Data Definition and 998 Threads

  1. H

    Extracting data from a spectrometer to Excel

    Good morning, I used the Laser beam with HR4000 spectrometer with Ocean View software when saving the files it is saved by (.ocv) format. when trying to extract information to excel I get some unreadable data like (bkg thin sheet gel.png) attached. I used the same instrument and software with...
  2. W

    How can I store data permanently in SAS using a Libname?

    Hi All, Trying to get basics of inputting data into SAS ( University Version, i.e. in remote Virtual Directory in SAS Studio . I hope my layout , nor my general writing are too confusing. Feel free to suggest a different format): Please critique: We want to read file 'FileName' into SAS for some...
  3. M

    A Decoding Hubble Data: Acceleration and Age of the Universe

    this graph: from: can be found on many sites. the origin is D=0 and t=0. cosmology claims the universe is accelerating over time. the graph shows acceleration over...
  4. Wrichik Basu

    MATLAB Troubleshooting Best Fit Line and Distance Calculation in MATLAB

    I have some experimental data, and I would like to plot a graph in MATLAB and also find the best fit line. I also want to find the distance between each point and the best fit line, and if the distance is greater than 1 unit, an error will be shown. For this, I have written a function. Here it...
  5. J

    Where can I find rotational/vibrational temperature data for ethane?

    Hi, Where would I find data for rotational/vibrational temperatures for a particular molecule (ethane)? I tried googling but had no luck. Also can you compute the moments of inerta for a particular (simple) molecule?
  6. P

    A Generating tables of data with LHE files from madgraph

    Does anyone know how to take the LHE file from madgraph, and get a table of \sigma and invariant masses of all pairs for each run? Thank you very much for your help guys. Have a great day!
  7. FallenApple

    Job Skills How to quickly prepare for a Data Science Career

    Some background, I have a Masters in Statistics and Bachelors in Applied Mathematics so It's not like I'm starting from scratch. But after graduation, I've been involved in education. I'm about one year out. I suppose this would hurt me in breaking in the field. I've interviewed at a few...
  8. David Browning

    I Any Advice Analyzing Root Data

    I've recently started my new RA position, and I've been given the task of analyzing a root data file. I'm not completely lost, but I don't exactly know what I'm doing. The point of my post is not to ask for answers, merely advice. A place I could go for info on data analytics. Pointers on how to...
  9. redtree

    I Curve fitting the luminosity distance and redshift data

    Can anyone recommend papers that directly curve-fit redshift as a function of luminosity distance for type Ia supernova and gamma ray bursts? I am looking for papers that do not curve-fit the data via an assumed model, even one as simple as Friedmann–Lemaître–Robertson–Walker (FLRW) metric. I...
  10. Guilherme Franco

    A Little help interpreting spectral data from an article

    I'm trying to find a good database of absorption or reflection spectra in visible light for pigments. I've found a wonderful database in this article: It's almost exactly what I needed Except I don't understand the data The...
  11. E

    What does the future hold for data science in light of privacy concerns?

    What do you think the future of data science would be, given the increasing privacy concern of collecting and sharing users data?
  12. E

    Engineering Still Struggling finding a data science job

    Hello, After more than 18 months of applying for jobs in my field (Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering/Wireless Communication) and in others (e.g., Data Science), in my country of origin, the country of graduation and residency (Canada), and other countries, I still haven't been called for any...
  13. L

    How to use my data of Ixx, Iyy and Izz?

    Hi everyone, thank you for reading my thread I know the question is weird but I can't seem to explain it otherwise. My problem: Basically I am finishing a final year project which I based on a Formula Student Vehicle. Using CAD I have the vehicle modeled, and through the model analysis and with...
  14. Peter Alexander

    Java Android Studio: Accessing SQLite Data In RecyclerView

    Hello everyone! I'm working on a simple app for a project at the university and I'm having problems accessing the SQLite data in RecyclerView. I suspect that the problem lays in a connection with an activity that includes the RecyclerView and the RecyclerView adapter itself. My project, in the...
  15. B

    Data compression with lissajous curve

    I was hoping this c++ file could be adapted to use as data compression or encryption #include <iostream> #include <cmath> using namespace std; double asil(double t) { cout<<"asil\n"; cout<< cos(t) << endl; double two = 2.0; cout<< sin(sqrt(two)*t) << endl; return sin(sqrt(two)*t); } int...
  16. D

    What data do toxicologists collect and how?

    I am woundering if there are any toxicologists on this forum so I could ask some questions (If they don't mind). For example, what data do you record on a day-to-day basis, how is it recorded and how it is made traceable. I have a rough idea, however I am not certain as I can't find anything on...
  17. Wrichik Basu

    Where to find app data on SD card (Android)?

    In my phone, a large number of apps have been moved to sd card. Where do I find the app data if I view the sd card via windows explorer? The reason I want this is, my phone is creating a lot of problems, and tomorrow I'm taking it to the service centre. They might want to factory reset the...
  18. Math Is Hard

    Aggregated Likert scale summary data - z-test?

