Electrical engineering Definition and 650 Threads

  1. Boltzman Oscillation

    Engineering Help finding the damping ratio formula for this circuit

    The circuit to be analyzed is shown below: Since initial conditions are zero (from the instructions) I will use laplace transforms for the cirucit and I will use the MAME method to solve this circuit. The laplace transforms that are required will give me: $$E_g(s) = \frac{10}{s}$$ $$ L_3 =...
  2. H

    How to get admission into Master's in Astronomy after electrical engineering

    Hello, I am Harshil from india. I have completed my Bachelor's in electrical and now i want to do Master's in Astronomy, so i have few questions please answre it... 1) Can i get the admission in MS/Msc astronomy if i have done electrical engineering? 2) If the answer of first question is...
  3. Emmo Amaranth

    Electrical Engineering Beginner's Resources

    As the title suggests, I'm hoping some of you have some favorite resources for a self-studying novice. I'm sure there are a LOT of places online (and in print) to learn, but if anyone can help point me in the right direction I'd be very appreciative. Cheers!
  4. V

    EE or ME -- which do you find more difficult?

    I seem to be in a minority for thinking that mechanical engineering is more difficult than electrical engineering. Difficult for me, I mean. To me, mechanical engineering is more difficult largely because in mechanics your intuition and common sense are often trying to mislead you. With...
  5. D

    How to calculate the reluctance of an electromagnet

    How do you calculate the reluctance of An electromagnet that consist of a nail with bare copper wire wrapped around it? I have tried searching on the internet. Have not found a website that answers my question. Not wikipedia or any other website.
  6. L

    MHB Electrical Engineering Problem

    An electric oven is heated using electricity from a 110 V power line. The power line is connected to a resistance heater in the oven, and the current through the heater is found to be 1.0 A. Assuming the heater is 100% efficient in converting electrical power into thermal power, what is the...
  7. D

    I have tried building a phase shift oscillator, but it won't work

    I built a phase shift oscillator, but it Won't work. I visit the website https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phase-shift_oscillator&ved=2ahUKEwiV4Y-26OHiAhUClawKHQhACO8QFjANegQIChAG&usg=AOvVaw0YoHKumGz0Xl3fYKtIRdFa and copied the schematic I saw...
  8. D

    Unable to get a Wien bridge oscillator to work

    I am unable to get the wien bridge Oscillator I built to work. This same Circuit has worked several times. Sometimes the same circuit works. Sometimes the same circuit does not work. When it works I can get A led to blink and can build a frequency divider. How do I troubleshoot this circuit...
  9. D

    How to make a comparator out of an opamp

    I have an operational amplifier. I am Trying to make a comparator out of It. I built a voltage divider to provide Different voltages. But I either get The same voltage output regardless Of input or the voltage is too high I think. How do you make a comparator out of an operational amplifier?
  10. D

    Trying to get a microphone to produce a signal

    I removed a condenser microphone From a sound meter. I plug it in a breadboard. But the Condenser microphone won't produce a voltage or signal. I tried yelling into the microphone. I tried Connecting a battery to circuit. Nothing I tried worked. Anyway to get microphone to pick up signal?
  11. G

    Courses Electrical Engineering: what study path would be better?

    Hey guys! So basically I'm still finding hard to decide what my specialization field should be next year. I'm really torn between a major in Electronics with a minor in Power Systems with some programming additional courses OR major in Power Systems with minor in Electronics. My favourite...
  12. Boltzman Oscillation

    Electrical Engineering: Is this signal stable?

    Homework Statement y(t) = x(1-5t) Homework Equations noneThe Attempt at a Solution well I've never looked at the stability of a signal which has a time scale and shift. My guess is that it is stable as anything I can provide as input will output a bounded signal. Ex: if x(t) is u(t) then...
  13. D

    How proportional action is produced in a pneumatic controller

    Homework Statement (a) With the aid of a sketch explain how proportional action is produced in a pneumatic controller whose output is 0.2 to 1.0 bar. Assume that the controller is direct acting. (b) Show, mathematically, that the output is dependent on the difference between the measured and...
  14. Boltzman Oscillation

    How can I prove this discrete signal is periodic?

    Homework Statement Prove the discreet signal is periodic: Homework Equations for periodic funtions: x[n] = x[n + N] The Attempt at a Solution I made an equality (im going to leave the sigma out for simplicity): 2^(-abs(n-2m)) = 2^(-abs(n+N-2m)) I don't know what I need to do from...
  15. H

    Electric arc: How to calculate the required voltage for a light bow?

    <Moderator's note: Moved from a homework forum.> Calculate the required voltage to produce a electric arc between 2 iron nails (distance: 3cm). I´ve read in the internet that you need 1 kV per mm. But how can I calculate this value, that I need 1kV per 1mm?
  16. Boltzman Oscillation

    Engineering What is the output voltage of this ideal diode circuit?

