What is Field: Definition and 1000 Discussions

In mathematics, a field is a set on which addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division are defined and behave as the corresponding operations on rational and real numbers do. A field is thus a fundamental algebraic structure which is widely used in algebra, number theory, and many other areas of mathematics.
The best known fields are the field of rational numbers, the field of real numbers and the field of complex numbers. Many other fields, such as fields of rational functions, algebraic function fields, algebraic number fields, and p-adic fields are commonly used and studied in mathematics, particularly in number theory and algebraic geometry. Most cryptographic protocols rely on finite fields, i.e., fields with finitely many elements.
The relation of two fields is expressed by the notion of a field extension. Galois theory, initiated by Évariste Galois in the 1830s, is devoted to understanding the symmetries of field extensions. Among other results, this theory shows that angle trisection and squaring the circle cannot be done with a compass and straightedge. Moreover, it shows that quintic equations are, in general, algebraically unsolvable.
Fields serve as foundational notions in several mathematical domains. This includes different branches of mathematical analysis, which are based on fields with additional structure. Basic theorems in analysis hinge on the structural properties of the field of real numbers. Most importantly for algebraic purposes, any field may be used as the scalars for a vector space, which is the standard general context for linear algebra. Number fields, the siblings of the field of rational numbers, are studied in depth in number theory. Function fields can help describe properties of geometric objects.

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  1. docnet

    I Can an electron in a magnetic field radiate a virtual photon?

    In Theoretical Minimum: Quantum mechanics, Leonard Susskind describes an electron in the higher energy spin state in a magnetic field radiates a photon of energy ##\hbarγ|B_0|## and flips into the lower energy spin state. I am wondering if this photon is related to the "virutal photon" that...
  2. S

    How does the strength of an electric field relate to its direction?

    I understand that negative charges create electric fields pointing inwards, and positive charges create electric fields pointing outwards, but what does this have to do with field stength? What is the relationship between field strength (flux?) and direction?
  3. E

    Find the gravitational field strength of planet X

    weight/mass = gravitational field strength. my working is -> weight = 150kgx10m/s² = 1500N mass = 150kg gravitational field strength= 10N/kg. is this correct?
  4. Haorong Wu

    I Weak Gravitational Field & Wave Eq. - Analyzing Effects on Massless Scalar Field

    A massless scalar field in a curved spacetime propagates as $$(-g)^{-1/2}\partial_\mu(-g)^{1/2}g^{\mu\nu}\partial_\nu \psi=0 .$$ Suppose the gravitational field is weak, and ##g_{\mu\nu}=\eta_{\mu\nu}+\epsilon \gamma_{\mu\nu}## where ##\epsilon## is the perturbation parameter. And let the field...
  5. Shreya

    Symmetry & Field of an Infinite uniformly charged plane sheet

    Will translation parallel to x-axis work ? Else please suggest the symmetry? And does symmetry here refer to the symmetry of the sheet which causes the symmetry of the field or something else? Please be kind to help.
  6. J

    How to find an expected value for magnetic field strength?

    Our class modified an experiment to measure the magnetic field strength in mT between 5cm and 30cm, and I have plotted data and found that the relationship resembles a power relationship (using a log vs log graph). In order to find the percentage uncertainty for the whole experiment I need the...
  7. H

    What is the maximum electric field magnitude between the cylinders?

    I used a couple ways to do this question, but I got neither correct. Can someone help, please? Thank you. 1. E= V/r = 700 / (60*10^-3) = 11667 (very far from the given answer) 2. E = (-kQ/r)⋅ dr = kQ/r^2 = kQ/ [( 1/20/ 10^-3)^2 - (1/80/10^-3)^2] (For this method, I stuck...
  8. D

    A BRST operator Q in string theory and string field theory

    In string theory, physical states satisfy QBΨ = 0, where QB is the BRST operator. This equation of motion can be obtained from an action S = ∫ QBΨ*Ψ + Ψ*Ψ*Ψ There is a gauge invariance under δΨ = QBΛ. what is the framework in which the role of the BRST operator QB is understood in open string...
  9. zhangnous

