Green's function Definition and 213 Threads

  1. Breo

    About Wick's Theorem, Time Order Operator, Normal Ordering and Green's Function

    So if I understood well, Normal ordering just comes due to the conmutation relation of a and a⁺? right? Is just a simple and clever simplification. Wick Theorem is analogue to normal ordering because it is related to the a and a⁺ again (so related to normal ordering, indeed). However I do not...
  2. A

    Image charge method to find Green's function

    hi guys, my professor told me in the class that when we would like to determine green function there are two general method i.e using image charge and using orthonormal eigen function. However I don't understand what are the specific differences between them. Anybody can help me? Moreover in the...
  3. A

    Green's Function Using Image Charge

    Homework Statement Write an expression for the Dirichlet Green's function of the part of the space bounded by two infinite conducting plates parallel each other and separated by distance of d. Use Image charge method Homework Equations G (at z=0) =0, G (at z=d) =0 I guess The Attempt at a...
  4. Greg Bernhardt

    What is the Purpose of Green's Function?

    Definition/Summary Green's function G\left(\mathbf{x},\mathbf{\xi}\right) can be defined thus \mathcal{L}G\left(\mathbf{x},\mathbf{\xi}\right) + \delta\left(\mathbf{x} - \mathbf{\xi}\right) = 0\;\;\; \mathbf{x},\mathbf{\xi} \in \mathbb{R}^n Where \mathcal{L} is a linear differential...
  5. C

    Green's function in n-dim, but with one independent variable.

    Suppose we have some partial differential equation for a scalar ##f## $$Df = \rho$$ taking values in ##\mathbb{R}^n##, and further suppose that the differential equation is completely independent of the variable ##y:=x^n## so that the differential operator ##D## only contains derivatives with...
  6. J

    Use Green's Function calculate photonic density of state

    Hi Everyone: I think some of you who familiar with quantum-optics know that the local photonic density of state can be calculated by the imaginary part of electromagnetic Green's function. The Green's function can be further presented by the dipole's mode pattern as G =...
  7. PeteyCoco

    Green's Function of a homogeneous cylinder

    I've been reading this article for a prof this summer: I'm having some trouble following the math in Appendix B: Green's Function Of A Homogeneous Cylinder (page 9). Can someone explain to me why there is a factor of \frac{1}{\rho\rho'} in front of the Green...
  8. TheFerruccio

    Confusion over the definition of a Green's function

    This is how I learned about Green's functions: For the 1-D problem with the linear operator L and the inner product, (\cdot,\cdot), Lu(x) = f(x) \rightarrow u=(f(x),G(\xi,x)) if the Green's function G is defined such that L^*G(\xi,x) = \delta(\xi-x) I understand how to arrive at this...
  9. G

    MATLAB Green's Function: Understanding & Calculation in Matlab

    Dear users, right now I am struggling with calculations of the displacement in the analytically way. I am trying to accomplish this with help of the Eshelby's work (Eshelby's tensor). Right now I have a problem with Green's function. Displacement is expressed by Green's function, it looks...
  10. H

    Help with contour integration to find green's function of d^3/dx^3

    Homework Statement Given a linear operator L=\frac{d^3}{dx^3}-1, show that the Fourier transform of the Green's function is \tilde{G}(k)=\frac{i}{k^3-i} and find the three complex poles. Use the Cauchy integral theorem to compute G(x) for x < 0 and x > 0. Homework Equations The...
  11. F

    Green's Function for Third Order ODE

    Homework Statement A dynamical system has a response, y(t), to a driving force, f(t), that satisfies a differential equation involving a third time derivative: \frac{d^{3}y}{dt^{3}} = f(t) Obtain the solution to the homogeneous equation, and use this to derive the causal Green's function...
  12. C

    Finding Green's Function From Known Potential

    Homework Statement My question comes from problem 2 of this homework set, but is dependent on problem 1 of this same homework set. In problem 1 I used the method of images to find the potential everywhere in two dimensions due to an infinite uniform line charge located some distance from a...
  13. H

    Green's Function and Parallel Plate Waveguide

    Homework Statement A parallel plate waveguide has perfectly conducting plates at y = 0 and y = b for 0 ≤ x < ∞ and -∞ < z < ∞. Inside that bound, the waveguide is filled with a dielectric with k as a propagation constant. The Green's function to be satisfied is \nabla^2G + k^2G =...
  14. Ravi Mohan

    Intuition behind Green's function (one dimension)

    I am studying scattering from these notes. There I came across Green's function in one dimension which is computed as \langle x|G_o|x'\rangle = -\frac{iM}{\hbar ^2k}\exp(ik|x-x'|) I understand Green's function as a sort of propagator from x' to x. There are two observations that can be made...
  15. Y

    How Does Equation 4.144 Follow from 4.143 in Quantum Field Theory?

