Let f: R->R. If f is infinitely differentiable and analytic on a dense set is f analytic? Is this true if we restric f to [0,1]?
note: by analytic I mean the radius of convergence of the taylor expansion is non-zero about every point.
Maybe this is simple but I was thinking about it and...
Homework Statement
Find a sequence of differentiable functions $f_n\colon [a,b]\rightarrow\mathbb(R)$ s.t.:
--there exists $M>0$ with $|f_n'(x)|\leq M$ for all $n\in\mathbb{N}$ and $x\in[a,b]$;
--for all $n\in\mathbb{N}$, $|f_n(a)|\leq M$;
--$(g_n)$ is a convergent subsequence with...
Homework Statement
A function f:(a,b)\to R is said to be uniformly differentiable iff f is differentiable on (a,b) and for each \epsilon > 0, there is a \delta > 0 such that 0 < |x - y| < \delta and x,y \in (a,b) imply that \left|\frac{f(x) - f(y)}{x - y}-f'(x)\right| < \epsilon.
Prove that...
Hello. I am confused about a point in complex analysis. In my book Complex Analysis by Gamelin, the definition for an analytic function is given as :a function f(z) is analytic on the open set U if f(z) is (complex) differentiable at each point of U and the complex derivative f'(z) is...
Homework Statement
Suppose u and v are differentiable functions of x. Use the given values of the functions and their derivatives to find the value of the indicated derivative.
u(1)=2, u'(1)=-7, v(1)=7,v'(1)=-2
d/dx (uv) at x =1
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
f(x) = 2-x if x<= 1
x^2 - 2x + 2 if x > 1
Is f diff at x = 1?
At first I would say yes because f(x) is continuous at x = 1.
But when I graph f '(x) it is obvious that the function is not differentiable at x = 1.
My questions is... is there another way to determine if...
Homework Statement
K and M are constants. If h is differentiable at x=2, what are the values of k and m.
h(x)= kx^2 + 1, 0<x<2
mx - 3, 2<x<5
All of the "<" signs are "less than or equal to"
Homework Equations Not sure
The Attempt at a Solution I tried setting the...
Hey guys, I'm just wondering if I got this question right:
Discuss where the following in R^{2} is differentiable:
So I take the partial derivative:
and see that f(x,y) might not be differentiable at (0,0), so...
Homework Statement
Homework Equations
Δz = f(a + Δx, b + Δy) - f(a, b)
The Attempt at a Solution
Homework Statement
See photo, part b and c
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
For part b
It seems it is trival, in part a we have proved that f_{x} and f_{y} exist. Obviously, they are differentiable for x and y\neq0
For part c.
It seems there are 2 method to do it...
Homework Statement
Hi I'm just looking for a link to the proof of this theorem:
if the partial derivatives of function f exist and are continuous at a point then the function is differentiable there
Or even the name would be helpful
Its not a homework assignment per say, just something...
[b]1. For two differentiable vector functions E and H, prove that (Delta (dot) (e X h) = H (dot) (delta X e) - e (dot) (Delta X h)
[b]2. Cross product and dot product.
The Attempt at a Solution
First I took did the left side of the equation, I took the cross product of vectors e and...
Homework Statement
If A(t) is nxn with elements which are differentiable functions of t
where Ai(t) is found by differentiating the ith row only.
Homework Equations
I know I should prove this by induction on n
The Attempt at a...
I just started learning differential geometry. Got some questions. Thanks in advance to anyone who can help!
Consider the one-dimensional manifold represented by the line y = x for x<0 and y = 2x for x>= 0. Now if I consider the altas with two charts p(x, y)=x for x<-1 and q(x,y)=y for...
Homework Statement
Suppose that f is a differentiable function of a single variable and F(x,y) is defined by F(x,y) = f(x^2 - y)
Problem: Given that F(0,y) = sin y for all y, find a formula for F(x,y)
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
This is what the tutor had put...
I got the following function:
\int_{0}^{x} \left(-1 \right)^{\lfloor 2^{i} \cdot t \rfloor} \ dt, \quad x \in \left[0,1 \right]
I want to show it is not differentiable at x= 2^{-i} k where k is a natural number greater equal 0.
