I was reading a section in my book discussing the commutativity of infinitesimal and finite rotations. In the book the authors try to set up a scenario to explain why finite rotations are not commutative. The following is an excerpt from the book regarding this language:
"The impossibility of...
Homework Statement
In the figure below, there is a linear rectilinear uniform wire with charge density of ## \lambda ##. It its located at the Z axis, where z1 = a and z2 = b, (b> a)
The point O is the origin of the coordinates. "R" is the cylindrical polar radial coordinate.
a) Find the...
Hi evryone,
the system i am working on, is composed of two relatied non-linear equations that I discretised using finite volume method with fully implicit scheme, the difficulty is that the two unknonw appear in both equations and i don't know how to solve it.
Any propositions?
Thank you.
i want to solve a nonlinear PDE with finite difference method ,but using just discretization like in linear PDE , it will lead to nowhere , what's the right way to use FDM to solve nonlinear PDE or could someone provide me with book's titles or articles that can help me solving a nonlinear pdf...
Homework Statement
A point source emits visible light isotropically. Its luminous flux is 0.11 lumen. Find the flux whithin the cone that has half angle of 30 degree from the light source.
Homework Equations
luminous flux = luminous intensity * solid anlge
The Attempt at a Solution
I tried...
One of my friend has answered this question in this way.
Angular displacement can't be a vector because addition is not commutative. Say we are looking at the Earth with North America facing us and the North Pole facing up:if we rotate the Earth so that we move 90 degrees north, now the NP is...
x^2=n!+1⇒ (x+1)(x-1)=n! where (x+1)/2 and (x-1)/2 are consecutive integers and have consecutive primes as factor ,let ,y and z (respectively) so it can be written y-1=z. Consider prime counting function π(z),π(2z-1) that count primes less than the variable or argument. It can be seen that f(z)...
Homework Statement
Suppose I am undertaking an experiment using a scanning electron microscope in which there is a positively charged plate underneath the target sample. I want to find the change in energy of the electron due to a positive voltage on this plate from the point it leaves the...
Hey! :o
Prove that for each $n>0$, a language $B_n$ exists where
$B_n$ is recognizable by an NFA that has $n$ states, and
If $B_n=A_1 \cup \dots \cup A_k$, for regular languages $A_i$, then at least one of the $A_i$ requires a DFA with exponentially many states.
Could you give me some...
Homework Statement
Consider the transverse field Ising model, with
I have to calculate the magnetization $$\langle\sigma_z\rangle$$ at finite temperature.
Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution
I have to say, I'm a bit lost.
Hello, in Griffith's section on the Finite Square Well, ##\psi(x)## (what is the name of this anyway?, I know ##\Psi(x,t)## is called the wave function but how do I call just ##\psi(x)##?)
The solution is
For x < a and x > a, the terms that are infinite as x approaches infinity are...
Hi all,
I have a simple question as follows:
f is a function from X to Y where
X=[0,1]; and
Y is finite, i.e. \vert Y\vert <\infty
then is f Borel measurable?
Thank you for your help in advance.
hi guys i need some help with the iteration made in a numerical solution for the eigenstates in a finite square well potential using the effective length approximation
First, i find the eigenstate for a infinite square well, then i define the related alpha and i use it to define an effective...
Homework Statement
There's not a particular problem, per se, just that I seem to be missing something with my understanding of how to evaluate a string against a non-deterministic finite automaton with epsilon transitions. But one I've been working with is shown below
Homework Equations
Why do they asume that the big bang is the origin of the universe?
While the big bang might have occurred, it is not the "origin" of the universe.
It at most is the origin of the expansion of matter through the universe.
Think about the universe as a huge infinite vacuum that contains matter...
Homework Statement
Hi all,
I need to find the potential of a positively charged rod with charge Q. Assuming to the right as positive,the center of the rod is on the origin, and it extends to -L/2 in the negative x direction, and L/2 in the positive x direction.
There is a point at distance x...
The formula for Helmholtz coil is given by mu*(0.8^1.5)*nI/R, where I is the current, n is te number of coil and R is the radius of the coil.