    Hamiltonian for a charged particle in a magnetic field

    I find a exercise in Leonard Susskind's book Classical Mechanics the Hamiltonian of a charged particle in a magnetic field(ignore the electric field) is $$H=\sum_{i} \left\{ \frac{1}{2m} \left[ p_{i}-\frac{e}{c}A_{i}(x) \right]\left[ p_{i}-\frac{e}{c}A_{i}(x) \right]...
  10. E

    A Prove that the Kruskal solution is stable to scalar field pertubations

    Homework Statement:: The solution to the KG equation is assumed to take the form$$\Phi = \sum_{l=0}^{\infty} \sum_{m=-l}^{l} \frac{1}{r} \phi_{lm}(t,r) Y_{lm}(\theta, \phi)$$ Relevant Equations:: N/A To first show that $$\left[ \frac{\partial^2}{\partial t^2} - \frac{d^2}{dr_*^2} +...
  11. K

    A Introduction to topological field theory?

    Hi! I have been looking at differential forms, manifolds and de Rham cohomology. Now I'm trying to figure out the connection from cohomology and equations of motions and topological field theory. Problem is that I am only looking at abelian field theories and I only find introductions into...
  12. Athenian

    How to Find the Magnetic Field (B) in a Zeeman Effect

    I have been analyzing a set of data from a lab activity on the Zeeman effect. The data (i.e. images) gathered can be previewed via this Google drive link here. While I am provided with the numerical data on the current (##I##), I am not provided with any data on the magnetic field. With the...
  13. H

    Magnetic Field & Frequency: Exploring the Relationship

    https://www.physicsforums.com/attachments/282201 Are we using this equation above to explain this question? The magnetic field is definitely in sinusoidal form but how does it proportional to the frequency of the source?
  14. Advay

    Terminal angular velocity of Disc in magnetic field

    Torque appiled by smaller disc = mga emf of disc due to B = Bwr2/2 Current I = Bwr2/2R force = IBr = Bwr3/2r torque = rF = Bwr4/2r mga = Bwr4/2r
  15. A

    Moving electric field effect on dielectric/gas

    So I was wondering, can a moving electric field produce a drag force on gas for example similar to that which would result from physical blades moving the gas. Electric field applied to a dielectric if not as strong as to produce breakdown produces polarization. I wonder can this polarization...
  16. docnet

    I Why Does Spin Down Have Lower Energy Than Spin Up in a Magnetic Field?

    I am confused about why spin down has a lower energy than spin up. What is the correct interpretation of the equations? If we have a spin ##\frac{1}{2}## particle in a magnetic field ##B_0## that is applied in the positive z direction The spin states of the particle are $$\ket{up} =...
  17. snypehype46

    Computing the spectrum of a Lagrangian in field theory

    I have the following lagrangian density: $$L = \bar{\psi}i \gamma^\mu \partial_\mu \psi - g\bar{\psi}(\sigma + i\gamma^5\pi)\psi + \frac{1}{2}(\partial_\mu \sigma)^2+ \frac{1}{2}(\partial_\mu \pi)^2 -V(\sigma^2 + \pi^2)$$ where $\pi$ and $\sigma$ are scalar fields. I have show that this...
  18. jay_chay22

    Find electric field separating two charged masses suspended on strings

    Please help me on this question I have tried to do it many times but I end up getting the wrong answers. I have show my work what I have done.
  19. H

    Finding Magnetic Field of a Toroid with Two Circuits

    I have a toroid with square cross section and 2 different circuit: ##C_1## where ##N=N_1## and ##I=I_1## ##C_2## where ##N=N_2## and ##I=I_2## I have a question that say I have to find the magnetic field ##B## produce by ##C_1## everywhere inside the coil. I assume here I have to find the...
  20. Hamiltonian

    Calculation of the field due to a dipole at an arbitrary point

    I know how to derive field using ##E = -\nabla V## in polar coordinates and doing so gave me $$E = (kP/r^3)(1 + 3cos^3\theta)^{1/2}$$ now I am trying to derive ##E## at point P using the fields produced by +ve and -ve charge respectively and taking components of each along the radial direction...
  21. P