I already calculated the right derivate by...
Can a function f: (a,b) in R be bounded and diffferentiablle, but have an unbounded derivative. I believe it can, but can not think of any examples where this is true. Anyone have any ideas?
f(x)= x=1/x-1 if x ≤ 0
x^2-2x +1 if 0 < x < 1
ln x if x ≥ 1
Here's what I have so far
lim f(x)= lim x+1/x-1= -1, LHL= -1
x →0- x→0-
lim f(x)= lim x^2-2x+1= (1/2)^2 - [(2)1/2] +1= 1/4, RHL= 1/4
x→0+ x→0+...
Homework Statement
1. if a function is twice continuously differentiable with f''(x) >= 0 for all real values of x then
(f(-x) + f(x))/2 >= f(0) ?
2. if a function is twice continuously differentiable with f''(x) >= 0 for all real values of x then
tf(x) + (1-t)f(y) >=...
I'm private studying a section in Linear Algebra first dealing with complex numbers. Now, I am ok with most of the answers, but I need help particularly with where this function is differentiable.
Homework Statement
Let f(z) = ln|z| + i arg z, 0<=arg z<2pi.
What is the domain? What is...
I innocently gave my students a problem: Which differentiable functions f: R \rightarrow R are bijective? "Innocently", I say, because I'm finding it hard to come up with any simple set of conditions that are both necessary and sufficient. Here's what I can say so far:
(1) If f'(x) \neq 0...
Homework Statement
is x/(1+e1/x) differentiable at x =0
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
i calculated the right and left hand derivative and got them as 0 and 1 respectively , so it should not be differentiable, is it right my book says that it is differentiable ?
Homework Statement
if f and g are two continuous functions and f+g is differentiable...are f and g differentiable? if not give a counter example!
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
Homework Statement
If f is differentiable at x then f is continues at x
Any help would be great.
Homework Equations
MUST USE epsilon delta definition to prove
The Attempt at a Solution
Hi all,
I was just wondering if a function that is continuous and differentiable for all xεR, but where the domain is restricted to closed interval [a,b], does the derivative exist at x=a or x=b?
Homework Statement
three functions:
y=\begin{cases}\arctan \frac{1}{x}\ x\neq0\\ 0\ x=0\end{cases}
y=\frac{1}{x}, y=|x^2-1| and what about inflection point?
The Attempt at a Solution
first function is concave on left of 0, convex on right, so from definition it should be inflection point...
Homework Statement
Find the continuous points P and the differentiable points Q of the function f in {R}^3, defined as
f(0,0,0) = 0
f(x,y,z) = \frac{xy(1-\cos{z})-z^3}{x^2+y^2+z^2}, (x,y,z) \ne (0,0,0).
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
If you want to look at the limit I'm...
Homework Statement
Show that f(z) = x^2 + i(y^2) is diff at all points on y=x. Then show that is not analytic anywhere.Homework Equations
Cauchy Riemann equations: fy = ifx <=> function is differentiable (I'm still unclear about the implications of CR-equations. It says in my book that if f is...
1. Prove f is differentiable at x=xo implies f is continuous at x=xo using epsilon and delta notation.
2. I have gotten this far:
absolute value(f(x)-f(xo)) <= absolute value(x-xo)*(epsilon + absolute value(f '(xo)))
<= means less than or equal to.
3. I need to get here:
Homework Statement
Is f(y)=\sum_{m=1}^\infty \frac{1}{y^2+m^2}
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
From the graph, it is obvious that f is not differentiable at y=0, but I don't know how to prove that. I proved that \sum_{m=1}^n f_m=\sum_{m=1}^n\frac{1}{y^2+m^2}...
Let g:[0,1]-->R be twice differentiable(both g and g' are differentiable functions) with g''(x)>0 for all x in [0,1]. If g(0)>0 and g(1)=1, show that g(d)=d for some point d in (0,1) iff g'(1)>1.
I thought I might use the MVT.
g'(c)<0 then
Homework Statement
Let f: R-->R be continuous. For δ>0, define g: R-->R by:
g(x) = (1/2δ) ∫ (from x-δ to x+δ) f
a) g is continuously differentiable
b) If f is uniformly continuous, then, for every ε>0, there exists a δ1>0 such that sup{∣f(x) - g(x)∣; x∈R} < ε for 0<δ≤δ1The Attempt at...
