Degrees Definition and 677 Threads

An academic degree is a qualification awarded to students upon successful completion of a course of study in higher education, usually at a college or university. These institutions commonly offer degrees at various levels, usually including bachelor's, master's and doctorates, often alongside other academic certificates and professional degrees. The most common undergraduate degree is the bachelor's degree, although in some countries there are lower level higher education qualifications that are also titled degrees (e.g. associate degrees and foundation degrees).

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  1. A

    Programs Question about BS degrees, about to transfer

    Hey everyone, was looking for some input please! I just finished my Associates in Mechanical Engineering Technology and am looking to move on to my BS degree. I got accepted to Rochester Institute of Technology and Temple University. RIT has the traditional MET degree, while Temple has a BSET...
  2. K

    Confused about the intuitive explanation of degrees of freedom

    One common explanation of the concept of D.F. is this: Suppose you have n numbers (a, b, c,...) that make up a sample of a population. You want to estimate the variance of the population with the sample variance. But the sample mean m is being calculated from these numbers, so when...
  3. M

    Schools Why are US grads not awarded masters degrees after 4 years of college?

    In the UK, following the Bologna process, any undergrad degree taking 4 years, assuming sufficient amount of credits is obtained, one is awarded a Masters degree. A 3 year course results in a bachelors. Why is it that in the US, one is awarded with BS after 4 years of study? Is it because of the...
  4. L

    Which Trig Function Should You Use to Solve for c in a Right Triangle?

    Trig right triangle solving question How do you know if you should pick tan, cot, etc for the last part? if b = 2 , A =40 , find a,c, and B I found all of them except for c , how do you get c There's a part almost at the end that goes like tan40 degrees = a/2 and Cos 40 degrees = 2/c Why do you...
  5. Evil Bunny

    Two questions. 180 degrees out of phase.

    Question #1: Can you have current in a wire without voltage? I was having a discussion with someone today and I said that it's impossible to have current with no voltage... He said, "oh yeah, well when I short this battery out, you will measure zero volts across it, but you've got all kinds...
  6. S

    Degrees of Static Indeterminacy

    Sorry this isn't for a particular question, just wondering if anyone knows how to determine degree of static indeterminacy (or degrees of freedom) in an arbritary frame? Any help greatlly appreciated thanks.
  7. C

    Converting Degrees to Radians: A Quick Guide

    I know that 65° = pi/180 = 13pi / 36. But when I divide 65 / 180° I get. 3261. How would I convert this into 13pi/36 ? I know I am forgetting the basics..
  8. K

    Components involved in degrees of freedom?

    Hi, I'm a total layperson, haven't taken a physics class since AP in high school. Trying to figure some stuff out for some writing I'm doing (poetry, bizarrely enough). So excuse if this question is super-simple or if the terms of the question are nonsensical somehow. "Degree of freedom" in...
  9. C

    Are there degrees of quantum entanglement?

    Greetings, Are there degrees of quantum entanglement? After entangled particles interact with others particles do they continue to be entangled to some degree? Becoming less entangled the more interactions that occur? So that there is complex network of entanglements? If so, could it be...
  10. E

    Programs Do UK universities require a Masters degree for PhD programs?

    Hey there, I'm still at undergraduate level studying Physics right now, but looking ahead at the possibility of pursuing a PhD I'm slightly worried about what some people are saying. I'm currently studying at quite a good university, but seeing as I wanted to do a year abroad to learn a...
  11. F

    Schools Exploring Aerospace Possibilities with Math/Physics/Comp Sci Degrees

    I recently declared a physics and math double major and a comp sci minor. I'm not exactly sure what I want to do afterwards but it seems to open up lots of interesting possibilities. I guess the main things I'm looking at are high energy physics, quantum information science, computational...
  12. G

    Circular motion of plane flying at 40.1 degrees [CAPA Question]

    Homework Statement How fast must a plane fly at a latitude of 40.1° so that the sun stands still relative to the passengers? Note: I am using Randall D. Knight's Physics for Scientists and Engineers 2nd edition because that is the required book for this course. I am told to use the radius...
  13. A

    Solving a Construction with 3 Degrees of Freedom

    Hey, For a school project we have a construction as indicated in the attached figure. The idea is that point A is able to move in 3 degrees of freedom, but the position, velocity and acceleration of this point is known. The length ||A-P1|| is fixed and is connected to a bell crank that is...
  14. E

    Programs What Degrees Are Needed for Theoretical Physics and Particle Physics?

    Hello, I was just curious, what degrees do you need for theoretical physics... And also particle physicist.
  15. M

    Understanding 45-45-90 Degrees Angles

    Homework Statement Say I am dealing with a 45-45-90 deg angle then sin(45 deg) = 1/(2)^(1/2) What exactly is the value of 1/(2)^(1/2) referring to? is is the measure of a side or what? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution
  16. S

    Pursuing Two Masters Degrees: Is it Possible?

