Field Definition and 1000 Threads

  1. C

    A Electron EM Field as Local Gauge Variation of Electron Matter Field

    The EM field seems to be required for for local gauge symmetry of the electron matter field under local phase variation. Following is a description (not my verbiage): There is a symmetry in physics which we might call the Local Phase Symmetry in quantum mechanics. In this symmetry we change...
  2. S

    Gravitational Field and Potential at certain point

    The removed mass is ##\frac{1}{8}M## My idea is to find ##g## from large sphere then minus it with ##g## from small sphere (because of the removed mass): ##g## at A = $$\frac{GM}{R^3}\left(\frac{1}{2}R\right)-\frac{G\left(\frac{1}{8}M\right)}{R^2}$$ Is this correct? Thanks
  3. S

    Work done on dipole and potential energy in uniform electric field

    I encountered a problem regarding the appropriate sign needed to be taken for the work done on a dipole when it rotates in a uniform electric field and would appreciate some help. The torque on a dipole can be defined as τ=PEsinθ The work done on a dipole to move it from an angle ##\theta_0##...
  4. A

    Calculating the circulation of the Field F along the borders of this region

    Greetings The exercice consist of calulating the circuitation of the Field F along a the borders of the region omega my problem was how they found that y goes from 0 to h ( for 0 it´s clear but the mystery for me is h) Thank you!
  5. S

    Creating a magnetic field near a pipe

    I want to wrap no. 16 copper wire around 1" copper pipe to create a mag field. At 120v / 1 amp AC, how many turns will I need to get about 5 milligauss near the pipe?
  6. A

    Showing that the gradient of a scalar field is a covariant vector

    In a general coordinate system ##\{x^1,..., x^n\}##, the Covariant Gradient of a scalar field ##f:\mathbb{R}^n \rightarrow \mathbb{R}## is given by (using Einstein's notation) ## \nabla f=\frac{\partial f}{\partial x^{i}} g^{i j} \mathbf{e}_{j} ## I'm trying to prove that this covariant...
  7. R

    I Relation between electric & magnetic fields in terms of field strength

    Hi. A electromagnetic wave consists of an electric and a magnetic component. I believe that the electric field strength is measured in volts per meter. The magnetic field I think is measured in Tesla. Let's imagine that I measure the electic field strength of two different radio stations and...
  8. K

    I Hamiltonian of a particle in a magnetic field

    I've just started Quantum mechanics by McIntyre and have understood the following about operators which the author wrote till chapter 2: Each observable has an operator Operators act on kets to produce another kets. Only eigenvalues of an operator are possible values of a measurement. Now...
  9. K

    I Exact dynamics of spin in varying magnetic field

    Consider an uncharged particle with spin one-half moving with speed ##v## in a region with magnetic field ##\textbf{B}=B\textbf{e}_z##. In a certain length ##L## of the particle's path, there is an additional, weak magnetic field ##\textbf{B}_\perp=B_\perp \textbf{e}_x##. Assuming the electron...
  10. iochoa2016

    The electric field from its electric potential: semicircle

    According to theory I should be able to get the Electric Field (E) from its pOtential (V) by doing the grad (V) so E = -grad(V), however, V is contant V = k*lambda* pi which results having E =0, but this is not right. What I am missing?? see figure below The answer should be Ex = 2*k*lambda / r...
  11. Istiak

    Find electric field inside a material

    From the second equation I get that, ##\vec D =\frac{q}{4\pi \vec r^2}\hat r## From first equation I get that ##\vec E = \frac{q}{4\pi \vec r^2 \epsilon}=\frac{q}{4\pi \vec r^2 K \epsilon_0}## But I saw that the answer is ##\vec E=\frac{\vec E_0}{K}## While writing the comment my mind said...
  12. ilovepudding

    I Dielectric breakdown voltage of air vs. Electric field in thunderstorm

    The dielectric strength of air (ie the maximum electric field that the material can withstand under ideal conditions without undergoing electrical breakdown and becoming electrically conductive) is 3 000 kV ( ). In...
  13. jisbon

    Calculating coordinates of intercepts from field of view to target

    Say we are working in a 2D plane, with a camera and a ball flying past as shown. Camera at bottom, ball flying from left to right Given that I have the X/Y coordinates of the camera, as well as the coordinates of the ball at any given time during the 'flight', how am I supposed to calculate the...
  14. Istiak

    Find the equation of this magnetic field

    When I try following numbers from internet then I don't get an expected answer. ## \mu_0 = 1.25663706 × 10-6 m kg s^{-2} A^{-2}## ##q =1.60217662 × 10^{-19} coulombs ## ##r=2.82x10^{-15} m## Velocity of that electron is given in question ##\vec v= 2 \times 10^6 \\ \mathrm{ms^{-1}}##Since...
  15. A

    I Modeling the concentration of gas constituents in a Force Field

    Say there is a gas made up of two gas molecules: Molecule A and Molecule B. Molecule A has a mass: ma and mole fraction: na. Molecule B has a mass: mb and mole fraction: nb. The gas is at thermal equilibrium and has a constant temperature throughout itself (T) everywhere. It is placed in a...
  16. Sebobo