    <Moderator's note: Moved from a homework forum.> 1. Homework Statement I have some summarized Likert scale data from a report and my co-workers want to know what kind of comparison analysis we could do with it. I don't have the raw data. Most of the questions are on a 7-point scale (Strongly...
  19. F

    A What are the typical uncertainties of data in Astophysics?

    Hello, everybody. I'm conducting an investigation in planetary sciences. Specifically in exoplanet detection by the radial velocity method and I'm stuck because I need to know how to defend the data that I'm using. I'm using the data from and I have found some data...
  20. P

    A Recently, I want to write something about data in physics

    Nowadays, the machine learning of computer science is hot. It is based on data, and drove by data. Thus, a question is naturally coming out: the data in physics, and the models of data. I think it is a really empirical way to know how physicists do the same thing as the computer scientists. So...
  21. MatthijsRog

    I How Can I Accurately Fit an Airy Distribution Over Noisy Resonance Data?

    Hi all, I performed a resonance experiment over the past two weeks, in which I collected the intensity of a Fabry-Perot cavity whilst adjusting the mirror distance with a piezo-element (the specific setup of the experiment is fairly detached from the question I will ask). My raw data is...
  22. W

    Inserting Missing Data into Adventure Works 2014

    Hi All, Somehow the copy of AdventureWorks2014 I downloaded ( saved and restored) is missing the data, i.e., it contains the schema : tables, indexes, etc. , but many tables are missing the actual data. I have not done any delete/truncate/drop operations, so this may have been a problem with my...
  23. I

    I Data Model of Kepler's Second Law of Planetary Motion

    Hello, I am completing a research project for differential equations class. I am to derive Kepler's three laws and then compare the results of the derivation with real-world data. For Kepler's second law (a planet sweeps out an equal area in an equal time), I was hoping to find orbital data for...
  24. D

    I Tail in data of Duane-Hunt limit experiment So in looking at the...
  25. U

    How to understand dimensionless data of MacCormack's method

    Dear, everyone.. I am doing a numerical investigation of unsteady heat transfer in a Newtonian fluid occupying a square cavity. I solved numerically using HSMAC(Highly Simplified Marker and Cell) finite difference approach as the governing dimensionless equation. The fluid flow is simulated...
  26. T

    Differences between Zone Sizing Data and Terminal Unit Data in HAP

    What's the difference between zone sizing data and terminal unit sizing data in HAP and is it possible that the maximum cooling sensible load for the zone be greater than the Sensible coil load of the terminal unit as indicated in the system design report attached .Note that it is a single space...
  27. Jakub

    Bi-exponential function fitting in Origin Lab SW

    I can't understand the exponential function fit for this set of data works well: ExpDec2 exponential function fit 0 3,04 10 2,77 20 2,52 30 2,27 40 2,09 50 1,92 60 1,75 70 1,62 80 1,51 90 1,43 100 1,36 110 1,29 120 1,24 130 1,19 140 1,14 150 1,09 160 1,05 170 1,02 180 0,99 190 0,97 200 0,95 210...
  28. ChrisVer

    A Question about data & Monte Carlo statistical uncertainties

    Hi I was wondering the following/feeling uneasy about it: Does it make sense to separate the statistical uncertainties of data and Monte Carlo? For example assume infinite statistics in your MC (uncertainty-->0) while your data is finite : so they come with some "uncertainty" (if that makes...
  29. Vital

    I Reading the vertical data in a frequency histogram polygon

    Hello. Please, take a look at the screenshot from the textbook. They say in the textbook that there are in total 48 data observations, 20 of which lie in the interval 0 - 2, and 6 lie in the interval 2 - 4. Yes, both 20 and 6 are more or less clear on the graph, but how did they come up with 48...
  30. F

    Edge Data Center Size Cost Estimation in Bakersfield, CA

    I want to do a cost estimation for an edge data center in Bakersfield, California. I don't know how big should the center be and i do not know how i can view the data traffic. Can anyone help?
  31. Arman777

    Project Euler-Problem 11 data taking

    1. The problem statement, all variables, and given/known data 2. Homework Equations 3. The Attempt at a Solution I need to take those data and I want to convert them into a string to proceed. But I can't turn it into the string since there are gaps between...
  32. quasarLie

    MATLAB Creating a Histogram with Data from a File.dat in MATLAB

    Hello everyone, I'm trying to make a MATLAB program which read a file.dat and then do a histogram This what I did Data2=importdata('Ma.DAT');,17) R1(R1>-9.9) L = 0:0.1:8; histc(R1,L) bar(L,histc(R1,L),'histc') xlabel('R1') ylabel('counts') I want to eliminate all the number...
  33. quasarLie

    MATLAB How to Plot Data into Bins in MATLAB

    Hello, I am writing a program in MATLAB that reads a file.dat, I also want to draw by bin of z and degraded the color for example for z between 0 and 1 put the color red, for z between 1 and 2 put blue. But I do not know how to do it Here is my code Data2=importdata('fichier.dat')...
  34. S

    Job Skills Data Analyst at startup for first job?

