Euler Definition and 414 Threads

  1. T

    Advanced Engineering Mathematics: Euler Method

    Do 10 steps. Solve the problem exactly. Compute the error (Show all details). The problems says do 10 steps, but 3-4 steps will suffice! Problem: y(prime) = (y-x)^2 y(0) = 0 h = 0.1 I don't understand how to get the exact solution and what to do from there! I know that, f(x,y) =...
  2. P

    How can the solution to a non-exact differential equation be derived?

    Suppose we have the differential equation: \frac{dx}{\sqrt{1-x^2}} + \frac{dy}{\sqrt{1-y^2}} = 0 It can be rewritten as: \sqrt{1-y^2}dx + \sqrt{1-x^2}dy = 0 One solution of this equation (besides arcsin(x) + arcsin(y) = C), is given by: x\sqrt{1-y^2} + y\sqrt{1-x^2} = C...
  3. K

    What is the uniqueness of Euler angles?

    Hi.. The wikipedia article on euler angles claims that the Euler angles in zxz convention are unique if we constrain the range they are allowed to take (except in the case of the gimbal lock). This seems reasonable. But can someone give me a reference... a book or a paper where this is...
  4. T

    Odd result from an eigenvalue problem in the Euler equations

    Given the Euler equations in two dimensions in a moving reference frame: \frac{\partial U}{\partial t} + \frac{\partial F\left(U\right)}{\partial x} = 0 U = \left(\rho , \rho u , \rho v , \rho e \right) F\left(U\right) = \left(\left(1-h\right)\rho u , \left(1-h\right)\rho u^2...
  5. R

    Robotics Yaw Pitch Roll Euler Angles

    I have multiple robot cells that i would like to move fixtures from robot to robot with the out come of the part to be perfect. in order to do that i need to make sure my work object is in the same spot each time. so i need to find the yaw pitch and roll and convert them into Euler angles. On...
  6. R

    Explicit formula for Euler zigzag numbers(Up/down numbers)

    I have derived an explicit formula for the" , the number of alternating permutations for n elements: A_j=i^{j+1}\sum _{n=1}^{j+1} \sum _{k=0}^n \frac{C_k^n(n-2k)^{j+1}(-1)^k}{2^ni^nn} For details, please refer to my article in...
  7. B

    Euler rotations in galactic plane to change to equatorial

    HI there, I am having problems understanding something. If I have an axis pointing towards the galactic north pole, and I rotate it using an Euler rotations how can I can I establish the rotation angles needed so that it will be pointing to the equatorial North pole. I am looking for...
  8. T

    Finding Components of Rotated Ellipsoid using Euler Angles

    Hello guys, I'm trying to find an algorithm to solve an overlap problem between many polyhedra in space, so here this question appears. Imagine an Ellipsoid rotated by Euler angles in 3D space. This Ellipsoid could be characterised by its 3 radii Rx,Ry and Rz, and by 3 Euler angles in...
  9. R

    I was wondering if the Euler buckling method is simply theoretical or

    I was wondering if the Euler buckling method is simply theoretical or actually accurate in the real world. I am asking this both for complex structures and a simply compressed rod or beam. Thanks
  10. V

    MATLAB Exploring Euler Method: Solving y'=x^2-y^2 w/ MATLAB

    I'm looking at the following example ( y'=x^2-y^2, y(0)=1, where they use the Euler method to approximate numerical solutions. This is the code: I don't understand the third and fourth line at the top. What is y = 0*x and how did they...
  11. Z

    Derivations of Euler equations

    Every textbook i find breezes over the following point: \delta\partial (x) =\partial \delta (x) where delta is just the variation. Someone asked me why that's true and i guessed the only thing i could say was that delta is an operation not a variable so this is more like an algebraric...
  12. P

    Finding slope fields using Euler method

    hi guys, can someone give me a quick tutorial on how to solve and explain to me the concept of slope field of the following differential equation: sketch the slope field for dy/dt = 2t+1 showing the solution y=t^2+t-4, which satisfies the initial condition y(-2)= -2 Also how to use...
  13. P

    What is the rotation matrix and R the Euler?

