Homework Statement
Show that the function
= { x/2 if x is rational
{ x if x irrational
is not differentiable at 0
Homework Equations
If f is differentiable at 0 then for every e > 0 there exists some d > 0 such that when |x| < d, |(f(x)-f(0))/x - L | < e...
Homework Statement
If f is differentiable at x = a, evaluate lim[h->0] (f(a+2h)-f(a+3h))/h
Homework Equations
We know that f'(a) = lim[h->0] (f(a+h)-f(a))/h
The Attempt at a Solution
I have done the following, and I am not sure if it is correct, though the result makes sense...
Homework Statement
Suppose f is differentiable on an open interval I and let x* \in I. Show that there exists a sequence {x_n}\subset I such that lim[n->inf]{x_n}=x* and lim[n->inf]{f'(x_n)}=f'(x*).
Homework Equations
We know that a function g is continuous iff for any sequence...
Consider the manifold of the real-line R with a differentiable structure generated by the map x^3 : M \rightarrow \mathbb{R} . This example is given in a textbook I'm looking at, but I don't really understand how this can work. The inverse map is clearly not smooth at x=0.
Do they mean that...
Is f(x) differentiable at x=1?
I know that we have to prove
exist/does not exist at x=1. But...
The definition of having multiple differentiable structures is that given two atlases, {(U_i ,\phi_i)} and {(V_j,\psi_j)} (where the open sets are the first entry and the homeomorphisms to an open subset of Rn are the second entry), that the union {(U_i,V_j;\phi_i,\psi_j)} is not necessarily...
Homework Statement
Let g be a twice differentiable function with g'(x)>0 and g''(x)>0 for all real numbers x, such that g(4)=12 and g(5)=18. Of the following, which is a possible value for g(6)?
a. 15
b. 18
c. 21
d. 24
e. 27
Answer: e. 27
Homework Equations
The Attempt...
Homework Statement
Hi, I have this function:
f(x ) = 0 (x is irrational) or f(x) = 1/q for rational p/q in lowest terms.
show that this function is not differentiable anywhere
The Attempt at a Solution
This is the answer from the solutions book:
consider [(f(a+h) - f(a ) ) /...
Good day!
Well, I've just started this year with Complex Analysis (we're using "Complex Variables and Applications" 8th ed by Brown and Churchill) and as I'm going through some assignment questions, I noticed that one of the questions states:
"Is g analytic at any point of C (as opposed to...
Homework Statement
For k = 1,2,\ldots define f_k : \mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R}
by f_k(x) = \sqrt{k} x^k (1 - x). Does \{ f_k \} converge? In
what sense? Is the limit integrable? Differentiable?
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
I don't know how to approach this...
Homework Statement
f(x,y) is differentiable in (0,0) and f(0,0)=0
q(t) devirate t=0 and q'(0)=1 q(0)=0
let it be g(x,y) = q(f(x,y))
prove that g differentiable in (0,0) and that f_{x}(0,0) = g_{x}(0,0)Homework Equations
all calculus
The Attempt at a Solution
Well my idea is like this
First I...
Homework Statement
I apologize for not knowing how to use Latex, so I will type the problem as it is read...
Prove that for all x greater than or equal to 0, we have
the integral from 0 to x for [g(x)]^3 dx which is less than or equal to
(the integral from 0 to x for g(x) dx)^2...
Homework Statement
Is the composition of two differentiable functions always differentiable?
h(x) = sin(x)
k(x) = 1/x for x not equal 0
Does this automatically mean h(k(x)) is differentiable?
Thank you,
Homework Statement
Let f: M \rightarrow N , g:N \rightarrow K , and h = g \circ f : M \rightarrow K . Show that h_{*} = g_{*} \circ f_{*} .
Let M, N and K be manifolds and f and g be C^\infinity functions.
Let p \in M. For any u \in F^{\infinity}(g(f((p))) and any...
Defining differentiability for multivariable functions we want not only
for the partial derivatives to exist but also local linearity.
Because my question is the same also for the single variable
case, I'll pose it with a single variable function.
In one variable we have that local...
Many "theoretical mechanicians" seem to awesome that motion is a {C^\infty } function(at least that is how I learned it). However, it seems like the postulates of Newtonian/Lagrangian/Hamiltonian/Vakonomic mechanics seem to "work" in the general case where only the motion is a {C^2}(ie the...