Now assume the bunch of coils have a small 'thickness' w (so it looks like a hollow cylinder with a very small height), and the the two coils are...
I have big problem with finite difference schemes (DS) on Matlab. I need write DS on Matlab, example:
u_x=(u_(i+1,j)-u_(i-1,j))/2, we choose step is 1.
On Matlab:
u_x=(u( :,[2:n,n])-u( :,[1,1:n-1]))/2
And I can write u_y, u_xx, u_yy, u_xy. But now, I need to write for higher order, example...
Hello! (Wave)
I want to show that if $A$ is a finite set of finite sets then the set $\bigcup A$ is finite.
The set $A$ is finite. That means that there is a natural number $n \in \omega$ such that $A \sim n$, i.e. there is a bijective function $f$ such that $f: A...
Hey! (Mmm)
The Cartesian product of two at most countable sets is countable.
Let $A,B$ sets both of which are at most countable.
That means that there are functions: $f : \omega \overset{\text{surjective}}{\rightarrow} A, \ g : \omega \overset{\text{surjective}}{\rightarrow}...
Hello! (Smile)
Each subset of the natural numbers is finite or countable.
Let $X \subset \omega$.
First case: $X$ is bounded. That means that $(\exists k \in \omega)(\forall y \in X) y \leq k$. Then $X \subset k+1$ and $X$, as a subset of a finite subset, is finite ...
Hello! (Wave)
A set is called finite if it is equinumerous with a natural number $n \in \omega$.
I want to show that the subsets of finite sets are finite sets.
That's what I have tried so far:
Let $A$ be a finite set.
Then $A \sim n$, for a natural number $n \in \omega$.
That means that...
I am working on a problem on automorphism group of radical of finite group like this one:
Here are what I know and what I don't know:
##Aut(R(G))## is an automorphism group, whose elements consist of isomorphic mappings from ##R(G)## to itself. For visualization purpose, I envision the...
I am self-studying a class note on finite group and come across a problem like this:
PROBLEM: Let ##G## be a dihedral group of order 30. Determine ##O_2(G),O_3(G),O_5(G), E(G),F(G)## and ##R(G).##
Where ##O_p(G)## is the subgroup generated by all subnormal p-subgroups of ##G##; ##E(G)## is the...
hi, i know unitary transformation - but could not get where do we need finite and infinite unitary transformation ?
please help me in this regard.
After reading some of Einstein's writings on relativity I am confused as to why he finds it necessary that the universe is finite.
In his "Relativity", Einstein explains that the ultimate Newtonian picture of the universe (matter in Euclidean space) would be one in which all mass were...
I bring a new algebraic challenge ;)
Let $G$ be a finite group and $U,V,W\subset G$ arbitrary subsets of $G$.
We will denote $N_{UVW}$ the number of triples $(x,y,z)\in U\times V \times W$ such that $xyz$ is the unity of $G$, say $e$.
Now suppose we have three pairwise disjoint sets...
I've got these solutions to the Schrödinger equation (##-\frac{\hbar} {2m} \frac {d^2} {dx^2} \psi(x) + V(x)*\psi(x)=E*\psi(x)##):
x < -a: ##\psi(x)=C_1*e^(k*x)##
-a < x < a: ##\psi(x)=A*cos(q*x)+B*sin(q*x)##
x > a: ##\psi(x)=C_2*e^(-k*x)##
##q^2=\frac {2m(E+V_0)} {\hbar^2}## and ##k^2=\frac...
Homework Statement
Let ##G## be a group such that its center ##Z(G)## has finite index. Prove that every conjugacy class has finite elements.
Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution
I know that ##[G:Z(G)]<\infty##. If I consider the action on ##G## on itself by conjugation, each...
okay...if you accept that the sequence
I think I have determined a finite value of infinity.
To find the value of the sums of all natural numbers up to a number, you can use the equation
An example would be 4.
((4^2)+4)/2 also equals 10.
I am reading Paul E. Bland's book, "Rings and Their Modules".
