Degrees Definition and 679 Threads

  1. T

    Programs AA vs. AS Degree: What's the Difference?

    What exactly is the difference between the two? And does it matter which is chosen if the person intends on getting a BS degree?
  2. U

    Electron and graviton degrees of freedom

    Hi dear all Please explain to a stupid dummy a very simple thing. Take an a photon in 1+3 dimensions. How DOF it has? We all know that 2. How we calculate it? a) 1) We have a spin 1 particle that should have 2s+1=3 spin state. So DOF=3. 2) We have 4 Aμ guys. One is out because of gauge...
  3. L

    Programs What degrees are available related to Physics ?

    Okay yes . I am a noob. I want to know what all courses are out there that are related to physics ...classical non classical anything related to physics that I can take up in college ?
  4. A

    Vectors as Paths with measuring degrees

    Homework Statement A hiker's trip consists of three segments. Path A is 6.0 km long heading 60.0° north of east. Path B is 6.0 km long in a direction due east. Path C is 4.0 km long heading 315° counterclockwise from east. (a) Graphically add the hiker's displacements in the order A, B, C...
  5. N

    Degrees Celcius to Farenheight, Conversion issues

    Degrees Celcius to Farenheight, Conversion issues ! Homework Statement You work in a materials testing lab ad your boss tells you to increase the temperature of a sample by 41.7 degrees celcius. Theo nly thermometer you can find at your workbench reads in degrees fahrenheit. If the initial...
  6. N

    Math Can a math professor have Physics and Math in PhDs or some degrees like BA/MA?

    I am wondering if this is possible to have such a path. Can a math professor take physics PhD to do mathematical physics and math PhD to do the research on mathematic topics?
  7. M

    Programs Undergraduate Degrees: Double Major In Astronomy and a Field of Biology

    Hello people, I am a grade 11 student in Ontario. I am currently facing a dilemma. Recently, I started thinking about my career, seeing as how I apply to university next year. I was considering options and I stopped to think; I want to do something I enjoy. I want a job that I don't see as...
  8. 1

    Finding initial velocity for projectile motion at 0 degrees

    I am doing a projectile motion problem with my own results, and the unknown's of initial velocity and time. It is at 0 degrees, which I thought would mean I could find the vertical down of the projectile (where at an angle you find the vertical up and down because it goes up first). I have tried...
  9. C

    MHB Misunderstanding between converting radians and degrees

    OK I have a right angled triangle and one angle is 1/8 pi. So I know two angles then, 90 degrees and 1/8 pi. I also know the hypotenuse has a length 5 units. I am required to find the angle remaining in radians. The problem I have is that although I can do conversions on the calculator they...
  10. N

    Amount of data vs. degrees of freedom in fit

    Hi I am struggling with a problem here. I have 6 data points, and I have found the solution of a model which I believe should describe the behavior of the data. Now I am trying to fit the parameters of the solution to the 6 data points. The model contains 5 degrees of freedom, all of which...
  11. H

    Find where and when the trajectory angle is 10 degrees?

    Homework Statement Okay, this is a projectile motion problem(No Drag) where a rock is thrown as 35m/s at an angle of 48 degrees. The question that I am struggling with is: "Find where and when the trajectory angle is 10 degrees?" Homework Equations The Equation that my teacher was used...
  12. C

    If Earths tilt was at 40 degrees

    What would the seasons be like and how would this effect the polar, temperate and tropic regions? I am writing a paper on what different tilts would do to Earth. Any answers will be appreciated
  13. T

    Programs Graduating with 2 B.S. Degrees: Physics or Engineering?

    I'm a fourth year college student who has taken Real Analysis, Topology, Calculus 1-3, Probability Theory, Foundations of Applied Math, Advanced Multivariable Calc, Abstract Algebra, Linear Algebra, Survey of PDE's, Diff Eq's, Discrete Math, and Intro to proofs. There are probably about 5 more...
  14. M

    Difference between engineering degrees

    Hey guys, I hope you can help me with this question. I'm currently studying engineering. When I applied to my college i told them i want to to electrical computer engineering but when I look at my degree online it says electrical engineering. So my question is, is there any difference between...
  15. I

    Schools How are British degrees viewed by American Universities?

    This is about applying from a British undergraduate to an American graduate. How is a British degree viewed by an American university? Is a British applicant with a 1st Class Degree viewed just as favorably as an American candidate with GPA 4.0? Is there anything that goes in favor of the...
  16. A

    How Do Holonomic Constraints Affect Degrees of Freedom in Lagrangian Mechanics?

    I'm starting on lagrangian mechanics and is a little puzzled by the use of generalized coordinates. Shortly, what is a degree of freedom? And what I find harder to understand, why is it that a holonomic constraint allows you to remove a degree of freedom? Consider for instance two particles...
  17. T

    Do I need the special areospace or aeronautic degrees?