    Engineering Helmholtz pair, magnetic field in 3D

    As far as I can tell, the shape looks like a cuboid with 8 arms pointing in all directions.
  17. N

    Current vs Current Density vs Magnetic Field

    If I want to carry 10 A through an 8 AWG wire, I understand that there will be a specific magnetic field around the wire which will decrease as I move outward from the wire radially. Let's consider the center of that wire as coordinates (x,y)=(0,0). An object located at (0,10) would see a...
  18. NoahCygnus

    Potential difference between two points in an electric field

    So I have been given a uniform electric field ##\vec{E}=20 V/m## in the direction as show in the image. I have been told to calculate the potential difference ##VC - VA##. According to the teacher (on YouTube) the potential difference ##VC - VA = -10\sqrt{2}V##. But I say it's ##-20 V## as...
  19. M

    I Is quantum gravity still an immensely popular field?

    I was just wondering how much work is being done in the field of quantum gravity nowdays. Is there still a huge volume of research published on the topic? Are we closer to a "solution" nowdays than we were a few years ago? And also, what exactly would constitute a solution to such problem?
  20. T

    I Unruh Effect (1+1)D: Understanding Equation 5.68

    Hi all, I am trying to work through the Unruh Effect for the (1+1)-dimensional massive scalar field case and came across the paper I attached. However, I am trying to derive equation 5.68, but am greatly struggling with the prefactor on the left hand side. When comparing the left hand side to...
  21. J

    A Can Membrane Field Theory Elucidate M-Theory?

    Hey guys, I just wanted to know if you think that a membrane field theory could ellucidate the non-perturbative framework of M-theory? Let me specify and explain what I mean by that: String field theory was intoduced to study the non-perturbative regime of string theory and some achievements in...
  22. Konte

    I Quantization of the electromagnetic field

    Hi everyone, It is about the quantization of the electromagnetic field. The expression of field E and B are defined with: -the annihilation a- and creation a+ operators, and the frequency ω. So my question is: how does these fields must be expressed if they where "static"? I mean, how the...
  23. Melbourne Guy

    Microsoft Access lookup and calc on date field

    Having exceeded the limits of Excel to track the names, rank, attributes, etc. of a list of ship's crew, I have tried to use Access. First up... I'm not a database expert. So, I'm muddling along with help from YouTube, but either I can't frame a correct search for this problem or it's not...
  24. ergospherical

    I Determine Scaling Dimension of Field Theory

    It is given that a theory is invariant under the length scaling:\begin{align*} x &\rightarrow \lambda x \\ \phi(x) &\rightarrow \lambda^{-D} \phi(\lambda^{-1} x) \end{align*}for some ##D## to be determined. The action of a real scalar field is here:\begin{align*} S = \int d^4 x...
  25. T

    A Covariant Derivative of Stress Energy Tensor of Scalar Field on Shell

    Hi all, I am currently trying to prove formula 21 from the attached paper. My work is as follows: If anyone can point out where I went wrong I would greatly appreciate it! Thanks.
  26. cianfa72

    I Coord. Time Vector Field: Schwarzschild vs Gullstrand-Painleve

    Hi, I was reading this insight schwarzschild-geometry-part-1 about the transformation employed to rescale the Schwarzschild coordinate time ##t## to reflect the proper time ##T## of radially infalling objects (Gullstrand-Painleve coordinate time ##T##). As far as I understand it, the vector...
  27. F

    Is Galois Theory a Powerful Tool for Understanding Field Extensions?

    Proof of 84i): We assume that ##E/F## is a field extension. For each ##i##, ##F(\alpha_i)## is the smallest subfield of ##E## containing ##F## and ##\alpha_i##. Let ##F'## be a subfield of ##E## containing ##F## and ##\alpha_1, \dots, \alpha_n##. Then ##F'## containing ##F(\alpha_i)## for all...
  28. Pyter

    I What's the underlying frame of the Einstein's Field Equation?

    Hello all, I have a question on a pivotal concept of GR that I've never managed to fully grasp. In what coordinate system is the Einstein's Field Equation set up and solved? I've always assumed it's an Euclidean 4D space, whose metric is irrelevant because we are dealing with scalar...
  29. bluesteels

    Why Doesn't the E*A Equation Work for Electric Flux in This Case?