    I was wondering if anyone thinks it possible to do two masters degrees? Perhaps not at once but staggered by a year? I was thinking of a masters in engineering and applied mathematics.
  17. U

    Problem understanding number of degrees of freedom

    Hi, I do a classical mechanics course, and part of it relates to degrees of freedom. For a system M of point masses with j constraints, there is N=3M-j DoF For a rigid body, I know there is 6 DoF (3 translational, 3 rotational). However, I've tried using drawing the constraints on a 4 point...
  18. M

    Degrees of freedom in the SM / MSSM?

    I'm trying to work out the number of effective degrees of freedom in the LSS (Light Stop Scenario) within the MSSM (Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model). To make sure that I understand the concept I am trying to reproduce the number of dofs in the Standard Model. The way I count them the...
  19. Z

    Polynomial function - different degrees don't understand

    Homework Statement Hello. I don't understand this: Let f(x) be a polynomial function of degree k+1, then f(x) has the form ak+1xk+1 + ... + a1x + a0 Now the polynomial function has degree h(x) = f(x) - ak+1(x-a) has degree <= k How? Homework Equations The Attempt at a...
  20. M

    Why 57 Degrees Was Chosen for One Radian

    Homework Statement What made them pick one rad equal to 57 deg. Why didn't the pick 45 deg. or 90 deg. or any other random degree to equal one rad.? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution
  21. M

    Unit Circle: 360 Degrees = 2(pi) Radians

    The book talks about a unit circle... 360 deg = 2(pi) rad if it wasnt a unit circle... say r = 4 would it then be 360 deg = 8(pi) rad?
  22. M

    Breaking Down Degrees: Is It Important?

    Homework Statement The first chapter is talking about how they brake up a degree into minutes and minutes into seconds... Is this concept important to understand. And how will it help me with other harder trig problems? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution
  23. ?

    Career options for space degrees

    Hi all, I'm currently studying Physics with Astronomy and Space Science in my final year. I've decided not to go for the Honors degree so I will be graduating with a general one in a few months. I'm sorry to admit that I didn't enjoy studying this (although I love the astronomy side of it...
  24. B

    Physical state of water at 80 degrees C on the upswing or downswing of boiling.

    I have read that many tea masters insist that when infusing a tea that requires less-than-boiling water, you should first let the water reach a full 100 degrees C and let it cool back down to the target temperature, rather than take it off the burner as it is approaching boiling. I think it was...
  25. W

    Programs Diffirence in Math/Phys Degrees.

    Hello Everyone! I'm currently in my last year of high school and my application dead line is coming up (Jan 12). I know that I want to study theoretical math, as I've always enjoyed it above anything else. But I also really like the more math heavy physics, and am thinking it may be a good...
  26. C

    Expansion of liquefied air to what volume when heated to 20 degrees C

    I have a physics thought experiment I can't seem to figure out. I need to know what .0417 grams of liquefied air will expand to when it is introduced to room temperature, or approximately 20 degrees C (293.15 K). When I say liquefied air, I mean regular Earth atmospheric air that has been...
  27. K

    Schools What degrees can I get in college?

    I have been thinking about what I wanted to do in college. I said to myself "Well what are the degrees I can get?" and that's why I am here. So, what are some of the degrees I can get in college? Try and list all of them.
  28. P

    Question on Number of Degrees of Freedom in a Simple Structure

    I have attached the problem drawing. Please refer to it. This is a lumped mass structure and all elements have the same Modulus of Elasticity and Moment of Inertia. Determine the number of degrees of freedom of the structure So I am thinking between 2 different scenarios. 1 scenario...
  29. C

    Programs Are there distance learning math undergrad degrees?

    Are there any brick and mortar universities offering a bachelor's degree in math or statistics? I am interested in one with a decent program of study. Preferably the best one out there.
  30. G

    Programs Engineering Degrees: Is it worth going to UofG, McMaster, Western, or Ryerson?

    For entry into Engineering with my second degree I don't have the grades to get into the University of Toronto or Waterloo. The schools that I've applied for are Guelph, McMaster, Western and Ryerson. Would spending four years at any of them be a waste? I've found some threads on the internet...
  31. T

    37.8g of water to give a freezing point of -.15 degrees C

    Hey, I really need help in my chem homework. :( how many grams of ethyl alcohol CH2OHCH2OH must be added to 37.8g of water to give a freezing point of -.15 degrees C.
  32. J

    Help finding speed in degrees of latitude/longitude per hour?

    Here is the 3 part question: Latitude and Longitude Discuss and explain the latitude and longitude measurements on the Earth. Explain what is meant by a great circle, a parallel and a meridian. Assume the Earth is a sphere with the equator circumference of 40, 075 km. (a) An airplane...
  33. P

    What is the Third Degree Taylor Polynomial of Cosine at Zero?

    Homework Statement use the third degree Taylor polynomial of cos at 0 to show that the solutions of x2=cos x are approx. \pm\sqrt{2/3}, and find bounds on the error. Homework Equations P2n,0(x) = 1-x2/2!+x4/4!+...+(-1)nx2n/(2n)! The Attempt at a Solution when it says "third...
  34. R

    Programs Which UK university should I choose for my physics degree?