    I've been trying to figure out what jobs I can use my BS in physics for and I see data analyst being recommended a lot. I have limited python and SQL experience from college. I was thinking of trying for startups in NYC, but now I see articles saying startups want people that need no training so...
  35. FallenApple

    Job Skills Data Scientist Phone interview at Apple

    So I have a phone interview at Apple tomorrow. Are there any tips on what part of statistics I should review? I guess it wouldn't be helpful to do computations with matrix equations or derivations, but focus more on the concepts? I suppose I can review linear regression and logistic...
  36. L

    B Find the missing energy value given a set of data (Hypothetical question)

    Hypothetical question: Let's say there's a granite cube with a volume of 60 cubic centimeters. A cannon ball is shot at it, reducing it to rubble, and the kinetic energy of the ball was 10,000 joules. We use the same ball with the same kinetic energy output on a stronger unknown substance with...
  37. S

    I Calculate Voyager trajectory using JPL data

    Hey everyone, I've recently programmed an animated simulation of the main elements (core planets and Sun) of our solar system: by using the initial coordinates from the JPL database, and then calculating the combined gravitational perturbations and the relativistic effects from the Sun...
  38. F

    Securely Erase Data to Effective Techniques and Tools

    I have read in several places, I don't remember exactly where, that to effectively and securely erase stored date from most modern digital storage devices, it is necessary (or at least this is one often-used technique) to repeatedly, in several, maybe dozens, of passes, write randomly selected...
  39. R

    Divide observational data into normal periods for study

    When analyzing hydrological and climatological timeseries/observations it is common practice to compare statistics made on normal periods. As WMO calls them "WMO Climatological Normals". These periods consist normally of 30 years of data. If you want to compare two normal periods with each...
  40. N

    Engineering Find the equivalent resistance of this circuit w/o Data?

    Homework Statement Find the equivalent resistance of this circuit between points a and b Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I am not sure how to complete this problem without any variables. I tried replacing the numbers with the variables which is what I...
  41. Eclair_de_XII

    Math Should I try for this paid Data Analyst internship?

    The job basically entails collecting data and conducting analyses to translate into "business insights". I'm apprehensive about posting the whole job description, but basically, it's available for students entering their senior year in college who are enrolled in a program "with a focus on...
  42. B

    I Continuous Lensing Models: Discrete Data

    Hello, I am not sure if this question is better suited to the mathematics section, but I thought it would be easier to explain the problem here. In Schneider, Kochanek and Wambsganss's "Gravitational Lensing: Strong Weak and Micro" pages 279-280, they derive a relation for determining the...
  43. D

    IC Engine Connecting Rod Mass Moment of Inertia Measurements

    Does anyone know of a source, on the Internet preferably, for component inertial data for a real IC engine? In particular, what I'd like to obtain (for some real engine, any engine) are these items: 1. Piston weight (including wrist pin) 2. Cylinder bore dimension 3. Connecting rod length...
  44. E

    Other Writing a resume for data science positions

    Hello all, I revised a resume for data science positions. I empathized on skills that are needed for the positions like statistics/mathematics and programming. I mention that I am familiar with the theory of many machine learning algorithms and Python libraries used for data analysis. I still...
  45. DaveC426913

    B When will ball 25 drop? Predicting future observations using data

    I've got a collection of data that contains observations over time. I want to predict when a given future observation is likely to occur. As a simple example: Say I'm watching billiard balls drop into a pocket. The billiard balls drop in with approximate regularity. My dataset: 1 ball 0:00...
  46. M

    Feeding temperature profile from experimental data into MAXWELL

    Hi All, my aim is to find the thermal conductivity of litz wire and also convection coefficient of litz wire and air. So, I am running experimental analysis (10A current into litz wire) and capturing the temperature of litz wire. So, I have temperature profile versus time for litz wire. Would...
  47. E

    Python Projects involving data science

    Hello, I am trying to do some projects on data science/machine learning using Python, but I am not sure what to do. I downloaded a very simple dataset from WHO, and I am trying to do something with it, but most of (actually all) what I can do with it is data manipulation and exploratory data...
  48. F

    Job Skills Can Data Science Skills Lead to Careers in Physics?

    Hello everyone, sorry in advance for the long post I am about to finish up with a masters degree in Data Analytics within a year and will soon be switching careers from being a Systems Admin, which I am quickly burning out on. As an undergrad, I wanted to major in Physics, but the college I...
  49. E

    Bash shell scripting and data science

    Hello, I've noticed that a number of employers ask for knowledge in Linux and shell scripting for data science positions. How does bash shell scripting help in the filed of data science, or in general why to learn it? Thanks
  50. C

    I Calculating signal to noise ratio for deimos data

    I'm currently working with the 1d DEEP2 DEIMOS fits files (see and am trying to define some exclusion criteria in Python 2.7 for the data based on the noise. What's the best way to quantify the noise in order to do this? Thank you!