    Hi everyone, I'm going through some lecture notes on Quantum Field Theory and I came across a derivation of an explicit form of the Pauli Jordan Green's function for the Klein-Gordon field. The equations used in my lecture notes are equivalent to the ones in...
  16. Y

    Question in finding Green's function

    Consider ##\nabla^2 u(x,y)=f(x,y)## in rectangular region bounded by (0,0),(0,b),(a,b)(a,0). And ##u(x,y)=0## on the boundary. Find Green's function ##G(x,y,x_0,y_0)##. For Poisson's eq, let...
  17. G

    Green's function of the Klein-Gordon operator

    Again, from the Peskin and Schroeder's book, I can't quite see how this computation goes: See file attached The thing I don't get is how the term with (\partial^{2}+m^{2})\langle 0| [\phi(x),\phi(y)] | 0 \rangle vanishes, and also why they only get a \langle 0 | [\pi(x),\phi(y)] | 0 \rangle...
  18. Y

    How Do You Derive Green's Function Using Vector Calculus?

    The normal form of Green's function is ##\oint_c\vec F\cdot \hat n dl'=\oint_{s}\left(\frac{\partial M}{\partial x}-\frac{\partial N}{\partial y}\right)dxdy## I want to get to \oint _cMdy-Ndx=\oint_{s}\left(\frac{\partial M}{\partial x}-\frac{\partial N}{\partial y}\right)dxdy Let ##\vec...
  19. J

    Far-field dyadic Green's function

    Homework Statement I'm using the book "Principles of nano-optics" by Novotny and Hecht. I'm stuck a bit at understanding the derivation of the point spread function. It's just given as \mathbf{G} = \frac{\exp(i k_1 r)}{4 \pi r} \exp[-i k_1(x_0 x / r + y_0 y / r + z_0 z / r)]\\ \qquad\times...
  20. M

    Archived Oscillation with Green's Function

    Homework Statement A force Fext(t) = F0[ 1−e(−αt) ] acts, for time t > 0, on an oscillator which is at rest at x=0 at time 0. The mass is m; the spring constant is k; and the damping force is −b x′. The parameters satisfy these relations: b = m q , k = 4 m q2 where q is a constant...
  21. U

    Green's function? Physical interpretation?

    Green's function?? Physical interpretation?? Hi friends.. Can anyone help me to understand the physical interpretation of the green's function with help of some physical application example such as that from electrostatic?? I am unable to understand what is meant by linear operator in green...
  22. G

    Green's function and scattering theory

    I'm looking at scattering theory and eventually the Born approximation... In the notes I am reading it says we want to solve the Schrodinger equation written in the form: ##\left(\nabla ^2+k^2\right)\psi =V \psi## Of which there are two solutions, the homogeneous solution which tends to...
  23. S

    Green's function & Klein Gordon

    Hello, I was wondering what the use in the Green's function for the Klein-Gordon equation was, I have listed it below: \int \frac{d^4p}{(2\pi)^4}\frac{i}{p^2-m^2}e^{ip\cdot(x-x')} We find this gives an infinite result when the Klein gordon equation is applied to it and if x=x', what...
  24. T

    Green's Function Homework: Infinite at Infinity?