Homework Statement
OK I have a Differential Calculus exam next week and I do not understand about Differential Manifolds.
We have been given some questions to practise, but I have no idea how to do them, past a certain point.
For example
1. Study if the following system defines a manifold...
Homework Statement
Let I be an interval, and f: I --> R be a continuous function that is known to be differentiable on I except at c. Assume that f ' : I \ {c} --> R admits a continuous continuation to c (lim x -> c f ' exists). Show that f is in fact also differentiable at x and f ' (c) =...
Homework Statement
In which points the surface \{\left(x,y,z\right)\in\Re^{3}|x^{3}-y^{3}+xyz-xy=0\right\} is a differentiable manifold (subvariedad diferenciable in spanish). Calculate its tangent space in the point (1,1,1).
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
Homework Statement
Let r>0, and let f be a function from B_{r}(\textbf{0}) \rightarrow \textbf{R} , and suppose that there exists an \alpha > 1 such that |f(\textbf{x})| \leq ||\textbf{x}||^{\alpha} for all \textbf{x} \in B_{r}(\textbf{0}). Prove that f is differentiable at 0.
What happens...
Homework Statement
give an example of a function f: R --> R that is differentiable n times at 0, and discontinous everywhere else. Homework Equations
---The Attempt at a Solution
i got one, and i proved everything, i just want to make sure what i did is correct:
f:x n+1 when x is rational...
Homework Statement
Find the points where the function given by
is not differentiable.
The Attempt at a Solution
I got the doubtful points as +-1, 2
How do I check the differentiability now? The mod. function is confusing me a bit.
Homework Statement
Find the points at which the function is not differentiable.
Homework Equations
It is not asked to check differentiability at a particular point.
How do I find the points which are not differentiable?
The function is not continuous at x=0
Homework Statement
Give an example of a function f that is differentiable on [0,1] but its derivative is not bounded on [0,1]
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a SolutionOk, I know that the derivative f' cannot be continuous, because then it would be bounded on [0,1]. I also know that it...
I don't this this is an overly complicated proof but it is one I have never seen or done before.
Let f be a polynomial with atleast two non-zero terms having different degrees. Prove that the set {f(x),xf'(x)} is linearly independent in P
With out loss of generality we can...
Use implicit differentiation to find dy/dx.
y is a differentiable function of x
2y^2+4xsiny = cos4x
Here is what I did:
4y*dy/dx + 4siny+ 1/cosy*dy/dx = -sin4x + 4
4y*dy/dx + 1/cosy*dy/dx = -sin4x - 4siny + 4
dy/dx(4y + 1/cosy) = -sin4x - 4siny + 4
dy/dx = (-sin4x - 4siny + 4) /...
Okey, I have problem with the foundation of lie algebra. This is my understanding:
We have a lie group which is a differentiable manifold. This lie group can for example be SO(2), etc.
Then we have the Lie algebra which is a vectorspace with the lie bracket defined on it: [. , .].
Say I have the function
f(x) = x^5ln(x)
I can differentiate f(x) say 6 times and I'm left with just ln(x). But this is not a proof!
How do I go about proving it?
Could I use the Taylor expansion?
Homework Statement
Hi there. I got next problem, and I must say if it is differentiable in all of its domain.
f(x,y)=\begin{Bmatrix} (x+y)^2\sin(\displaystyle\frac{\pi}{x+y}) & \mbox{ if }& y\neq{-x}\\0 & \mbox{if}& y=-x\end{matrix}
So, I thought trying with the partial derivatives...
Homework Statement
Let f: R\rightarrow R be a differentiable even function. Prove that f' is an odd
Also, prove that if f is a differentiable odd function, then f' is an even function.
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
I tried to use definition, so I should...
For a game I am thinking about making I would need to know how to project points from a differentiable bounded 3-manifold to a Euclidean plane (the computer screen). The manifold would be made from a 3-dimensional space with two balls cut out of it and a hypercylinder glued onto it at the holes...