Green's function Definition and 213 Threads

  1. S

    Green's Function: Solving 1D Laplace Equation

    Homework Statement I am trying to find the Green's function in one space dimension. The Green's function is G(x,y) = \Phi(x-y) - \phi(x,y) where \phi(x,y) is the solution to the Laplace problem (x fixed): \Deltay\phi = 0 in \Omega with \phi(x,\sigma) = \Phi(x-\sigma) for \sigma on...
  2. L

    Feynman Rules for Crossing Lines in Green's Function Diagrams? Consider the Feynman rules for Green's Functions given at the top of p79 in these notes. Now let us consider the diagram given in the example on p78. Take for example the 2nd diagram in the sum i.e. the cross one where x1 is joined to x4...
  3. C

    Linear differential equation; Green's function

    I have this problem: Consider the differential equation y'' + P(x) y' + Q(x) y = 0 on the interval a ≤ x ≤ b. Suppose we know two solutions y1(x), y2(x) such that y1(a) = 0, y1(b) ≠ 0 y2(a) ≠ 0, y2(b) = 0 Give the solution of the equation y'' + P(x) y' + Q(x) y = f(x) which...
  4. K

    Green's Function for BVP: How to Find and Use It?

    Homework Statement Find a green's function G(x,t) for the BVP y'' + y' = f(x), y(0) = 0, y'(1) = 0. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I solved the homogeneous equation, looking for 2 linearly independent solutions, and found A (constant) and exp(-x). I am struggling...
  5. J

    Green's Function on DE with variable coefficients

    Homework Statement Hello. I'm taking a course on Mathematical Physics, based on Eugene Butkov's book. I'm having trouble solving a DE with variable coefficients to find Green's Function. The problem asks to find Green's Function through direct construction. Homework Equations...
  6. R

    Green's Function: Understanding Laplace's 2nd Identity

    This appears on the bottom of p.279 of this book. The author begins with Green's second identity: \int_V \alpha \nabla^2 \beta - \beta \nabla^2 \alpha \ dV = \int_C \left( \alpha \frac{\partial \beta}{\partial n} - \beta \frac{\partial \alpha}{\partial n} \right) \ ds Here, C is a...
  7. kreil

    Green's Function in Time-Dep. Schrodinger Eqn.

    Show, from it's definition, \psi(x,t) = \int dx' G(x,t;x',t_0) \psi(x',t_0) G(x,t;x',t_0)= \langle x | U(t,t_0) | x' \rangle that the propagator G(x,t;x',t') is the Green Function of the Time-Dependent Schrodinger Equation, \left ( H_x - i \hbar \frac{\partial}{\partial t} \right )...
  8. Q

    Understanding Green's Function in Electromagnetism

    How does Green's function work in electromagnetism?
  9. J

    Green's Function for Newtons Force Equation

    This isn't so much a problem as a step in some maths that I don't understand: (I'm trying to follow a very badly written help sheet) Here's how it goes: Given Newtons equation m \ddot{x} = F The Green's function for this equation is given by \ddot{G}(t,t^\prime)=\delta(t-t^\prime) (1)...
  10. kreil

    Green's Function in the wave equation

    Homework Statement The Green function for the three dimensional wave equation is defined by, \left ( \nabla^2 - \frac{1}{c^2}\frac{\partial^2}{\partial t^2} \right ) G(\vec r, t) = \delta(\vec r) \delta(t) The solution is, G(\vec r, t) = -\frac{1}{4 \pi r} \delta\left ( t - \frac{r}{c}...
  11. O

    Method of Images - Green's Function

    Use the method of images to find a Green's function for the problem in the attached image. Demonstrate the functions satisfies the homogenous boundary condition.
  12. B

    Green's Function ODE Boundary Value Problem

    Homework Statement Use a Green's function to solve: u" + 2u' + u = e-x with u(0) = 0 and u(1) = 1 on 0\leqx\leq1 Homework Equations This from the lecture notes in my course: The Attempt at a Solution Solving for the homogeneous equation first: u" + 2u' + u = 0...
  13. Q

    Green's function for infinitely long cylinder

    Homework Statement Find the Green's function for the Dirichlet boundary conditions for the interior of an infinite cylinder of radius a. Homework Equations \nabla^2 G(x,x') = -4 \pi \delta(x-x') and in general, Green's functions are of the form G(x,x') =...
  14. pellman

    Why is the Green's function equal to the vacuum expectation of the field?