    Homework Statement I'm trying to show that the Green's function for the Laplace operator $-\nabla^2$ is badly behaved at infinity. I.e. $$\int d^dx|G(x,y)|^2=\infty$$ for d=1,2,3. What happens when d>4? I know the 1D Green's function is given by $$G(x,y)=-\frac{|x-y|}{2}$$ Homework...
  25. M

    Green's Function fo a Boundary Value Problem

    Homework Statement L[y] = \frac{d^2y}{dx^2} Show that the Green's function for the boundary value problem with y(-1) = 0 and y(1) = 0 is given by G(x,y) = \frac{1}{2}(1-x)(1+y) for -1\leq y \leq x \leq 1\ G(x,y) = \frac{1}{2}(1+x)(1-y) for -1\leq x \leq y \leq...
  26. fluidistic

    Solving a second order DE via Green's function

    Homework Statement Hello guys. I've been stuck on a problem when searching for the Green function. Here is the problem: Find the solution of x^2 y''-2y=x for 1 \leq x < \infty with the boundary conditions y(1)=y(\infty ) =0, using the appropriate Green function.Homework Equations The general...
  27. J

    Time ordered product & Green's function

    The problem is showing (□+m^2)<0| T(∅(x)∅(y)) |0> = -δ^4 (x-y) I know that it is relavent to Green's function, but the problem is that it should be alternatively solved without any information of Green's function, and using equal time commutation relations. Does Anyone know that?
  28. R

    Green's function for Klein-Gordon equation in x-space

    I'm trying to derive the x-space result for the Green's function for the Klein-Gordon equation, but my complex analysis skills seems to be insufficient. The result should be: \begin{eqnarray} G_F(x,x') = \lim_{\epsilon \rightarrow 0} \frac{1}{(2 \pi)^4} \int...
  29. T

    Problem understanding Green's function equality in Messiah QM II

    Hi, It's about green's function in the book Messiah - Quantum Mechanics II - Chapter 16.3.2 (see The book actually is in german, but I guess that doesn't matter...
  30. C

    Graphene - Green's function technique

    Graphene -- Green's function technique Hi, I am looking for a comprehensive review about using Matsubara Green's function technique for graphene (or at least some hints in the following problem). I have already learned some finite temperature Green's function technique, but only the basics...
  31. B

    Green's function for Poisson Equation

    Hi, I am working on finding a solution to Poisson equation through Green's function in both 2D and 3D. For the equation: \nabla^2 D = f, in 3D the solution is: D(\mathbf x) = \frac{1}{4\pi} \int_V \frac{f(\mathbf x')}{|\mathbf x - \mathbf x'|} d\mathbf{x}', and in 2D the solution is: D(\mathbf...
  32. W

    About Green's function in time dependent schrodinger equation

    While I was studying Ch 2.5 of Sakurai, I have a question about Green's function in time dependent schrodinger equation. (Specifically, page 110~111 are relevant to my question) Eq (2.5.7) and Eq (2.5.12) of Sakurai say \psi(x'',t) = \int d^3x' K(x'',t;x',t_0)\psi(x',t_0) and...
  33. H

    Green's function representation of electric potential

    Hi, I have the following problem, I have an electric field (which no charge) which satisfies the usual Laplace equation: \frac{\partial^{2}V}{\partial x^{2}}+\frac{\partial^{2}V}{\partial y^{2}}+\frac{\partial^{2}V}{\partial z^{2}}=0 in the region \mathbb{R}^{2}\times [\eta ,\infty ]. So...
  34. fluidistic

    Potential of an infinite rod using Green's function

    Homework Statement Same problem as in but instead of a spherical shape, consider an infinite line of constant charge density \lambda _0. Homework Equations Given in the link. The Attempt at a Solution I assume Phi will be the...
  35. S

    Green's function for third order ODE

    I am trying to find a Green's function for a third order ODE. (\lambda - d3/dx3 - \mu d/dx)u = f(x) with boundary conditions u(0) = uxx(0) = ux(L) = 0 (L is finite). This has solution u(x) = c1em1x + c2em2x + c3em3x where m1, m2 and m3 are the roots of the characteristic equation from...
  36. Demon117

    Green's function for Helmholtz Equation

    Homework Statement Arfken & Weber 9.7.2 - Show that \frac{exp(ik|r_{1}-r_{2}|)}{4\pi |r_{1}-r_{2}|} satisfies the two appropriate criteria and therefore is a Green's function for the Helmholtz Equation. Homework Equations The Helmholtz operator is given by \nabla ^{2}A+k^{2}A...
  37. fluidistic

    Long exercise about PDE and Green's function

    Homework Statement Use the fundamental solution or Green function for the diffusion/heat equation in (-\infty, \infty ) to determine the fundamental solution to \frac{\partial u }{ \partial t } =k^2 \frac{\partial ^2 u }{ \partial x ^2 } in the semi-line (0, \infty ) with initial condition...
  38. gluons

    Derivation of the one-particle Green's function?