I am trying to understand Section 2.2 on free modules and need help with the proof of Corollary 2.2.4.
Corollary 2.2.4 and its proof read as follows:
In the second last paragraph of Bland's proof above we read:
" ... ... If...
I am reading Paul E. Bland's book, "Rings and Their Modules".
I am trying to understand Section 2.2 on free modules and need help with the proof of Corollary 2.2.4.
Corollary 2.2.4 and its proof read as follows:
In the second last paragraph of Bland's proof above we read:
" ... ... If...
I have been trying to prove the following:
Let $R$ be a P.I.D. and $M$ be a free module of finite rank over $R$.
Then every submodule $N$ of $M$ is a free module with
$$\text{rank} N\leq \text{rank} M$$
and here is my "proof":
Using the fact that $R$ is a P.I.D., the theorem is trivial...
Hi, I'm trying to covert a NFA to a regular expression and I've manged to come up with an answer but I don't think that it is right.
Here's the question - http://i.imgur.com/NUHxTXY.png
And here's my workings -...
$$F(z) = \sum_{n=0}^\infty a_n x^n $$
$$\partial_zF(z) = \sum_{n=0}^\infty (n+1)a_{n+1}x^n $$
So, we can begin to piece together some differential equations in terms of generating functions in order to satisfy some discrete recursion relation (which is the desired problem to solve). However I...
Consider a particle of mass m subject to the following potential function (taking Vo and L
to be positive):
V (x) =
40 Vo if x < 0;
0 if 0 < x < L/2;
2 Vo if L/2 < x < L;
40 Vo if x > L.
(a) Derive the transcendental equation for energy eigenstates having an energy
2 Vo < E < 40 Vo.
To simplify...
Homework Statement
Consider a particle of mass m in the ground state of a potential well of width 2 a and depth.
the particle was in the ground state of the potential well with V0 < Vcritical, which means the well is a narrow one.
At t = 0 the bottom of the potential well is shifted down to Vo'...
So lately I've been thinking about whether or not it'd be possible to have the commutation relation [x,p]=i \hbar in a Hilbert Space of finite dimension d. Initially, I was trying to construct a lattice universe and a translation operator that takes a particle from one lattice point to the...
I am reading "Introduction to Ring Theory" by P. M. Cohn (Springer Undergraduate Mathematics Series)
In Chapter 2: Linear Algebras and Artinian Rings, on Page 61 we find a definition of the length of a module. Some analysis follows, as does a statement of Theorem 2.5. I need help to understand...
Homework Statement
Consider the Hamiltonian ##H=\begin{bmatrix} 0& \frac{-iw}{2}\\ \frac{iw}{2} & 0 \end{bmatrix}##
Write the finite temperature density of the matrix ##\rho(T)##
Homework Equations
##\beta=\frac{1}{kT}##The Attempt at a Solution
The initial part of the problem had me find the...
Homework Statement
Homework Equations
V = q/(4*pi*E_0*r), when 0 is taken at infinity
dV = -E*dsThe Attempt at a Solution
a. The total charge of the rod is given by Q = lambda*L
So the potential at P is given by
V = (lambda*L)/(4*pi*E_0*y)
b. We can calculate the electric field by...
I read in article: to incorporate the effects of the finite size of the nucleon, we considered an exponential form factor.
I want to know what does "the finite size" mean?
thank you
I am reading "Introduction to Ring Theory" by P. M. Cohn (Springer Undergraduate Mathematics Series)
In Chapter 2: Linear Algebras and Artinian Rings we read the following on page 57:
https://www.physicsforums.com/attachments/3149I am trying to gain an understanding of representations. I would...
I'm supposed to be doing a project. Here is what it says to do.
I tried to copy and paste the directions in here but some of the equations are not turning out on this page as expected, so I have uploaded the project.
Can anyone tell me how I need to start or what to do please? The...
I was reading the finite element method in engineering by Rao and in the first example he ends up with a matrix that is singular.
The matrix is the following:
2 &-2 & 0\\
-2 & 3&-1\\
0&-1& 1
Which is a symmetric matrix as far as I can remember...