Homework Statement
Let V be a finite dimensional normed vector space and let U= L(V)*, the set of invertible elements in L(V). Show, f:U-->U defined by f(T)= T-1 is differentiable at each T in U and moreover,
Df(T)H = -T-1HT-1
where Df(T)= f'(T).
Homework Equations
Homework Statement
Consider a function g : (a, b)-->R. Assume that g is differentiable at some point c in
(a,b) and that g'(c) is not = 0. Show that there is a delta > 0 so that g(x) is unequal to g(c) for all x in V_delta(c)\{c}intersect(a,b)
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a...
I am trying to find a Hausdorff topological space that is not second-countable but otherwise a DIFFERENTIABLE n-manifold. I can't figure it out. Does it exist? :smile:
I read about the classical example of L=\omega_1\times[0,1) with lexicographical order and the order topology. It's Hausdorff...
I look for a function u(x) with u(0)=0 and u(1)=1, which is single-valued and differentiable on the entire interval x= [0,1] and allows one to choose the derivatives u'(0) and u'(1) through two free parameters.
Seems simple enough, right?
For what values of c and d will x be differentiable for all values
f(x)=\left\{\begin{array}{cc}cx+d,&\mbox{ if }
x\leq -1\\cx^3+x+2d, & \mbox{ if } x>-1\end{array}\right.
i took the derivative on each side
f'(x) = c
f'(x) = 3cx²+1
c = 3cx²+1
so i get c as -(1/2)
So, a certain discussion occurred in class today...
If f is differentiable, is f ' continuous?
At first sight, there seems no reason to think so. However, we couldn't think any counterexample. It also seems logical that f' is continuous since otherwise f wouldn't be differentiable.
What's the difference between "analytic" and "continuously differentiable?"
I'm reading Gamelin's Complex Analysis book, and he talks about f(z) being analytic if it is continuously differentiable and satisfies the Cauchy-Riemann equations. But if f(z) is continuously differentiable, doesn't...
Is a bijective continuous function:[a,b]->[f(a),f(b)] differentiable?
I think it has to be.
continuity between two distinct values of f(a) and f(b): it got to take all the values between f(a) and f(b) at x in [a,b], by the intermediate value theorem.
if f is bijective, at [a,b], f(x) can't go...
Homework Statement
Define f: Rn --------> R as
f(x) = (||x||^2)*sin (1/||x||) for ||x|| ≠ 0
f(x) = 0 for ||x|| = 0
Show that f is differentiable everywhere but that the partial derivatives are not continuous.
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
Showing that it is...
Homework Statement
Suppose f:Rn ----> R is differentiable at the origin, (but not necessarily elsewhere), that f(0)=0, and that there is a constant c such that the norm of the gradient of f at zero is less than c. (||˅f(0)||<c )
Show that the set U = {x e Rn : ||f(x)||< c||x|| } is a...
Need urgent assistance(Gussian curvature and differentiable vector fields)
Hi I have a very difficult problem where I know some of the dots but can't connect them :(
So therefore I hope that there is someone who can assist me (hopefully :))
Homework Statement
Let S be a surface with...
How do you determine this?
F(x) x^2 +1 if x<1
F(x) 2x if x >= 1 at x=1
Are there designated steps? I understand that it is the derivative, but I don't understand the differentiable at the indicated point part..
Homework Statement
Suppose that the function f: R^n --> R is continuously differentiable. Let x be a point in R^n. For p a nonzero point in R^n and alpha a nonzero real number, show that
(df/d(alphap))(x)=alpha(df/d(p))(x)Homework Equations
A function f: I --> R, defined on an open...
Homework Statement
Let f denote the function defined by
_z^2 /z if z is not 0
0 if z=0
show that f satisfies the Cauchy-Riemann equations at z=0 but that f is not differentiable there
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
it is easily to show the...
Homework Statement
For any (x,y) other than (0,0).
For (x,y) = (0,0)
f(x,y) = 0
Is f totally differentiable?
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
If the function is not continuous, it can't be differentiable...
Homework Statement
w=9(cos(\theta)+sin(\theta)) and u=r*w.
1) Is u continuously differentiable?