    Hello, I am looking for a good reference book that has a detailed derivation of the single particle Green's function. I expected this to be in Sakurai but it's not. I couldn't find the spectral representation of this simple function in Ashcroft or any other solid state book either. Jackson...
  39. H

    Green's Function for Helmholtz Eqn in Cube

    Homework Statement Find the Green's Function for the Helmholtz Eqn in the cube 0≤x,y,z≤L by solving the equation: \nabla 2 u+k 2 u=δ(x-x') with u=0 on the surface of the cube This is problem 9-4 in Mathews and Walker Mathematical Methods of Physics Homework Equations Sines, they have the...
  40. E

    How is green's function a right inverse to the operator L?

    the definition of a green's function is: LG(x,s)=δ(x-s) the definition of a right inverse of a function f is: h(y)=x,f(x)=y→f°h=y how does it add up?
  41. D

    Green's Function using Laplace Transformation

    I was wondering if someone could help me go through a simple example in using Green's Function. Lets say: x' + x = f(t) with an initial condition of x(t=0,t')=0; Step 1 would be to re-write this as: G(t,t') + G(t,t') = \delta(t-t') then do you multiply by f(t')\ointdt' ? which I...
  42. X

    Green's function for an impulsive force on a string

    Homework Statement [PLAIN] Homework Equations H'(t) = \delta(t) The Attempt at a Solution So far I've taken the derivatives of G(x,t) with respect to xx and tt and gotten G_{xx}(x,t) = -\frac{θ^{2}}{c} and G_{tt}(x,t) = θ^{2}c...
  43. K

    How Do You Derive the Green's Function for a Specific Boundary Value Problem?

    Homework Statement Obtain the Green's function for BVP (and use it to express the solution for the given data): -y''(x) = f(x), 0 < x < 1, y'(0) = a, y(1) = b Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I have found 2 solutions to the homogeneous equation y1(x) = ax...
  44. S

    Finding the green's function for a second order linear DE and solve it

    Homework Statement So I'm trying to get a grip about those Green functions and how to aply them to solve differential equations. I've searched the forums and read the section on green's functions in my course book both once and twice, and I think I start to understand at least som of it...
  45. S

    Green's function for a critically damped oscillator

    Homework Statement Consider critically damped harmonic oscillator, driven by a force F(t) Find the green's function G(t,t') such that x(t) = ∫ dt' G(t,t')F(t') from 0 to T solves the equation of motion with x(0) =0 and x(T) =0Homework Equations x(t) = ∫ dt' G(t,t')F(t') from 0 to TThe Attempt...
  46. S

    Find Linear Differential Operator for Green's Function - Sunit

    Hi, i need help to find linear differential operator for the given green's function. please help. regards sunit
  47. K

    EM field of dipole derivation from Green's function

    Hi all, I know that the electric field generated by a dipole is given by \mathbf{E}= [1-i(\omega/c) r]\frac{3 (\mathbf{p}\cdot\mathbf{r})\mathbf{r}-\mathbf{p} }{r^3}+(\omega/c)^2\frac{\mathbf{p}-(\mathbf{p}\cdot\mathbf{r})\mathbf{r}}{r} e^{i(\omega/c)r} where \mathbf{p} is the dipole's...
  48. K

    Solve Equation with Green's Function: 3D

    In 3 dimensions, how do I solve the following equation using the Green’s function technique? ∇2∇2φ(r) = ρ(r)
  49. A

    Relationship between Imaginary Time Green's function and Average Occupancy

    Hello everyone, In Fermi Liquid Theory, I'm trying to understand what the relationship is between the Green's function and the average occupancy of levels. In my lecture they gave the relation \left\langle n_k \right\rangle = G(k,\tau\rightarrow 0^+) Anyone know where this comes from...
  50. P

    2-D Poisson's equation - Green's function

    In the x-y plane, we have the equation \nabla^{2} \Psi = - 4\pi \delta(x- x_{0}) \delta (y- y_{0}) with \Psi = 0 at the rectangular boundaries, of size L. A paper I'm looking at says that for R^{2} = (x-x_{0})^{2} + (y-y_{0})^{2} << L^{2} , that is, for points...