    Homework Statement Given the following circuit: what is the positive and negative peak values of Vo? vi has a frequency of 1kHz, peak of 5V, and is a sine wave. Homework Equations x(t) = Vsin(2(pi)*f*t) KCL, KVL, etc. The Attempt at a Solution [/B] I made Vi to be 5sin(2(pi)1000t) during...
  17. Jason-Li

    Thevenin's Theorem, Superposition & Norton's Theorem

    Homework Statement FIGURE 1 shows a 50 Ω load being fed from two voltage sources via their associated reactances. Determine the current i flowing in the load by: (a) applying Thévenin’s theorem (b) applying the superposition theorem (c) by transforming the two voltage sources and their...
  18. Boltzman Oscillation

    Engineering How to analyze a circuit with one node using the node method

    Homework Statement I have the circuit given below with a single node where R3 and ground meet. How can I solve this problem using the inspection method? Is it possible? I can easily solve using another method but I would rather try using the inspection method. Homework Equations Ax = M A is...
  19. stipan_relix

    How to use Thevenin to find R and I?

    Homework Statement In the circuit shown, in the image, the variable resistor R is consuming maximum power. Determine: a) resistance for R b) power for R c) current for R3 and its direction Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution I tried getting IA(the direction is shown with arrows in...
  20. stipan_relix

    How to find power and voltage using the mesh current method?

    Hi. I am practising for my test and since I don't have the correct answers, I don't know if what I'm doing is right. I tried to solve this problem, can you check it and correct if it's wrong? Here's a clearer picture of the circuit. I suspect Uab isn't right, but am not sure. Thanks...
  21. Boltzman Oscillation

    What is the gain error for this opamp driven by a voltage

    Homework Statement The op amp has a near ideal level 1 model with G = 5000V/V, ri = inf, ro = 0 How would I obtain the feedback function? Homework Equations I know I have to find the feedback function which is: f = - (ΔV/Vin) The Attempt at a Solution I will first drive using the...
  22. V

    Design courses for Electrical engineering

    Which Design courses are available in Electrical engineering for getting good job opportunities
  23. Boltzman Oscillation

    Electrical Engineering: What is the current through this?

    Homework Statement I have a current source of 2mA in parrallel with a resistor of 9.2kOhm and a short. What is the current through the short? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I always thought shorts had an infinite amount of current but maybe I do not quite understand the...
  24. Boltzman Oscillation

    How can I analyze this transimpedance amplifier?

    Homework Statement The opAmp network shown in figure 68 is a transimpedance amplifer that employs both negative and positive feedback. Assuming that the op-amp is ideal, calculate the value for the output voltage for Jg is 1mA.The circuit and question are this...
  25. Q

    Engineering How beneficial is a minor in Electrical Engineering?

    Hi, I’m a freshman Physics major in the US and I am concerned about the job opportunities directly out of undergrad. Because of this, short of switching my major to an engineering field, I was wondering if a minor in EE would substantially assist me. I know it would not be an ABET accredited...
  26. Lapse

    Engineering Question About A Particular Circuit in LTSpice

    I am simply attempting to design a circuit in LTSpice. We just started on dependent sources. I am having trouble designing this guy here: Here's what I've got: What does this error mean? What do I need to change to make this circuit work?
  27. T dawg

    Courses Which Course Should I Take: Numerical Methods or Analogue Circuits?

    I'm an upper division physics transfer student and currently deciding on whether I should take a course in numerical methods for physical modelling or basic into to analogue circuits course. Here are there descriptions: math 174 - Floating point arithmetic, direct and iterative solution of...
  28. P

    THz Radiation, Antennas: Need background knowledge

    I want to use small molecular - preferably CNT - "antennas" to produce THz signals to monitor activity in biological systems. After some googling, I've been reading things like "absorption spectra", "energy bands", "spectroscopy", as well as a bunch of antenna-science related jargon... I need...
  29. akaliuseheal

    Reading datasheets to pick a comparator

    Hello, I've got a voltage comparator, well only on schematics, I need to chose one and I need some help interpreting datasheet. The datasheet I was looking at is of a lm393. My input voltage ranges from -7.8V to +7.8V. The datasheet says -0.3 to something. So it's not usable, right? I was also...
  30. akaliuseheal

    Hysteresis of a voltage comparator

    Hello, I am designing a circuit which basically takes two voltages (V1,V2) and based upon which one of the two is greater, turns corresponding LED. So, I have got to the part where I have output from differential op amp that is the input of the inverting voltage comparator with hysteresis...
  31. J

    Engineering Can't decide between Electrical Engineering and Physics

    I comprehend that the above statement is not phrased as a question even though it contains the appropriate symbol, and that is because even if it was, and an appropriate answer was given, i believe i still would not be able to make a decision. It is more a reflection of my current mental state...
  32. akaliuseheal

    Use of transistors to turn on an LED

    Homework Statement Hello, I have got input from comparator op amp which gives HIGH or LOW. Based upon that, one of two LEDs needs to light up. Two LEDs should't be ON at the same time. Calculations are not needed, only the schematics. Homework Equations None The Attempt at a Solution I am not...
  33. spacewrinkle

    Programs Double Degree in Physics and Electical Engineering?