    In QFT expressions such as these hold: real scalar: \Delta_F(x-x')\propto\langle 0| T\phi(x)\phi(x')|0\rangle 4-spinor S_F(x-x')]\propto\langle 0| T\psi(x)\bar{\psi}(x')|0\rangle where T is the time-ordering operation and the proportionality depends on the choice of normalization...
  15. Y

    Need to verify some proof involving Green's function.

    This is not homework. This is actually a subset of proofing G(\vec{x},\vec{x_0}) = G(\vec{x_0},\vec{x}) where G is the Green's function. I don't want to present the whole thing, just the part I have question. Let D be an open solid region with surface S. Let P \;=\; G(\vec{x},\vec{a})...
  16. Y

    Normal derivative of Green's function on a disk.

    For circular region, why is \frac{\partial}{\partial n}G(r,\theta,r_0,\phi)= \frac{\partial}{\partial r_0}G(r,\theta,r_0,\phi) ? Where \; \hat{n} \: is the outward unit normal of C_R. Let circular region D_R with radius R \hbox { and possitive oriented boundary }\; C_R. Let u(r_0,\theta) be...
  17. Y

    Prove equation in Green's function.

    Homework Statement Green's function G(x_0,y_0,x,y) =v(x_0,y_0,x,y) + h(x_0,y_0,x,y) in a region \Omega \hbox { with boundary } \Gamma. Also v(x_0,y_0,x,y) = -h(x_0,y_0,x,y) on boundary \Gamma and both v(x_0,y_0,x,y) \hbox { and }h(x_0,y_0,x,y) are harmonic function in \Omega...
  18. Y

    Question on why the book claimed Green's function =< 0.

    Green's function G(x_0,y_0,x,y) =v(x_0,y_0,x,y) + h(x_0,y_0,x,y) in a region \Omega \hbox { with boundary } \Gamma. Also v(x_0,y_0,x,y) = -h(x_0,y_0,x,y) on boundary \Gamma and both v(x_0,y_0,x,y) \hbox { and }h(x_0,y_0,x,y) are harmonic function in \Omega v=\frac{1}{2}ln[(x-x_0)^2 +...
  19. N

    Propagator D for a particle is basically the Green's function

    The propagator D for a particle is basically the Green's function of the differential operator that describes that particle, e.g. (\partial^2 + m^2) D(x-y) = \delta^4 (x-y). This propagator is supposed to give the probability of the particle propagating from x to y. Why does this make...
  20. O

    Two dimensional Poisson's equation, Green's function technique

    Hi, While considering perturbed gravitational potential of incompressible fluid in rectangular configuration, I encountered two dimensional Poisson's equation including the step function. I want to solve this equation \left( \frac{\partial^2}{\partial x^2} + \frac{\partial^2}{\partial z^2}...
  21. B

    Boundary Value Problem + Green's Function

    Boundary Value Problem + Green's Function Consider the BVP y''+4y=e^x y(0)=0 y'(1)=0 Find the Green's function for this problem. I am completely lost can someone help me out?
  22. AJ Bentley

    How Does Green's Function Simplify Understanding Electromagnetic Equations?

    I have a serious blind-spot with mathematics (but I keep trying) Can someone help me with this. I have a relation A = \mu_{0}/4\pi\int J/r \ dVol Which (apparently!) can be written \nabla^{2} A = - \mu_{0} J I know that \nabla^{2} A = 1/r \ \delta^{2} ( r A ) / \delta r^{2} which is...
  23. S

    Boundary Value Problem + Green's Function

    Consider the BVP y''+4y=f(x) (0\leqx\leq1) y(0)=0 y'(1)=0 Find the Green's function (two-sided) for this problem. Working: So firstly, I let y(x)=Asin2x+Bcos2x Then using the boundary conditions, Asin(2.0)+Bcos(2.0)=0 => B=0 y'(x)=2Acos(2x)-2Asin(2x) y'(0)=2A=0...
  24. D

    N-point Green's function in QFT

    Hello! Something about N-point Green's function in QFT really troubles me... In the path-integral formalism,why will we introduce the N-point Green's function? I mean is it enough because we have calculated the 2-point green's function. And in the canonical formalism, it seems we can finish...
  25. A

    Green's function for Cauchy-Euler equidimensional equation

    Hi, I am trying to compute the Green's function for a Cauchy-Euler equidimensional equation, \frac{d^2G}{dx^2}+\frac{a}{(x-x_c)^2}G=A_1\delta(x-x') If the impulse is located at a location x'\neq x_c then computation of Green's function is not an issue. What happens when x'= x_c ...
  26. P