    Do I need the special "areospace" or "aeronautic" degrees? I've been thinking about going to a local college that has a very good engineering and physics department and was wondering if I needed the specific areospace or aeronautic engeneering titles or do I just need mechanical engineering or...
  18. C

    Programs Does this make any sense (2 undergrad degrees)

    Hi, If you are sick of me already, I don't blame you. Ok so here is the update. I just got fired from my job for a code of conduct violation. I have an undergrade business degree with a focus on economics. Basically, I like banking and finance and especially stock trading, but I hate...
  19. S

    Math What to do after obtaining my undergraduate degrees - Math and CIS

    I am currently attending IUPUI for a double major in Pure Mathematics and Computer & Information Science with a double minor in German and Physics. Overall this will take me 4 1/2 years and give me $38,000-$45,000 of debt. 1. I am wondering, which masters degree should I go for first? Math or...
  20. K

    Tension in cord at 30.0 degrees

    Homework Statement A 0.160 kg ball attached to a light cord is swung in a vertical circle with a radius of 70.0 cm. At the top of the swing, the speed of the ball is 3.26 m/s. The center of the circle is 1.50 m above the floor. Determine the magnitude of the tension in the cord when the...
  21. J

    Programs Advice for degrees in particle physics or astrophysics?

    I'm going to be a freshman in college this year, and I really want to go into astrophysics or particle physics. At this point, I really want to work at the LHC when I get out of school. I know I may change my mind along the way, but could you please give me advice on any specific courses to take...
  22. M

    Are Community College Degrees Valuable for Science and Tech Careers?

    So, recently I have graduated from a community college, I have received two different A.S. degrees. One is for math, and the other is for science. I am continuing my studies with more math, more science, and a computer programming. Since computers and science go really well together, I have...
  23. S

    Mixed symmetry property and degrees of freedom

    How can I calculate degrees of freedom of a rank (o,3) tensor, Aabc, that is mixed symmetry and antisymmetric in the first 2 indices? By mixed symmetry I mean this: Aabc+Acab+Abca=0.
  24. P

    Photon Clock & Time Dilation: Rotating the Clock 90 Degrees

    In the case where you have a photonic clock bouncing a photon between 2 mirrors, if the mirrors are alligned on the vertical axis, bouncing the photon up and down and the overall clock traveling along the horizontal axis, then the whole thing makes sense to me. However, if you were to rotate the...
  25. R

    How many degrees of view is cosmic microwave background?

    Is it a section of sky or a full 100% 360 degree panoramic view? I am referring to the cosmic microwave background picture that can be found here:
  26. Z

    Balancing a spring and arm at 45 degrees

    I need to find what spring will balance an arm at 45 degrees the arm is 5m and can be considered as a UDL of 1.6kg/m the situation is that the arm starts upwards at 90 degrees and as it goes down it puts tension on the extension spring 5*1.6 = 8kN acting 2.5m along the beam which is...
  27. L

    Speed of sound in water at 16 degrees celsius

    Homework Statement How do you calculate the speed of sound in water at 16 degrees celsius? Homework Equations Speed at 20 degrees is 1482m/s The Attempt at a Solution I need help getting started... I don't know how to go about trying to work this out (this isn't a homework...
  28. A

    Angles - why in radians instead of in degrees?

    angles -- why in radians instead of in degrees? greetings, why all the angle in electrical is represented in radian instead in degree? advanced thanks
  29. S

    Programs Physics BS and other MS/PhD degrees

    Hey everyone, I'm beginning my physics major in the fall, but my situation is a little odd. I have an AA in history (because I had to work full-time through my degree and it was available entirely online at my school). Now that I'm able to finally study what I want, my #1 plan is to graduate...
  30. V

    Programs Please give me a brief information of these undergraduate degrees

    (1)CSE(computer science and engineering) (2)ECE(electronics and communication engineering) (3)EEE(electrical and electronics engineering) (4) EE(electrical engineering) (5) SE(software engineering) (6) IT(information technology) what is basic thing that is different in all these trades...
  31. P

    Degrees of freedom of an oscillator in an Einstein solid

    I was reading through a book on statistical physics when i came across this sentence: "An Einstein solid has two degrees of freedom for every oscillator." How is this possible? I picture an oscillator (ex. mass on spring) to move only in one dimension, thus one degree of freedom. Where does...
  32. G

    Dimensions and Degrees of Freedom

    I had three questions that had to do with spacetime, digital physics, and the holographic principle: 1. Why are there dimensions in space? 2. Why isn't there just some sort of information matrix as suggested in digital physics? 3. How do these two ideas work with the holographic principle?
  33. M

    Conversion from aircraft bearing to normal degrees

    I have a list of bearings that I want to convert. The normal degrees circle is oriented with 0 to 360 going counter clockwise. I have degrees calculations that require this. I have a set of data from bearings from an aircraft where I need to convert those bearings to normal degrees bearings. As...
  34. O

    What Is the Angle of Refraction for a Light Ray Incident on Glass at 30 Degrees?

    Refraction -- A light ray is incedent on a block of glass at an angle of 30 degrees Homework Statement A light ray is incedent on a block of glass at an angle of 30 degrees,what is the angle of refraction. Given: glass: 1.47 incident angle:30° Homework Equations π1 sin θ1 = π2 sin...
  35. K

    Programs Is it Worth Pursuing Multiple Concurrent Degrees?