    Hi! I'm about to take my senior year in high school, and I was originally planning on taking electrical engineering plus some extra classes in physics. I like to work with my hands and to create things, so engineering is sort of a no-brainer for me, but it's also very important for me to...
  34. S

    Engineering How hands-on is Electrical Engineering?

    Hi, I'm sorry if this question's been asked before but I was wondering how hands-on electrical engineering can be. Are there jobs where an EE can find themselves doing designing and getting to work with their hands? I find the theoretical stuff interesting as well as the more hands-on work.
  35. F

    Engineering Unknown resistor in a series-parallel circuit

    Hey guys, I have tried and tried to find a start to this problem with no success. My book may have the answer but unfortunately I must be not realizing it. So hopefully I just need a different perspective. Typically I would find the equivalent resistance of the circuit and then begin to...
  36. B

    Engineering Would I be crazy to quit my Summer Engineering Internship?

    Let me provide some background here. I am an Electrical Engineering student and will be entering my Senior year this fall. I was lucky enough to secure a summer internship with a company for the duration of the summer. I am starting to realize that I may have not been so lucky. I am practically...
  37. Paola Flores

    Auto/Motor Can a Reeling Motor Tow a Car Faster Using a Speed Reduction Arrangement?

    Hello, I'm a engineering student currently taking Thermodynamics and we have this project for our finals which is a sort of reeling /towing device, the assignment consists in a reeling motor that has to tow a small car up along a slope, loaded with a certain weight, the team that is able to...
  38. T

    Programs Electrical engineering with some CS electives?

    I looked up at ee curricilum and find out it suits better for me.I want to specialize in electronics.Is it possible for me to take discrete math,data structures,algorithms,neural networks,machine learning,artificial intelligence etc. as electives along with ee courses?Is it a viable path?
  39. Y

    Engineering Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering - GPA

    I'm pursuing a MSEE, I was wondering how much GPA matters, if it matters at all? Please be honest. I'm questioning it, because my credits towards my degree do not expire until they are six years old. Should I use the time from which I have enough credits to graduate and earn my degree to the...
  40. V

    What are some best options for PCB design software?

    I need help in selecting best pcb design software out of kicad, eagle and altium. I have to design pcb for my project. But I am having confusion in these software.
  41. S

    Can Theoretical Physics PhDs Thrive in Industry Jobs?

    <Moderator note: Moved from academic guidance to career guidance on Scott92's request. Reason: The question primarily addresses job opportunities in dependence of PhD subject.> Hey everyone, I'm a student who is currently undertaking a Master of Physics (coursework & research) at the...
  42. C

    Engineering Simple transformer circuit with 3 resistors

    Homework Statement 2. Homework Equations [/B] V1N2=V2N1 I1N1=I2N2 The Attempt at a Solution For a part[/B] I try to draw 3 mesh but I cannot write down the equation. Can someone help me out?
  43. Dan8420

    Schools Electrical Engineering Undergrad - WVU vs. Pitt

    Hey all, I am currently torn between West Virginia University (WVU) and University of Pittsburgh (Pitt) as far as school choice goes for my undergrad in Electrical Engineering. From everything I am reading online, Pitt is the better school academically, but I would like some input from some...
  44. E

    Why is a capacitor a generator of lagging reactive power?

    An ideal capacitor has power factor of zero degree leading as current leads the voltage in capacitor.But it also means that capacitor is generator of lagging reactive power.What does that mean.How does it do so.Capacitor is used for reactive power generation at inductive load sites.
  45. Jayalk97

    Linearizing a system of equations?

    Homework Statement So these are the equations of motion for a quad-copter. I am supposed to create a MATLAB model for the z-axis. In order to do this I have to linearize the equations around these points, and arrange them in state space representation. Homework Equations As above The...
  46. Tjcarney

    Programs Applied Math or Electrical Engineering (Active Duty Military)

    I am currently active duty military and an aspiring physicist(probably theoretical but I haven't decided). I'm planning to take college classes online but there aren't any accredited physics degree programs that are online (at least that I found). The next best thing that I can find are 2...