    Electric Flux = E*A = 5*6(0.05)^2. when i look up at other sources they use Electric flux = q/ (8.854*10^-12 [this is e]) equation but I am confused on why the E*A equation don't work. The answer is 0.02Nm^2/C
  30. F

    B Field distribution in semiconductors

    Hello for everyone. I have a question according the field distribution in the semiconductor while the field effect. According to logic, the field is scrreened due to the field of the polarized carriers like electrons and holes. I know about the Debiye length. And that the field on the infinity...
  31. V

    Electric field due to a charged infinite conducting plate

    As shown in figure below, the electric field E will be normal to the cylinder's cross sectional A even for distant points since the charge is distributed evenly all over the charged surface and also the surface is very large resulting in a symmetry. So the derived formula should also apply to...
  32. Samama Fahim

    Total Momentum Operator for Klein Gordon Field

    As $$\hat{P_i} = \int d^3x T^0_i,$$ and $$T_i^0=\frac{\partial\mathcal{L}}{\partial(\partial_0 \phi)}\partial_i\phi-\delta_i^0\mathcal{L}=\frac{\partial\mathcal{L}}{\partial(\partial_0 \phi)}\partial_i\phi=\pi\partial_i\phi.$$ Therefore, $$\hat{P_i} = \int d^3x \pi\partial_i\phi.$$ However...
  33. Swordwhale

    Fourier transform radial component of magnetic field

    Hello everybody! I have a question concerning the Fourier transformation: So far I have experimentially measured the magnetic field of a quadrupole but as the hall effect sensor had a fixed orientation I did two series, one for the x, one for y component of the magnetic field, I have 50 values...
  34. F

    Repeated root in field of char 0

    Proof: We will first show ##\gcd(p(x), p'(x)) = 1##. Define ##d(x) = \gcd(p(x), p'(x))##. Then we can find ##q(x) \in F[x]## such that ##p(x) = d(x)q(x)##. But ##p(x)## is irreducible which means ##d(x)## is constant or ##q(x)## is constant. If ##q(x)## is constant, then ##\deg d(x) = \deg...
  35. dRic2

    I Non-relativistic limit of Klein Gordon field

    From Wikipedia: Which should be conceptually similar of what happen in the non-relativistic limit of the Dirac equations when you see that the solutions decouple. Do you have any reference that I can look up where the derivation for the KG field is performed? Thanks in advance!
  36. J

    I Perfect conductor in rotating magnetic field

    Hello all, what would happen to a perfectly conducting cylinder immersed in a rotating magnetic field, with the rotation axis parallel to that of the cylinder? I guess the cylinder would start to rotate with the field? Right? Thank you
  37. A

    How to observe if a vector field has curl or not?

    These are the vector fields. I really have no idea how to see if there is a curl or not. I have been looking at the rotation of the vector fields. The fields d and e seem to have some rotation or circular paths, but I read online that curl is not about the rotation of the vector field itself...
  38. cianfa72

    I Differential k-form vs (0,k) tensor field

    Hi, I would like to ask for a clarification about the difference between a differential k-form and a generic (0,k) tensor field. Take for instance a (non simple) differential 2-form defined on a 2D differential manifold with coordinates ##\{x^{\mu}\}##. It can be assigned as linear combination...
  39. ergospherical

    I Non-"00....0" components of charge density for a spin-s force field

    It is given that the charge density of a particle of charge ##q_0##, world line ##z^{\mu}(\tau)## (and 4-velocity ##u^{\mu}##) in a spin-##s## force field is a ##s##-tensor\begin{align*} T^{\mu \nu \dots \rho}(x^{\sigma}) = q_0 \int u^{\mu} u^{\nu} \dots u^{\rho} \delta^4[x^{\sigma} -...
  40. P

    I What's the field strength and pattern rules for bar magnets attached?

    The attached probem tricked me because the answer is apparently D and not A. Presumably because the magnetic field is weaker with 2 bar magnets joined N/S compared to a single bar magnet. So this seems to be a gap in my knowledge as to the resulting strengths of magnets joined together. Are...
  41. B

    Admissions Including High Energy Theory as a field of interest in my SOP?

    Hi, I'm a current senior in college, and am applying to grad. schools for fall 2022. I'm interested in high energy theory, and I have had some research experience in ads/cft correspondence, kaluza-klein theory, computational particle physics. However, I'm not certain as to which particular topic...
  42. F

    Engineering Calculating the charge if the electric field density = 0

    Question: Relevant Equations: My attempt: Could someone please confirm my solution?
  43. Z

    On which objects can we apply Gauss' Law to find the electric field?

    What am I missing? I also don't get the title of the section: "Charge distributions with enough symmetry for Gauss's Law". I thought Gauss's Law was valid for any closed surface enclosing a charge. I don't understand what "enough symmetry" means in the title above. I get that with symmetry...
  44. Z

    Electric field is constant around charged infinite plane. Why?

    Using Gauss's Law By using a symmetry argument, we expect the magnitude of the electric field to be constant on planes parallel to the non-conducting plane. We need to choose a Gaussian surface. A straightforward one is a cylinder, ie a "Gaussian pillbox". The charge enclosed is...
  45. P

    A Einstein Field Equations: Spherical Symmetry Solution

    [Moderator's Note: Thread spin off due to topic and level change.] For a spherically symmetric solution, if SET components were written in terms a single one of 4 coordinates, in a way plausible for a radial coordinate, the I believe solving the EFE would require spherical symmetry of the...
  46. godiswatching_

    What is the effect of a 1 cm gap on the magnetic field in a solenoid?

    Hey, I was trying to figure out this problem. I got (a) using B = mu * NI/L but I'm not sure how to start the part about the magnetic field in the gap after the solenoid is ripped in half with 1 cm gap. Thanks for the help!