    Engineering Challenging situation in finding a job in my field

    Hello, I would like to present my situation and maybe hear some suggestions on how to overcome the challenge I am facing: I have a PhD in a STEM field from Canada (I am an immigrant), and after I received my PhD, I worked 18 months in the academia as a postdoctoral researcher. During my...
  22. F

    A Quintessence field equation of state

    Why the equation of state parameter w for a quintessence field with potential m²Phi² is not in between 0 and 1/3 depending on the energy of its particles relative to the mass of the field instead of the w resulting from formula 9 of https://arxiv.org/pdf/1504.04037.pdf which seems to be...
  23. Athenian

    Finding the Magnetic Field (B_0) on a Graph [NMR]

    Background Information (Not Strictly Necessary): As a quick recap, the graph I am dealing with is a semi-logarithmic graph of free induction decay (FID) amplitude as a function of time. To acquire the value for ##{T_2}^*## (and its uncertainty) in the graph, I used the below equation to do so...
  24. R

    Vector Field associated with Stereographic Projection

    I identified $$(\Phi_{SN})_{*})$$ as $$J_{(\Phi_{SN})}$$ where J is the Jacobian matrix in order to $$(\Phi_{SN})$$, also noticing that $$\frac{\partial}{\partial u} = \frac{\partial s}{\partial u}\frac{\partial}{\partial s} + \frac{\partial t}{\partial u} \frac{\partial}{\partial t} $$, I wrote...
  25. S

    Electric Field Intensity: Intersecting E-fields Explained

    This the photo of my textbook, Here In the derivation of Electric Field Intensity due to an infinitely long straight uniformly charged wire - In the figure 1(c).20 Vector E1 and vector E2 are electric fields at point P due to the two line elements as shown in the figure 1(c).20. But, in this...
  26. M

    B Spin collapse in a magnetic field

    Basic descriptions of spin such as the beginning of Lindley's "Where does the weirdness go" state that an electron's spin doesn't exist or is "indeterminant" until measured (e.g. passed through a Stern-Gerlach field). However, isn't the magnetic field nonzero essentially everywhere (albeit...
  27. Mayan Fung

    Electric field acting on the source charge

    I am reading Griffith's textbook on EM. There is a problem asking to find the force acting on the northern hemisphere by the southern hemisphere of a uniformly charged sphere. The solution idea is to find the expression of the E field by Gauss's law and integrate the force over the northern...
  28. JD_PM

    Varying an action with respect to a scalar field

    Let us work with ##(-+++)## signature Where the metric ##g_{\mu \nu}## is the flat version (i.e. ##K=0##) of the Robertson–Walker metric (I personally liked how Weinberg derived it in his Cosmology book, section 1.1) \begin{equation*} (ds)^2 = -(dt)^2 + a^2(t) (d \vec x)^2 \end{equation*}...
  29. Mayhem

    Electrostatics: Coloumb's law and the Electric Field

    Hi. How does the charge ##q## relate to the charges ##q_1, q_2## (see equations). For example, if ##q_1## is an electron and ##q_2## is a proton, is ##q## just a product or sum or something else of the two? Also, in Columb's law, how would I conceptualize charges ##q_1, q_2## in a system of a...
  30. D

    Induced Electrical Field (Maxwell-Faraday's Law)

    As we know that the magnetic induction causes an electric current in a wire and Faraday has formulated his Electromotive equation ##\epsilon=-\frac{d\Phi}{dt}##. And then Maxwell-Faraday's equation is: ##\nabla \times E=-\frac{\partial B}{\partial t}##, until now this was just an introduction...
  31. JD_PM

    A Renormalizability conditions for a real scalar field in d dimensions

    I am studying the real scalar field theory in ##d## spacetime dimensions as beautifully presented by M. Srednicki QFT's draft book, chapter 18 (actually, for the sake of simplicity, let us include polynomial interactions of degree less than or equal to 6 only) \begin{equation*} \mathcal{L}...
  32. P

    Work Done on A Proton in an Electric Field

    W=-qEd =-(1.6*10^-19)(23)(0.75) = -2.76*10^-18 J However, the answer is 2.76*10^-18 J. Why is the word done positive and not negative? Since it's traveling in the same direction as the electric field, shouldn't it be negative work?
  33. H