    Hello every one, I am a new comer. During my research of ionization rate of molecule using ADK method, I meet a question. What is the rotation matrix and R the Euler angles between the molecular axis (in Eq. (8) of reference PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 66, 033402 (2002)) and what form is the...
  14. P

    Should i still do math if i am not the next Euler?

    How do you guys deal with the fact that even though you enjoy Mathematics or Physics, you will probably never be the next Euler, Gauss, Nash, Einstein, Feynman etc? It really puts me off reading about how talented these people were. Sometimes i just feel redundent. I will get frustrated when...
  15. D

    Solving Euler equationplease check work thanks

    Homework Statement determine the gen sol of the DE x^2y'' - 5xy' + 9y = 0 Q/P = A = -5 and R/P = B = 9 then use y = x^r in original DE... y' = rx^(r-1) y'' = (r-1)rx^(r-2) insert into DE x^2 (r-1)rx^{r-2} - 5x(rx^{r-1})+ 9x^r = 0 i am confused as to how to proceed...
  16. L

    Compute Euler Characteristic from Z Homology Dimensions

    The Euler Characterisitc can be computed from the dimensions of the Z homology of a space. Are there any other invariants that can be computed from the dimensions of the Z homology?
  17. A

    Calculating Critical Buckling Load for 3D Rectangular Beam - Ixx or Iyy?

    I should probably know the answer to this but anyway... I want to compute the critical buckling load for a simple 3D rectangular cross-section beam, though the thickness in the z-direction is small. If a load is applied in the negative y direction, which direction do I use for my...
  18. T

    Need Euler phi function proof help

    I am having trouble with this proof: show that if d|n then phi(d)|phi(n). I know that if d|n, then ad=n and that phi(ad)=(a,d)*phi(a)&phi(d)/phi((a,d)), but I can't seem to get anywhere with this info. Thanks for your help.
  19. B

    Temperature Change with Cream Addition

    Matlab Help! Euler method Use Euler's method: cooling constant r = 0.2 , initial temperature of 86 C, and room temperature at 17 C. Choose your time step h and integrate to 5 minutes. You can add some cream which will drop the temperature instantly by 5 C. (a) Now, add the cream at the...
  20. G

    Euler equations with Y(1) = 0, Y(2) = 0

    Is it possible for an Euler equation to satisfy the boundary conditions Y(1)=0, Y(2)=0? I have considered the three possibilities, distinct real roots, repeated roots and conjugate complex roots and cannot find any solutions. Are there any other possibilities to consider? Thanks
  21. S

    Euler lagrange equation and Einstein lagrangian

    Dear everyone can anyone help me with the euler lagrange equation which is stated in d'inverno chapter 11? in equation (11.26) it is said that when we use the hilbert-einstein lagrangian we can have: ∂L/(∂g_(ab,cd) )=(g^(-1/2) )[(1/2)(g^ac g^bd+g^ad g^bc )-g^ab g^cd ] haw can we derive...
  22. O

    Deriving Nonrelativistic Euler Equations from Stress Energy Tensor

    Hi, I would like to start from the stress energy tensor for the perfect fluid: T^{\mu\nu}=\begin{pmatrix} \rho c^2 & 0 & 0 & 0\cr 0 & p & 0 & 0\cr 0 & 0 & p & 0\cr 0 & 0 & 0 & p\cr\end{pmatrix} where \rho is the mass density and p is the pressure, and I would like to derive the...
  23. M

    Solve Euler's Equation: x3y'''+15x2y''+61xy'+64y=0

    Given the homogeneous equation: x3y''' + 15x2y'' + 61xy' + 64y = 0 I get 3 solutions which are all -4. Does this mean that the solution for y should be: y = c1x-4 + c2x-4lnx + c3x-4ln2x ?
  24. N

    Euler angles of rotation about x=y=z

    What would be the euler angles of rotation 2pi/3 about the line x=y=z? If something were in the xy plane and it underwent that rotation, would it end up in the yz plane?
  25. Q

    Solving an Example Euler Equation Problem | Understanding the Reduction Process

    Homework Statement This is a problem that the book uses as an example and I've been trying since friday to get the same answer but i have not had any success, i need help :( Well in this problem, F = y(1+(y')^2)^1/2 Homework Equations eulers eqn d/dx(partial(F)/partial(y')) -...
  26. Y