    Hi, I've lurked around this forum for a while but I wasn't able to find a great answer to this question. If you know of a thread regarding this on this or another forum, please refer me to it! My question in short (in case you don't want to read this entire lengthy post): If I have...
  36. N

    Symmetry breaking/ degrees of freedom

    Dear PF... Please help me with basic question more I think more I get confused... In O(n) space there are n(n-1)/2 generators... suppose I have symmetric tensor in O(n) space, it will have n(n+1)/2 independent components... and i am building invariant potential from it (quartic polynomial...
  37. E

    Galois Theory: Degree of Q(ω)/Q & Why 6 Basis Vectors?

    So if we have an extension of E of F, then we can consider E as a vector space over F. The dimension of this space is the degree of the field extension, I think most people use [E:F]. This is correct in most people's books, right? Defining \omega = cos (2\pi /7) + i sin (2\pi / 7) Why...
  38. C

    Thermo physics degrees of freedom question

    Homework Statement Consider a sample containing 2.35 mol of an ideal diatomic gas. (a) Assuming the molecules rotate but do not vibrate, find the total heat capacity of the sample at constant volume. nCv.= (b) Assuming the molecules rotate but do not vibrate, find the total heat...
  39. J

    MHB Sin Values of 87 and 89 Degrees

    The value of $\sin (1^0).\sin (3^0).\sin (5^0)...\sin (87^0).\sin (89^0)$ where all angles are in degree
  40. O

    Does Having Multiple Degrees Benefit or Hurt Engineers in the Industry?

    My dilemna is not lack of knowing what I want to do, it's knowing too much that I want to do. I'm very passionate about both Electronic Engineering, and Computer Science. I'm intending to apply for both at different universities (because I'd love to study either of them, and what I've applied...
  41. N

    Degrees of freedom - matrix diagonalization

    Hi, A symmetric 4x4 matrix has 10 independent components. Let's say that matrix describes graviton h_mu_nu. In general I can bring any symmetric matrix to diagonal form, so if can and I bring my h_mu_nu matrix to diagonal form where it has only 4 independent components ... than what happens...
  42. LarryS

    Do the degrees of freedom change for particles in a relativistic system?

    Consider one particle traveling at a relativistic velocity in 3-space. Then the configuration space of the system consisting of that one particle would have 3 degrees of freedom – 1 particle times 3 dimensions. Because of its high energy, the particle decays into, say, 2 particles. Now the...
  43. H

    E ffective relativistic degrees of freedom of the early universe

    Homework Statement Calculate the number g* of effective relativistic degrees of freedom as the universe cools through the temperature ranges (i) T > 103 GeV, (ii) 1 MeV < T < 100 MeV, and (iii) T < 0:1 MeV. Homework Equations for the equation that is required to be used look the...
  44. R

    Show how the variance decrease as degrees of freedom/sample size get bigger

    Homework Statement Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I'm confused actually how to go about this. Sounds very simple, but when i do what they suggest, 'first, find the variance of (n-1)s2/σ2 i get larger variances rather than smaller, which makes no sense. should...
  45. 9

    Programs Some questions about double degrees and graduate admissions (in Mathematics)

    Hi. Here is some (more or less) relevant information: So I'm majoring in Philosophy and Logic, and I recently found out that if I do about an extra year of undergrad work, I can get a second bachelor's degree (In Mathmatics!) So I'm thinking: Since graduate school in Philosophy is pretty hard...
  46. Z

    Degrees of freedom for a metal crystal

    Recently did an exercise calculating the theoretic heat capacity of a metal. In the solutions manual they put the degrees of freedom f=6. Why is that? I know that a rigid body has 6 degrees of freedom but does that apply to each atom in the crystal?
  47. A

    What degrees should I acquire to get into work with brain-computer interfacing?

    What I want to end up doing is working with electronics that interface with the brain, and work to fix disabilities and issues in functionality, as well as possible devices that can read the brain etc etc. What is the best undergrad and grad degrees to pursue for this? As of now I am going EE at...
  48. MathWarrior

    Programs Scientific Computing / Simulation and Modeling Degrees?

    I just was wondering if anyone here has pursued a degree in scientific computing / high performance computing / computational simulation and modeling, type of degree. For example Georgia Tech's Computational Science and Engineering degree or Computational and Mathematical Engineering degree, or...
  49. L

    Degrees of freedom of quantum fields and elementary particles

    They say that a photon has two degrees of freedom, its two polarization states. Does that also mean that the electron has only two degrees of freedom, its two spin states? What about the frequency of a photon, is that not a degree of freedom? Or the three space directions that a electron can...
  50. M

    Why did we assume it to be 45 degrees?

    Homework Statement a motorist drives south at 20 m/s for 3 min, then turns west and travels west at 25m/s for 2 min, and finally travels n/w at 30 m/s for 1 min. for this 6 minute trip, find the net vector displacement Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution distance 1...