    Motion of a particle in a magnetic field

    Hi, I have to find the motion of a particles ##(x,y,z)##. However, I'm not sure where to begin. Is it correct to split the problem and first find what's the motion in the x direction then y and z. For exemple, ##m \frac{d^2x}{dt^2} = -kv_{0x} + qv_{0x}B sin 90 ## ##m\int\int...
  34. K

    I Does the external field effect prove MOND over dark matter?

    this paper, Testing the Strong Equivalence Principle: Detection of the External Field Effect in Rotationally Supported Galaxies Kyu-Hyun Chae1 , Federico Lelli2, Harry Desmond3, Stacy S. McGaugh4, Pengfei Li4, and James M. Schombert5 Published 2020 November 20 claims a 4 sigma...
  35. H

    Determining electric field using gauss's law--different distributions

    These are the 4 distributions shown, and I have to determine which two distributions (or none at all) can use Gauss's law to determine the electric field. So electric flux = EA = Q/electric constant. Since all of them have charges, I could do something like Q/(A*electric constant) to get the...
  36. A

    ِAngular distribution of a scattered field

    SA I study the reflection from a rough surface and get the field as the attached figure my question can I use the field distribution to get the angular distribution of the scattered field and how can I project the field to plane waves?
  37. A

    Exploring the Inconsistencies of Work and Energy on an Infinitely Thick Sheet

    My doubt is in the mathematics part. As the force will be contrary to the direction of the field due to the negative charge, the particle will be attracted to the origin, so I assumed that the speed will increase (this is also found in the exercise response). I then applied an integral for the...
  38. naviakam

    I Estimating Particle Number in an Electric Field

    In an electric field ##E## if the energy of charged particle (ion) is formulated as ##W=qEr## where ##r## is the distance, how the number of particles is estimated?
  39. Fikremariam

    Electric Field -- Potential between the ends of a 2 meter stick

    I tried to find the charge from the formula v=k q/r and apply it to find the field but couldn't be sure
  40. P

    Problem on induced electric field, electrodynamics

    The problem is shown above, the hint to solve the problem is below. See the hint if it is difficult for you to imagine what is going on. I am assuming the diagram in the hint shows what's happening when the mass is falling at terminal velocity. I have quite a few questions. 1. How do the wheels...
  41. T

    Electric field inside a charged ring

    I am just a bit confused here. Would doing this even change the electric field direction at the center at all? I'm thinking no, but a bit of direction would be appreciated. This problem is really simple, I'm just a bit confused.
  42. A

    I Electric Field seen by an observer in motion

    In Robert Wald's General Relativity textbook page 64 reads: __________________________ In prerelativity physics, the electric field ##\vec{E}## and magnetic field ##\vec{B}## each are spatial vectors. In special relativity these fields are combined into a single spacetime tensor field ##F_{ab}##...
  43. nmsurobert

    High School Magnetic Field Lab

    I attempted to run a lab that would allows us to calculate the magnetic field strength of a couple different neodymium magnets. I would love some feedback on it and ways that I could potentially make it better. The numbers I calculated were very far off from what I expected. Apparatus set up: I...
  44. CPW

    Magnetic field does no work -- true in all branches of physics?

    The force on a charged particle that is moving through a magnetic field is explained in introductory physics textbooks. The magnetic field cannot change the kinetic energy of the charged particle because the force from the magnetic field is always perpendicular to the velocity, so no work is...
  45. J

    I Does the Dilaton field change particle mass?

    The low-energy effective action of the bosonic string is given by: $$S=\frac{1}{2k_0^2}\int d^{26}X\sqrt{-G}e^{-2\Phi}\Big(\mathcal{R}-\frac{1}{12}H_{\mu\nu\lambda}H^{\mu\nu\lambda}+4\partial_\mu\Phi\partial^\mu\Phi\Big)$$ where ##H_{\mu\nu\lambda}=\partial_\mu B_{\nu\lambda}+\partial_\nu...
  46. R

    I The Central Field Approximation for Many-Electron Atoms

    Attached is my book's section on many-electron atoms. It says that in the central field approximation, an electron's potential energy is a function of its distance from the nucleus. Later on it says there is an effective atomic number. Does this mean that in this approximation, all charges...