    Understanding the Roots of Euler's Equation and Finding the Second Solution

    I am a self studier, there might be things seems obvious to you guys that are not obvious for me. I have a few questions here, I write down the equation first and present the question in the last part. Please bare with me. Thanks. Eulers equation of 2nd order: L[y]=x^{2} y''+ \alpha xy'+...
  27. J

    Solving Backward Euler with Newton's Method

    Greetings, I am trying to implement backward euler implicit method by Newton-raphson iteration. The differential equation is for a simple planar pendulum. So the function for the pendulum is : (1) angularAcceleration (angle) = ( -gravity/length ) * sin(angle); and the update function for...
  28. K

    Comp Sci Fortran 90 Euler Scheme for Radioactive Decay

    Homework Statement in fortran 90 write a program to using the euler scheme to solve the differential equation for decay of a radioactive substance dx/dt = -j*x solving the equation we get x = e^(-j*t) following info is given 2. Homework Equations and values t0 = 0.0 tF =...
  29. N

    Euler methond and the improved Euler method

    I am confused by both of these. I get what it does, and how it does it, but when using it, somehow I ultimately screw up. Could someone just post a quick description of what to do in conversational English, please? I am pretty sure that would solve this random mental block I have...
  30. J

    Backward Euler / Implicit Integration Implementation

    Hi all, I am trying to implement the backward euler integration (in c++) for the pendulum problem. I have the forward euler implemented, but frankly I don't know where to even start from for the implicit integration. I understand the update expressions for implicit, and of course the...
  31. L

    Finding the Deduction for Euler Number

    Hi, Can anyone show me what´s the deduction for e Euler number ? Thank you
  32. B

    How to Correctly Apply Euler Rotation to Supernovae Coordinates in Matlab?

    Hello, I am getting very confused. I have a list of supernovae with galactic coordinates l (from 0->360) and b (from -180->180). I am trying to write a program in Matlab that rotates the coordinates by 2 Euler angles. Firstly I change l and b into X,Y,Z i.e change from spherical to cartesian...
  33. E

    Project Euler - What you've learned

    So I registered on" and I must say: it's quite addictive! I didn't expect it to be that much fun. I'd like to share what things I've learned from solving the problems: - When solving a problem you get access to a thread. I was impressed how different the...
  34. P

    Is This an Accurate Proof of Euler's Theorem for Polyhedrons?

    Tetrahedron is the simplest polyhedron, it is just formed from four triangles, so it has V0=E0=4*3=12, and F0=F=4, of course. Then we find that V0+E0+F0=2(V+E+F) or V0+F0=2V+2F (Because of E0 is always equal to 2E)=4F. Assume that other polyhedrons are the "evolution" product of a tetrahedron...
  35. S

    Project Euler Problem 3: Finding the Largest Prime Factor

    What is the largest prime factor of the number 600851475143 ? My attempt: #include <stdafx.h> int main() { int num1, num2, num3, num4, lrgprime, sum; lrgprime=num2=num4=sum=0; for (num1=2; num1<300425737572; num1++) { num2=600851475143%num1; if (num2==0) { for...
  36. D

    Euler Problem #14: Find Longest Chain <1M

    im trying to do the Euler problem #14 - to determine which starting value under one million produces the longest chain and here's my code in Python Count=[] Count2=[] List=[] def seq(n): if n%2==0: return n/2 else: return 3*n+1 m=1 for i in range(1,1000000): j=i List.append(j) while...
  37. C

    How is the solution for y[n+1] obtained using Euler's forward method?

    Hi all, I'm having trouble understanding a basic concept introduced in one of my lectures. It says that: To solve the DE y(t) + \frac{dy(t)}{dt} = 1 where y(t) = 0, using the Euler (forward) method, we can approximate to: y[n+1] = T + (1-T)y[n] where T is step size and y[0] = 0...
  38. D

    Solution of Euler Differential Equation Using Ansatz Method

    Homework Statement Solve the euler differential equation \x^{2}y^{''}+3xy'-3y=0 \int_X f = \lim\int_X f_n < \infty by making the ansatz [tex]y(x)=cx^{m}[tex], where c and m are constants. The Attempt at a Solution [tex]y(x)0=c^{m}[tex] [tex]y^{'}(x)=cm^{m-1}[tex]...
  39. S

    The Euler formula how was it developed?