2)Is it possible to get u continuously differentiable with a different w?
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
1) u is continuously differentiable since w is in terms...
f(x) and g(x) are differentiable on 0
\lim _{x->0}\frac{cos(f(x))-cos(g(x))}{x^2}=\lim _{x->0}\frac{-2sin(\frac{f(x)+g(x)}{2})sin(\frac{f(x)-g(x)}{2})}{x^2}=-2
because i can use (sin x)/x=1 here
is it ok??
Homework Statement
f(x)={(2x-1)/Absolute value(2x-1) x cannot equal (1/2)
{ 0 x = (1/2)
a) is f continuous at X = (1/2) explain
b) is f differentiable at x = (1/2) explain
Homework Equations
I have made the graph and x is a point...
This came up in a recent discussion about l'Hopital's Rule.
Suppose f(x) has a derivative at x=0, that is f'(0) exists.
Is it necessarily true that f(x) is differentiable in some open interval containing x=0?
Others--who know calculus better than I--say no, f(x) is not necessarily...
r twice continuously differentiable function proof...
Homework Statement
Help :frown:
if f:[a,b] \rightarrow R is twice continuously differentiable, and f(x)\geq 0 for all x in [a.b]
and f ''(x) \leq 0 for all x in [a,b]
prove that
1/2 (f(a) + f(b)) (b-a) \leq \int f(x)dx \leq(b-a)...
prove that this function differentiable endles times on x=0 ?? http://img502.imageshack.us/img502/6778/83126617mm0.th.gif
i was told
"once we can express the function as a power series around zero and it is differentiable at zero, we know it is infinitely differentiable"
Homework Statement
Suppose g is a differentiable on [a,b] and f = g', then does there exist a function f which is not integrable?
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
I've tried to look at pathological functions such as irrational, rational piecewise functions. but the...
Homework Statement
Show that f(z) = zRez is differentiable only at z=0,
find f'(0)
The Attempt at a Solution
This should be easy. I find the limit as z_0 approaches 0 of [f(z+z_0) - f(z)]/(z_0) for this function...expand it out, simplify, and find what the limit is when z_0 is...
I'm having trouble with this inequality:
let f be (real valued) continuously differentiable on [0,1] with f(0)=0, prove that
sup_{x\in[0,1]} \left|f(x)\right| \leq \int^{1}_{0}\left|f\acute{}(x)\right| dx
Thanks for any help.
Homework Statement
Define h(x)=x^3sin(1/x) for x\neq0. and h(0)=0. Show h is differentiable everywhere and that h is cont everywhere, but fails to have a derivative at one point.
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
h is diff everywhere...
Homework Statement
how could i prove that cos x= sum (n=1 to 00) [((-1)^n) * x^(2n)/((2n)!)]
is continuous and differentiable at each x in R
Homework Equations
the Taylor Expansion of cosine is the given equation
The Attempt at a Solution
basically i need to prove that the...
Let B(V,V) be the set of bounded linear transformations from V to V. Let U be the set of invertible elements of B(V,V) and define the map ^{-1}: U\rightarrow U by ^{-1}(T)=T^{-1}
Show that the map ^{-1} is differentiable at each T \in U.
If M is a topological manifold, a smooth structure A (or maximal atlas) on M is a set of smoothly compatible charts of M that is maximal in the sense that if we consider any chart that is not in A, then there is some chart in A with whom it is not smoothly compatible.
Now, it is a fact that...
differentiable and uniformly continuous??
Homework Statement
Suppose f:(a,b) -> R is differentiable and | f'(x) | <= M for all x in (a,b). Prove f is uniformly continuous on (a,b).
Homework Equations
The definition of uniform continuity is:
for any e there is a d s.t. | x- Y | < d...
Homework Statement
F(x)= {1/2x+1 when x=<2
{squareroot(2x) when x=>/=2
is it differentiable at x=2.
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
So i know i ahve to take the limit from both the negative and positive of 2, and determine if they are equal. But...
Homework Statement
Let f be a function differentiable function with f(2) = 3 and f'(2) = -5, and let g be the function defined by g(x) = xf(x). Which of the following is an equation of the line tangent to the graph of g at point where x=2?
a. y=3x
b y-3 = -5(x-2)
c y-6 = -5(x-2)
d y-3 =...