Green's function Definition and 213 Threads

  1. G

    Intiutive approach to Green's function for SE

    Griffiths develops an intelgral equation for Scrödinger equation in his QM book. As doing so, he requires Green's function for Helmholtz equation (k^2 + \nabla^2) G( \mathbf r) = \delta^3(\mathbf r) A rigourious series of steps, including Fourier transforms and residue integrals follow...
  2. P

    Method of images to solve green's function problems

    How does the method of images work? I can see why it works (by going back to the form of the Green function and differentiating) but don't see how useful it is to solve problems. At the moment I am basically memorising the different images for each boundary condition which I am sure is not the...
  3. B

    Solving PDE with Green's Function: Finding Solution in Terms of G

    Homework Statement Consider \nabla ^2 u = Q\left( {x,y,z} \right) in the half space region z > 0 where u(x,y,o) = 0. The relevant Green's function is G(x,y,z|x',y',z'). Find the solution to the PDE in terms of G. If Q\left( {x,y,z} \right) = x^2 e^{ - z} \delta \left( {x - 2}...
  4. P

    Curl of a Div of a Green's Function

    Okey Dokey, so I'm bored and decided to play around with some math. I've got a problem that I can't figure out now; I have the green's function for the laplacian G(\vec{x}, \vec{x'}) = - \frac{1}{4\pi |\vec{x} - \vec{x'}|} There are no boundary conditions. Is there any lazy way to figure out...
  5. U

    Solving a 2nd order ODE using Green's Function

    Homework Statement The homogeneous Helmholtz equation \bigtriangledown^2\psi+\lambda^2\psi=0 has eigenvalues \lambda^2_i and eigenfunctions \psi_i. Show that the corresponding Green's function that satisfies \bigtriangledown^2 G(\vec{r}_1, \vec{r}_2)+\lambda^2 G(\vec{r}_1...
  6. P

    - Green's Function Solution to Poisson/Helmholtz equations

    URGENT - Green's Function Solution to Poisson/Helmholtz equations hey, i have an exam pretty soon and couldn't find any answers/hints on how to do this: 1.How do you express the solution f(x') of the Helmholtz equation in terms of the green function g(x,x') in integral form, with dirichlet...
  7. S

    Help about the Nonequilibrium Green's Function

    help about the Nonequilibrium Green's Function in H. Haug and A.-P. Jauho Book Quantum kinetics in transport and Optics of Semiconductors Eq.(4.31) C^r(t,t')=A^<(t,t')B^r(t,t')+A^r(t,t')B^<(t,t')+A^r(t,t')B^r(t,t') I can not derive this equation, my result has a extra term \theta(t-t') i.e...
  8. Oxymoron

    Solving Green's Function for t^2x''+tx' - x = 0

    Question a) Find two linearly independent solutions of t^2x''+tx' - x = 0 b) Calculate Green's Function for the equation t^2x''+tx' - x = 0, and use it to find a particular solution to the following inhomogeneous differential equation. t^2x''+tx'-x = t^4 c) Explain why the global...
  9. Q

    Advanced and retarded Green's function

    anybody can recommend a good introducotry book on "advanced and retarded Green's function" and its application to QM, particularly transport problems. Thanks. :smile:
  10. N

    Finding Green's Function for Half Space Neumann Problem

    Hi all...need a little help with this one... I need to find the Green's function for the half space Neumann problem in the domain z>0. i.e. Laplacian u=f in D, du/dn=h on the boundary of D. Any ideas?
  11. S

    Is My Method of Getting Green's Function Solutions Wrong?

    I'm wondering if the general method I'm using for getting greens function solutions is wrong, because it's not giving me the right answer. Here's what I do. Starting with a differential equation: a(x) \frac{d^2 y(x)}{dx^2} + b(x) \frac{dy(x)}{dx} +c(x) y(x) = d(x) the green's...
  12. K

    Green's function expansion in a set of eigenfunction

    Hi! I encountered the problem that I need to decompose the Green function into a set of eigenfunction. Particularly, I have the free space Green function G(\vec r; \vec r') = \frac {e^{i k | \vec r - \vec r'|} } {4 \pi | \vec r - \vec r'|} and I need to express it into series of...
  13. G

    Green's function, path intergals, aaarrrgghh

    Hello, I have a question concerning path integrals. I have seen it for the first time in a course "many-particle physics", so if the path integral has a wider use: I don't know anything about it. Please think about that when you anser :smile: . As far as I understood: 1.Green's function...