    I'm reading a book called The Road to Reality by Roger Penrose, and I'm on the chapter for complex logarithms. What I don't understand is how the identity e\theta i = cos \theta + i sin \theta is found through the use of complex logarithms. I also don't understand how if w = ez, z = log r +...
  40. Z

    What is the Remainder of 2 to the Power of 1000005 Divided by 55?

    Homework Statement i need to obtain the remainder of the divison 2^{1000005} divided by 55 Homework Equations Euler theorem 2^{\phi (55)}=1 mod(55) The Attempt at a Solution my problem is that applying Euler theorem i reach to the conclusion that the remainder is the...
  41. S

    Forward euler equations of motion

    Homework Statement Hi, I'm trying to compute the equations of motion for a car as shown in the attached image. α = steering angle θ = orientation of the car relative to the world coordinate system Say you're given the linear velocity v and the steering angle α. How do you compute...
  42. S

    Forward euler calculations for position and orientation

    Hi, I'm trying to compute the equations of motion for a car as shown in the attached image. α = steering angle θ = orientation of the car relative to the world coordinate system Say you're given the linear velocity v and the steering angle α. How do you compute the position and angle...
  43. N

    [Numerical] Euler Backward method

    Hi, I need to solve the following simple ODE with both the Euler Forward and Euler Backward numerical methods. I also need to answer for which values of T this can still be calculated: y'(t) = \frac{-1}{2y(t)} y(0) = 2 t \in (0, T] Obviously the analytical solution is y(t) = \sqrt{4 - t} So it...
  44. F

    Convert from unit vector to (maybe) special euler angles on a machine tool

    Hello, I am trying to extract the 3 angles from a unit vector to position a part on a 5 axis milling machine: This machine has 3 linear axes (x,y,z), direct coordinate system It has 2 rotary axes: A turns about the x (called 'tilt') C is carried on the A axis (called 'rotary') See...
  45. T

    Calculating Euler Buckling of Open I Beam in 3 Point Bending

    Homework Statement I want to find the euler buckling for a open I beam( middle section like a box) that is subjected to three point bending with a point load on top. I am not so interest in a solution but explanation on how this could be worked out using the euler equation for buckling...
  46. K

    Limits: rate of convergence of Euler

    Homework Statement Prove that the rate of convergence for Euler's method (in solving the problem y'=y) is comparable to 1/n by showing that lim_{n\rightarrow infinity} \frac{e-(1+\frac{1}{n})^n}{1/n}. Homework Equations Hint: Use L'Hopital's Rule If lim x-> infinity f(x)/g(x) is in...
  47. O

    Euler lagrange equation, mechanics,

    Could somebody explain to me how lagrange multipliers works in finding extrema of constrained functions? also, what is calculus of variations and lagrangian mechanics, and can somebody explain to me what the lagrangian function is and the euler-lagrange equation. And, i read something about...
  48. S

    What is the Euler Totient Function for Coprime Numbers?

    Q- Let m and n be coprime. Show that\phi(mn) = \phi(m) * \phi(n). Hint: when does a pair of residues modulo m and n have an inverse.
  49. M

    Can Euler's formula accurately calculate arcsine?

    1. I use Euler formula of arctan to calculate arcsine 2. This equation\arctan x = \frac{x}{1+x^2} \sum_{n=0}^\infty \prod_{k=1}^n \frac{2k x^2}{(2k+1)(1+x^2)}. If I input 0.9999999999, I will not be able to get the expected result. If input = 0.9 then it is pretty correct, but 0.99 is definitely...
  50. S

    Euler Totient Formula for Prime Powers | Help Needed for Homework

    Homework Statement Well, the question is to find a formula for \phi(p^n) where \phi is the Euler's totient, and p is a positive prime. Homework Equations \phi(2^n) well in this case here is what i did, i first took n=1, n=2, n=3, and it looks like \phi(2^n)=2^{n-1} but i am...