    Green's function for Klein-Gordno equation in curved spacetime

    Is it possible to define unambiguously retarded and advanced Green's function in spacetime without timelike Killing vector. Most often e.g. retarded Green function G_R(t,\vec{x},t',\vec{x}') is defined to be 0 unless t'<t but maybe one can express this condition using only casual structure...
  27. P

    Green's function and Dirichlet boundary problem

    Is it true that there always exists Green's function for Dirichlet boundary problem. I mean a function G(r,r') which fullfils the following conditions: div (\epsilon grad G(r,r')) =- \delta(r,r') inside volume V and G(r,r') is 0 on boundary of V. If V is whole space there exists obvious...
  28. V

    Green's function: Dirac-delta point scatterer where point sorce is located

    The differential equation is as follows: [d/dx^2 + k^2 - tau * dirac_delta(x-x') ] * G(x,x') = dirac_delta(x-x') where tau is a complex valued scattering strength, and assuming scattering waves at infinity. The problem asks to derive the solution to this equation. I've looked over...
  29. kreil

    What is the Correct Green's Function for a Spherical Shell?

    Homework Statement If a hollow spherical shell of radius a is held at potential \Phi(a, \theta ', \phi '), then the potential at an arbitrary point is given by, \Phi(r, \theta, \phi)=\frac{1}{4 \pi} \oint \Phi(a, \theta ', \phi ') \frac{\delta G(r, r')}{\delta n '}dS' where G(r...
  30. N

    What Are Divergent Green's Functions in This Context?

    Homework Statement I am being asked to consider a Dirac spinor with two complex components and the following Lagrangian: L = L_{Dirac}-\stackrel{g}{4}{(\psi\bar{\psi})^{2}} I am asked to derive the Feynman rules for this theory which I can do using the standard methods. However, I am...
  31. E

    What Are the Units of the Green's Function in the Wave Equation?

    Is there a physical unit related to the Green's function of the wave equation? In particular, let \nabla^2 P -\frac{1}{c^2}\frac{\partial^2 P}{\partial t^2} = f(t) where P is pressure in Pa. Since the Green's function solves the PDE when f(t) is the delta function, the Green's function G...
  32. N

    Green's function for homogeneous PDE

    Hi there, could anyone help me on this particularly frustrating problem I am having... I have a linear parabolic homogeneous PDE in two variables with a boundary condition that is a piecewise function. I can solve the pde (with a homogeneous BC) however trying to impose the actual BC makes...
  33. H

    Issue with Green's function for Poisson's equation

    Say we have a 3D function, p(x,y,z) and we define it in terms of another function f(x,y,z) via, \nabla ^2 p = f. I know that if we are working in R^3 space (with no boundaries) we can say that, p= \frac{-1}{4\pi}\iiint \limits_R \frac{f(x',y',z')}{\sqrt{(x-x')^2 +(y-y')^2+(z-z')^2}} dx'...
  34. D

    Is There a Matrix Equivalent to Green's Function for Differential Equations?

    Matrix "Green's function" Hi. If you have a differential equation \mathcal L y=f where \mathcal L is some linear differential operator, then you can find a particular solution using the Green's function technique. It is then said that the Green's function is kind of the inverse to \mathcal...
  35. D

    Green's Function - Kirchoff Helmholtz Integral Problem

    I'm seeking help in understanding Kirchoff-Helmholtz Integral. Actually what i am facing the problem here is, i don't understand certain things about Green's 2nd identity which stated that two scalar function can be interchanged, and forming the force F = \phi\nabla\varphi -...
  36. C

    Green's function of Helmholtz eqn (with time)

    Hi, I have been trying to find the (causal) Green's function of \frac{\partial^2 \phi}{\partial t^2} + \frac{\partial^2 \phi}{\partial x^2} + \frac{\partial^2 \phi}{\partial y^2} + m^2 \phi = 0. What would be a good way to approach this? I have initial values for t=0, so I use...
  37. F

    Time invariant Green's function (inpulse response)

    Hello Forum, given a input=delta located at time t=0, the system will respond generating a function h(t). If the delta is instead located at t=t0 (delayed by tau), the system will respond with a function g(t)=h(t-tau), just a shifted version of the response for the delta a t=0... If...
  38. C

    How to Derive Green's Function for the Laplacian in 3D?

