replacing the saved file.
  48. C

    Determining appropriate range from test data

    Hello all. I am performing chemistry experiments and recording the times of various observed results. What I am doing currently is performing the test several times in order to determine what result is "normal." My goal is to determine a range as a standard by which all future tests will...