    Okay, so I've applied for the following courses: Warwick - Maths and Physics Joint Honours - Offered AA Birmingham - Theoretical Physics - Offered AA Nottingham - Theoretical Physics - Offered AA/AB (Confirmed offer, but the exact details are being considered) Imperial College London -...
  35. G

    RHIC Collider Creates Quark-Gluon Plasma at 4,000,000,000,000 Degrees Celsius

    What are your thoughts? Apologies if this is in the wrong place..."
  36. S

    Choosing Between Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Degrees

    Would it be better to get a BAS in Mechanical Engineering then go for my masters in Aerospace Engineering? or just stay specific in the field of aerospace throughout college?
  37. H

    Programs Explore Degrees for Theoretical Physics and Related Fields

    Hello, I am currently looking at some different degrees for undergrad. I would be very grateful if anyone could give me information. My interests are mostly theoretical physics (quantum, relativity), but I am also interested in nanomedicine, evolution, complex systems, and computer science...
  38. Z

    Degrees of Freedom of a Diatomic Gas: 5 or 7?

    The number of degrees of freedom of a diatomic gas is 5 if vibrational energy is not considered However, if we consider their vibration, total number of degrees of freedom is 7. What independent quantities do we need to specify for vibrational motion of the pair of atoms? If it is the...
  39. E

    Gravity's Work on Mass Sliding Down Incline at 35 Degrees

    Homework Statement A 50 kg mass is released from rest and begins to slide from the top of the incline (2.0 m). Th coefficient of kinetic friction between the mass and the inclines u how much work does gravity do on the mass by the time it slides to the bottom of the ramp if the angle theta...
  40. T

    Calculating the Speed of a Plane for a Stationary Sun at 26.3° Latitude

    Homework Statement How fast must a plane fly at a latitude of 26.3° so that the sun stands still relative to the passengers? Homework Equations I have no idea how I can solve this question. I would like to draw a free-body diagram, but I don't know how to do that either. If I could...
  41. E

    Launching an Object at 73 Degrees: Velocity Calculation

    Homework Statement An object is launched from ground at an angle of 73 degrees from horizontal and reaches a maximum height of 47 meters. What is magnitude of object's velocity when object's horizontal displacement is 23 meters? Answer in m/s. Answer is 10.61. \theta=73 \Deltay=47m \Deltax=23m...
  42. Shackleford

    Programs Professional Master's Physics degrees

    What do you guys think of these Professional Master's Physics or Professional M.S. Physics degrees? Who has the best ones? I found an old report online, but the list is definitely out-dated.
  43. L

    Calculating Resultant Force of Two Forces: 8N and 11N at 30 Degrees

    two forces with a magnitude 8N and 11N act on a large object. The angle between the forces is 30 degrees. Calculate the magnitude of the resultant force. the answer is 18.4 in the back of the book I drew a diagram and made a triangle... i was trying to use the triangle rule but like i...
  44. J

    Angle of Vector A: 56.4 Degrees

    Homework Statement a x component of a vector A is -60.0m and the y component is +50.0m. what is the angle between the direction of A and the positive direction of x? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution i found the magnitude to be 78.1m. all i did to solve was do...
  45. Sirsh

    Calculating the z Score for 95% Confidence Level - Mathematical Method | Sirsh

    Hi, I'ld like to know if anyone knows how to find the 'z' score inrelation to a percentage degree of confidence. The question is: Determine the z score that would give a result with a degree of confidence of 95%. I know that it is, 1.9600. However, I would like to know how to figure this out...
  46. C

    Programs Math/Physics Degrees: College Freshman Info

    I am entering college this week as a Freshman. I am majoring in math but I noticed if I pick my electives right, and minor in Physics ill be just one semester off a 4 year degree in physics when I get the one in math. Are you able to graduate, go back for a semester, and graduate again? how does...
  47. H

    Programs Can I do multiple masters degrees simultaneously?

    Is it possible to do 3 masters degrees at the same time if they are all mutually relevant and the courses overlap enough? I am finally going to college after 3 years of being out of high school. In that time, I've learned enough about undergrad physics, chemistry and math so I'm safe for the...
  48. R

    Programs Physics degrees in the UK and specialising at undergrad level

    Hi, I'm going into my second year of 6th form and I've done: A level maths (did the "fast track" option) AS Physics AS Chemistry and I will be doing fast track A level Further Maths AS French (But I'm dropping that) So I'll leave with A level Maths, Further Maths, Physics and Chemistry...
  49. inflector

    What does spin degrees of freedom mean?

    What does "spin degrees of freedom" mean? In the" , I find: I've searched on the web for "spin degrees of freedom" and gather from the comment that this has something to do with magnetism since it appears that the sentence defines a magnet as a...
  50. M

    Engineering Degrees and Outdoor Jobs

    Hello guys, I'm new here and just need a little advice. I was planning on a Engineering degree I finished my first year in it. I really love Math(all types) and Physics. But I also love being outside and physically moving etc. A job where you sit at a desk all day isn't for me. I get the...