    Here are some pages of Arfken's “Mathematical Methods for Physicists ” I don't How to work out the Green's function! Can anyone explain (9.174)and(9.175) for me ? I'm hoping for your help, Thank you !
  39. L

    Green's Function Solution to ODE. Boundary Conditions Problem.

    Use Green's Functions to solve: \frac{d^{2}y}{dx^{2}} + y = cosec x Subject to the boundary conditions: y\left(0\right) = y\left(\frac{\pi}{2}\right) = 0 Attempt: \frac{d^{2}G\left(x,z\right)}{dx^{2}} + G\left(x,z\right) = \delta\left(x-z\right) For x\neq z the RHS is zero...
  40. B

    Fourier transform of Green's function

    By taking the Fourier transform of the fundamental Helmholtz equation (\nabla^2+k^2)G(\vec{x})=-\delta(\vec{x}), one finds that G(\vec{x})=\frac{e^{ikr}}{r} and \tilde{G}(\vec{\xi})=\frac{1}{k^2-\xi^2}. However, I can't figure out how to directly confirm that this Fourier...
  41. J

    Covariant Green's function for wave equation

    This comes from Jackson's Classical Electrodynamics 3rd edition, page 613. He finds the Green's function for the covariant form of the wave equation as: D(z) = -1/(2\pi)^{4}\int d^{4}k\: \frac{e^{-ik\cdot z}}{k\cdot k} Where z = x - x' the 4 vector difference, k\cdot z = k_0z_0 -...
  42. B

    Green's function approach using Lebesgue integration

    I can't figure out how to use the Green's function approach rigorously, i.e., taking into account the fact that the Dirac Delta function is not a function on the reals. Suppose we have Laplace's Equation: \nabla^2 \phi(\vec{x})=f(\vec{x}) The solution, for "well-behaved" f(\vec{x}) is...
  43. D

    Green's Function for Poisson Equation w/ Mixed BCs

    Hello I am trying to build a 3D Poisson solver using method of moments. I need to find out the Green's function for the system. My system is a rectangular box and boundary conditions are as follows: On all surfaces BC is neumann. Only on the upper and lower surface, the middle 1/3 region...
  44. M

    Green's Function Homework: Real & Imaginary Parts

    Homework Statement I'm asked to calculate Green's function's real and imaginary parts. The expression for the given Green's function is: g00=[1-(1-4t2(z-E0)-2)1/2]/2t2(z-E0)-1 (1) Where, z is the complex variable: z= E+iO+ (2) Homework Equations...
  45. C

    Non-Homogeneous Boundary Conditions: How to Solve PDEs with Green's Function?

    Hey Guys; I'm solving PDE's with the use of Green's function where all the boundary conditions are homogeneous. However, how do you solve ones in which we have non-homogeneous b.c's. In case it helps, the particular PDE I'm looking at is: y'' = -x^2 y(0) + y'(0) = 4, y'(1)= 2...
  46. G

    How Does Green's Function Solve the Dirichlet Problem in a Half-Space?

    Homework Statement Consider a potential problem in the half space z>=0 with Dirichlet boundary conditions on the plane z=0. If the potential on the plane z=0 is specified to be V inside a circle of radius a centered at the origin, and Phi=0 outside that circle, show that along the axis of...
  47. Somefantastik

    Green's Function using method of images

    Homework Statement \Omega = \left{ \left( x,y,z \right) :,0<z<1 \right} Need to find Green's function using the method of images. Homework Equations none The Attempt at a Solution I can see that I will need an infinite sequence of images at each plane z = k, k = 0, +/- 1, +/- 2,... to...
  48. C

    Using fourier/laplace transform and green's function

    i am having trouble distinguishing when to use Fourier or laplace transform to solve any linear differential equation (it can be an ODE or PDE). What are the advantages and disadvantages of using each? Also for a green's function (take it to be a function of x, x') when solving for it, is it...
  49. S

    Solving Green's Function for L w/ Boundary Conditions

    Hello! I have problem with my homework, but what I'm going to ask you is not homework problem so I hope it is OK I'm writing it here :) I need to find Green's function for differential operator L=a\frac{d^2}{dx^2}+b\frac{d}{dx}+c i.e. find solution for differential equation equation...
  50. W

    Confusion about the contour green's function

    i find that most books on green's function are burdened with too much formalism i am now reading the book by Rammer, which deals with non-equilibrium physics. The formalism is so lengthy and so confusing. You have to strive hard to remenber the various green's functions, and only to find...